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Anyone else just not playing 16v16 matches? I only search for medium sized games, because honestly, those maps are not designed vor 32 players.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Raiden said:
Anyone else just not playing 16v16 matches? I only search for medium sized games, because honestly, those maps are not designed vor 32 players.

Being doing this since launch. I knew since the beta that 32 players matches are nono for KZ2. Game clearly falls apart with more than 16 players (both performance-wise and "fun"-wise) but I assume they allowed 32 in order to have that "32 PLAYERS!" bulletpoint on the cover.


Kittonwy said:



4am this was for me :(

We need to figure out when most are free for a GAFe vs GAF East match.

8 vs 8


jett said:
Reached Radec again on my veteran-playthrough.

Yeah this is pretty much the worst endgame ever. GG should patch in an entirely different boss fight. :p
You haven't played World at War have you?


I'd be in the dick
Kittonwy said:
I tried several times but they don't all die on veteran.
I did it on Veteran. Cook it and get it there right when they drop out so that it goes off right at all of their feet and it should take five of them out.


BruceLeeRoy said:
It is absolutely huge. When I played CS there comes that moment when you finally figure out how to use your weapon of choice. Whether its the Ak, the M4 or the AWP once you get the recoil down you start absolutely murdering people. KZ2 has had a very similiar progression for me. The first couple of days my KD ratio was all over the place but once I got the STP down I am getting 3:1 kills.
holy hell, you...complete...me! i remember playing 1.5 and now that recoil would fuck with you. it was like if you tried to spray n pray, the recoil would own face. 1.6 was a little smoother, but it still was pointless.

ak > all tho, seriously you just aim at the chest and 2 or 3 shot them and hs's are almost a guarantee....soooo satisfying to pop an awper from long range with an AK.

OOOOOO i hope if i do decide to buy a PS3 off craigslist i dont get screwed
ergo said:
holy hell, you...complete...me! i remember playing 1.5 and now that recoil would fuck with you. it was like if you tried to spray n pray, the recoil would own face. 1.6 was a little smoother, but it still was pointless.

ak > all tho, seriously you just aim at the chest and 2 or 3 shot them and hs's are almost a guarantee....soooo satisfying to pop an awper from long range with an AK.

OOOOOO i hope if i do decide to buy a PS3 off craigslist i dont get screwed

Yup AK was the absolute best my favorite thing to do(not to go to off topic) was on the map "office" when you play as a terrorist was to run as soon as the match started to the tiny room at the end of the hall with the 4 windows and two that had ladders and throw a flash bang out the the window in front of you jump out crouch on the ground and just start hitting some chests and wrapping the gun and you could kill everyone before they even knew what was happening.


An blind dancing ho

just played some online matches for first time ( don't blame me I wuv KZ2 SP too very much ) and this thing is damn great , too much Italians but it's great .

medium size is the best for a noob like me right ?
Kittonwy said:
Did you quit right after you get it? Check your rank.

well I played a quick game with him to try him out but I didn't finish the game, also I passed whatever rank it was to get him, ill check again.


Anyone know what ports I need to open for my router to access the SCEE servers? I can only find them for SCEA and I don't want to create another thread. + I want to play KZ2 again :)


wotter said:
Anyone know what ports I need to open for my router to access the SCEE servers? I can only find them for SCEA and I don't want to create another thread. + I want to play KZ2 again :)
Open the "WorldWide Region" port.


Tylahedras said:
Still stuck on the last stage with the rocket fuckers...

Easiest way to deal with them is to save up on grenades until they appear. Once you hear the sound of the gates opening you rush over to them and huck grenades at them. :p


Finally unlocked the sniper late last night...Can't wait to try it out :) I got my boost medal finally so no more Assault class :p


Gold Member
Playing Veteran on my first-play through and am at the second part of what I'm presuming to be the last battle.

I'm at the balcony. Am I supposed to be aiming at Radec here or the Higgs? It's hard to tell if the enemies infinitely respawn or not and frankly Radec just won't go down after expending just about all the available ammo at the top (which tells me I'm doing it wrong).

Also, I noticed a lot of available ammo in the Refinery level when you use the lightning gun. I'm going to go on a limb here, but does that mean that you won't get the lightning gun on Elite for the same parts? Seemed to be a bit suspicious to me as to why the game gives you a ton of other ammo when you also have an awesome infinite ammo gun.


Atrus said:
Playing Veteran on my first-play through and am at the second part of what I'm presuming to be the last battle.

I'm at the balcony. Am I supposed to be aiming at Radec here or the Higgs? It's hard to tell if the enemies infinitely respawn or not and frankly Radec just won't go down after expending just about all the available ammo at the top (which tells me I'm doing it wrong).

Also, I noticed a lot of available ammo in the Refinery level when you use the lightning gun. I'm going to go on a limb here, but does that mean that you won't get the lightning gun on Elite for the same parts? Seemed to be a bit suspicious to me as to why the game gives you a ton of other ammo when you also have an awesome infinite ammo gun.

Don't worry about Radec until you've cleared the room of all the Higs. Make sure you watch out for the exploding rods on the second floor - died about 15 times from these fucking things, had no idea they were even there


dreamer3kx said:
unlocked assault class couple of days ago, now he's not there to pick anymore, WTF?

You might have been on a game taht had that class disabled. Or you quit mid game in a warzone and lost XP, knocking you down to just below your recently attained rank.

I'm still playing. 8v8, 12v12 matches and smaller. Good fun.


Zen said:
You might have been on a game taht had that class disabled. Or you quit mid game in a warzone and lost XP, knocking you down to just below your recently attained rank.

I'm still playing. 8v8, 12v12 matches and smaller. Good fun.

smaller matches are the way to go. The 16v16 has to be the worst evaaaaaaaar
Yea i'm loving the medium size servers. Hopefully if they do a future map pack they make some larger levels and cap some of the smaller levels to 18. That way if you want to play 32 players you can only select the larger maps to support it.

I still see a fair amount of players/servers for 32 players that use the smaller maps in the rotation. I would guess that means a lot of people enjoy playing like that and removing them would upset this fanbase.


Did they change how you unlock the boost ability? I just unlocked the assault class, but I can already use boost on my medic.

Medic is the only class I have unlocked the secondary badge for.

Also, can assualts not have a secondary badge other than boost?
Kittonwy said:
Killzone 2 controls not being ultra twitch actually makes it MORE accessible to non-twitch players.

That is the dumbest thing I have EVER read. If you look up "ultra twitch" in the dictionary, THERE'S A BIG AS FUCK PICTURE OF KZ2 RIGHT THERE. Seriously, are you serious?@!?
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