I don't like the melee animations, leaving aside that with the slowdown they're long and repetitive some of them just seem childish like the crotch stab attack while others don't look like they should really be instakills or like the knife should just bounce off. Maybe I notice it a lot because melee is really overpowered, anything within 2-3 meters can be instakilled with a press of the triangle button and a stupid touchscreen swipe (I'm a big proponent of new control methods and making actions in games more difficult but these swipes are completely trivial and add nothing to the game except the need for a slowdown during every melee animation). My first instinct when seeing a flamer dude is "charge and melee", not keeping a distance, that seems broken.
Other than the overpowered melee and my uncanny ability to always pick the wrong weapon from a crate before an encounter (switch from SMG to sniper rifle, next area is close combat. Finish that, switch back, next area is sniping...) it feels pretty generic and average. The mercenary thing feels like their attempt to make the game more portable friendly but since the missions aren't really bite-sized chunks that just seems badly executed. 20 minute missions with plenty of cutscenes and setpieces don't scream "replayability" to me.