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Firewire said:
Thanks for the invite to the new clan Kittonwy!

I sent ur invite last night lol.


Kitton, so are we disbaning all the GaFw, ect clans and making one then? I'll make sure to get off Gafw then and join up with GafA.


vicktormerv said:
Kitton, so are we disbaning all the GaFw, ect clans and making one then? I'll make sure to get off Gafw then and join up with GafA.

That's what we're aiming for, just one united NA clan so everybody can play together, we can work out the whole clan leader/officers thing as we go.


Kittonwy said:
That's what we're aiming for, just one united NA clan so everybody can play together, we can work out the whole clan leader/officers thing as we go.

Alright cool, I'll be on later tonight, so I'll make sure to get off Gafw and join up with you guys :)


The tournament system is probably the best thing about the MP to be honest. I love it. Great way to play together with the clan - I only like playing KZ2 with fellow GAFers as opposed to strangers to be honest.

Now GG need to release a horde/survival mode patch... I hope.


How did this fall to page 3? You guys are slacking.. :lol
I just did a 6 vs 6 all friends. Awesome fun.
The "auto-balance" is a bit sketchy though.. There were a few times where one team was clearly stacked with the "best" players of our group of guys.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
WTF, just got signed out of PSN. I was in a match with Gaffers and we were dropping like flies, lol! Maybe they are getting ready for the 2.70 update or something.
Kittonwy said:
Darn it, PSN disconnect, gg guyz.

That sucks for sure. I was kicking ass in that game too! I was on my way to another 100+ point game. Oh well, great games tonight guys. Clan GAFA is going to be a force to be reckoned with! I will be back on later if it comes up in the next 15 minutes, otherwise I am calling it a night.


Thrakier said:
Sure, me too...or whatever studying is called. ;) But I would prefer early evening, around 7 or 8 p'clock.

We usually have one tourney up around 7-8 pm GMT. Check the GAFe thread :p


careful said:
How did this fall to page 3? You guys are slacking.. :lol
I just did a 6 vs 6 all friends. Awesome fun.
The "auto-balance" is a bit sketchy though.. There were a few times where one team was clearly stacked with the "best" players of our group of guys.

Auto-balance is just for the factions. I'm not sure it takes rank into account at all.


mYm|17| said:
I got the 10% valor, I have no clue how I got it cause I am not that good at this game
I received it too, and it was amazing.
Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't it go away by the end of the week if you haven't maintained?

Rolf NB

mYm|17| said:
I got the 10% valor, I have no clue how I got it cause I am not that good at this game
It means you accumulated enough points last week to be in the top 10% on the weekly leaderboard. IOW you came in at rank 32761 or better.

And yes, it's for a week. If you're in the top 10% again next week, you'll keep it, or rather receive the same honor rank again, otherwise it'll vanish (the honor rank, not the trophy).


bcn-ron said:
It means you accumulated enough points last week to be in the top 10% on the weekly leaderboard. IOW you came in at rank 32761 or better.

And yes, it's for a week. If you're in the top 10% again next week, you'll keep it, or rather receive the same honor rank again, otherwise it'll vanish (the honor rank, not the trophy).


edit: damn I can't resign from GAF East 2, so that I can join GAFNA


I hadnt played this game for a week because I was caught up with Res evil 5. I just got on for a quick match and I was sitting there not moving whenever I was shooting. RE5 fuggin brainwashed me good :lol

It was JARRING how many times I had to remind myself I could move.


.GqueB. said:
I hadnt played this game for a week because I was caught up with Res evil 5. I just got on for a quick match and I was sitting there not moving whenever I was shooting. RE5 fuggin brainwashed me good :lol

It was JARRING how many times I had to remind myself I could move.

haha. same thing happened to me tonight. i tried to sprint with x :(


Prezhulio said:
haha. same thing happened to me tonight. i tried to sprint with x :(
I tried to do the quick turn a few times as well but I quickly got over that one. But the move and shoot stayed with me throughout the match.

I did even worse than I normally do. :lol


do kills count towards your statistics through out all modes?

i could have sworn that i have done more kills today, or does it kick in after a hour or 2 for it to update the stats?

Iain Howe

don't ask me for codes
Fersis said:
I had to stop reading it...
And 'from a cgi artist' ? He is soooo awesome T_T
So i can make an article : 'Killzone 2 viewed by a programmer'?

This guy MST3K's the article to hell. He abuses the original 'cgi artist' so badly that the authorities had to be called and soothing balm administered.


Thank you, Nick Schreiber.

In essence I believe the problem is that some prima donna who is a junior artist at a CGI company, probably working on marketing materials for dull products, is a friend of the guy who posted the article. Clearly the guy has a bad case of Nerd Rage and thinks he knows how graphics work. He's probably very inexperienced even in his own field, and hasn't worked out that we can't take a couple of hours to render every frame of the game. I'm going to hazard a guess that, whilst waiting for renders, he dreams that he has a job in the games industry.

From somewhere he clearly learned enough technical terms and long words to confuse the website that posted his flux of the mouth into thinking he knew what he was talking about. Then again he DOES refer to Light Mapping as 'Shadow Cheating' and thinks that normal mapping is a horrifically amateur shortcut so, maybe serious amounts of industrial grade narcotics were involved...


Iain Howe said:
This guy MST3K's the article to hell. He abuses the original 'cgi artist' so badly that the authorities had to be called and soothing balm administered.


Thank you, Nick Schreiber.

In essence I believe the problem is that some prima donna who is a junior artist at a CGI company, probably working on marketing materials for dull products, is a friend of the guy who posted the article. Clearly the guy has a bad case of Nerd Rage and thinks he knows how graphics work. He's probably very inexperienced even in his own field, and hasn't worked out that we can't take a couple of hours to render every frame of the game. I'm going to hazard a guess that, whilst waiting for renders, he dreams that he has a job in the games industry.

From somewhere he clearly learned enough technical terms and long words to confuse the website that posted his flux of the mouth into thinking he knew what he was talking about. Then again he DOES refer to Light Mapping as 'Shadow Cheating' and thinks that normal mapping is a horrifically amateur shortcut so, maybe serious amounts of industrial grade narcotics were involved...

Didn't check it but the bolded parts.. wow. He really said so? :lol :lol


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Iain Howe said:
This guy MST3K's the article to hell. He abuses the original 'cgi artist' so badly that the authorities had to be called and soothing balm administered.


Thank you, Nick Schreiber.

In essence I believe the problem is that some prima donna who is a junior artist at a CGI company, probably working on marketing materials for dull products, is a friend of the guy who posted the article. Clearly the guy has a bad case of Nerd Rage and thinks he knows how graphics work. He's probably very inexperienced even in his own field, and hasn't worked out that we can't take a couple of hours to render every frame of the game. I'm going to hazard a guess that, whilst waiting for renders, he dreams that he has a job in the games industry.

From somewhere he clearly learned enough technical terms and long words to confuse the website that posted his flux of the mouth into thinking he knew what he was talking about. Then again he DOES refer to Light Mapping as 'Shadow Cheating' and thinks that normal mapping is a horrifically amateur shortcut so, maybe serious amounts of industrial grade narcotics were involved...
That article is crazy, Killzone 2 has been critizised like no game before.
I hope that the guys at Guerrilla have patience and tick skin.(I would be crying right now)
Fersis said:
That article is crazy, Killzone 2 has been critizised like no game before.
I hope that the guys at Guerrilla have patience and tick skin.(I would be crying right now)

From then moment it was first show,to its release taking the # 1 spot graphics wise on the console market.:lol

The game is that good and many people hate it for that instead of love it sad but true.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Tormentoso said:
From then moment it was first show,to its release taking the # 1 spot graphics wise on the console market.:lol

The game is that good and many people hate it for that instead of love it sad but true.
I believe so.
Im soon to implement shaders on my current work, and you can bet that normal maping is gonna be one of them!:D
Its not easy ,at least not for me to have various shaders with a stable framerate.
(Im using a forward rendering engine, no crazy deferred rendering here!)
Bloom,Normal mapping, and im gonna write one for water


Why cant the new clan just be "GAF". I know thats for Gaf East buts I think its better then Gafa. Just let ppls in east stay in and let other ppls join. Probably too late but I like my clan tag of GAF. Nice and simple.


Overall, I found KillZone 2 to be a good game but when claims are made that it blows the doors off of Halo or it’s the new level of graphic excellence it makes me laugh. KillZone 2 is a graphical cheat. It is placed in an environment that is predominately dark which avoids using technical advancements that make games like Gears 2 and COD4 and 5 so special.

As a comparison to Halo and Gears: No contest. Halo’s story is too epic and the vast. It’s playing field stretches from alien vistas to the jungles of Africa. It’s enemies have way more personality and inject way more fear. It’s co op features 4 player campaign and its multiplayer component it second to none. As far as Gears. Again, Gear’s story is way more interesting and the enemy is beyond imagination. From the locust to the Brumaks, to the Reapers, etc. The environments are second to none. Beautiful architecture and tapestry in every building, the lighting is on point, the vehicles are unique, using your chainsaw to slice an enemy in half is way more satisfying then knifing someone.

It is in no way on the level of a Halo and resembles fire fights reminiscent of COD but no where the beauty or immersion of a COD. The devolopers took the easy road out in creating the graphics engine instead of truly pushing the PS3 or maybe we are seeing the truth about the PS3, it’s truly a system that is full of shortcomings. For a game that took 5 years to develop is this really as far as they could go?


I miss my PS3... need to come back home and play some Killzone 2 multiplayer ASAP (I'm at my brother's)


Yeah, Gears 2 lighting shits all over KZ2. In fact, Gears 2 or therefore UT-Engine is known for it's great lighting features. This is no news.

WTF, I'm kinda used to anti Sony guys, they are everywhere (and there are reasons for that I guess) but that has to be a new highpoint.
Been trying to get my Air Support Medal but it is really being a bitch! I have 2 Ribbons ATM but for the most part they still get killed off straight away even though i am playing Pistol only matches.

If anyone would want to help out from 4:15pm (UK time) it would be great :D
Dirtyshubb said:
Been trying to get my Air Support Medal but it is really being a bitch! I have 2 Ribbons ATM but for the most part they still get killed off straight away even though i am playing Pistol only matches.

If anyone would want to help out from 4:15pm (UK time) it would be great :D

I still only have about three but I got them all at Pyrrhus Rise during the search and destroy missions. I think it works better if you are on ISA and you are trying to destroy their area. Pistols only in Radec is another good place. Just shoot to injure and it will be easier for the sentry bots to finish them off.

Also, one thing I noticed is that the sentry bots like to finish off a mortally wounded victim which is a big waste when they could be targeting s different person. So just finish fallen enemies off as quick as you can.


so my gf bought this for me today...would like some games with some peeps here. I really suck though since I'm so used to mouse/kb for fps.

psn id is vormund


Finaly after a meager 112 deaths I managed the last level on Veteran (I jumped right into that difficulty) Which funnily enough wasn't really frustrating (well except the fucking rocket launchers with their fuckings rockets) One of the best games I have played and THE BEST FPS by far, I havn't played that many... Fantastic graphics, sound, level design. The spawning bridge level is the only downside and the final fight with Radec was a bit of a anti climax.

So now its time to take it online, and shoot you fuckers in the head. Be afraid, be very afraid! :lol


Just check out how many pages there at rankings page for that week ... Eg. if there are 30170 pages then you have to be the at least 3017th that week to get %1 trophy ... It's not about kills ...
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