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Rapping Granny said:
Is PSN down for anybody else?



j-wood said:
How is the combination of the hud, map design, and the other factors you mentioned any different from learning to play COD?

My point is those are basic features you have to learn of ANY online FPS, and to single KZ out for it is unfair.

Although yes, KZ does seem to have a clan-first mentality.

  1. I find that killzone has some of the most complex mp maps I've ever really played on a console FPS. And they don't scale based on the player counts.
  2. It has the hardest and least forgiving aiming system in recent memory.
  3. It has classes with complex skills and no tutorials.
  4. Fluid gamemodes/objectives. Sure its great once you understand what you are supposed to be doing, but it adds an extra layer of confusion that most other games won't have. Search and Retrieve comes to mind.
  5. Squad system.
  6. Overly complicated HUD.. seriously just look at the amount of info on that puppy. It's pretty complex.
  7. Respawning. Half the time you spawn backwards thanks to a scrub tactician. Or you just endless spawn back at base because you don't release you can spawn at the other green circles on the map (because there was no tutorial)


Dirtbag said:
  1. I find that killzone has some of the most complex mp maps I've ever really played on a console FPS. And they don't scale based on the player counts.
  2. It has the hardest and least forgiving aiming system in recent memory.
  3. It has classes with complex skills and no tutorials.
  4. Fluid gamemodes/objectives. Sure its great once you understand what you are supposed to be doing, but it adds an extra layer of confusion that most other games won't have. Search and Retrieve comes to mind.
  5. Squad system.
  6. Overly complicated HUD.. seriously just look at the amount of info on that puppy. It's pretty complex.

No/little aim assist sucks huh? I take it you don't play many PC FPS's? :lol


belvedere said:
That was a nice battle for first FF.

Fun game despite the trash talking tards.



Yeah, fun games! 16 player matches are sooo much better.

I found a great sniping position on Pyrrhus Rise which had direct sight right into the Search & Destroy Objective. Just sat there and kept picking them off. Shame I ran out of bullets :(


Ok, wow. Spent an assload of time this week on Warzone, but only ranked ~11,000 so far. I think I should just give up trying to get those online ranked ribbons and go back to just playing casually.


belvedere said:
Elite ATAC fight.

Uh yea...This was super, super easy after I figured out you CAN LEAVE THE FUCKING SMALL AREA ON THE ROOFTOP.

Holy shit I had no idea there was a lower level with a tunnel/hallway with windows making the battle the easiest boss fight ever.

I spent half an hour fighting it taking cover behind that tiny pillar before a buddy of mine told me about the lower area.

The crazy part is I nearly had the thing killed that way.

I didnt know about that tunnel the first time i beat the ATAC either :) When i first played the game on the Trooper difficulty level, then i just stayed up on that platform and hide behind the pillar. It was hard enough on the Trooper difficulty level just to hide behind this pillar, so i wondered how i was going to make it on the Elite difficulty level. But luckily i discovered that tunnel that i could hide in :)
BruceLeeRoy said:
Already mentioned this but this seriously to me is the first console game to feel as good as a PC fps.
Eh, taking a leisurely swim in sea of hype can be good fun but it's best not to go too far out, you don't want to get caught up in the charybdis.
MickeyKnox said:
Eh, taking a leisurely swim in sea of hype can be good fun but it's best not to go too far out, you don't want to get caught up in the charybdis.

Well in all honestly I have only played Halo, COD, and Resistance. The only MP game I have ever played like with the addiction I have KZ2 is CS.


No additional functions
So I just popped this game in for the first time today since they day the game was launched. I'm on the second level and I'm beginning to get a bit worried about weapon selection. Are there any weapon's other than the 2 assault rifles, SMG and the sniper rifle? Rocket launcher and pistol don't count either. What about carrying multiple guns? I'm wondering if I might have missed something, but so far, I can only carry one weapon.


Reached Radec again on my veteran-playthrough.

Yeah this is pretty much the worst endgame ever. GG should patch in an entirely different boss fight. :p


MadOdorMachine said:
So I just popped this game in for the first time today since they day the game was launched. I'm on the second level and I'm beginning to get a bit worried about weapon selection. Are there any weapon's other than the 2 assault rifles, SMG and the sniper rifle? Rocket launcher and pistol don't count either. What about carrying multiple guns? I'm wondering if I might have missed something, but so far, I can only carry one weapon.
You're only on the second level and you're wondering about the weapon selection? Play more. It'll get better.

Oh, and no to multiple guns. You can only carry one primary and a secondary (and the secondary is always a handgun).


BruceLeeRoy said:
Well in all honestly I have only played Halo, COD, and Resistance. The only MP game I have ever played like with the addiction I have KZ2 is CS.

So would it be better to say that Killzone is the first console game to properly nail recoil when compared to a PC FPS? To that I would say yes.

To the claim that it controls as well as a PC FPS, I would say you are crazy.


BruceLeeRoy said:
Already mentioned this but this seriously to me is the first console game to feel as good as a PC fps.
Damn it bruce! Now I seriously am foaming at the mouth to try this game!! my background is CS 1.6 and COD1 in the good ol' days. BAH
Dirtbag said:
So would it be better to say that Killzone is the first console game to properly nail recoil when compared to a PC FPS? To that I would say yes.

To the claim that it controls as well as a PC FPS, I would say you are crazy.

Oh definitely not!
I just mean its the first to feel as good and your right its definitely because of the recoil and not having such a crazy aim assist.

ergo said:
Damn it bruce! Now I seriously am foaming at the mouth to try this game!! my background is CS 1.6 and COD1 in the good ol' days. BAH

CS 1.6! Oh man ergo your going to love this ish.


BruceLeeRoy said:
KZ2 sucka! But you already knew that coming in here didn't you.

My ONLY gripe about this game, is that you only get EXP for doing stuff yourself (i.e. kills, securing territories, assassinations and delivering items). You get nothing for assists. You could be chasing down an opponent and only need one more bullet to take him out, when all of a sudden a teammate gets a lucky shot and gets all of the credit.

Even worse, if you get disconnected (due to network error) you get NOTHING. It really blows when I devote a lot of time in a match, rank up about 50+ EXP, and have it all go down the shitter because I got DC'ed.

It's only one issue, but it's very obnoxious. I'm a captain now. But damn, I just want to get the Scout ability and call it a day.


-PXG- said:
My ONLY gripe about this game, is that you only get EXP for doing stuff yourself (i.e. kills, securing territories, assassinations and delivering items). You get nothing for assists. You could be chasing down an opponent and only need one more bullet to take him out, when all of a sudden a teammate gets a lucky shot and gets all of the credit.

Even worse, if you get disconnected (due to network error) you get NOTHING. It really blows when I devote a lot of time in a match, rank up about 50+ EXP, and have it all go down the shitter because I got DC'ed.

It's only one issue, but it's very obnoxious. I'm a captain now. But damn, I just want to get the Scout ability and call it a day.

Having your team winning and your points X1.5 ain't half-bad.


Kittonwy said:
Having your team winning and your points X1.5 ain't half-bad.

True. But most of the time, people don't know what the fuck they're doing, so my team ends up losing. Plus, if they take all of the kills and objectives, adding another 50% doesn't do that much.


jett said:
Reached Radec again on my veteran-playthrough.

Yeah this is pretty much the worst endgame ever. GG should patch in an entirely different boss fight. :p

I agree. The last boss fight with Radec on any difficulty above normal is a major but hurt from the first encounter with all the Helghast that you have to take down to the absolutely ridiculous amount of times you'll have to die, before you take Radec out. Sheez.


-PXG- said:
True. But most of the time, people don't know what the fuck they're doing, so my team ends up losing. Plus, if they take all of the kills and objectives, adding another 50% doesn't do that much.

Don't play with random fuckers, play with teh clan.


Dirtbag said:
So would it be better to say that Killzone is the first console game to properly nail recoil when compared to a PC FPS? To that I would say yes.

To the claim that it controls as well as a PC FPS, I would say you are crazy.

yeah, and to some people like me, to be able to nail recoil is a HUGE DEAL. It absolutely raises the bar in what we should expect in console FPS, but maybe other people don't care as much?


-PXG- said:
My ONLY gripe about this game, is that you only get EXP for doing stuff yourself (i.e. kills, securing territories, assassinations and delivering items). You get nothing for assists. You could be chasing down an opponent and only need one more bullet to take him out, when all of a sudden a teammate gets a lucky shot and gets all of the credit.

No one can steal your kill if you aim for the head.


icechai said:
yeah, and to some people like me, to be able to nail recoil is a HUGE DEAL. It absolutely raises the bar in what we should expect in console FPS, but maybe other people don't care as much?

Depends on the shooter. I don't think every shooter benefits from realistic or even mild amounts of recoil. It definitely makes total sense in the pacing and scope of this game and it's gameplay.

Unfortunately in Killzone (for me) its 2 steps forward with the recoil, but 1 big step backwards with the slower response and lack of fine tuning in regards to the aiming. So it can be just as large a source of frustration as it is a breath of fresh air. The patch definitely improved things, but I still find the disconnect between hip-firing and shouldering a weapon (accuracy) to feel like more like a mistake then it does a conscious decision. Then again, who the fuck am I to know? You'd think the realistic recoil would have been enough to make shouldering the rifle balanced.
icechai said:
yeah, and to some people like me, to be able to nail recoil is a HUGE DEAL. It absolutely raises the bar in what we should expect in console FPS, but maybe other people don't care as much?

It is absolutely huge. When I played CS there comes that moment when you finally figure out how to use your weapon of choice. Whether its the Ak, the M4 or the AWP once you get the recoil down you start absolutely murdering people. KZ2 has had a very similiar progression for me. The first couple of days my KD ratio was all over the place but once I got the STP down I am getting 3:1 kills.


jett said:
Reached Radec again on my veteran-playthrough.

Yeah this is pretty much the worst endgame ever. GG should patch in an entirely different boss fight. :p

I just finished it on Elite. It was a major pain in the ass, but seriously, not everyone is supposed to be able to finish it on this difficulty. The first section is almost the worst one, I think. The second one is long, but it's really only the shock troopers who are a threat. The third section is easy since you get access to rocket launchers yourself.
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