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Kingdom Under Fire - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


"Given the Kingdom Under Fire series' inauspicious beginnings, it's really a great surprise to see that The Crusaders has turned out to be such a uniquely entertaining game. Make no mistake, though: This is not a game for everyone. You'll need a strong appreciation for hack-and-slash action, strategic warfare, and some light RPG elements to really enjoy the game. Moreover, the daunting learning curve may turn off all but the most committed tacticians. If you're willing to stick with it, though, The Crusaders offers some amazingly epic battles in the many missions spread across its four campaigns. Ultimately, this is the kind of rewarding gameplay experience that's worth putting in a little work for."

Musashi Wins!

1 vs. 1 deathmatch with armies. That gain their own experience online.

And there is content download for the future (what that holds I don't know).

Really excellent game, deserves this praise.


It's weird because this game was well-hyped when it first debuted, but then it just sorta went totally under the radar, even at E3.


miyuru said:
It's weird because this game was well-hyped when it first debuted, but then it just sorta went totally under the radar, even at E3.
Well, that was before Koie drove the action RTS genre into the ground by releasing the same game 27 times. :)

I'll be giving this a whirl whenever Outpost gets around to shipping my $26 copy.
It's a good game. I wouldn't call it a replacement for Dynasty Warriors, because the beat-em-up component isn't nearly as satisfying, but the RTS play compliments it nicely.

Kon Tiki

Unfortunately, the English voice acting is decidedly the weakest aspect of The Crusaders' sound. The main characters are usually passable, but some of the supporting characters are downright awful.

Damn. I thought that would of been fixed. The rest of the game is very fun.

Musashi Wins!

Society said:
Damn. I thought that would of been fixed. The rest of the game is very fun.

I've mentioned this before, but one nice fix is that the Korean voice acting is much better and available with subtitles.
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