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sparky2112 said:
That is the dumbest thing I have EVER read. If you look up "ultra twitch" in the dictionary, THERE'S A BIG AS FUCK PICTURE OF KZ2 RIGHT THERE. Seriously, are you serious?@!?


sparky2112 said:
That is the dumbest thing I have EVER read. If you look up "ultra twitch" in the dictionary, THERE'S A BIG AS FUCK PICTURE OF KZ2 RIGHT THERE. Seriously, are you serious?@!?

Hyperbole: Used when you haven't got an actual argument thought out and MUST have your opinion read.
Facism said:
Hyperbole: Used when you haven't got an actual argument thought out and MUST have your opinion read.

I feel rotten right now. So, so low. There goes my weekend.

No, I should elaborate: I am NOT in any way a twitch gamer. I suck at traditional 'twich' games. I'm pretty good at other games - including some FPSs. I suck at KZ2 and have played it plenty. It's basic deduction, really...


j-wood said:
Did they change how you unlock the boost ability? I just unlocked the assault class, but I can already use boost on my medic.

Medic is the only class I have unlocked the secondary badge for.

Also, can assualts not have a secondary badge other than boost?
Glitched. The MP unlocks are full of them.

I unlocked 4 different secondary badges to use on Assault before I actually unlocked them or even maxed out the Boost so I could unlock the secondary medal (ie had the abilities, not the medals). Had 5x zoom available as soon as I unlocked the Scout. Had whatever the trophy is called for unlocking all medals when I haven't finished them and have no plans to..

On the statistics side, it's glitched showing I've never placed a spawn point. Even though I've used Tactician for like 30 hours and must drop 5+ per round. It showed I used C4 way before I ever unlocked it (though that may count S & D matches) and since then doesn't count regular Sab C4 usage.

etc etc.

The only reason it doesn't annoy the fuck out of me, is that the abilities/trophy stuff were good things and I don't really care about the stats it affects.

Oh, and to answer your second question: You have to "unlock" boost first by using it 5 times per round/match. Which is easy enough. Do this 8x for the medal and you can then swap it out with whatever secondary abilities you have access to.
sparky2112 said:
I feel rotten right now. So, so low. There goes my weekend.

No, I should elaborate: I am NOT in any way a twitch gamer. I suck at traditional 'twich' games. I'm pretty good at other games - including some FPSs. I suck at KZ2 and have played it plenty. It's basic deduction, really...

Stand back! This shit is gettin' scientifical.


Just finished SP. Crap storytelling and Rico is one of the most annoying game characters of all time. The former is forgivable since this is a shooter, the latter isn't. Fuck Rico and whoever came up with the character concept and provided that annoying voice.


sparky2112 said:
I feel rotten right now. So, so low. There goes my weekend.

No, I should elaborate: I am NOT in any way a twitch gamer. I suck at traditional 'twich' games. I'm pretty good at other games - including some FPSs. I suck at KZ2 and have played it plenty. It's basic deduction, really...

Just because you're having a hard time at Killzone 2 doesn't mean that it's a twitch game. It's much slower paced than most other FPS games. It sounds like you're naturally struggling at FPS games, and the additional of Killzone having slightly slower controls throws you off even more. :\

YoungHav said:
Just finished SP. Crap storytelling and Rico is one of the most annoying game characters of all time. The former is forgivable since this is a shooter, the latter isn't. Fuck Rico and whoever came up with the character concept and provided that annoying voice.

I have to disagree with you about Rico. I never once found him annoying and while I don't condone his actions I understand. Once you come to terms with the scope of the story as being soley that of Sevs own perspective, I started to like it. granted this didn't happen until after my first playthrough (I'm almost done on Elite mode right now, which is really the best way to play killzone 2 if you're skilled enough).

Though Guerilla Games did do a crap job of actually presenting information and context to the player.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
I'm just going to come out and say it, I enjoyed R2 more than Killzone 2. Single player and multiplayer. Pretty dissapointed with my purchase unfortunately.

Having to unlock all that shit in multiplayer is so fucking stupid and the singeplayer is disgustingly short. Beat it in less than 6 hours on my first go and less than 5 on my second. That's ridiculous for a game that was in development for so long. I wasn't even speeding my way through it. The gameplay isn't really special, so the length is a huge downer.

The characters and dialogue are much worse than I expected. I heard they were bad, but come on. Some things don't even make sense.

edit: I'm still going to get my money's worth out of it though. Going to devote myself to the multiplayer when I find the time so I can enjoy that more.


Does anyone ever get a MP game that is drowning in lag? Its not the 'people are warping' lag, but its like 'we put too many graphics and people into MP and this is just how its gonna be' kinda lag.

The number of 'I kill you, you kill me' moments are incredible....oh, C4 is worthless..as is the sab's machine gun...or maybe its the lag coupled with the fact it has NO stopping power...

Its like I love the MP....yet I hate it. They have a lot of balancing issues to tweak I think...and more people need to be tacticians...and if a tactician places the spawn in a manner that makes people spawn staring into a corner, I want a big hand to come out of the sky and smash the bastard who placed it :lol

Musashi Wins!

BobsRevenge said:
I'm just going to come out and say it, I enjoyed R2 more than Killzone 2. Single player and multiplayer. Pretty dissapointed with my purchase unfortunately.

Having to unlock all that shit in multiplayer is so fucking stupid and the singeplayer is disgustingly short. Beat it in less than 6 hours on my first go and less than 5 on my second. That's ridiculous for a game that was in development for so long. I wasn't even speeding my way through it. The gameplay isn't really special, so the length is a huge downer.

The characters and dialogue are much worse than I expected. I heard they were bad, but come on. Some things don't even make sense.

edit: I'm still going to get my money's worth out of it though. Going to devote myself to the multiplayer when I find the time so I can enjoy that more.

You enjoyed R2's single more? Really?

The unlock pattern is sort of ass online, but it's still fun.


JB1981 said:
KZ2 does so many things better than Resistance 2 as a shooter, it's not even really worth comparing.

Agreed. But R2 is just a trainvwreck from start to finish, with Coop being way way (way) overrated.

(Co-op that does anything besides kill zombies is pointless really...killing zombies = awesome)


Have a fun! Enjoy!
BobsRevenge said:
I'm just going to come out and say it, I enjoyed R2 more than Killzone 2. Single player and multiplayer. Pretty dissapointed with my purchase unfortunately.

Having to unlock all that shit in multiplayer is so fucking stupid and the singeplayer is disgustingly short. Beat it in less than 6 hours on my first go and less than 5 on my second. That's ridiculous for a game that was in development for so long. I wasn't even speeding my way through it. The gameplay isn't really special, so the length is a huge downer.

The characters and dialogue are much worse than I expected. I heard they were bad, but come on. Some things don't even make sense.

edit: I'm still going to get my money's worth out of it though. Going to devote myself to the multiplayer when I find the time so I can enjoy that more.

This is the second time you complain about the game length and I asked already which difficulty setting you selected and I think u never answered.


GodofWine said:
Does anyone ever get a MP game that is drowning in lag? Its not the 'people are warping' lag, but its like 'we put too many graphics and people into MP and this is just how its gonna be' kinda lag.

The number of 'I kill you, you kill me' moments are incredible....oh, C4 is worthless..as is the sab's machine gun...or maybe its the lag coupled with the fact it has NO stopping power...

Its like I love the MP....yet I hate it. They have a lot of balancing issues to tweak I think...and more people need to be tacticians...and if a tactician places the spawn in a manner that makes people spawn staring into a corner, I want a big hand to come out of the sky and smash the bastard who placed it :lol
Worthless, how? Bugged worthless? As in you throw it and it sometimes doesn't want to be set off even though an enemy walks right over it? That was mentioned once, but I never had it happen to me.

Or seemingly ineffective worthless? You need 2 C4's to kill your normal soldier. 3 versus Assault Class. So I just plant them in groups of 3. Always.


GodofWine said:
Does anyone ever get a MP game that is drowning in lag? Its not the 'people are warping' lag, but its like 'we put too many graphics and people into MP and this is just how its gonna be' kinda lag.

The number of 'I kill you, you kill me' moments are incredible....oh, C4 is worthless..as is the sab's machine gun...or maybe its the lag coupled with the fact it has NO stopping power...

Its like I love the MP....yet I hate it. They have a lot of balancing issues to tweak I think...and more people need to be tacticians...and if a tactician places the spawn in a manner that makes people spawn staring into a corner, I want a big hand to come out of the sky and smash the bastard who placed it :lol

I disagree on both accounts if you use C4 correctly you can rack up kills plus its great on search and destroy and capture and hold. If you are smart with C4 on those game types you can get tons of kills. The sab's machine gun is my favorite weapon followed by the M4.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
TTP said:
This is the second time you complain about the game length and I asked already which difficulty setting you selected and I think u never answered.
I think I did reply, and someone else replied back to me that I should've played on veteran.

I guess that would've made it last longer, but I thought it was already hard enough on the regular mode. I'm not one for peaking out of cover for a few seconds to shoot until my screen turns red then pop back 'till it stops. I thought the gameplay felt well balanced for the difficulty I played on. I'm going to try it on veteran sometime though, definitely. While I didn't think much of the single player it was pretty replayable. The AI is really good at mixing things up.

edit: The reason I played through it again so soon on the same difficulty is because I beat it my first time on my Dad's PS3 during spring break and I wanted to beat it on my own after coming back.


I think I'm going to flat out refuse to play another friendly fire game against saboteurs. It's so frustrating playing against the average GAF team of like 6 saboteurs when you can't quick check your teammates with some random fire. It creates so much chaos and TK's, then you can mix in the C4 on top... shudders.

this game needs some serious rebalancing.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Musashi Wins! said:
You enjoyed R2's single more? Really?
It felt a lot more playable to me because of the controls. It might've been the first console FPS where the controls felt natural to me. The weapons also provided more tactical options, although I wish they kept the wheel from the first Resistance and had built the game around that.


Dirtbag said:
I think I'm going to flat out refuse to play another friendly fire game against saboteurs. It's so frustrating playing against the average GAF team of like 6 saboteurs when you can't quick check your teammates with some random fire. It creates so much chaos and TK's, then you can mix in the C4 on top... shudders.

this game needs some serious rebalancing.



Finally beat the game. End game spoilers
Fuck the last level. Mad amounts of Helghasts, can't even imagine what it will be like on the elite difficulty:lol So I take it at the end of the game the ISA are fucked?
Put in a good couple of hours online. Man it is fun. I'm not as bad as I thought I would be. Need to unlock some abilities and classes though. Sooo what time are the GAF servers usually up?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
It may be my eyes, but on certain levels in Campaign, Visari Square, for example - I have real difficulty seeing who's shooting at me because of the crazy amount of smoke and debris. Makes picking off distant targets a real pain in the derriere. Also, the far-too-brief tank battle gave me a Resistance flashback.


I don't understand peoples issue with the unlock system in MP. The badge / medal system is what hooked me into MP, I love being able to go onto the website and check how I'm doing vs. my friends etc.
XTERC said:
I don't understand peoples issue with the unlock system in MP. The badge / medal system is what hooked me into MP, I love being able to go onto the website and check how I'm doing vs. my friends etc.

Me to I think its a brilliant addition. It is what hooks you initially until you get the objectives and movement down.

I am playing through the campaign on elite and I don't know if any else feels this way but I am enjoying it even more than when I first when through it.
That part at the beginning of the bridge level where Sev jump over the railing to the ground and it seamlessly transitions to gameplay is one of the most bad ass things I have ever seen.


JB1981 said:
KZ2 does so many things better than Resistance 2 as a shooter, it's not even really worth comparing.
What, by making enemies congregate around barrels?

R2 SP was excellent and I think it was better paced than what was seen in KZ2. And it looked pretty damn nice, to boot.

Multiplayer is a different story.


XTERC said:
I don't understand peoples issue with the unlock system in MP. The badge / medal system is what hooked me into MP, I love being able to go onto the website and check how I'm doing vs. my friends etc.

Getting a Medal (or which ever one you need 8 of to unlock something) is the problem. Conceptually I find the idea fine, but the fact that it's "Do X a certain amount of times in a game or you get nothing." is the problem. Compounded by the fact that the feasibility of said actions vary wildly depending on the map selection, game modes, number of rounds, number of players, and feasebility of said task period.

It's dumb, and structured the way it is, it's nothing but a poorly implemented frustration that can often have players running around to complete whatever X amount of X they need to do before a round ends rather than playing their role well. It should be a "Do something X amount of times" and reward you on the basis of doing, not if you don't do this this many times in this amount of time we're going to pretend that none of it ever happened.

Also you only get 1 Ribbon max per acomplishment in that game, even if you kill, say, ten people with a turret and the requirement was to kill 5 men to get a ribbon.


Is it just my browser or PC (firefox and an athlon 64 3400+), or is the killzone site really REALLY REALLY slow? Not only do they make me input my birthday every day (give or take), and not only do pages take unbearably long, but once I'm on the site, it eats away at 99% of my CPU resources.

Anyway, just wanted to share what happened to 6 unfortunate foes who got in my way today.

BruceLeeRoy said:
Me to I think its a brilliant addition. It is what hooks you initially until you get the objectives and movement down.

I am playing through the campaign on elite and I don't know if any else feels this way but I am enjoying it even more than when I first when through it.
That part at the beginning of the bridge level where Sev jump over the railing to the ground and it seamlessly transitions to gameplay is one of the most bad ass things I have ever seen.

Keep looking up afterwards, the HGH and ISA forces still are fighting on the bridge, you'll occasionally see a body hanging on the railing.


cakefoo said:
Is it just my browser or PC (firefox and an athlon 64 3400+), or is the killzone site really REALLY REALLY slow? Not only do they make me input my birthday every day (give or take), and not only do pages take unbearably long, but once I'm on the site, it eats away at 99% of my CPU resources.

Apparantly killzone.com was designed to take full advantage of cell and bluray to their full potentials. Immediately after launching the website, someone realized it was a bad idea.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
BruceLeeRoy said:
Me to I think its a brilliant addition. It is what hooks you initially until you get the objectives and movement down.

I am playing through the campaign on elite and I don't know if any else feels this way but I am enjoying it even more than when I first when through it.
That part at the beginning of the bridge level where Sev jump over the railing to the ground and it seamlessly transitions to gameplay is one of the most bad ass things I have ever seen.

If you look up to where you jumped from you trigger another little "event"


C4 is worthless? Are you placing it immediately in your home spawn? C4 can be difference between a win or loss on so many occasions, mostly including Speaker caps and bomb defuses.


Is it me or since the patch the recoil of the M82 has shot up? I preferred the old KZ2 controls, because I was actually pretty good. Now I've gone crap. I'm just awful.


TTP said:
Change url in your bookmark


Never asks my birthday to me.
I have a few bookmarks, one is that one, another's my profile so I can visit it and check out my battle replays without having to login. Now I can't remember what I did today that was bringing up the birthdate thing, but I'll have to get used to using that main index link and signing in. At least Sony's done a good thing connecting our PSN id's and having that universal login. I just think they need to get into a slimmer mindset when it comes to the functionality of their sites/the PS3 itself. It wouldn't hurt them to take a few tips from Steam and Live.
-viper- said:
Is it me or since the patch the recoil of the M82 has shot up? I preferred the old KZ2 controls, because I was actually pretty good. Now I've gone crap. I'm just awful.

That's what I said before and someone said I was just making excuses for bad performance.
Facism said:
C4 is worthless? Are you placing it immediately in your home spawn? C4 can be difference between a win or loss on so many occasions, mostly including Speaker caps and bomb defuses.

So true. C4 is my primary choice for a badge combo. I will only switch it out for boost when I need to get somewhere quick (or when there are no tacticians on the team). Hit people a couple times with C4 and they will definitely move more cautiously which can give you a lot more time. One of my favourite tactics is to put C4 in the same relative place everytime, but move it backwards or forwards slightly (but still on the same path) so that people are always suprised by it. Once you stop putting it in heavily bombarded but heavily traversed areas you will start racking up the kills (this is why it is the Sabs secondary after all).
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