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Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Screens ++





Looks great. If only it played better at E3, the demo was clunky and way more confusing in execution than it needed to be.


I'm amazed at what they're pumping out of the gameboy advance. I think my interest just went from not giving a damn to actually wanting to see this turn out good.


So how's this play exactly? Looks sorta like MegaMan Battle Network to me?

Oh, and I'd much rather be getting Slime Morimori. :(
It's sort of an action RPG. The cards show you what your next attack is going to be, and enemy cards show their defense, so if you're smart you can plan out how to best attack. You can also just ignore the cards, from the demo at E3.

Said demo, as was mentioned, was confusing and poorly put together. Didn't leave me with a great impression of the game, and I hope the final product doesn't turn out that way. After Sword of Mana, though, I'm not overly optimistic.


From my brief hands-on, it plays a lot like the PS2 game in 2D form. Hack & slash regenerating monsters, support characters, control combos for magic, etc. The main problem in the demo was that it was confusing how to proceed through the game... The action area was about 2 to 3 GBA screens long. In other words, you only scrolled a small distance to either side before reaching a dead end, upon which Sora & friends were teleported into another small area.

I kept clearing each screen of enemies and then the game would warp me back to the other zone, complete with more regenerating enemies. Going between the same two zones got old fast, but the game was in a beta stage and still in Japanese text if I remember correctly. I'm sure there was more to it, but most all of the impressions I've read on forums mirrored the confusion I felt in one way or another.

The small 2 or 3 screen-long areas instead of larger side-scrolling levels is the most troubling aspect, if it's a design decision that remains in the final game and not just a feature of the E3 demo.


"The action area was about 2 to 3 GBA screens long. In other words, you only scrolled a small distance to either side before reaching a dead end, upon which Sora & friends were teleported into another small area. "

How is this is different from the absurdly claustrophobic PS2 game?


The fact the demo was entirely Japanese didnt help. But I didnt like the game one bit at E3. Great graphics though, definitely.
Drinky Crow said:
Can we PLEASE just let the Kingdom Hearts franchise DIE?

For the love of God and all that is Holy, YES. I can't think of another more hideous franchise crossover mistakes ever, EVER to have happened.

It's like the culmination of all that's wrong with the gaming industry.


Dragona Akehi said:
For the love of God and all that is Holy, YES. I can't think of another more hideous franchise crossover mistakes ever, EVER to have happened.

It's like the culmination of all that's wrong with the gaming industry.

I don't mind the crossover, I just thought the first game played like shit...


I can't say anything else about the demo that hasn't already been said. The entire thing was just confusing, and left me with the impression that exploration and fighting are actually seperate engines...I'd run around for a few and then be thrown into a battle. After escaping or winning, it was a rinse-rather-repeat kinda thing.

My favorite part of Kingdom Hearts was the fact that battle and exploration were (almost) seamlessly integrated - no jarring change to another environment. I felt that was really well done.
Culex said:
This has a Beyond Oasis look to it, which is a good thing.

To, me Beyond Oasis looked better to me. Plus why do so many games these day have to use cards for a battle. I myself would have prefered this to be like the old snes Game Secret of Mana.
I'm not fond of the Disney characters and it's hard to get excited about a visually uninspired GBA game. I guess I've just indulged myself in the best and now I expect the best. This game gets a big meh.
Littleberu said:
Why don't you just IGNORE the games then? Vivre et laisser vivre.

Nono, that's too much for him. We've all learned that he prefers to take a more vocal standpoint on such matters. Now, take your own advice and just ignore him, most people tend to.


i'll concur that the dungeons seemed rather, um, meh at E3.

i was especially not impressed with the fact that i got to the end but i wasn't allowed to move into the last segment until i got some card that let me go through the last door, so i had to backtrack. and it's all random.

but the mechanics are good. i'd say it actually has better gameplay mechanics than the PS2 original based on the 15 minutes i played at E3. the card system doesn't hold back the action but it seems to actually offer some strategy to the hack & slash, which is nice. certainly something the PS2 version didn't have (much strategy, that is.) the PS2 version was fairly mediocre from a gameplay perspective, i'd say.
Prince of Space said:
Is this just the PS2 game on GBA with card battles and some "hints" at what's to come in KHII? Every screenshot says it is...

No it's Kingdom Hearts 1.5 basically. It's a new game but its basically there to set up KH2.
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