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*KILLZONE - War is coming! Intro inside*


Chili Con Carnage!
Cool intro, anyone else get a big nazi/hitler vibe from it? particuarly from the setting with the rippling red flags, but also the seemingly weak, manipulative individual as the leader, and the idea of removing a people from all outsiders and bringing them back as a armed force. I know that theres still a lot of anti-german sentiment in the netherlands (half my family is dutch).


Chili Con Carnage!
no not at all. I didnt mean it has a blatent nazi overtone, i just think there might be a few too many parallels for it to be coincidence.

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
The developers themselfes said they wanted a game that looks and feels like WW1/2 with Futuristic Weaponry.

The Speech about being suppressed etc reminds me of Hitler.

Btw Awesome Intro


Mistaken iRobbery!
Very cool intro. That other mission video looks to be from the middle or end of the game though since the 4th character is shown with the pack.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
mrklaw said:
why not just buy ICO, and wait to play it on PS3 (if you plan to buy it)? Pick up Wanda later on too if you like.
Yeah, for starters I think I'll just go ahead and buy ICO. Looks like I can get it for $13 new. Then I'll just play it when I can, or wait down the line and get a PS2 cheap or maybe a PS3. Who knows, at least I'll have it.
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