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The chaos last night was out of this world. :lol :lol

Rockets flying all over the place, grenades being thrown all over the place, bots everywhere, shotguns everywhere... WOW. Everybody was running around.

The screen wouldn't stop shaking, and I couldn't stop dying from people randomly throwing grenades and shooting rockets.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
McBradders said:
Dude, you're on my friends list, right? I need to play with some Gaffers...

Also, the levelling system in MP is balls :( I just wanna be a medic.
Nope, im not in your friend list.(Im a KZ2 newbie tough)
Feel free to add me. (And please for the love of god, just buy SF IV for the PS3)!!
Think about it: Your Sakura Vs my El Fuerte. (EPIC!!! IN-DES-TRUC-TI-BLE)


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Fersis said:
Nope, im not in your friend list.(Im a KZ2 newbie tough)
Feel free to add me. (And please for the love of god, just buy SF IV for the PS3)!!
Think about it: Your Sakura Vs my El Fuerte. (EPIC!!! IN-DES-TRUC-TI-BLE)

Epic beatdowns for Sakura? Why yes...

...PM your tag, dawg, and I'll add you tonight :eek:


Liabe Brave said:
I was curious, so I verified something:

There is no infinite spawning during the train level in SP. I beat it on both Trooper and Veteran, only shooting troops and never the tank. There's four or five waves of Helghast, and then they stop coming; the tank continues to shoot at you. If you then advance up to the section of the car where the tank is, another two waves spawn. When you kill them, a lone RPG guy spawns on the far balcony. That's all the Helghast there are.

In fact, you don't even have to destroy the tank. It has a mounted LMG, but you can shoot the gunner off. In Trooper it then continually blindfires rockets at where you started, so you're totally safe once you're up next to the tank. In Veteran it has a second machinegun on the turret instead; this will rotate and shoot at you all the way up the car, but its aim is very bad from a distance.

Thought some folks might like to know. I'll check the bridge and palace fights at some point too. I bet the bridge isn't infinite, but the palace is.

That is good to know.


SSM25 said:
You call that good games?, of course you where on a team of like 12 against like 6 of us.........

A win is a win.


Liabe Brave said:
I was curious, so I verified something:

There is no infinite spawning during the train level in SP. I beat it on both Trooper and Veteran, only shooting troops and never the tank. There's four or five waves of Helghast, and then they stop coming; the tank continues to shoot at you. If you then advance up to the section of the car where the tank is, another two waves spawn. When you kill them, a lone RPG guy spawns on the far balcony. That's all the Helghast there are.

In fact, you don't even have to destroy the tank. It has a mounted LMG, but you can shoot the gunner off. In Trooper it then continually blindfires rockets at where you started, so you're totally safe once you're up next to the tank. In Veteran it has a second machinegun on the turret instead; this will rotate and shoot at you all the way up the car, but its aim is very bad from a distance.

Thought some folks might like to know. I'll check the bridge and palace fights at some point too. I bet the bridge isn't infinite, but the palace is.

That part freaking sucks in Veteran. I think after trying it literally 10 times that I switched it to Trooper, and then back after I got past that part.


Totobeni said:
just finished the game..and ...HOLY MOTHER OF ALL AWESOME .

this is the best sequel ever , sorry ZOE2 , the new king of sequels is here ..All hail Guerrilla Games , seriously the last level is FPS instate classic , this is how to design a fucking great final level , Epic inside a Saga , huge battle , and realistic too , starting from the
Desert level
all levels shifts to crazy awesome levels , and what happened at the end was actually great and realistic , yeah no winners at War .

and yeah Rico is the most hated character in both KZ1 and KZ2 , he was shit annoying in KZ1 and
was a huge jackass in KZ2 , killing unarmed old Visari , who we needed to capture and everyone died for that one mission , including Rico's boyfriend , now everything fucked , fuck you Rico..fuck you
>:C .

and yeah , Sev as a character is awesome , nice move from G.G giving him a good personality , remove that stupid idiot and put Narvil then you will get your dream team in KZ3 ( Sev , Natko and Narvil ) , keep him as hero again GG , i don't remember liking lead character this much in a FPS game since good old Freeman ..go go Sev .

I like how the the battles were in big open environments so you can go whatever you want to kill some higs in 1000 ways , COD and other midcore FPSs should learn from this .

and Guerrilla Games please we need
based game in Killzone universe , damn that level was all sort of fun , we need more of it , at least DLC with more
levels with ATAC as boss , will buy , G.G you do want my money right ? :D

so I Dunno now ..I want Killzone 3 , but I need to see what Guerrilla Games can do other that this ..anyway , need to do crazy Elite run now :D

Good luck on elite.

Narville is a captain though, he's a field commander and totally outranks Sev and Natko. I thought Sev is a good character and I hope future games continue to focus on him.


I just ran through an entire teams defense line with the propaganda speaker, disguised as a sab haha. 32 players on tharsis and none of them shot at me:lol
I finally had a good game as scout too, on corinth crossing i found a very sheltered/out of the way spot to help in search and destroy, i just sat there picking off the ISA scum when they tried to defuse the bombs. Got my first cloak specialist and sniper specialist ribbons woo:D 8 kills from 1 magazine (18) before i got meleed and called a c*nt


FFObsessed said:
:lol Awesome.

Havn't played any KZ2 in a few days, been exhausted. Will play tonight!!!

It just felt like 12 vs 6 because I was on the other team, heck most of the team I would miss like the first two objectives because I either went to take a leak or accidentally spilled my beer and was busy clearing up the carpet (from the beer).

Yeah I was wondering how come you weren't on the last few nights.
iam.rass said:
I just ran through an entire teams defense line with the propaganda speaker, disguised as a sab haha. 32 players on tharsis and none of them shot at me:lol
I finally had a good game as scout too, on corinth crossing i found a very sheltered/out of the way spot to help in search and destroy, i just sat there picking off the ISA scum when they tried to defuse the bombs. Got my first cloak specialist and sniper specialist ribbons woo:D 8 kills from 1 magazine (18) before i got meleed and called a c*nt
Well i bet that told you didnt it :D

Just started playing online a day ago, already had the beta so i knew what to expect but i am having a great time. Just got my badges for more grenades and ammo so it shuold make it a little easier for me to kill the ISA Scum :D


Mesijs said:
Can anybody tell me just how many hours a day it roughly takes to get to the best 1%...? Didn't start the MP yet.

Well it really depends on how good you are as a player.

But if you are talking points.. Last week you had to get just around 5000 points to be 10 1%..

hteng said:
i've already kinda lost interest in the MP (went back to soul calibur 4), i don't think it's the unbalance class issues... it just.. well kinda boring afterawhile, i have bout 40+ hours and unlocked all classes and their sub-badges, i'm missing tact and sab's sub-badge-medal unlocks since they are so damn difficult to unlock.

whenever i join a game, it's the usual cluster fucks, run and gun, chaos...etc, it gets boring and tedious after awhile. Anyone having the same feelings?

maybe it's the lack of weapons? its seems everyone and their mom are using either the AR, SMG, Shotgun and Rocket launcher. i mean at least in COD4 you get to experiment with various weapons..etc

Why experiment with different weapons when the M16 is just as good or better than most of the guns in the game.. and almost as good in sniping as sniper rifles!


icechai said:
yeah gg, too bad you were on the losing ISA side on Helghast industries, our squad of HG GAFers rocked it :) One of the most fun games as our side had less people until it evened out about 2/3 the way through the game, but we just played really complimentary classes and it worked out.

I think I had the most trouble on that map, still haven't gotten the hang of it tbh, it's such a huge map in terms of figuring out where to effectively place my spawns other than during search and destroy.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Kittonwy said:
because I either went to take a leak or accidentally spilled my beer and was busy clearing up the carpet (from the beer).

good clarification...

anyone have tips for the last level, playing on normal
storming of the palace I guess it is, still outdoors with all the stairs and balconies.
I fear I may have blown through the single player without actually getting good at the game... Just feel overwhelmed by the enemies in that level.


Not pure anymore!
I love C4s! :D Using myself as bait and seeing the enemy run after me and getting blown up. Ahhhhh, extremely satisfying. :D


Im using the granade launcher now. I hate myself for being so lame with that weapon. But i just want to get all the ribons. But its realy a newb weapon.

Sorry guys, when I am done with the ribons i will stop using it.

Rolf NB

levious said:
good clarification...

anyone have tips for the last level, playing on normal
storming of the palace I guess it is, still outdoors with all the stairs and balconies.
I fear I may have blown through the single player without actually getting good at the game... Just feel overwhelmed by the enemies in that level.
Push forward. Enemies will respawn infinitely, so don't ever try to clear out an area. You can't. Hide until you're fully healed, then try to kill three or four guys directly in front of you within the shortest possible span of time, then immediately use the opening you created to race forward into the next piece of cover. If you wait too long, reinforcements come in and you'll have to do it again. If you cross certain invisible lines, the spawn waves will get pushed back, and you can start clearing any stragglers behind you.


Rikyfree said:
Rico executed Visari, not Sev

Wait, what!? I'll have to watch the cutscene again.

I could've sworn
Visari is ranting, gets up in Sev's face, and Sev shoots him in the chest.
Did I see it wrong?


Azzwanker said:
Im using the granade launcher now. I hate myself for being so lame with that weapon. But i just want to get all the ribons. But its realy a newb weapon.

Sorry guys, when I am done with the ribons i will stop using it.

Doesn't matter to me. Each weapon has their upsides and downsides. I feel noobish using the shotty when I play as engineer, but that's my only choice. And I'm at a huge disadvantage when it comes to range in that I have to whip out my pistol. So yeah, it doesn't bother me. I prefer games though when FF is on as it weeds out the people that just go in blind-firing and throwing grenades everywhere.


Not pure anymore!
Okay, what is the auto aim exploit that I hear people whining about? Something about auto aim being too good? I tried the auto aim myself but seriously, it's not that bad. I dunno what these complainers are smoking. You have to have your aim extremely close to the enemy (half an inch or maybe even less) and then press zoom, doesn't even work most of the time.
Kittonwy said:
Good luck on elite.

Narville is a captain though, he's a field commander and totally outranks Sev and Natko. I thought Sev is a good character and I hope future games continue to focus on him.

At the end of the game though it does sound like Narville is now incharge of the operation.


Not pure anymore!
theBishop said:
Wait, what!? I'll have to watch the cutscene again.

I could've sworn
Visari is ranting, gets up in Sev's face, and Sev shoots him in the chest.
Did I see it wrong?
How could you have missed THAT??? Seriously wtf were you doing? :\ You know how calm and collected Sev is and
how trigger happy Rico is
. Seriously...
theBishop said:
Wait, what!? I'll have to watch the cutscene again.

I could've sworn
Visari is ranting, gets up in Sev's face, and Sev shoots him in the chest.
Did I see it wrong?

You hear the sound of the LMG not the M82.


ilanna said:
Okay, what is the auto aim exploit that I hear people whining about? Something about auto aim being too good? I tried the auto aim myself but seriously, it's not that bad. I dunno what these complainers are smoking. You have to have your aim extremely close to the enemy (half an inch or maybe even less) and then press zoom, doesn't even work most of the time.

You have to repeatedly zoom in and out fast (several button presses a second) and because the game auto aims when when you do this it can lock on to the target. It is too much hassle to do it really and you don't gain much from it as you get better results if you just learn how to aim properly.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
bcn-ron said:
Push forward. Enemies will respawn infinitely, so don't ever try to clear out an area. You can't. Hide until you're fully healed, then try to kill three or four guys directly in front of you within the shortest possible span of time, then immediately use the opening you created to race forward into the next piece of cover. If you wait too long, reinforcements come in and you'll have to do it again. If you cross certain invisible lines, the spawn waves will get pushed back, and you can start clearing any stragglers behind you.

ah ok thanks, are there infinite respawns in other areas? This is the first part of the game that felt like this.


Cagen said:
You have to repeatedly zoom in and out fast (several button presses a second) and because the game auto aims when when you do this it can lock on to the target. It is too much hassle to do it really and you don't gain much from it as you get better results if you just learn how to aim properly.

just tried it offline with bots and the gain at long distance is real.

they should really take that off as soon as possible.
God, I hate seeing people pass me up in the ranks. I'm gonna have a lot of catch up to do to get the overall rank I used to have.

Next week though, it's smackdown. :lol

Rolf NB

levious said:
ah ok thanks, are there infinite respawns in other areas? This is the first part of the game that felt like this.
I only noticed it there and in the bridge level myself. There may be other instances that I've missed, of course.


ilanna said:
How could you have missed THAT??? Seriously wtf were you doing? :\ You know how calm and collected Sev is and
how trigger happy Rico is
. Seriously...

Yeah, I do know that. Which is why it seemed like a pivotal moment in the game.


Dubbedinenglish said:
At the end of the game though it does sound like Narville is now incharge of the operation.

Narville is probably
the only commissioned officer left on the ground who's still alive to be put in charge of what's left of the ISA forces on Helghan.


sex vacation in Guam
I havent played any online yet but I wanted to get an idea how you guys like the killzone.com integration. So what are your thoughts? I will finally have time to continue playing this game this week and want to mess around the kz.com site features.
PistolGrip said:
I havent played any online yet but I wanted to get an idea how you guys like the killzone.com integration. So what are your thoughts? I will finally have time to continue playing this game this week and want to mess around the kz.com site features.

I really like it. I wish you could check your weekly stats on it though.
PistolGrip said:
I havent played any online yet but I wanted to get an idea how you guys like the killzone.com integration. So what are your thoughts? I will finally have time to continue playing this game this week and want to mess around the kz.com site features.

It's awesome when it works. If you're a clan leader, or officer, it really helps out with inviting people, setting up challenges, etc...

Battle replay is awesome. :lol
I got a Trophy because I was in Top 10%, I was not even playing that much and I have been playing with Random people and I am really surprised how dumb the players are.

Everyone is playing the game like a shooter, no tactics, there are no medics, everyone is running and gunning. I can be one thing at a time....


The main thing that sucks about the online in a way is that the matches take so long. The good thing about warzone is the fact that the map doesn't have to change and it doesn't take you out of the experience. The downside is that you have to commit to play 20 minutes or so at a time. Doesn't sound like a big deal until your 3 year old is screaming at you or your wife getting pissed because you won't take out the trash.

You could be having a great time and a high scoring game, but if you quit out, obviously all your stats are lost. I wonder how many hours of playtime I've lost and how much stats I've lost. That and the random network errors I'll get after I've been in a game for quite a while.


sex vacation in Guam
Unregistered007 said:
I got a Trophy because I was in Top 10%, I was not even playing that much and I have been playing with Random people and I am really surprised how dumb the players are.

Everyone is playing the game like a shooter, no tactics, there are no medics, everyone is running and gunning. I can be one thing at a time....
It was like that at the start of Resistance, then everyone and their little brothers were owning my ass :(


aka andydumi
andycapps said:
The main thing that sucks about the online in a way is that the matches take so long. The good thing about warzone is the fact that the map doesn't have to change and it doesn't take you out of the experience. The downside is that you have to commit to play 20 minutes or so at a time. Doesn't sound like a big deal until your 3 year old is screaming at you or your wife getting pissed because you won't take out the trash.

You could be having a great time and a high scoring game, but if you quit out, obviously all your stats are lost. I wonder how many hours of playtime I've lost and how much stats I've lost. That and the random network errors I'll get after I've been in a game for quite a while.

I think quitting saves your stats, just not the network erroer disconnects.


theBishop said:
Wait, what!? I'll have to watch the cutscene again.

I could've sworn
Visari is ranting, gets up in Sev's face, and Sev shoots him in the chest.
Did I see it wrong?
Yes, you did.
there's a reason alot of people don't like Rico any more


this week is my spring break. i thought this could be the week i finally get my 1% trophy... but it turned out that this will be a very busy spring break for me... i will have to give up my plan of playing kz2 nonstop for a whole week... :(


AndyD said:
I think quitting saves your stats, just not the network erroer disconnects.

I'm not sure about that either. I wish there was a definitive answer somewhere. I know that there's been times where I had enough kills or revives to get a medal but I didn't get them when I quit out. I just assumed that I lost my stats too. Maybe it's that you keep your stats, but don't get any ribbons.


Unregistered007 said:
I got a Trophy because I was in Top 10%, I was not even playing that much and I have been playing with Random people and I am really surprised how dumb the players are.

Everyone is playing the game like a shooter, no tactics, there are no medics, everyone is running and gunning. I can be one thing at a time....
There are medics! HMPH!

/is a medic
//not amused by your generalizations
///moar slashies for your friendly neighborhood ass-saver?
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