Next week, balance be damnedWhen do you think we'll get Kairi EX in global?
Next week, balance be damnedWhen do you think we'll get Kairi EX in global?
Well she literally just came out and we're still quite far behind JP haha. Although we are speeding through medal releases right now. We'll have to see when Xion EX drops to determine how quick we'll get medalsSo in half a year? That seems reaaally far.
I actually think they're pretty good. If you don't abuse the system, which I'm sure they can check, they can help you out. Someone forgot to get the Gems from a VIP week once, submitted a ticket, and they got the Gems a little later. Can't remember how long it took them but it was a few days?
I haven't heard any stories of people getting fucked by their support so take it with a grain of salt.
Really? I heard they don't refund medals anymore for the most part if you put it in the wrong one.
Also deanote666 said its a one time thing.
Probably because of the trait system.
I was excited for about 1 minute. Got 0.2 Riku with 2 pips and thought that was one of the medals that would give the Mickey B if guilted. But it was Terra. -_-
Is it worth pulling for HD Xion if I can't guilt her? I need a better power medal *very* badly, but since Xion is just a copy medal, I don't know how much it'll help.
I was excited for about 1 minute. Got 0.2 Riku with 2 pips and thought that was one of the medals that would give the Mickey B if guilted. But it was Terra. -_-
Is it worth pulling for HD Xion if I can't guilt her? I need a better power medal *very* badly, but since Xion is just a copy medal, I don't know how much it'll help.
A guaranteed 3 pipped one is a pretty good investment. Not immediately useful if you don't have brooms or jewels/luck for another (mercy) Xion, but it's still one big step closer to having such a useful medal sometime in the future (whether from pulls or by FMBs) than leaving it at complete chance that you'd, at minimun, get two of them (one with 3 pips and one with 2) some other time.Is it worth pulling for HD Xion if I can't guilt her? I need a better power medal *very* badly, but since Xion is just a copy medal, I don't know how much it'll help.
How many FMB do you have?
With the new pet system, I feel like everyone should have HD Namine/Xion.
Yes, I'd for sure get Xion HD then. Pet system is going to make her amazing for friend medals. And for Coliseum, you could put on Stroke of Midnight or Treasure Trove in final slot.I have 8 FMB. Haven't used any that I've gotten so far.
Yes, I'd for sure get Xion HD then. Pet system is going to make her amazing for friend medals. And for Coliseum, you could put on Stroke of Midnight or Treasure Trove in final slot.
Also am just curious, are you F2P?
I'm not entirely F2P, but I've only paid a few times. I don't want to become a whale, so I only let myself go for it if the medal seems pretty extraordinary or covers one of my weak spots.
Getting this message on JP.
What's it mean?
I figured it out. My Starlight Keyblade was over cost.Idk, but what are you trying to do? I can maybe help.
Whenever our SENA overlords decide to bestow some upon us (usually during anniversaries of some sort, maybe a holiday, but generally just because)Any idea what opportunities we can expect to get more Magical Brooms outside of VIP specials?
7 is the tier in both versions (although JP has an additional Upright buff)Also, does anyone have the details on the maximum amount of Strength PSM Attack/Def buffs and debuffs that can be applied in the Global version versus the JP version?
Lastly, my Mickey and Friends medal says it has a 4.10x Damage multiplier, but when I'm in a stage, it's actually something like 10.25x. Any ideas as to why? Also, the medal ignores target's attributes... does that mean that if I debuff an enemy, the attack won't deal increased damage? Would the attack at least still benefit from buffs?
Hmm... at least Im not hurting for single-target medals now..
Seriously, why do Donald and Goofy look so awful here? Their KH3 models are like a million times better; they should've just used those.
Seriously, why do Donald and Goofy look so awful here? Their KH3 models are like a million times better; they should've just used those.
I don't see anything wrong. They look just like Donald and Goofy.
I don't see anything wrong. They look just like Donald and Goofy.
It's the exact same problem as Mickey's 0.2 medals:
They just look... wrong. Like they're made of clay or something.
The lightning in 0.2 was all fucked up. Everyone in that game look like that. Ven in Snow White's casket literally look like an unopened action figure >.>
I'm having a bit of a senior moment, here, but I just bought the VIP pack to splurge on KH 0.2 Kairi, maxed her out, and noticed that Pridelands Sora with Extra Attack can basically replace both KH2 Kairi and 0.2 Kairi, no? Sure, I lose out on HP recovery, and gain an extra 4 tiers of PSM Strength at the expense of 2x PSM Defense Debuff, but that seems like a fair exchange for the ability to stick a powerful medal in the second slot in place of 0.2 Kairi, no?
Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm wondering what the buzz about 0.2 Kairi was all about when Key Art #11 and Pridelands Sora seem to outdo her in a big way.
What is a boosted medal? I got a boosted Xion HD. Is that pretty rare?
What is a boosted medal? I got a boosted Xion HD. Is that pretty rare?
Jesus that last cutscene of this story update. That was something.
Jesus that last cutscene of this story update. That was something.
I... Uh... May have "accidentally" skipped it. Is there a cutscene viewer in the game?
I... Uh... May have "accidentally" skipped it. Is there a cutscene viewer in the game?
Leveling up to 350 in JP gets you a board w/ 5k jewels. No word on whether you have to spend avatar coins and how much.
Oh that's interesting
Leveling up to 350 in JP gets you a board w/ 5k jewels. No word on whether you have to spend avatar coins and how much.