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Kittonwy, if you could invite me to the new GAF clan, I'd appreciate it. I've been tackling Elite SP recently and not on MP much, but this would give me a good reason to go back.

My PSNID is LiabeBrave.


Alf-Life said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Alf-Life said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

as far as i can tell, nobody ever has been far as decided to use EVEN to go want back to do look for more like baby bear notice


Good God, that game I played last night with cakefool, tigerheli (I think), andronicus, and teepo was crazy (those are the PSN names I remember, not sure what they are on GAF). It was called Long Match I believe. And it was really long. It had to have been over an hour, I almost quit out about 5 minutes before it ended because I didn't think it ever would, but it did. Had some really good battles in there. Unfortunately, a lot of the strategy went out the window when a bunch of randoms started joining and the game got too full for my liking. Capture and Hold almost turned into a deathmatch, but it was definitely good for my points. Ended up at 135 points for the game, even though we lost.

Cakefool- Holy crap, you're good with the ISA assault rifle. I'd walk around a corner, bam, headshot. But yeah, was good to have some GAF'ers to play with again.


Thrakier said:
Any tips on the tank scene on the train? Can't do it on elite.

as soon as each wave comes run back to the turret in the previous area and mow them down until you defeat all waves. Tank should be by itself then and just grab that rocket launcher :)


Lince said:
any way to switch languages without deleting the save file ? maybe changing it in the XMB ?

No. It's stupid. I hope they fix it with the patch.

If I loose my savegame now could I still get the platin trophy? Or would I have to get every trophy again? Who tells the new savegame "please unlock the platin trophy NAOW"?


I finally completed the game yesterday. That final piece at the end of the game almost ruined the campaign for me. I know it's partly my fault that I chose to play it on veteran, but I honestly was expecting it to not be that hard. It was fine until that part in the game. I think I would have managed it better if they had given us a health bar because that stupid blood spatter thing is unreliable and confusing. Sometimes I died before my screen began to get black and white.

I wonder if it's possible for them to give us a multiplayer map in the style of the end credits: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nbeRHJNhTw


Kuroyume said:
Sometimes I died before my screen began to get black and white.
Maybe one of the rockets hit a gas tank, which are implemented in the flame devices on the edge of the balcony with the guns/ammo. Killed me a couple of times on elite... :D


I've been playing multiplayer Bodycount and just blasting the new Mastodon so much lately. I want more maps already! Day one purchase.

So I've reached the highest rank, but when I see some other people's ranks, they have a box with a color around the General rank symbol. What does it mean?


TeTr1C said:
I've been playing multiplayer Bodycount and just blasting the new Mastodon so much lately. I want more maps already! Day one purchase.

So I've reached the highest rank, but when I see some other people's ranks, they have a box with a color around the General rank symbol. What does it mean?

means they are better then you (valor ribbons).
In my case, I am better then 97% of the people playing the game. As indicated by my purple e-peen valor ribbon.


°°ToMmY°° said:
any new content for K2 announced at GDC?
Not really sure but Gametrailers have an exclusive on anything Killzone 2. It will tomorrow so they might reveal information about the first DLC or something.


Dirtbag said:
means they are better then you (valor ribbons).
In my case, I am better then 97% of the people playing the game. As indicated by my purple e-peen valor ribbon.

Not really, just means they play the game more than you. I don't have any of those, but I seem able to hold my own against most GAF'ers. Not even General yet, but a couple hundred more points to go.


JardeL said:
Server name , password please :D ...

err i meant north america plays on north american time :p a bunch of GAFas play between 10pm EST and onwards (west coast comes on about 2 hours in I think).


Kittonwy said:
How u getz so much ptz?
One way to do it is to play on servers that are running the different modes at the longest time as possible. During the Capture and Hold and the Search and Destroy defend mission, if a Tactitian have placed good spawn points very close to one of the Capture and Hold and the Search and Destroy zones where there are much fighting going on, then you have the possibilty to score many points, at least if you have that badge that gives you 3 points for each kill within these zones instead of 2 points.

And then there are the 4 remaining modes as well where you can score some points. I also think your team must win to be able to get over 300 points in one game, or else you wont get the 1.5x multiplyer.

Unfortunately it is not possible to see which servers that are running the modes at the longest time as possible, unless the name of the server mention something about this.

The most points i have gotten on one of these servers are 309 points i think :)
Kittonwy said:
How u getz so much ptz?

With the 1.5x multiplier of course. It was a pistols only match but I wasn't the only one using the M4 and it was one of those games where you just seem to be in the mode. I kept using the blood pack on myself to keep my health up. Long games too.

Blood Gracht Battle Replay
(Pretty sure that's it, I wish they showed players stats in the battle replay)


I feel like drug addict who hasn't gotten his fix because I didn't play last night!

I'll be on for sure late tonight, hope some Gafers are on.


user friendly said:
With the 1.5x multiplier of course. It was a pistols only match but I wasn't the only one using the M4 and it was one of those games where you just seem to be in the mode. I kept using the blood pack on myself to keep my health up. Long games too.

Blood Gracht Battle Replay
(Pretty sure that's it, I wish they showed players stats in the battle replay)

Oh you can haz class, I see. That makes sense.
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