Speaking of JP after days of grinding I was finally able to mercy pull for Tifa & Aerith.
My last Seph Ex has almost max buffs. 7 power attack, 6 gen attack, 6 gen def down, and 6 power down. (When I use a friend Seph Ex, that one gets completely maxed out)
It's sad how much better my JP account is than my global account is... and I only have 20 days on my current JP account.
Going to grind more so I can pull for at least one key art air/bond/coming since it's cheaper to use than my current copy cat medal. (Figures cross I get air)
I really want the Dark Gnaw keyblade as well. So I need to start doing proud quests
Or maybe making for special events.

My last Seph Ex has almost max buffs. 7 power attack, 6 gen attack, 6 gen def down, and 6 power down. (When I use a friend Seph Ex, that one gets completely maxed out)
It's sad how much better my JP account is than my global account is... and I only have 20 days on my current JP account.
Going to grind more so I can pull for at least one key art air/bond/coming since it's cheaper to use than my current copy cat medal. (Figures cross I get air)
I really want the Dark Gnaw keyblade as well. So I need to start doing proud quests
I guess they scrapped the idea? Wonder why they would do that.Ever. It was in a graphic when they were advertising the new Union Cross update but the actual banner used in-game lacked the text and feature.
Or maybe making for special events.