Dr. Kitty Muffins
My copy has shipped! YES!
I pre-ordered this game early last year.lol
I pre-ordered this game early last year.lol
My copy has shipped! YES!
I pre-ordered this game early last year.lol
Since the Steam pre-load has now started and many PC bros have already played via Origin, here's a quick reminder of how to use the PC interface:
That was pretty damn cool Klyka. Since you are playing on PC, any tweaks you made to the game via the driver or any other software to make it look even better? Please share any of that info as well.
Potions absolutely break this game. Insta, no limit to carry, no drinking animation to stall character, super cheap.
Overlooked by big huge games
Steam download completed and ready to go! From what I understand, this unlocks at midnight, so being in california I have about 5 hours and around 23 minutes as of this posting. Can't wait to play and with SWTOR going down for maintenance, nothing to get in my way of playing!!
Again, if anyone wants to share Steam names for comparing Achievments my name is " Stateless " on Steam!
Are you playing on hard? And how are you making so much money to "potion spamming"?
Are you playing on hard? And how are you making so much money to "potion spamming"?
My copy has shipped! YES!
I pre-ordered this game early last year.lol
Any Steam owners of the game want to share usernames/add to friendslist just to compare achievements and whatnot?
My profile name on Steam is: Stateless
Do we have an exact time on when the embargo is lifted?
Any Steam owners of the game want to share usernames/add to friendslist just to compare achievements and whatnot?
My profile name on Steam is: Stateless
My Steam profile is [GAF]Keikaku
People like you should of got the game before everyone else imo![]()
Nah, I'm just a nut.
Speaking of steam... are out of couuntry steam users just fucked?
You know this is twice you've brought a game genre I had grown too disappointed to stick with to back to my attention with an incredible title. First Bioshock and now Reckoning. My life is better for this.
31% setup on steam so far. Cmooooooooooooooooon baby! I wants to screenshot.
I watched Curt mingle with the celebs and athletes the last few days. Really going through that "door to door" type of campaigning. Loving it. Even gave Tim Tebow a copy. Good on you!
Blackace, couldn't you do something proxy based? YOu're in Japan right? OR, in the Steam trade thread, there's a nice (UK based) user who is buying it for folks and taking PP funds since it's 47USD there. I had a similar hook up today but from a separate gaffer.
don't have PP.... wish I did.. FUCK want this on the PC
I'm Shaowebb on steam.
Using the calculator I got 91 finesse 21 sorcery 4 might. Finesse may go back up in my point distribution though to get better weapon stats. Haven't calculated my plus/minuses on this build. Idea is to use fire and lightning a lot in weapons and to use finesse boosts for my dodge and spacing game.
I want to cover as many targets as I can per attack and be able to run from anything in this game. Finesse with some magic lightly thrown in to up the weapon bonuses for certain weapons I'll forge and socket gems into seems the way to go for that.
BTW which stateless on steam? Theres a ton of em. Whats your avatar or whatever so we know who to friend request.
I don't get it. Rather than complain, why not stop using potions? You don't need he game to regulate you if you feel this way. It's a single player game .....
Just did all the stuff described in that one tweak thread on the official forums.
I force the following via my Nvidia drivers:
16x AF
32x AA
8x Transparency AA
High Quality Texture Filtering
Negative LOD bia = Clamp
Makes the game look pretty bling.
Also, here's my dude after 11hours of playtime:
I don't get it. Rather than complain, why not stop using potions? You don't need he game to regulate you if you feel this way. It's a single player game .....
Thank god! Selling loot in Skyrim was awful. Having to wait 48 hours in the middle of loot selling because the vendor is jack out of cash.
Pretty much this.
But hey, you will always find people who complain about things. Even if they are stupid (I'm not saying that the potion thing is).
I can relate to the feeling, despise the fact that this not bother me. But jeez, can't you get over it?
People failed to realize this: if you are SPAMMING potions, that means that you are in freaking need of them, A LOT, huh? People say "hard is not too hard", and then says "cuz I can potion-spam lololol". Well... The message is clear. Someone is getting their asskicked and are complaining that are too many potions.
Let's say that you can only carry 30 potions: People would say "Damn! I get killed everytime. Well, at least I can save anywhere".
And then some people will say "Nah, too easy. I wish I could have savepoints".
Simply don't use the potions. Ain't so hard.
For all the potions complaints, Reckoning cheeses hard fights infinitely more. And you get bonus EXP for doing it.
Just saying.
Anyway, I finished one of the factions () and the reward is ... well, pretty good:The House of Ballads
Permanent +10% Faeblade Damage, +6% Mana, 3% Chance to Steal 5 HP; technically speaking, +6% Hammer Damage and +2% Critical also since their Lorestones are in the area and super easy to get all of them.
Also nabbed nearly 20k from the boss fight too. Not too shabby.