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Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance |OT| Sora is Everyone in Every Dimension


Boo. My order didn't ship today and I had it ordered for like a month. I did buy it from a giftcard on gamestop.com.

Not like I can play it for another 20 days anyway.
3-day shipping from NewEgg, and I get it today, release date anyway? And for $30 only?


Hyped to play it! And according to the demo, the combat's an extension of Birth By Sleep's combat so you know it'll be fun. :D


I've only played 2 hours, but so far I'm extremely impressed! The combat is awesome. There are so many different combos with the spirits that it's overwhelming. I want to make a lot of spirits, but I'm afraid that they will be too low level.

By the way, how do you use the treats and dyes that you buy for the spirits?


Proud Mode is the way to go :D

Just finished both sides of "La cité des cloches"/"The city of bells". Cue one interesting cutscene:
"Axel/Lea": (...) Where is Braig and... Isa.
Initially, my first reaction was "What. What ? o_O Just who the heck is this Isa ?", until I remembered that it was Saïx's human name. I thought for a second that there was another girl lurking in the shadows that no one knew about.

@Furry: Sure I do. It actually helps to unlock their skills (aka our skills), so I fed them until they explode. Actually, I don't really do that for all of them, but sometimes when I want to speed up things that's what I do, in order to unlock "red" skills and commands and quickly change for better spirits (though, I'm going to keep my HealBot for a while I think).
Got my copy.




So this game has an interior cover too. It's unbelievable that even Square Enix is putting more effort into its packages than NoA. D:

And there's a Club Nintendo code as well!
They did a reverse cover for Theatrhythm as well, and I wouldn't be surprised if Heroes of Ruin had one too.

Puts NoA to shame. Ugh :(

I've been waiting for my package for about 4 hours now... hope it gets here today


Unconfirmed Member
So after debating whether or not to pick up Kingdom Hearts 3D, I finally decided I would just cave and pick it up.

I loved Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 but I have a negative stigma towards the series since the portable titles. I'm completely out of touch with the story at this point to boot, since it's been like 7 years since I played Kingdom Hearts 2.

I never completed Chain of Memories or 358/2 Days and I haven't played Re:Coded nor have I played Birth By Sleep.

So, the justification for picking up Kingdom Hearts 3D was mainly that the series has always had a fun battle system, great characters and awesome worlds.

I was wondering what GAF thought about the plot tutorial/recaps they have for each of the previous games. Is it done well? Most of the reviews I read said it's great, while only a couple said it was useless.
I grabbed this game and a 3DS when I got off work today.

First impressions:

Man, that opening movie was great. I have to admit, I was really pumped up by the end of it. I love how it tied everything together.

The flow motion stuff is a lot of fun. It makes moving around a lot more enjoyable compared to previous games, and the combat applications seem cool so far.

I don't think I'll be able to compare this to Birth by Sleep until I get more abilities and further into the game. My brain keeps making negative comparisons and then I remember that I'm thinking of end game BBS abilities compared to the very start of 3D.

It's so nice to have a brand new Kingdom Hearts game in my hands. It almost feels weird to be playing as Sora again, rather than Roxas or Aqua or whoever.
I was wondering what GAF thought about the plot tutorial/recaps they have for each of the previous games. Is it done well? Most of the reviews I read said it's great, while only a couple said it was useless.

The recaps are actually pretty detailed and give a pretty good general idea of what goes down in each game. Of course, they're still no substitute for actually playing the games -- and if you can, I would at least play Birth by Sleep -- but they're pretty good, all things considered.

What I'd recommend doing if you care about being caught up on the story is reading GamesRadar's surprisingly well-done "Kingdom Hearts primer"/plot recap. It's a bit long (52 slides), but because of that it's also incredibly exhaustive and mostly accurate (only a scant couple inaccuracies from what I could tell). Here's the link if you're interested:


It's so nice to have a brand new Kingdom Hearts game in my hands. It almost feels weird to be playing as Sora again, rather than Roxas or Aqua or whoever.

This. I have no problem with Roxas, Aqua, or any of the other playable characters, but it's so nice and rewarding to just play as Sora again. And not Sora with a terrible card-based battle system, and not Data-Sora, but the actual Sora with all of his memories and experiences from KH I and II intact.

I do wish they didn't revert him back to his younger/kid form for this game, though. I know they can get away with it because he's dreaming, but playing as an older Sora in Kingdom Hearts II was so neat and felt more badass, and we still haven't gotten to do that again. I know we eventually will in KH III, but seriously, what was even the point of reverting Sora and Riku back to their younger forms for this game? In Re:coded it made sense since you were actually playing as a data version of KH I's Sora, but here it really doesn't.

And if this stuff is addressed in a plot reveal I haven't gotten to yet, then please refrain from posting spoilers. :p Thanks!


Unconfirmed Member
The recaps are actually pretty detailed and give a pretty good general idea of what goes down in each game. Of course, they're still no substitute for actually playing the games -- and if you can, I would at least play Birth by Sleep -- but they're pretty good, all things considered.

What I'd recommend doing if you care about being caught up on the story is reading GamesRadar's surprisingly well-done "Kingdom Hearts primer"/plot recap. It's a bit long (52 slides), but because of that it's also incredibly exhaustive and mostly accurate (only a scant couple inaccuracies from what I could tell). Here's the link if you're interested:


Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.

I actually don't have access to a PSP, so I probably won't get a chance to play Birth By Sleep unless it's released in a HD collection. I don't really want to pick up a handheld for one game lol. Maybe I can borrow it from someone.
This. I have no problem with Roxas, Aqua, or any of the other playable characters, but it's so nice and rewarding to just play as Sora again. And not Sora with a terrible card-based battle system, and not Data-Sora, but the actual Sora with all of his memories and experiences from KH I and II intact.

I actually like Roxas more than Sora, but I do like having the real Sora back again. It's nice to continue his story and have that familiarity of using Sora gain. There is something comforting about it, and makes things feel right.

Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.

I actually don't have access to a PSP, so I probably won't get a chance to play Birth By Sleep unless it's released in a HD collection. I don't really want to pick up a handheld for one game lol. Maybe I can borrow it from someone.

If you can, I'd recommend it. Birth by Sleep is easily the most enjoyable of the games to date (although I've only just started on this one, so I can't say for sure). It's probably not worth buying a system for if you don't want any other PSP games, but if you can borrow it, then go for it.

It's a ton of fun to play, and one of the most important games story wise. Also, you haven't lived until you've played on the command board.
Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.

I actually don't have access to a PSP, so I probably won't get a chance to play Birth By Sleep unless it's released in a HD collection. I don't really want to pick up a handheld for one game lol. Maybe I can borrow it from someone.

That's totally understandable. But yeah, if you can manage to borrow it from someone, I would recommend doing so -- not only is playing it instrumental to getting the whole picture on the series' story, gameplay-wise it's pretty much considered one of, if not the best games in the series.

Personally I think KH 3D's actual combat and gameplay are slightly better than BbS's (thanks to Flowmotion, mainly; the Spirit-based ability learning system is a step down), but BbS is an amazing game in its own right with possibly the best story content in the series. I can't speak for KH 3D on that statement, though, since I haven't finished it yet.


Played about two hours so far. I'm kind of overwhelmed with the amount of customization and free motion moves; the Dream Eater part is especially confusing. I kind of wish they eased you into it a bit more. Otherwise, I'm having a lot of fun!
Non-story Cite Des Cloches spoilers, but marking them anyway:

This Wargoyle segment is really starting to piss me off. I'm playing on Proud Mode, and this is the fourth time I've gotten to the end only for him to drop fire balls on me and take me out because there's no Aerial Recovery equivalent yet. Did this annoy anyone else?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Got my copy (MoM Edition) from Amazon today. Arrived together with Growlanser IV! :eek:
Very surprised to so both SE and CN registration codes in the box!
Started playing a few hours ago. The descriptions for the Dream Eaters in the journal are godlike.

Non-story Cite Des Cloches spoilers, but marking them anyway:

This Wargoyle segment is really starting to piss me off. I'm playing on Proud Mode, and this is the fourth time I've gotten to the end only for him to drop fire balls on me and take me out because there's no Aerial Recovery equivalent yet. Did this annoy anyone else?

Aerial Recovery occasionally shows up as a skill you can buy with drop points when you choose buffs/prizes to give to the other character when you switch characters.

Still, it hits ridiculously hard for a boss that early in the game.
Aerial Recovery occasionally shows up as a skill you can buy with drop points when you choose buffs/prizes to give to the other character when you switch characters.

Still, it hits ridiculously hard for a boss that early in the game.

It's a temporary drop ability? You can't just get it from the ability links with your Spirits?


It's a temporary drop ability? You can't just get it from the ability links with your Spirits?

It's also a reward for beating one of the portals in Traverse Town (I think). But to be honest I found it kinda useless here, you are vulnerable to damage far earlier than you are given control of the character again.


I like Sora's run animation in this game.

It's such a little thing, but I agree. The way Sora holds the keyblade when he's running and there's enemies around was one of my favorite little things about KHII. Glad "Lil Dream Sora" kept that animation, instead of his kinda doofy-looking KHI "crouchy" stances.

It's also a reward for beating one of the portals in Traverse Town (I think). But to be honest I found it kinda useless here, you are vulnerable to damage far earlier than you are given control of the character again.

How does Aerial Recovery even work in this game? In KHII you had a really easy to recognize "Knocked Back" pose, and it was basically second nature to recover and keep attacking, here I think I activated Aerial Recovery maybe twice, and both times were complete accidents - I just can't seem to find the right state/timing for it.
It's such a little thing, but I agree. The way Sora holds the keyblade when he's running and there's enemies around was one of my favorite little things about KHII. Glad "Lil Dream Sora" kept that animation, instead of his kinda doofy-looking KHI "crouchy" stances.

Totally agree with this. It's a little thing, but it's such a cool-looking running animation!
Picked up my Mark of Mastery Edition this afternoon. Put a couple hours into the game so far. Still in Traverse Town. Seeing TWEWY characters and music brought a smile to my face. I'm enjoying the combat so far. Flowmotion is lots of fun and I think a much better then the reaction command. Proud mode is giving me a bit of challenge, died a couple times already. The dream eaters have some interesting attacks that you need to watch out for. I look forward to playing more.


Tyranto Rex is one of the few monsters that has Once More. Second Chance is a bit more common, but still rare, I believe the flower DE has it. One of these guys had it, I think, probably the seal, so scan them:




How does Aerial Recovery even work in this game? In KHII you had a really easy to recognize "Knocked Back" pose, and it was basically second nature to recover and keep attacking, here I think I activated Aerial Recovery maybe twice, and both times were complete accidents - I just can't seem to find the right state/timing for it.

I'm not really sure either... As far as I could tell it's pretty much every time you get knocked back, but at an specific point of the fall.
Anyone? ;_;

I can't be sure which one because I don't have the game in front of me right now, but I recently got Second Chance from one of my Spirits' ability boards -- I think it was the flower-like Spirit, but I'm not totally sure. Either way, whichever Spirit it is, it's not a tough one to create because I haven't been specifically farming materials.

I have no idea where you can get Once More, though. I don't have it yet.
The R&R Seal has Second Chance, yeah. Tyranto Rex and Flowbermeow have Once More.

How does Aerial Recovery even work in this game? In KHII you had a really easy to recognize "Knocked Back" pose, and it was basically second nature to recover and keep attacking, here I think I activated Aerial Recovery maybe twice, and both times were complete accidents - I just can't seem to find the right state/timing for it.
It seems to have lost the 1-2 seconds of invulnerability it had from KHII, so that's probably why it seems harder to use. You're probably better of using the reprisal commands like Revenge Raid.


tagged by Blackace
First hour and a half impressions. Disclaimer: this is my first KH.

The pacing of the game is very odd. Lengthy cutscenes followed by more tutorials and repeat. They shove stuff at you very fast, and the game has been a continuous stream of tutorials thus far, with not very much free space to get accustomed to whatever they've just taught you. On top of that and the story, it is very overwhelming for a new player trying to make sense of everything "and why." It gives a great promise of depth though, without it mechanically seeming overwhelming overall.

I appreciate the glossary and it's pun-fest. It helps a lot considering I'm genuinely interested in the plot. The charm is the hook and the glossary is the line at the moment. Them adding to this frequently much like the Mass Effect codex makes it cool for me.

Love the menus, the UI, the aesthetics, and pretty much everything else. Still fumbling with the controls and the command deck but all will come in due time. I think the command deck use on-the-fly is pretty unintuitive though, I don't expect it to get any easier. Surprisingly, the camera isn't as much of a nuisance as I expected it to be the first time I played the demo. Haven't experimented much, but can I guard or roll-cancel my attacks?

The 3D is particularly good, even in subtle ways during cutscenes. Not always so overt, and that's why I like it. Really draws you in.

Is it also weird that I just want to collect a bazillion keyblades as my primary goal going throughout this game? D:


Unconfirmed Member
That's totally understandable. But yeah, if you can manage to borrow it from someone, I would recommend doing so -- not only is playing it instrumental to getting the whole picture on the series' story, gameplay-wise it's pretty much considered one of, if not the best games in the series.

Personally I think KH 3D's actual combat and gameplay are slightly better than BbS's (thanks to Flowmotion, mainly; the Spirit-based ability learning system is a step down), but BbS is an amazing game in its own right with possibly the best story content in the series. I can't speak for KH 3D on that statement, though, since I haven't finished it yet.

OK so I just read that whole Games Radar article. It was pretty helpful, though I'm still a bit confused. It's a lot to take in considering I haven't really been heavily invested in the franchise for 7 years or so.

I know a few people that own a PSP and Birth By Sleep, so I might be able to play it. It always looked great to me, I just couldn't justify myself buying a PSP for one game; outside of Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, I can't say I'm interested in much PSP software (sorry to say, it was a pretty cool device).
If you don't have the AR cards, you can scan by viewing this page on your computer and scanning the ar card images that Peff posted.

I did. I just mean its same kinda bullshit like preorder bonuses. Scanning AR cards for special monsters with seemingly uber good ability boards for early game is stupid.

My game came with some weird ass AR card with multiple Dream Eaters on the cover and I got some lizard that wasn't even on it lol.

Edit: It actually IS on it. It shows 3 dream eaters. Special lizard, panda and dog.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
So, I've never played a Kingdom Hearts game before. Is this an alright to start on, or should I really reconsider?
How do you scan the cards? Does scanning them just give you their recipes or what?

Take your 3DS, go to the spirits menu and just aim the camera on the images on this thread/cards that came with the game. You get the dream eater immidiately, not just recipes.

That blue crab thing has friggin Dark Firaga as its first ability lol. In BBS it was like one of 3 late game spells for Terra.

So, I've never played a Kingdom Hearts game before. Is this an alright to start on, or should I really reconsider?

If you don't care that much about story and just want a fun game then sure.
I did. I just mean its same kinda bullshit like preorder bonuses. Scanning AR cards for special monsters with seemingly uber good ability boards for early game is stupid.

My game came with some weird ass AR card with multiple Dream Eaters on the cover and I got some lizard that wasn't even on it lol.

Edit: It actually IS on it. It shows 3 dream eaters. Special lizard, panda and dog.

Yeah, you randomly obtain one of those three the first time you scan it. I got Sudo Neku as well.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Take your 3DS, go to the spirits menu and just aim the camera on the images on this thread/cards that came with the game. You get the dream eater immidiately, not just recipes.

If you don't care that much about story and just want a fun game then sure.

I guess I care about the story a bit, but not enough to play seven games beforehand. What if I only played Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2?
I guess I care about the story a bit, but not enough to play seven games beforehand. What if I only played Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2?

If its possible it would be best to play KH1, 2 and BBS. They are the 3 main games before this one and most important to the plot. Also they are the best ones along with this.
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