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Guerrilla Games should've had a "bullet time" mode unlock once you beat the game. Would be awesome playing through the game like that. Hopefully they can patch it in!
Its been a month now since Killzone 2 launched.

I know patches and fixes take time but they really, really, really should put the bots back online. Someone at GG games took a hard stance against farming medals using robots but frankly, I think punishing the entire userbase who bought the game was the wrong solution.
(It would have been okay for a week or two but a whole month?)

It would have been better to let the robots continue to be used for farming as far as I am concerned. People would certainly do it and probably enjoy themselves. I don't think removing them caused people to become "less lazy" and decide, 1 month later, that they are now grateful for having functionality removed by saving them from a weak moment of robot farming.

"Fix this shit Geurrilla" is a very apt statement on this topic.


I'd be in the dick
UntoldDreams said:
Its been a month now since Killzone 2 launched.

I know patches and fixes take time but they really, really, really should put the bots back online. Someone at GG games took a hard stance against farming medals using robots but frankly, I think punishing the entire userbase who bought the game was the wrong solution.
(It would have been okay for a week or two but a whole month?)

It would have been better to let the robots continue to be used for farming as far as I am concerned. People would certainly do it and probably enjoy themselves. I don't think removing them caused people to become "less lazy" and decide, 1 month later, that they are now grateful for having functionality removed by saving them from a weak moment of robot farming.

"Fix this shit Geurrilla" is a very apt statement on this topic.
They're coming back in the next patch, which should be very soon.
SuperSonic1305 said:
I just faced a guy playing assault that was constantly able to take 7-8 shotgun shots at close range and still survive. WTF.
Those guys suck. I played a guy and shot him four times with the shotgun at point blank range, right in the chest. Not a scratch on him.


SuperSonic1305 said:
I just faced a guy playing assault that was constantly able to take 7-8 shotgun shots at close range and still survive. WTF.
I need to comment on the shotgun in general. I have been seeing some BS with the shotgun recently. I will be two feet away from say...a tactician, and I put a shot gun blast straight into their chest. And they do not die. Not at all.
Yet it seems that someone can 1 hit kill me with a shotgun from 10 feet away when I have full health...
Something seems very inconsistent. And I also hate how there is a lag between when you kill someone and when they actually go down. There have been to many times when I headshot someone, then they head shot me, I go down, they run off, then they go down 3 seconds later, and it says I got a headshot on them.


rexor0717 said:
And I also hate how there is a lag between when you kill someone and when they actually go down. There have been to many times when I headshot someone, then they head shot me, I go down, they run off, then they go down 3 seconds later, and it says I got a headshot on them.

This has happened to me, as well. Very frustrating.
I'm sure it has been discussed to death by now, but what was the consensus on GTTV's promo for Friday's show in which they said, "Exclusive news on when you can play that Killzone 2 commercial on your PS3"?

What the hell does that even mean? SP DLC? Map pack?


Vyse The Legend said:
I'm sure it has been discussed to death by now, but what was the consensus on GTTV's promo for Friday's show in which they said, "Exclusive news on when you can play that Killzone 2 commercial on your PS3"?

What the hell does that even mean? SP DLC? Map pack?
You know the KZ commercial that airs? They're supposed to put an "interactive" version on PSN so you can dl it, mess around with it and view it from all angles etc.



FFObsessed said:
*adds Facism to ignore list*


Must have been a stupidly long game tho! >_<


It wasn't massively long, just had 20 minute S@D missions. Our attack was over in 3 minutes, theirs lasted the whole 20 -_-. Did it all as a Sab :D


500 - Internal Server Error 500 - Internal Server Error 500 - Internal Server Error 500 - Internal Server Error 500 - Internal Server Error 500 - Internal Server Error ...

Ahem , any GAF servers online right now ?..


500 - Internal Server Error 500 - Internal Server Error 500 - Internal Server Error 500 - Internal Server Error 500 - Internal Server Error 500 - Internal Server Error ...

Ahem , any GAF servers online right now ?..


One thing: why does the running animation in MP look like complete ass? It seems like a giant oversight in a game with such stellar production values.


Vyse The Legend said:
I'm sure it has been discussed to death by now, but what was the consensus on GTTV's promo for Friday's show in which they said, "Exclusive news on when you can play that Killzone 2 commercial on your PS3"?

What the hell does that even mean? SP DLC? Map pack?

It means they were finishing that when they could have been :

1 - Fixing the spawn grenade invincibility
2 - Fixing the cartoonish Assault Class (give them the LMG and a RPG badge or something)
3 - Moving the 'targets' of 'Destroy' to different spots lessening the clusterF effect (like Visari but on all maps)
4 - PARTY PARTY PARTY SYSTEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I still love you Killzone)


VNZ said:
One thing: why does the running animation in MP look like complete ass? It seems like a giant oversight in a game with such stellar production values.
The only time the animation looks a little weird is when characters are walking up stairs, their legs look like they're bending kinda backwards weirdly. It's nitpicking to tell the truth.

Sometimes it kind of reminds me, in a weird way, of that movie "The Arrival" with Charlie Sheen. Anybody remember that flick? The aliens' legs were sort of double jointed?
Like I said, small nitpick in an otherwise beautiful game. :D


Dirtbag said:
I thought he could equip secondary badges

no he just has access to all weapons, including the awesome LMGs

**just got out of a game where it was some pretty crazy rounds, on search and retrieve, me and another soldier was defending with LMGs, assaults had no chance coming at us, it was pretty crazy. The other 8 people in the team would be supporting/capturing. Still took a while as they had good defense but it just goes to show how helpful the LMG is (they cap'd 2 out of 3 before me and the other guy spawned as soldiers w/ LMG to guard)

***one other guy on the other team was destroying ppl with the Helghast AR, i still can't get used to it, but he was using it like the SMG. Guess i'm more of a ISA AR type.


Sorry for not being up with the latest, but can anyone tell me if GG have returned the functionality to allow you to play co-op with a friend against bots?

I thought it came back with 1.2 but a friend and I tried last night and couldn't add bots to our game.



Rapping Granny said:
Send me a clan invite kittonwy, please.

Sent already.


I just had the most ridiculously fun MP match last night with the assault :lol :lol :lol

It was a long game and rockets/grenade launchers were disabled, so Assault was pretty much useless. We were down 4 to nothing as helghast, because my teammates won't do their fucking jobs and just scattered all over the map, mission was search and destroy. At the 1 minute mark of S&D I said "Fuck this" and procedeed to switch to the Assault, respawn, boost, cook a grenade in my hand and run to 3-5 ISA guys defending :lol Did that for the rest of the match and from #8 with 24 kills I finished first with over 140+ kills with almost 200 points iirc.

Funny part was after a suicide attack I kill 2-3 guys at most, I'm still alive so I cook one more grenade and kill 3+ more players AND I'm still alive with 15'ish% health which by then I proceed to melee the fuck out of everybody. Got my 1st melee ribbon ever :lol
NeoCross said:
I just had the most ridiculously fun MP match last night with the assault :lol :lol :lol

It was a long game and rockets/grenade launchers were disabled, so Assault was pretty much useless. We were down 4 to nothing as helghast, because my teammates won't do their fucking jobs and just scattered all over the map, mission was search and destroy. At the 1 minute mark of S&D I said "Fuck this" and procedeed to switch to the Assault, respawn, boost, cook a grenade in my hand and run to 3-5 ISA guys defending :lol Did that for the rest of the match and from #8 with 24 kills I finished first with over 140+ kills with almost 200 points iirc.

Funny part was after a suicide attack I kill 2-3 guys at most, I'm still alive so I cook one more grenade and kill 3+ more players AND I'm still alive with 15'ish% health which by then I proceed to melee the fuck out of everybody. Got my 1st melee ribbon ever :lol


Lost the last game with 100+ pts, every single one of the spawn points was pointing in the opposite direction, I can't help but laugh.


Kittonwy said:
Lost the last game with 100+ pts, every single one of the spawn points was pointing in the opposite direction, I can't help but laugh.

I was in that game with you and Johnson...............it was just to chaotic for me


mYm|17| said:
I was in that game with you and Johnson...............it was just to chaotic for me

It was really hectic, the other team played well though, they got most of the objectives done, there were lots of sabs and assault, but I was impressed with them having a sniper guarding the ditch and basically had a sniping lane going, and our snipers didn't really counter that, it made it difficult to defend the rush from the ditch, some of the guys on our team were basically just throwing bodies at the search and destroy mission instead of having tacticians throw spawns inside and overwhelm the other team from the inside, we just got outplayed.


Andvary said:
I think so, I got disconnected a few min. ago.
Yeah, I can sign in after getting kicked out, but PSN disconnects after 1 min.

So, I've 6800 points right now and there are ~175k players registered for this week. Do you guys think I should make some more points or will it suffice for the 1% trophy? Could be a close one...
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