Can you ev
en search for party names ? Are you able to send invites instead ? If so my ingame name is Korrop.
Even Jiminy Cricket looks smug in this game.
Blown away by how fun this game is and pretty.
you mean how he is all the time?
ID number is 1295 try that.
Edit: Stupid phone quoted wrong.
sent invite
im only gonna be on for a couple more min so ima prob give you lead if i can
My ID is 272
p.s. it bears repeating: If you have Power medals (since today's daily is Speed) it's completely worth it to watch your XP, and go do the daily to burn stam before you level up since it refills AP.
Lots of free mats.
p.s. it bears repeating: If you have Power medals (since today's daily is Speed) it's completely worth it to watch your XP, and go do the daily to burn stam before you level up since it refills AP.
Lots of free mats.
I understood some of these words.
With all These 3 Time pulls i want to do it also...But i Know i will get 3 3* xD
Does this game have special events for gatcha pulls? Or can we just spend our jewels whenever we want?
Can't be worse than mine. Got two 3* and Jiminy Cricket as a 4* . <.<
It is Worse....4* Mickey 3* sora 3* rikku. Rikku and Mickey Are dupes....good start
Can't be worse than mine. Got two 3* and Jiminy Cricket as a 4* . <.<
Please release it on EU before the month ends, I don't understand why this wasn't a simultaneous release.
I will restart the Game. My pull was to Bad and the gems are to important for that.😩Rikku is awesome, But i got her on the Story before so i guess i will get her again
But i'm Talking about rikkuits Riku not Rikku
i was playing along with your bad grammar lol
So I got the jewel for joint a group, but it looks like an error happened and I'm not actually part of a group van someone try inviting me again? ID is 101. Thanks!
Ah okay, thanks! I'll see if I can figure this outTried to send another invite, says one has already been sent.