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Kinda Funny Community Thread | The Fire Rises, Brother!


Surprised they didn't grill Shu more on the strange occurrences of that keynote

I thought they grilled them more than I anticipated. They brought up Crash shirt, PSN name change, Bend studio, and no Shu and first party. Keep in mind it was only 45 minutes panel.


I thought they grilled them more than I anticipated. They brought up Crash shirt, PSN name change, Bend studio, and no Shu and first party. Keep in mind it was only 45 minutes panel.

They didn't really pry though, they just mentioned it, laughed about it and moved on. Something definitely went tits up at the end of that keynote, the way it ended was bizarre


They didn't really pry though, they just mentioned it, laughed about it and moved on. Something definitely went tits up at the end of that keynote, the way it ended was bizarre

I agree but I think the tough grilling is going to be in next week podcast.


Could kinda tell something's been up with Colin, mainly a few weeks or so back. I can relate recently myself though so my best goes out to him.


Lol why you don't like him?

He's overly annoying, pompous and just generally an irritating person.
I guess this is gonna be the norm with GoG and Gamescast shows, have a few weeks where they're on their own and the episodes are enjoyable, then have a few where they have annoying guests. More power to them, I'll just watch some old episodes.


I do very much prefer when it's just the 4 of them compared to having a guest on, especially for the GoG and the Gamescast. The flow of the show is just much better imo because of the rapport they have with each other, the only guest appearances I've really dug were either people like Alfredo or Alexis, or when Troy Baker was on. Having guests of PS I Love You would be cool though and work well because the show has a consistent set up.

Also, I realized lately how much I enjoy having Nick on the shows, he never fails to make me laugh

Good GameOverGreggy Show episode. Had no idea Colin broke up with his girlfriend.

What Is Real Friendship? - The GameOverGreggy Show Ep. 106 (Pt. 3)

Jeez and I thought that he talking about a previous girlfriend or something from back in the day not his current one. Damn Colin sending good vibes your way man we're all here for you


I do very much prefer when it's just the 4 of them compared to having a guest on, especially for the GoG and the Gamescast. The flow of the show is just much better imo because of the rapport they have with each other, the only guest appearances I've really dug were either people like Alfredo or Alexis, or when Troy Baker was on. Having guests of PS I Love You would be cool though and work well because the show has a consistent set up.
I thought I preferred it being just the 4 of them until recently when I found myself getting really bored of the same thing every week (since they've had less guests than in the past). At the start of the year/end of 2014 they had a really good run of guests like Dave Fennoy, Felicia Day, Rob Paulsen, Adam Sessler and Lorne Lanning. I found the Filthy Casual episode really refreshing just having two guests so I'm hoping they continue having good guests on for a while.
So, here I am, in the year 2016, feeling nostalgic for the 1990s. So naturally, like any good Canadian, I start watching random Bare Naked Ladies videos on YouTube (the voice of the mid-late 90s in Canada). One of their newer videos pop up, but before I have the chance to switch to a 90s song, I notice Greg fucking Miller is in the video?! Must be the Rooster Teeth connection but still random as hell. Looks like the video is from 2012, I would have been listening to every episode of Beyond released that year but I don't ever remember him mentioning this. Has he brought this up on a GameOverGreggy show before?


So something seems to be planned for the one year anniversary and it might just be about that animated series thing we were hearing about a while back :p
Kinda Funny: The Animated Series - Episode 1: "Politically Correct Dodgeball"

It's short but fun! Looks like all the money they raise in January will go towards the continuation of this series. Their Patreon page has been updated with a new funding goal chart for the series as well as a letter from Greg:


So, if you didn't catch Colin & Greg Live today, you might've missed that tomorrow (Tuesday, 1/5) is going to be insane. It's our 1-year anniversary, and we have tons of crap planned.

- At 9 a.m., we're debuting the pilot for Kinda Funny: The Animated Series.
- At 9 a.m., we're relaunching http://KindaFunny.com.
- At 10 a.m., we'll start streaming on http://twitch.tv/kindafunnygames and go until midnight.

Now, the stream is important because it isn't really about games. We're using it as a telethon for the Animated Series. Basically, we had so much fun with the pilot, we've budgeted a year of it and need your help to make it happen. So, as we raise money tomorrow, we'll be streaming and doing incredibly dumb shit to promote the show. Think of stuff like live versions of the shows you like, drinking, board games, waxing, and (of course) some video games. Add in stream milestones, giveaways, and so on.

Tomorrow will also see the revamp of our Patreon pages. Nothing TOO drastic. There will be new perks added, old perks moved in terms of pricing, and for the first time ever, one-month exclusive perks.

But this leads me to something we've been bad at: Patreon. This website has changed our lives, but we've definitely fallen behind on maintaining it the way it should be maintained -- communicating with you the way you should be communicated with.

2016 will change all of that. I literally just finished the new organization doc showing what's due and who's in our debt. Tim and I have created a Patreon day in our weekly schedule to make the content you're owed. (Every Thank You video owed will be out by the end of the month.) The final Sunday of every month will be when we post the exclusive episodes so there's no more guessing. The monthly Thank You Crawl will be standardized.

We're ready to act on all that we've learned.

One of the things I'm most proud of, however, will be that tomorrow, we'll date each and every Milestone you're owed from Year 1 of Kinda Funny. We'll tell you when to expect Colin's Oreo Oration, the PlayStation Let's Play Series, and so on. I'll try to get that up on here ASAP, but it's going to be a marathon, so it might have to wait until Wednesday.

Thank you for everything you've given us. We're forever in your debt, and we're excited to see how we're going to top an amazing 2015.

See you tomorrow! Greg
The animation style was cool, and I chuckled a bit. I'm just finding the whole concept to be a little... self serving. Maybe if they had created characters instead of just having it be about them, again. But maybe I'm just old, jaded, and cynical now.


The animation style was cool, and I chuckled a bit. I'm just finding the whole concept to be a little... self serving. Maybe if they had created characters instead of just having it be about them, again. But maybe I'm just old, jaded, and cynical now.
Yeah I agree. It was funny but it was their personalities amplified.
The animation style was cool, and I chuckled a bit. I'm just finding the whole concept to be a little... self serving. Maybe if they had created characters instead of just having it be about them, again. But maybe I'm just old, jaded, and cynical now.

Yeah I agree. It was funny but it was their personalities amplified.

This is kind of what they always said it would be though, right? Them all at the same high school as teenagers?

They're saying on the live-cast right now that they hope to bring in their voice actor friends to be involved. Hopefully that means goofier characters!


I wasn't impressed by the animated series pilot so I don't care to donate towards it but I know I'm in the minority.

This will also be a way for them to possibly (at least) double their Patreon income too because even though all the money from patrons this month goes towards the cartoon, from the next month on they will have far more subscribers.
This is kind of what they always said it would be though, right? Them all at the same high school as teenagers?

They're saying on the live-cast right now that they hope to bring in their voice actor friends to be involved. Hopefully that means goofier characters!

Sure? I haven't really heard them say anything about it since Kinda Funny Live. I'm not surprised by the concept, but I still think it's self serving. They're creators and I'm a fan of their work, and I think they're nice guys and I'm sure we'd be (actual) friends if we knew each other, but I'm not putting a poster of Greg Miller on my bedroom wall. He's just a guy. Maybe I'd put a poster of a PS I Love You logo or wear a t-shirt that says one of their jokes, but that's about the content, not the individual. Content over the individual. I don't believe in worshipping celebrities, and I definitely don't think we should be worshipping guys who's entire shtick is doing podcasts that's like listening to your friends talk (except they're usually more well informed, and you have a pause button).
I hope I'm not being too negative and I hope, for their sake, it's successful. I just feel like it's them trying to celebrate their celebrity, rather than trying to create something because they have a really great idea. I don't have an issue with directors like Peter Jackson putting themselves in their movies briefly, because Peter Jackson isn't making movies about himself
, he's making bad movies about Hobbits
. I think Ken Levine makes great games, but he's not making games about Ken Levine and I wouldn't ever want him to. IGN wouldn't produce an animated TV show on Daemon Hatfield or Jose Otero. When Matt Groening based The Simpsons off his own family, he took inspiration but he didn't name the son Matt.
There's no reason they couldn't have written their own characters, maybe the Timmy Tommy family, or something less terrible, and voiced all the characters, and done a show on that. But as it is, it just sort of feels like ego stroking and attention seeking. Maybe that wasn't the intention, but that's how it comes across to me.
Yeah I agree. It was funny but it was their personalities amplified.

Well, that was always the point.

Something seemed awkward about it though. I still enjoyed it a lot and am looking forward to more. I think it's awesome either way because it's the Kinda Funny people in cartoon form. Though I dunno if that's something I would watch if I weren't a huge fan of everyone involved lol


Animated pilot was great. Colin stole the show :p

This is kind of what they always said it would be though, right? Them all at the same high school as teenagers?

They're saying on the live-cast right now that they hope to bring in their voice actor friends to be involved. Hopefully that means goofier characters!

Maybe they can just get Troy Baker to do all the voices :D


Animated pilot was awesome (the Walken bit killed me)

Upped my pledge to help make more happen.

Edit: Didn't even realize that was Troy Baker as Walken, awesome stuff


Was actually going to pledge in the $3000 tier cause hey rather meet/talk to the Kinda Funny Crew and at the same time get something I have been working on Sponsored so its a win win. Saw they changed the pledge to $5000 its now out of my range but considering how much they have grown is pretty understandable, maybe next time guys =(
I thought Colin's characterization of himself was very reminiscent of Brian from Family Guy (well, obviously with very differing political viewpoints).


That 3 hour long GoG show was pretty crazy lol, starting to think they really do straight up hate english people now though


What happened that makes you say that?

They just went off on the english for like 20 minutes, and then random other little insults here and there for the next hour or so. It's probably just in jest but there definitely comes a time when it's like... ok, we get it, really, we get it, you like making fun of us or you really don't like us, either way it's a bit much lately. Maybe I'm just taking it to heart and I'm being a whiny little bitch though.
They just went off on the english for like 20 minutes, and then random other little insults here and there for the next hour or so. It's probably just in jest but there definitely comes a time when it's like... ok, we get it, really, we get it, you like making fun of us or you really don't like us, either way it's a bit much lately. Maybe I'm just taking it to heart and I'm being a whiny little bitch though.

Yeah, I've noticed that too. They're usually fairly respectful to Canada (my country), but sometimes their attitudes towards other countries, especially the UK, just comes across as mean spirited. I mean, they'll tell you "oh we're just joking around" but at the end of the day Greg is still the guy who thought New Zealand was in Europe, so I'm questionable how much respect and knowledge he has for anything that's outside of the US.
It just reminds me of that Game Over Greggy show topic awhile back, I believe it was about why other countries hate the US, and their response was "well we're all just so proud".... like the rest of us aren't??


Yeah, I've noticed that too. They're usually fairly respectful to Canada (my country), but sometimes their attitudes towards other countries, especially the UK, just comes across as mean spirited. I mean, they'll tell you "oh we're just joking around" but at the end of the day Greg is still the guy who thought New Zealand was in Europe, so I'm questionable how much respect and knowledge he has for anything that's outside of the US.
It just reminds me of that Game Over Greggy show topic awhile back, I believe it was about why other countries hate the US, and their response was "well we're all just so proud".... like the rest of us aren't??
Yeah and on Colin and Greg Live about a month ago they were talking about game censorship, and the topic of game censorship in Australia (Hotline Miami 2) came up and Colin said "Australia has different values than we do in the United States about freedom of expression and about freedom of speech clearly. And I couldn't imagine living in a country like that." Generalising an entire country because of a stupid decision made by the Australian games rating board that most Australian gamers were against. It made me lose respect for Colin.


The "we just are all proud" and "we are patriotic people" are one of the worst things that Greg has ever said. Quite frankly every time they talk about other countries they mess it up and I usually tune out of these topics.


Yeah and on Colin and Greg Live about a month ago they were talking about game censorship, and the topic of game censorship in Australia (Hotline Miami 2) came up and Colin said "Australia has different values than we do in the United States about freedom of expression and about freedom of speech clearly. And I couldn't imagine living in a country like that." Generalising an entire country because of a stupid decision made by the Australian games rating board that most Australian gamers were against. It made me lose respect for Colin.

Colin is great at talking about video game news, which is why I tune in, but he definitely has that narrow American view on the rest of the world. I know some of it is part of his character but the rest definitely isn't.

He seems like a thoughtful person but he has his blinders on these subjects. If he looked at the statistics that show countries like Australia having a much higher freedom index then the US, he would realize the US is a lot less free then "those socialist countries".
The "we just are all proud" and "we are patriotic people" are one of the worst things that Greg has ever said. Quite frankly every time they talk about other countries they mess it up and I usually tune out of these topics.

It's all in jest, just like whenever someone like Gary Whitta is on and Greg says "can you taste the patriotism" or something like that.
Meh I disagreed with their latest episode I think this is the best years of gaming and I think it's expected that every new gen will be the best gen. I think there is too much nostalgic when talking about games, I don't see how Mario 3 is the golden standard for a game. It runs well (Collin's argument) because it isn't a complex game.


Wow someone decided to post the animated series to gaming side. I already knew that wouldn't go over well...

Mostly because the series requires previous knowledge of their personalities, so it's not too surprising. Hopefully when they do longer episodes they can do a more developed story which is less reliant on in-jokes (even though I enjoy them). The sniping in that thread about patreon is dumb as rocks though
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