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King Arthur

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DJ Sl4m

BuddyChrist83 said:
I don't know if I'm more confused by your use of code, or of calling Spiderman 2 "sissy."

Besides, your generalization about the ending is a tad off-base.

It probably is off base, honestly I'm just digging for another reason to dislike it, besides the spiderman charachter, tobey, and that trashy chick ;p
During the first fight scene in King Arthur, I couldn't resist. I leaned over to my friend and said,



Gold Member
Ninja Scooter said:
she looks like Natalie Portman's bizzaro twin.

Which is why she played one of Padme's Handmaidens in Episode I. That whole time when the queen was in that black outfit with the feather headress? That was Keira not Natalie Portman. When they were in the queen makeup, their mothers couldn't tell them apart.

In fact, due to how bitchy Natalie Portman was on set and how much of an asshole her father was, Lucas was very very very close to re-casting Keira as Padme in the middle of the shoot.

I just saw King Arthur and I must say...

Keira Knightley sponge bath = :D
There's an interesting article in the new Entertainment Weekly (Brando tribute on the cover) that sheds some light on where King Arthur may have gone wrong. :\

If I'm remembering what I read correctly, this was originally supposed to be an R-rated, violence-filled "dark" film scheduled for release in the fall/winter movie season. But when Disney found itself without a "tentpole" film for the summer, they bumped King Arthur's release date up to July, leaving its cast and crew scrambling to finish on time. And as they were shooting the movie, Fuqua and the producers were being told by Disney to make King Arthur into a more accessible film, to earn that coveted PG-13 rating. As a result, a lot of the more violent stuff (like numerous decapitation scenes) started getting cut, and scenes were being rewritten and reshot to change the tone of the film. R-rated violence got excised entirely, as did more slowly-developing plot points and a love triangle between Guinevere, Lancelot, and Arthur. They even went so far as to change the ending to better suit test audience reactions.

From the article, it seemed like Fuqua wasn't very happy with the way this film turned out. And apparently, Bruckheimer can sympathize, because he's pushed Disney into planning to release the Fuqua's original, R-rated version on DVD.

EDIT: And according to the article, Knightley's battle garb was altered to show off more skin because she worked so hard on her abs in training for the film.


Spike Spiegel said:
There's an interesting article in the new Entertainment Weekly (Brando tribute on the cover) that sheds some light on where King Arthur may have gone wrong. :\

If I'm remembering what I read correctly, this was originally supposed to be an R-rated, violence-filled "dark" film scheduled for release in the fall/winter movie season. But when Disney found itself without a "tentpole" film for the summer, they bumped King Arthur's release date up to July, leaving its cast and crew scrambling to finish on time. And as they were shooting the movie, Fuqua and the producers were being told by Disney to make King Arthur into a more accessible film, to earn that coveted PG-13 rating. As a result, a lot of the more violent stuff (like numerous decapitation scenes) started getting cut, and scenes were being rewritten and reshot to change the tone of the film. R-rated violence got excised entirely, as did more slowly-developing plot points and a love triangle between Guinevere, Lancelot, and Arthur. They even went so far as to change the ending to better suit test audience reactions.

From the article, it seemed like Fuqua wasn't very happy with the way this film turned out. And apparently, Bruckheimer can sympathize, because he's pushed Disney into planning to release the Fuqua's original, R-rated version on DVD.

EDIT: And according to the article, Knightley's battle garb was altered to show off more skin because she worked so hard on her abs in training for the film.

Sigh it happened again, and this time with no Johnny Depp to save them. He should have been Merlin.


Chili Con Carnage!
It freaks me out that Kiera is a year younger than me...mainly because im so attracted to her.

She did look a hell of a lot like Portman, less so now though


The DVD version will undoubtedly be awesome, but the version I saw was definitely pretty violent. They may have edited out some blood, but the sound effects and the fight choreography make it pretty gruesome at some points


Chili Con Carnage!
Got to see the film today (gotta love having friends work at cinemas, i dont even have to download them anymore!). I liked it, gotta say that i thought Clive Owen was shit as the king though i just didnt buy it at all. Everyone else was great, loved the humour, the battles were great, CG is nice and all (i know there was some in this film) but you cant be a good live action battle, and thats what this has.


Yeah, really. She would be every little boy's heart throb if she only had boobies.

EDIT: Is that the movie poster juxtaposed with an actual screen from the movie?


needs to show more effort.
Arthur and Guinevere were my whole problem with the movie =\

any scene focused on them was absolutely boring. Any scene not focused on them was great. I especially liked all the knights talking/arguing to show off their different personalities, and then when they fight you can see those personalities through their fighting style.

I only wish there had been more battles scenes like the first one. I grew bored of seeing knights on horseback running down enemies on foot. That and arrow shooting were just boring. The opening scene though, when they fought on foot, you could really see the differences in their fighting styles. Like how Lancelot is more focused on just killing, a couple of the others were more brutal, and Tristram fought in a much more elegant style. If there had been a lot more of that I would have loved the movie.

The leader of The saxons was also quite awesome. Best character of the movie.


Chili Con Carnage!
The leader of The saxons was also quite awesome. Best character of the movie.

I agree, "Finally, a man worth killing" was the best line in the film

Did they ever mention his name though? lol


I saw the movie tonight. I thought it was pretty good, not as good as I expected though. The best scene in the movie must be the ice fight. Damn, great looking visuals! And at the end when Arthur rides out (at the door with all the fog/smoke) was really nice. He really looked cool with the Roman armor. It made me wanna go play Eternal Darkness again :)

Anyway, I'd rate it 3/5. Go see it.

Mejilan said:
How's the music?
Good. It reminds alot of Pirates of the Caribbean (maybe it's the same composer?)


Just an FYI, I read on thedigitalbits that Antoine Fuqa is really working on an R rated version of the movie for DVD release. He is going to make the movie what is was supposed to be, before Disney stepped in and said, "Hey we dont have a summer blockbuster, lets finish this shit, make it PG-13, and release it". So hopefully the movie will be better on DVD than in the theaters.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Thanks DeepThroat.

PotC was composed by Klaus Badelt, and supervised by Hans Zimmer, IIRC.

I have no intention of seeing the movie, but I think I'll buy the soundtrack. Heh.


This movie sux. Can't believe I spent 50 cent to burn it into CDs. The scene on the frozen lake was just stupid even for me. All they had to do was break up the ice after they crossed over it, but no we gotta have a scene where 10 guys tries to kill 500ish instead.

And, by the way, skinny women have no / tiny breast. If they are big, it's either stuff / pushup bra or fake. Do people not understand that breasts are made of fat deposits? If they are not fat, there will be no breasts.
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