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Kinda Funny Community Thread | The Fire Rises, Brother!

Meh. In that specific instance he was wrong. You can pick the bad apples and take that as a reason to bail, but than it would be hard to do anything on the net. The amount of valid criticsm in that instance was a large part of that thread leading up to his rant and bail.

The way I see it, one valid criticism/correction is fine, five are fine, so and and so forth. When nearly everyone is criticizing/correcting you (even respectfully, as most were), that can seem very overwhelming. Almost none of the criticisms/corrections were deep cuts, but 100 small, normally harmless, cuts can be just as much a pain. Then coupled with the bad apples that were there, its easy to just bail and never look behind. Everyone's entitled to their opinion about what's right, but if I were in Colin's place and I was hounded by criticism/corrections (most of it respectful), I would probably want to get away from it. Hopefully with Joey Noelle (their recently hired Community Manager) will pop in here often (she said Kinda Funny NeoGAF community is one of the communities she'll visit) and maybe, just maybe, Colin will appear once again.


Colin... I love him. He's the main reason I watch anything that they do. I identify with him. I don't always agree with him, but that's part of what makes him interesting. Some of my favorite moments are when Tim and Colin disagree with each other, definitely some of the more thought-provoking episodes. The Gamescast could use a little more of that. Looking forward to more of Colin Was Right as he works the kinks out.

They should be doing less shout-outs and instead be inclusive and try to address the community as a whole more. Shout-outs by name, when you hear the same handful of people over and over, makes things clique-ish and excludes people.

This is the only thing that bothers me. I teach 250 students. Do I have favorites? Yes. Are there some that I don't like? Of course. But I'd never say it to their face, and I try my best not to show preferential treatment. Unfortunately, KF doesn't seem to care for that kind of safeguarding. I have no problem with them having an inner circle, but it doesn't have to rubbed in my face constantly across every show that they do.
Colin was a complete baby in how he reacted to being called out on here for his blatant lies and misinformation that he spread about the PS4 Pro.


Colin was a complete baby in how he reacted to being called out on here for his blatant lies and misinformation that he spread about the PS4 Pro.

I think comments like this don't do anyone good, you made your point twice on the last page and no no one has acknowledged or commented on them, no new relation or *incident* has happened with Colin yet you find it necessary to bring the same shit up.


This is the only thing that bothers me. I teach 250 students. Do I have favorites? Yes. Are there some that I don't like? Of course. But I'd never say it to their face, and I try my best not to show preferential treatment. Unfortunately, KF doesn't seem to care for that kind of safeguarding. I have no problem with them having an inner circle, but it doesn't have to rubbed in my face constantly across every show that they do.

If you're talking about how they say they know someone I always took it as them trying to be transparent and avoiding the "gotcha!" youtube comments accusing them of expressing excitement over a project based on their relationship with the creators, not over the content itself.


After the automation topic last week, the Mexico topic this week.... It might be good for Colin to have that experience, really, I think he needs it. But it was hard to not see that topic as one cynical pile of ugh. I am not even neccessarily saying thinking those particular thoughts are wrong (or at the very least understandable), but man... with all their beliefs and habits we got to know over time, it just feels like bullshit.


Watching the latest morning show.. I think Nick would actually enjoy Shenmue you know, brilliant cinematography for a game :p


If you're talking about how they say they know someone I always took it as them trying to be transparent and avoiding the "gotcha!" youtube comments accusing them of expressing excitement over a project based on their relationship with the creators, not over the content itself.

No no, not that. I like that they do that. Jim Sterling does it, too. Everyone should.

I'm talking about how they favor a handful of fans and make it feel like there's some sort of inner circle that every one else is excluded from. My post will probably make more sense if you read the one that I quoted.
No no, not that. I like that they do that. Jim Sterling does it, too. Everyone should.

I'm talking about how they favor a handful of fans and make it feel like there's some sort of inner circle that every one else is excluded from. My post will probably make more sense if you read the one that I quoted.

I think they are working on fixing that. It's the reason they axed the Q&A. It was always the same main group of guys each month. They realized that many people who paid for the Q&A tier were simply not participating. Then they realized that maybe it was not at a good time of day for people and the dedicated fans who had time (or fans who were available) were really the only ones chiming in each time. That's why now you can submit a question (if you have the tier on Patreon) and a recorded video will go up. I think each KFer will have individual videos (no more group Q&A). This way, more patrons can participate and not have to worry about missing out. Personally, I think the video should be available to everybody, but the questions should remain reserved for patrons.
Really happy to Hear about Joey, I can assure everyone she is lovely but has a take no shit attitude i am sure she will present critasims to them, as for the ad reads it took a month because they agreed to do 2 ads for that month they are addressing it when they can.

KFL2 video omg its superb watched it 2 1/2 times already, damn i love reliving that amazing night, also I am all over the footage (not such a good thing hate what i am doing lol) Tims edit is sublime the effort to uses all the different footage is well worth the wait (but i had seen it live understand if you won't there might not feel that way).

FYI both Tom Hawkins and Pixelbrave have said the new editor will not be them (could be lying but doubt it).

Already started planning KFL3 trip and setting up a cocktail night of Friday in 3 places ranging from Nopa (very expensive) to an affordable option if anyone is intrested let me know Nopa places are going fast waiting on Erin to get back to me with suggestions for the other 2 as dont want to use Hardwater like last year.


This problem is further exacerbated by them seemingly being stuck in an echochamber of a particular brand of Kinda Funny Best Friend™ who never say anything negative about anything and ignore or shout down anyone who does. Greg seems to think a big problem with his community reach out effort is that he doesn't give enough shout-outs to people, which seems absurd to me personally. They should be doing less shout-outs and instead be inclusive and try to address the community as a whole more. Shout-outs by name, when you hear the same handful of people over and over, makes things clique-ish and excludes people.

Couldn't agree more...the community is filled with too many people who take 2,245 selfies in their KF gear, talk about personal interactions they've had with the guys as if to stick it to others, makes 500 FB posts a day kissing each other's asses, and generally just do what they can to get themselves over at the behest of the community. It's really ridiculous and it's kinda (no pun intended) just made me feel quite indifferent to KF as a whole.

Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of their content but it just doesn't feel the same as when Podcast Beyond became a thing....

Also when they announced changes were being made to their Patreon I was excited because I was hoping they'd do away with all their "pay to play tiers" but alas they didn't and that's disappointing as hell. Those are absolute garbage and don't belong anywhere near a community where everyone is supposedly "best friends" and equals...it instantly divides the community and is just flat grimy to me.


The FB group is in flames and instead of lurking like I do 99% of the time, in there firing bullets lol...some attitudes on there are just infuriating...


What's happening? That's the closed group right?

A well respected and liked member, Jeff Vance, got perma banned for posting "meta posts" over a Nedry meme about PC gaming...well it's an uproar now and people are going apeshit lol.

A lot of the long standing problems with KF are being discussed and brought up and it's being met mostly with a tough shit, deal with it attitude or don't like it leave basically.

It's a clusterfuck...


Here's a Reddit thread that dives into it...
Yeah, you know... I'm not sure how I feel on the general vibe I got from a lot of the KF community...

That might be why they wanted to hire a community manager to help cool things down when things get tense. I'm not on Facebook, so I don't know, but were any of the guys active over there. It might be just me, but whenever I hear about Facebook groups in general, its usually regarding how they are sort of outdated and archaic, yet have users who refuse to move on to other social media platforms.


It doesn't matter who they hire if the continual burying of head in sand about long standing issues continue....and that's exactly what's happening.

This FB blow up is just a microcosm of it....
I just confirmed with Greg on twitter that the new Ask Kinda Funny videos are available to everyone when they post. The ability to ask questions are what's locked behind a Patreon tier. I'm glad. I was afraid the videos would also be locked behind the tier.

Edit- Greg is doing a Reddit AMA right now: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/5n7cjn/im_greg_miller_ceo_of_kinda_funny_trending_gamer/

Edit 2-

Does Greg still visit here or did he quit?

He probably posted here less than Colin. The most recent time he posted was to clear the air about his Geoff Keighley interview, which afterwards, someone posted a thread about a joke Greg made regarding covering PS4 Pro seriously. That blew up more than it should have.


He probably posted here less than Colin. The most recent time he posted was to clear the air about his Geoff Keighley interview, which afterwards, someone posted a thread about a joke Greg made regarding covering PS4 Pro seriously. That blew up more than it should have.

Not surprising if the dude doesn't post anymore those last two threads were garbage tier of miss quoting and just piling on for no reason. especially the vita relocation thread.
Not surprising if the dude doesn't post anymore those last two threads were garbage tier of miss quoting and just piling on for no reason. especially the vita relocation thread.

Man.... that thread.... Greg said today in the Reddit AMA he's only received 3 Vitas so far.


Man.... that thread.... Greg said today in the Reddit AMA he's only received 3 Vitas so far.

I mean im shocked but also not shocked? People that listen to KF/PS most likely use their Vita's they ain't giving them up, and the rest are just shit talkers complaining or frankly would rather get $80 or whatever as a trade in then give it to someone that would use it. Sad to see a great idea not end up working.
Im really skeptical of just how useful a community manager will be. I'm happy that she's on the team now but I'm not sure how much it will help things. I'm not personally on board a lot of the negative critisism against them as of late. I just feel like Joey trying to interact to that kind of thing will just get her dogpiled on, but I'm not sure how she plans on responding to the community so idk.

Like, imagine her posting in the PSILY thread... Maybe she'll just avoid this place lol. Or at least primarily stick to this thread.


That facebook group has been in trouble for a while now. It always happens with large groups though and admins who think they're holier than thou.
That facebook group has been in trouble for a while now. It always happens with large groups though and admins who think they're holier than thou.

That's kind of the Kinda Funny fanbase in a nutshell. Shawn Finnigan, Amy Gills, Trevor Starkey, even Joey Noelle, all have that attitude.


Really considering pulling my Patreon $$$ and just bailing...shit is just beyond old. Only sticking around for Tim honestly, love his work.

Got more into EA and love what they do, back into GB too....I loved what Kinda Funny was before it was Kinda Funny.

I saw the writing on the wall when they broke off and decided to monetize themselves...just was hoping it wouldn't turn what it's turned into.

Oh well, life goes on....
I'm not sure what part of a fb group being awful and cultish would be surprising to anyone, I'm yet to ever be directed to a fb group unless it's been to see something completely absurd. The whole 'best friends' stuff has always seemed weird to me, but that's just a peeve of mine.

I still watch their stuff a little bit when I see something that I think could be interesting but I pulled my money a fair while ago, the format just lends to feeling like so much of whats spoken about is regurgitated from previous stuff, so many of the same stories used as examples over different topics e.t.c.

I thought Colin & Greg live was by far the best thing they had going on since it was much more spontaneous and wasn't following a formula that's as susceptible to repetition, and I guess it's still more or less the same thing but yeh nothing they really do seems like I have to go and watch it like I used to considering everything else that's out there.
I've been watching the Kinda Funny Morning Show for the first time in a very long time now that it's being posted to YouTube, and damn everybody was right, this is easily the best show they produce. The guys always sound engaged and interested when doing it. Compare that to Gamescast or even sometimes GameOverGreggy and it's night and day.
Going through the Kinda Funny Live 2 video.

I'm so excited for Taco & Bell, whenever that happens. How has no one been talking about that? I'm sure if I followed KFL2 as it was going I would have heard of the announcement, but I haven't heard anything about it at all from the community. I didn't even know it was actually going to be a thing until yesterday when I got to that part.

A buddy cop series with Tim & Nick? Come on, that's gold.
Going through the Kinda Funny Live 2 video.

I'm so excited for Taco & Bell, whenever that happens. How has no one been talking about that? I'm sure if I followed KFL2 as it was going I would have heard of the announcement, but I haven't heard anything about it at all from the community. I didn't even know it was actually going to be a thing until yesterday when I got to that part.

A buddy cop series with Tim & Nick? Come on, that's gold.

I really don't know what to expect with that thing! What's neat, though, is that it canonically exists in the world of Kinda Funny TAS and is animated Nick and Tim's favorite show.
They've managed to keep this quiet about it so far. I bet you the release date is going to be revealed at KFL2, while showing a more substantial clip.

It must be so much for for them to plan some of this stuff lol.
That's kind of the Kinda Funny fanbase in a nutshell. Shawn Finnigan, Amy Gills, Trevor Starkey, even Joey Noelle, all have that attitude.

I can't speak for Shawn Finnegan (plus he was friends with them well before KF or even convisation with Colin) might mean Pitts but Amy, Trevor and Joey have always been really nice to me and have never seen even a glimor of upttyness from them, but I understand that they get a lot of messages across mutliple places so dont expect a reply straight away/1st time. These people all have real jobs aswell as dedicating a lot of their free time to the community. I really do think we should be thanking these people that you listed (not taking about facebook never login to the site and never really got into the group) they do a hell of a lot for the community.

But hey people would probably class me as the problem as went to KFL2 (from the UK) and meet everyone including mods and KF guys and spent most my time with Frank (articsloth). Then there are things like I have been name dropped on GOG even before my question was read (Kinda Hunnies one) get comments read on C&G semi regularly (but rarely comment unless have something important to say), I semi regularly get retweeted by the guys and the guys know me by name based on handle or face, but I am not a mod. Okay that might sound like a brag was not intended that way and intentionally cut some stuff, it was for context.

For those intrested and wanting to become more know it's not hard and does not require approval for Mods or any elite class, this is my story.

Up until the game awards 2015 I was a very silent member of the comunity sometime would be in the C&G chat and might of had a forum account but barely used it. Then i joined twitter just to send Greg the Nicole Tan video from her pax panel, since then I have intracted mainly on there but have also used the forums from time to time. My intention has always been to have fun, talk to people and cultivate a nice feed, never really in it for followers or shout outs etc. I tweet about myslef and tweet things i think my followers would like, so mainly KF but gaming, tv, films and also Bar Tender At Large/Mid life ballers, but also reply to people don't just watch, and most importantly I use the same picture I have on here, this meant a KFL2 so many people came up and said hi that i had no idea who they were as had photos that did not clearly show them or not them at all, Greg even complimented me on it saying it was good cause he could recognise me. I got more heavily involved when i decided to do an pretty epic trip for KFL2, organising a Cocktail evening on the Friday night at hardwater and tweeting my trip, which gained me a fair few follower, but had been growing before and after so don't think that is the only reason, was doing well before and since then have been steadly growing too, i don't do any follow me stuff or follow loads of people for the follow back, it has all been really organic and something I have enjoyed doing. Anyway thats my story if you are feeling left why not try doing similar, take cool screenshots and tag the guys from time to time, reply when you have something funny to add but don't just do it to get there attention do it for you, also be friendly and don't be rude expecially to Colin (or might get blocked) and try to engage with other members of the community and not just the "famous" ones, does not take much effort to do.

My motivation has been to connect with people at no point have i been trying to get a job, or become part of a in crowd etc, I have never seen the admins or anyone else actaully trying to get a job, well think thearticsloth has asked a few times but those are jokes usually followed by a nude/sexual comment, Frank is funny.

I don't understand the anger/hate for the mods in offical chanels (again NOT talking about Facebook dont know who they are and whats happened) that suddenly has come up these are really nice people that give up so much of their free time to make the community better.


Neo Member
Edit: Nothing matters.

Best new change though is that private RSS link. Seriously.
I do hope an editor will take a lot off the guys plates.



I really don’t understand Colin’s overall point of this. He’s saying that there are a ton of shit games available on every platform, but doesn’t explain what that’s a bad thing in the long run. So bad games get released, and people (most of the time) don’t play/buy them. Who cares?

He says “the stores need to be held accountable for the quality”, but doesn’t explain why. Any band, no matter how good or bad, can get their music on iTunes and Spotify. And I don’t know what the process for getting a movie on iTunes is, but considering how many new films flood it each weak (and how low budget some of them clearly are), it doesn’t appear to be a herculean task either.

The idea of a “Quality Committee” is truly terrible, and something I would actively think is a bad move. He himself stated that he believes good games will eventually find an audience, so what’s the problem?
I haven't listened to the episode yet but if Colin is referring to his argument he was making a few weeks ago during the whole I Am Mayo conversation he's absolutely right. There used to be a time of quality control for PSN and XBL back in the day and some form of curation. It lets the consumer know that they can implicitly trust in what they're buying. When there is no quality control or curation (ie indie steam and mobile games) you get a lot of nonsense with no guarantee it'll work properly or even be real. Or you get clicker games built to pop trophies. Caveat emptor I suppose but is that attitude you want from your game service or any entity you purchase from?

Again, I haven't listened to the episode yet so I could be on a different tangent altogether and if so, just ignore this.


Colin making an analogy of our current games market to the crash of the 80s is such a silly thing to do. No aspect of the modern day industry is comparable to that of the mid 80s, so saying they'll suffer a similar fate is hilariously presumptuous.

Colin is also being oblivious to the fact that some developers are incredibly green, and the sheer idea of a first-time developer not being able to release a game (even if they fully don't expect it to sell well) because a "committee" didn't deem it worthy is alarmingly discouraging. The modern day landscape absolutely allows more poor games to flood the market, but it also allows inexperienced developers to receive feedback, criticism, potential for exposure, and even a small amount of money that can all be put towards making the next game better. Even if the game sells 50 copies, that's a couple hundred bucks that can be put back into the work.

Colin is arguing to instill roadblocks that would actively discourage a massive swath of developers, and discourage experimentation and trying new things. Why would a young developer be truly daring with their game (something like Frog Fractions) if they knew there was a committee that probably wouldn't get it and waste all of the work?
I haven't listened to the episode yet but if Colin is referring to his argument he was making a few weeks ago during the whole I Am Mayo conversation he's absolutely right. There used to be a time of quality control for PSN and XBL back in the day and some form of curation. It lets the consumer know that they can implicitly trust in what they're buying. When there is no quality control or curation (ie indie steam and mobile games) you get a lot of nonsense with no guarantee it'll work properly or even be real. Or you get clicker games built to pop trophies. Caveat emptor I suppose but is that attitude you want from your game service or any entity you purchase from?

Again, I haven't listened to the episode yet so I could be on a different tangent altogether and if so, just ignore this.

This is exactly what he's saying and I agree.
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