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Kingdom Hearts Community Thread: Now everybody can be a Keyblade Wielder!


She had one line in BBS where I felt her delivery actually sounded natural: the scene where Eraqus tells her Terra needs to be watched for signs of corruption and she says to herself:

"He's not as weak as you think."

Honestly, I think it's the same issue they had with KH2 Aerith: voice direction trying to make them sound more demure than they're comfortable with, and it shows in how they deliver their lines. Though I suppose a better actress would be able to take that direction and turn in a more convincing performance. Shame.


She had one line in BBS where I felt her delivery actually sounded natural: the scene where Eraqus tells her Terra needs to be watched for signs of corruption and she says to herself:

"He's not as weak as you think."

Honestly, I think it's the same issue they had with KH2 Aerith: voice direction trying to make them sound more demure than they're comfortable with, and it shows in how they deliver their lines. Though I suppose a better actress would be able to take that direction and turn in a more convincing performance. Shame.

There are times when Willa absolutely nails it, but it's much more miss than hit. And in a series where 99% of the actors are absolutely killing it (Jesse, HJO, David Gallagher, Hayden, Hamill, Nemoy, Lee, all of Disney) the bad sticks out more. KH2 Aerith, Aqua,and Terra are the only voices I have a problem with, though I wonder if the actors just didn't know how "big deal" this was. Like, did their agent say "hey, there's this little PSP game that they are interested in hiring you for" or "you've been picked to star in the newest entry of a series that has sold 25 million copies"?

What really sucks is that Aqua is by far one of my favorite characters in the series (behind Kairi) and I want her voice to be just as great.


I liked Willa as Aqua, but yeah I agree on her lines beingmore miss than hit but when she nails it she really nails it.

With that said though I absolutely loved Japanese Aqua and Terras Japanese voice acting in Birth By Sleep. Terras in particular was much more notable to me going from Ryotaro Okiayu's to Jason Dohring's. With that said though Ryotaro's had way way more Voice Acting expirence in both Anime and Video Games under his belt than Jason, so that's no suprise. I still enjoyed both of them in spite of that.

Tai Yasue confirms that the horde that Aqua fights is the weakest of the bunch. Further in KINGDOM HEARTS 0.2 Birth by Sleep – A Fragmentary Passage – there is a stronger horde of Shadows that wlll come to fight Aqua as she moves further into the Realm of Darkness.

As Aqua continues down this path she encounters more worlds based on Disney properties. These worlds have not been revealed but somewhere amongst them is a more ferocious Heartless Swarm to battle. No doubt this will surely put Aqua to the test.


Well that confirms it wont just be the Castle of Dreams we'll be exploring, that makes me happy that we'll be getting more world variety. The more and more I hear about 0.2, the less it sounds like a taste of 3 before it comes and its own Kingdom Hearts expirence, a short title of sorts. That makes me quite happy, if it's like that i'm sure it'll be meaty enough in story and content that i'll be satified with it. The E3 gameplay already has me wanting to play it.
I'm kinda scared that in 6 months we might be able to draw conclusions if KH3 combat is heading towards being garbage or awesome.

Currently it looks fun at least but there are quite a few mechanics I want to try out myself. One big question is how MP is going to work. Now that Cure doesn't deplete the whole bar are we going back to KH1 style of healing? Does the MP regenerate? What does this mean for the future of #teamstaff?


I hope Neo is powerful enough to handle KH3 in 1080p 60fps. That could make the first play through even more amazing than it's going to be.


I quite enjoy the effort they went to with adding effects to spells. Stuff like stunning enemys with Thundaga, leaving a trail to ride on with Blizzaga sound like such minor stuff but are great stepups on effects that add to the gameplay on the new engine.

I dunno if we'll be able to fully judge 3's combat from 0.2 though, it feels morelike a combination of Birth By Sleep Aquas gameplay mixed with the battlesystem of 3 with added stuff added in like command styles in a smaller area and more overpowerered stuff to startoff with versus 3 which will probably have much slower progession and skillgain. (shotlocks looked less overpowered aswell, which is a good sign for me on balance)

With that said though the game looks like a ton of fun and we'll at least be able to get at least some idea of how 3 will play from it.
Currently it looks fun at least but there are quite a few mechanics I want to try out myself. One big question is how MP is going to work. Now that Cure doesn't deplete the whole bar are we going back to KH1 style of healing? Does the MP regenerate? What does this mean for the future of #teamstaff?
Looking at the demo gameplay it looked like Aqua gained MP and HP orbs from defeated enemys and the only items are high potions in that portion of the game, so I assume it's going to mostly boil down to that for 0.2 at least. Not sure what they'll do for 3 though.
I hope Neo is powerful enough to handle KH3 in 1080p 60fps. That could make the first play through even more amazing than it's going to be.
It's wishful thinking but i'd love it if the PS4 could pull it off in 1080p 60fps, if only because I don't wanna go buying a new console just so I can play KH3 in 60fps.

I'd totally do it though knowing me.


It's wishful thinking but i'd love it if the PS4 could pull it off in 1080p 60fps, if only because I don't wanna go buying a new console just so I can play KH3 in 60fps.

I'd totally do it though knowing me.
Yeah there's no way the base PS4 version will run at 1080 60 sadly (unless they downgrade the visuals heavily or something). I will probably end up picking up a Neo to play enhanced versions of games like Horizon, GoW, FFVIIR, Spider-Man etc. so an improved KH3 being part of the value of buying it would be awesome.
Scorpio at the very least should unless they totally botch the port.
Scorpio could definitely be the best version but maybe they put no effort into the Xbox One version in the first place considering it only exists because of how SE/people thought the console market was gonna be this gen. It would make the Scorpio somewhat tempting for me if it had the only 60fps version of KH3, but that alone still wouldn't be enough for me to buy it.



Well that confirms it wont just be the Castle of Dreams we'll be exploring, that makes me happy that we'll be getting more world variety. The more and more I hear about 0.2, the less it sounds like a taste of 3 before it comes and its own Kingdom Hearts expirence, a short title of sorts. That makes me quite happy, if it's like that i'm sure it'll be meaty enough in story and content that i'll be satified with it. The E3 gameplay already has me wanting to play it.

Now begins the speculation: what other worlds are we expecting to see in 0.2? Considering that at this point in time (as it were) in the Realm of Light, Maleficent is directing an army of Heartless to invade many worlds looking for the Princesses of Heart. No doubt Enchanted Dominion has already fallen, so that's a likely candidate. Beast's Castle is another. Also I feel we're likely to see a new world that might rear itself again in KH3.


Now begins the speculation: what other worlds are we expecting to see in 0.2? Considering that at this point in time (as it were) in the Realm of Light, Maleficent is directing an army of Heartless to invade many worlds looking for the Princesses of Heart. No doubt Enchanted Dominion has already fallen, so that's a likely candidate. Beast's Castle is another. Also I feel we're likely to see a new world that might rear itself again in KH3.

Since 0.2 should overlap with the original game, I believe Dwarf Woodlands is fair game.


Found a full video of the E3 demo of 0.2. I saw a couple of things.


There are situation commands that you can activate with Triangle to do a style change when you meet the requirements, instead of it happening automatically like in BBS.

Aqua runs so fast, that she's gliding.

Curaga doesn't use the entire MP gauge.
Found a full video of the E3 demo of 0.2. I saw a couple of things.


There are situation commands that you can activate with Triangle to do a style change when you meet the requirements, instead of it happening automatically like in BBS.

Aqua runs so fast, that she's gliding.

Curaga doesn't use the entire MP gauge.

Just noticed the MP charge from KH2 is back.

I just think there is one big issue with it: MP should regenerate outside of it. KH2 has that awkward moment when you are almost out of MP and pretty much stop spellcasting until you need Cure because your MP is completely static during it. Just have the gauge slowly fill up (speed depending on abilities equipped/enemies hit with melee) pls thx.

MP charge should be this risk/reward thing where you cannot cast spells during it but you get max MP much faster than normal regen.


Y'all are missing the really obvious one.
It's so obvious it doesn't even need to be mentioned.

Just noticed the MP charge from KH2 is back.

I just think there is one big issue with it: MP should regenerate outside of it. KH2 has that awkward moment when you are almost out of MP and pretty much stop spellcasting until you need Cure because your MP is completely static during it. Just have the gauge slowly fill up (speed depending on abilities equipped/enemies hit with melee) pls thx.

MP charge should be this risk/reward thing where you cannot cast spells during it but you get max MP much faster than normal regen.

Seems like they need to justify having Ether as an item still.
I like how Shadows now become an actual, you know, shadow instead of just a flat texture when they hide in the ground.

I'm still a bit iffy on how fast Aqua runs (especially when going uphill and the animation+speed stay the same). It looks a bit silly considering there is faster ways of travel like the ice slide and air slide if needed. I suppose it makes sense if KH3 features much more open areas.


Cure better not cost all your MP again or I'm gonna rage.

Some Dipshit Inevitably said:
you shouldn't rely on cure, there's so much magic at your disposal if you used that you wouldn't be in danger
oh shut the hell up, i vary my magic and drive uses, that doesn't change the fact that when my HP is really low, I can't be killed off with one more hit. Cure costing all your MP is so unreasonable, especially when the reason it costed so much in KH2 was because it healed your whole team and half the time they were useless.


It's so obvious it doesn't even need to be mentioned.



Aqua's expression changes when she enters combat.


I thought that was a possibility at first but we kinda already had that as the final showdown area in KH1.

So? it wasn't even the real Destiny Islands and we've had
The World That Never Was as a finale area twice, thrice if you could the Riku vs. Roxas fight in Days
and yet we've never even seen the main island outside of cutscenes in KH2


I thought that was a possibility at first but we kinda already had that as the final showdown area in KH1.

I just think making a Destiny Islands transition to Dark Margin is just a Nomura thing to do. And it would be amazing to revisit the dark version of DI in UE4 graphics.

But I think the "worlds" will probably end up being Enchanted Kingdom, Dwarf Woodlands (the forest area) and Castle of Dreams (the bridge to the castle), with the final showdown being in Daybreak Town.


Dwarf Woodlands forest in The Realm of Darkness would be fantastic atmosphere wise. Going by them including the town from Cinderella 2 in The Castle of Dreams world in 0.2. Also gotta second Daybreak Town being the final world, it's such a Nomura thing to do
An oh GOD please let Shotlocks be more of a bonus spice into the combat instead of the nuclear weapon it is in BBS.
From the gameplay footage i've seen it seems like it's much more harder to max lock, maintain (because the timing to hit each time is much much faster, so your combo breaks easier) and slower so I think they've nerfed it thankfully.
I just think making a Destiny Islands transition to Dark Margin is just a Nomura thing to do. And it would be amazing to revisit the dark version of DI in UE4 graphics.
I'd also be okay with this.


—It was extremely fresh seeing Ephemera and the Foretellers in CG with voice acting in KHχ Back Cover.

Nomura: Just like KH0.2, it uses techniques from KH3. You can go ahead and think of KH3's cutscenes as looking pretty much like that.

—Was the black coated figure the Master of the Foretellers?

Nomura: Yes, that's right. He's a figure with a characteristic mood, and he calls Master Ira of Unicornis "Iracchi*", and Master Aced of Ursus "Acedon*" (laughs).

[*Translator note: very cutesy suffixes, something like Iwa and Acie]

—Iracchi and Acedon... goodbye, Foreteller image (laughs). The other day, the smartphone version KH Unchained χ hit four million downloads across Japan and North America, didn't it

Nomura: It is especially popular overseas, it seems. When the North American version was released, there was a huge response from Europeans wanting a supported release in Europe, so I'm as happy as can be.

—That's because there are KH fans all over the world, isn't it? On the other hand, you announced termination of the PC version of KHχ.

Nomura: I've just finished writing the scenario. After a mad scramble every day (dry laugh). Up until now, what amounts to one scenario has been being released divided into two.The final chapter will be composed of two separate installments, a first and second half, and has been from the start. The split with KH Unchained χ is coming soon, too.

—A distinct split...!?

Nomura: I expect the servers will close in September, about a month after the final story update has been released. It's fairly easy to play KHχ now, so I'd like you to take this chance to push forward in the story.

—What's going to happen with KH Unchained χ, I wonder.

Nomura: We are focusing on managing it for a long time, so we are considering new worlds, and a story plan is coming along. The story of KHχ will conclude, but in KH Unchained χ there will be new developments… the beginning of the story of 'season two', so to speak.

—Does that mean that KH Unchained χ, the one that will continue longer, will be the more 'official' history?

Nomura: The nature of the connection between the two worlds is something I can't talk about in specifics yet.

—We are interested in what will happen to the characters Ephemer and Skuld, and whether they will appear in future titles in the series.

Nomura: I wonder (laughs). First of all, as for KHχ and KH Unchained χ Season 1, the actions of the Foretellers are important. I really hope you see it for yourself.

Oh. So once again, [chi] and Unchained are confirmed as separate entries


If Unchained is refered as to Season 1+2 and they are going to add new worlds after Chi shuts down I think that pretty much confirms that
Chi is the one recreating the events (be it in a virtual simulation or in the realm of sleep) of Unchained, and not the other way around like some speculated.

I also think that they plan on updating Unchained until KH3 is near to be released. I have the theory that the Chi season 1 finale will reveal Ephemera's true identity and explain
that we're playing a reality inside another reality
, Unchained up to Back Cover/season 2 will deal with the consequences, Back Cover will reveal the MoM's identity and how the story ends for the foretellers and we will be left with some plot points to be resolved in season 3, which will extend until KH3 hits.


If Unchained is refered as to Season 1+2 and they are going to add new worlds after Chi shuts down I think that pretty much confirms that
Chi is the one recreating the events (be it in a virtual simulation or in the realm of sleep) of Unchained, and not the other way around like some speculated.

I also think that they plan on updating Unchained until KH3 is near to be released. I have the theory that the Chi season 1 finale will reveal Ephemera's true identity and explain
that we're playing a reality inside another reality
, Unchained up to Back Cover/season 2 will deal with the consequences, Back Cover will reveal the MoM's identity and how the story ends for the foretellers and we will be left with some plot points to be resolved in season 3, which will extend until KH3 hits.

There is literally a line referring to Unchained as a dream state.

Ava said:
I believe he spoke to this child from another plane, a released state known as 'unchained'. I believe that if this child is connected to Ephemera inside their dreams, it means that they too will draw close to the other plane.

That was when Ephemera was invaded our (and Skuld's) dreams.

Also, they were always planning on having [chi] and Unchained; they were going to do both at the same time, but they decided to work on [chi] first.


I'm sad I have to catchup on Unchained just to enjoy the full story.

I'm having fun with Chi all the time, but unchained is only fun in short bursts.


So western fans still only get one part of the story. Thanks Nomura you unnecessarily complicate the story just to provide longevity. So cheap and he shouldn't get praised for it

Two thirds.
And it's not like you can't play the game, nor is it like you can't get the story. Don't blame Nomura, blame the western browser game market collapsing. They were making the English version.

Also, you're complaining about a free game.


So western fans still only get one part of the story. Thanks Nomura you unnecessarily complicate the story just to provide longevity. So cheap and he shouldn't get praised for it

The only thing we will miss is the Chi ending, which will be the only thing different to Unchained Chi. And that ending will likely be incorporated as an explanation in Unchained. I'm not mad about it.


The only thing we will miss is the Chi ending, which will be the only thing different to Unchained Chi. And that ending will likely be incorporated as an explanation in Unchained. I'm not mad about it.

Unless you were Nomura's editor for the game's final draft, I wouldn't go around making absolute statements. There has already been divergence in the two; the only question is about the full split.


With Kingdom Hearts 2.8 coming out soon, I bought today Kingdom Hearts 1.5 & 2.5. I dusted off and connected my PS3 to replay these games again.

I am having a HUGE issues with the graphics and textures messing up. Even the captions have messed up. I have textures that don't load, textures that mess up and even entire level doesn't load. Also, I have had the game take forever on a load screen twice with the the heart logo on the bottom right spinning. I had to quit and relaunch the game. Is this normal? Did I buy a bad copy off of Amazon? Is there even a fix?

Take a look. http://imgur.com/a/RlV0E


With Kingdom Hearts 2.8 coming out soon, I bought today Kingdom Hearts 1.5 & 2.5. I dusted off and connected my PS3 to replay these games again.

I am having a HUGE issues with the graphics and textures messing up. Even the captions have messed up. I have textures that don't load, textures that mess up and even entire level doesn't load. Also, I have had the game take forever on a load screen twice with the the heart logo on the bottom right spinning. I had to quit and relaunch the game. Is this normal? Did I buy a bad copy off of Amazon? Is there even a fix?

Take a look. http://imgur.com/a/RlV0E
I have never seen this before.

It's most likely a bad disc. Can you exchange it?


With Kingdom Hearts 2.8 coming out soon, I bought today Kingdom Hearts 1.5 & 2.5. I dusted off and connected my PS3 to replay these games again.

I am having a HUGE issues with the graphics and textures messing up. Even the captions have messed up. I have textures that don't load, textures that mess up and even entire level doesn't load. Also, I have had the game take forever on a load screen twice with the the heart logo on the bottom right spinning. I had to quit and relaunch the game. Is this normal? Did I buy a bad copy off of Amazon? Is there even a fix?

Take a look. http://imgur.com/a/RlV0E

That's a remix alright.


With Kingdom Hearts 2.8 coming out soon, I bought today Kingdom Hearts 1.5 & 2.5. I dusted off and connected my PS3 to replay these games again.

I am having a HUGE issues with the graphics and textures messing up. Even the captions have messed up. I have textures that don't load, textures that mess up and even entire level doesn't load. Also, I have had the game take forever on a load screen twice with the the heart logo on the bottom right spinning. I had to quit and relaunch the game. Is this normal? Did I buy a bad copy off of Amazon? Is there even a fix?

Take a look. http://imgur.com/a/RlV0E

"Experience Kingdom Hearts like never before!"


You did a good job on those main gaming section KH threads Delaney :)

I find it amusing the same questions pop up every single Kingdom Hearts thread on the the main gaming section everytime without fail.
With Kingdom Hearts 2.8 coming out soon, I bought today Kingdom Hearts 1.5 & 2.5. I dusted off and connected my PS3 to replay these games again.

I am having a HUGE issues with the graphics and textures messing up. Even the captions have messed up. I have textures that don't load, textures that mess up and even entire level doesn't load. Also, I have had the game take forever on a load screen twice with the the heart logo on the bottom right spinning. I had to quit and relaunch the game. Is this normal? Did I buy a bad copy off of Amazon? Is there even a fix?

Take a look. http://imgur.com/a/RlV0E
There was a similar texture bug in the Japanese version of 2.5 where the textures wouldn't load properly similar to that, but a reboot fixed it. In that case, yeah, seems morelike a bad disk. Hopefully it turns out to be just that and the replacement works well!


Wasn't that wingdings?
Fuck no.
Most of them aren't even fonts. They are wholly created by SE and they fucking change them from game to game. It's actually super frustrating when you are trying to reproduce them. For reasons.

The menus are especially terribad. Fucking Square.


Fuck no.
Most of them aren't even fonts. They are wholly created by SE and they fucking change them from game to game. It's actually super frustrating when you are trying to reproduce them. For reasons.

The menus are especially terribad. Fucking Square.

so little grasshoper's issue has happened to people before?


Yeah I think y'all aren't meeting on the same page there.

You know what I miss? Keyblade length actually mattering in a fight. KH1 battles took reach into account, with some keyblades varying in length and making it easier/harder to tag enemies in battle. That kind of got lost when abilities made it so getting into mid-to-short-range immediately launched you towards the targeted enemy with a button press. Don't get me wrong, I like sliding into an enemy from a good few paces away just as much as the next guy, but a key (heh) component of choosing what weapon to bring into a fight was lost after KH1.

Or am I mistaken? Doesn't feel like BBS or DDD did anything to alleviate this.


I'm having way more fun with Unchained than I did with coded, 358/2D and 3D. If there was a premium version of the game compatible with consoles, it would compete with BBS as my favorite portable KH without doubt.

I just wish the story was better structured, though. Waiting until quest 350+ until Ephemer shows up is a mess. Let's not even talk about Skuld.

EDIT: By premium version I mean pay once and get everything at 1AP permanently, more daily jewels and some hub companion app for consoles/pc to store medals/save progress.

You did a good job on those main gaming section KH threads Delaney :)

I find it amusing the same questions pop up every single Kingdom Hearts thread on the the main gaming section everytime without fail.

Oh, thanks! And yeah, I'm thinking about including a FAQ in every new KH news thread I make, it saves a lot of post asking the same thing everytime.
Yeah I think y'all aren't meeting on the same page there.

You know what I miss? Keyblade length actually mattering in a fight. KH1 battles took reach into account, with some keyblades varying in length and making it easier/harder to tag enemies in battle. That kind of got lost when abilities made it so getting into mid-to-short-range immediately launched you towards the targeted enemy with a button press. Don't get me wrong, I like sliding into an enemy from a good few paces away just as much as the next guy, but a key (heh) component of choosing what weapon to bring into a fight was lost after KH1.

Or am I mistaken? Doesn't feel like BBS or DDD did anything to alleviate this.

Yeah, I miss that aspect of KH1's weapons, too. I think Re:Coded (and KHII, to a lesser extent) was probably the best post-KH1 attempt(s) to encourage experimenting with different keyblades
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