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King of Fighters XIV Roster Discussion thread. Leaked roster in first post


Is this the same godsgarden channel, or another one? *Trying to look through them all*

Same Godsgarden channel.

They only have one stream set up and the rest are off stream.

I'm just translating and providing the players on the bracket and on the screen since I made the tournament thread this weekend and I feel obligated to provide information since people are interested.

They're getting ready for Best 8 in this block right now.


Sketchbook Picasso
Shun: Ok, thanks! Just making sure I'm not missing a stream of a different set of machines or something. Appreciate the work and running back-and-forth between threads!


Sketchbook Picasso
That Choi play looked a LOT like Justin Wong's Rufus! XD

Geeze that was properly annoying. And I'm pretty sure most of those combos were just RUSH? Simple and effective.


Sketchbook Picasso
The best thing about all this Choi.... is that he has a blue pants / white & red Shirt "Where's Waldo" alt color. I can deal with that.
  • Weird Size
  • Annoying
  • Dive kicks
  • Has a Tornado Move
  • Easy combos into Super
This all sounds familiar...


Sketchbook Picasso
I love Ryo's new normal forward throw. It has that perfect KoF Roll-Shenanigans-On-Wakeup spacing that should see a lot of use... even though it's just a basic throw.


Was siiiiiiiick

I like how short and hard hitting the combos feel.

Yeah. So far, it looks like this game is striking the right balance between letting you be able to style, but not turning into a long combo game, either. I'm loving it.

I love Ryo's new normal forward throw. It has that perfect KoF Roll-Shenanigans-On-Wakeup spacing that should see a lot of use... even though it's just a basic throw.

I just love the way it animates. For years in the MVS sprite era, Ryo had that take down throw. Now, he's just punching fools in the face and letting them crumple where they stand.

Alas, I think that lets me out. 2:30 here, and I've been pulling all nighters this week. King Dino and pals understand.


Sketchbook Picasso
Yay for competent Vice play! And we got to see her Climax actually land. Since cancelling into DM isn't such a rare thing anymore, it'll be nice to land Overkill off of Shoulder Tackle->Splash more regularly now.

Oh yeah, and also loved the showing we got of EX PSYCHO BALL + EX INSTANT TRANSMI- I mean, teleport, for Athena.

LoL, I love how disrespectfully Kim's air Phoenix Kick SLAMS you back to the ground.


Kim having a different animation for his super depending on whether it's done in the air or the ground is so cool, did not expect them to go the extra step.


Sketchbook Picasso


LoL, weak Phoenix Arrow recovers SO fast, she's just in perpetual magical idol beatdown mode.


Sketchbook Picasso
^Yeah, what you said, ha.

So the EXDM version of Kim's Houou Hiten Kyaku actually not just pops you up, but also violently slams you back down into a ground bounce. Cool, cool.


Sketchbook Picasso
Combos? Who needs them? I have a command cross=up and EX Ya Otome! This is... really all you need. ;)

Of course, even here, we WOULD have someone win with a Climax from Luong. Arigatou! (◔◡◔)


I really hope they can get some animation into Ryo and Kim's clothes before release. They look like they've been washed in a gallon of starch right now. Kim's pants especially, it's always been great seeing how they'd animate in each game. And in this one it's just like... they don't :(


Sketchbook Picasso
Heh, and just like that, the holes in Athena's offense are exposed!

... but thankfully, he's much more than a 1 tricky pony, and actually had ANOTHER trick to mix in that wasn't as easy to react to!

I love her teleport into command throw stuff. I felt like I never saw it enough in XIII. The rushin' Athena is real!

This still leaves me feeling that Vice needs more open up / chip damage tools again, however. SO MUCH of her actual damage depends on landing d+B or jump-ins...



I really hope they can get some animation into Ryo and Kim's clothes before release. They look like they've been washed in a gallon of starch right now. Kim's pants especially, it's always been great seeing how they'd animate in each game. And in this one it's just like... they don't :(

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