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KINGSGLAIVE: Final Fantasy XV Thread: Everything for the future king

...the second act is actually kind of alright! Still a mess, but alright. Found myself getting kind of drawn in. (Had to pause for other reasons.)


Crystal Bearer
I personally liked the movie, but I have a couple of questions about it:

What is the old wall? The knights of the round? I'm confused between the new wall and the old one.

Did they cut out the scene where we saw Luna in Stella's dress with Nyx? I saw a screenshot posted around tumblr, but didn't see it in the movie :/ .

Could it possible that there might be different people who take on the role of Galuca? Reason why I asked is because Galuca attacked Tenebrae 12 years prior to the start of the movie. And Drautos doesn't look old at all when we first meet him, so rewind 12 years would make him too young to fit the role right?

That was actually Stella's model used as a placeholder during early stages of the film project.


Why is it that most of you guys on this forum just complain and hate everything. Relax and enjoy yourselves ffs. If you're expecting a Shakespearean play then you guys are deluded.


I'm all in for FFXV post-Nomura, but man, Kingslaive was a badly salvaged compilation of Versus XIII material, with the soul sucked out of it.

It seems as if they expect us to move on, but they haven't.

The driving scene, party scene, and peace treaty
scenes all felt so bland compared to what we saw in their Versus XIII counterparts :(


I watched the movie yesterday. A lot of the plot points are nonsensical and the directing during action scenes is abysmal.

The minor world building that occurred made me a tiny fraction more interested in the game, though. I just wish we got to play as Kingsglaive's main character instead of 4 badhairs.
the peace treaty scene was dumb as shit. the cool visual was supposed to be mafia dudes in suits with swords vs medieval suits of armor with guns. just another pointless versus -> xv change.


Didn't realize Regis's right hand guy is gladiolus' dad. Gotta read up on the characters and lore.

What do we know about cor Leonis?
is he related to glauca. The designs look similar. How is that dude able to be the general of two nations


Suffering From Success
The best part of the movie was
Regis and Aldercapt verbally poking at each other.
The tension is conveyed really well.

The worst part was
the entire magical power of Lucis jobbing to Glauca and Nyx STILL wasn't able to land a definitive kill.
Like wow, git gud.


Just finished watching the movie. I REALLY liked!

The bad? I expected more of Lunafreya.

But besides that, I loved how this movie really makes the world of FFXV feel alive, and full of tension. The scene of the peace treaty sign, man, that was GREAT!

Not a fan of the voice acting, though... Most of the time it felt like the actors weren't even trying.

Overall, a solid 8/10.


that puzzling face
the entire magical power of Lucis jobbing to Glauca and Nyx STILL wasn't able to land a definitive kill.
Like wow, git gud.

Maybe he specced wrong.
Wrong-spec vs refuses-to-equip-lightning-resist. They deserve each other


Has no one talked about the scene where
the car starts falling between the two buildings and Nyx drives it on the wall to slow its fall and spin it enough to bail out before it crashes.

That was some Fast & Furious shit haha


Has no one talked about the scene where
the car starts falling between the two buildings and Nyx drives it on the wall to slow its fall and spin it enough to bail out before it crashes.

That was some Fast & Furious shit haha

I was confused as to what the fuck he was trying to do.


That was a terrible scene because between how dark everything was and how quick each cut was, I really had no idea what was actually happening.


I really really enjoyed the scene of
the night before the treaty signing where Nyx and Luna speak. Somnus playing in the background
made it an amazing scene.


I really really enjoyed the scene of
the night before the treaty signing where Nyx and Luna speak.
Somnus playing in the background
made it an amazing scene.

Yeah I thought it was cool. I'd have wished it was a bit longer, though.


I wouldn't know man, the crew looks bushed out like they've been at it for a while.

Unless you mean they're done fast. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

i mean, assuming
the car breaking down part in the game is the beginning... that the end of that scene is the beginning of the game


that puzzling face
Yeah, I meant they're completely bushed, which would be hilarious if it was literally seconds after.


It took me over three hours to watch the film because I found it so boring and incoherent that I had to take breaks. It should be Writing 101 to give your characters some humanity but that clearly wasn't on the agenda here. The first half was boring exposition with boring, wooden people and the second half was boring, confusing action, to the point where I couldn't figure out what the hell was going on. And I'm not sure I cared. I can only hope the game won't be written this badly but SE's track record these days isn't giving me a lot of hope.

The only scene that even remotely worked for me was the intercutting between the treaty signing and Nyx hunting for Luna. Some decent tension there.

Another disappointment? The music. Shimomura's cues were nice (although I'm not convinced the use of "Somnus" during a dialogue scene was appropriate) but the rest was Hollywood generic by the numbers. The credits claim some dude named John Graham did it but they could have just hired Djawadi, Jablonsky or any of the other Zimmer clones and it would have sounded the exact same.

(It was pretty, at least. And Nyx's ass was nice.)
They seem to be learning their lesson by not showing Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy VII Remake.

Well only because XV isn't out yet...

Anyway this over-exposure of a game should never happen again.

FFXIII-1 marketing strategy should be followed. Demo (2008) --- E3 trailer (2009) --- silence --- TGS blowout (2009) -- 3 months of hype -- release (Dec 2009)

They can improve on that by having the game announced 6 months before the demo. (rather than XIII which was announced 3 years before release)


Watched yesterday...those first 15 minutes were terrible to watch because of those ultra fast cuts inbetween the action. Not one scene in those first 15 minutes allowed you to focus on the action, I get why people say it's terribly made. But after that it gets much better, to me at least and I was able to enjoy the movie. Got me interested in the whole lore and yeah I'm a bit more hyped for FFXV.


That was a terrible scene because between how dark everything was and how quick each cut was, I really had no idea what was actually happening.
No offense, but are you completely serious on actually having no idea what was happening? Are you sure your theater just had brightness issues? The cuts are pretty quick but IMO the actions sequences in the 2nd half didn't seem as jumpy as the first half. I'm having trouble understanding why people are saying they can't tell what's going on (at least for the 2nd half). Maybe my eyes are just used to fast action type scenes/games? Not saying they couldn't have done a better job but I feel like certain criticisms are gross exaggerations. I can see where people may have trouble with the rest of the action scenes, but I don't think any of the car scenes were that bad (visually).


No offense, but are you completely serious on actually having no idea what was happening? Are you sure your theater just had brightness issues? The cuts are pretty quick but IMO the actions sequences in the 2nd half didn't seem as jumpy as the first half. I'm having trouble understanding why people are saying they can't tell what's going on (at least for the 2nd half). Maybe my eyes are just used to fast action type scenes/games? Not saying they couldn't have done a better job but I feel like certain criticisms are gross exaggerations. I can see where people may have trouble with the rest of the action scenes, but I don't think any of the car scenes were that bad (visually).

Yeah, I never had a single issue following the action or the sequences in this movie. At no point did I feel like I lost track of anything. Also the movie was not too dark on my TV.
The way this movie (somehow) exists as a way to flesh out off-screen characters/action for FFXV reminds me a whole lot of the "TV show" in Quantum Break.
The fantasy clothes, hair styles and environments mixed with regular ass real world Nissan Sentra tier cars and Audi R8s driving on the road is killing me. It's so immersion breaking.

Then to "fantasy them up" they put swirly engravings on the panels. I understand product placement but it's so cheap and the cars just look completely out of place. I know SE's artists could have made some really great looking vehicles that would have fit in that world, so much better.

On another note, I wasn't expecting what happened to the
girl in their group


Yeah, I never had a single issue following the action or the sequences in this movie. At no point did I feel like I lost track of anything. Also the movie was not too dark on my TV.

it isn't a problem of knowing what's happening in the big scope, but individual actions are a headache to watch because of how it's edited. obviously in a scene where two people are fighting it is obvious that those two people are fighting, but their movements within the fight are bothersome to follow.

generally you resort to quick cuts when you don't know how to make a fight look good, so you've got to obscure it. they obscured it to the point of annoyance in this movie.
Credits rolling. This was... I enjoyed it more than I thought it would be, I guess. I would definitely say it's not a good movie, but as someone who is at least somewhat in the the target demo of people following FFXV on forums, there was some cool stuff there, and I'm glad I watched it. Context for the opening of the game, a handful of genuinely good scenes and moments, etc.

There was actually enough potential in the story to make it incredibly frustrating that it wasn't a lot better, which... might be a backhanded compliment considering how low my expectations were? Anyway, sleep now, more thoughts later

One edit: It's occurring to me that I have absolutely no idea what the fuck FFXV is actually going to be about, past the first few hours of the game at least. I'm not sure if I'm happy to go in not knowing, or if I'm worried that I've seen a ton of trailers/footage and still don't have any sense of the story.


No offense, but are you completely serious on actually having no idea what was happening? Are you sure your theater just had brightness issues?

I can tell what is -supposed- to be happening, I just couldn't tell what was actually happening. Like, sure he was trying to flip the car or something, and I think at some point it was between two buildings, but what I couldn't understand was how he was doing it and what was actually happening from cut to cut. It was visual noise and really poor action geography. Scene geography is a pretty big deal to me when it comes to action set pieces. The more you try to do with the action of a scene, the more I expect it to be communicated visually in a way that elevates it rather than hampering it. Where characters are positioned, where they are in a scene, the general layout of the scene, etc. These are important things people tend to take for granted sometimes.

The biggest disappointment in the third act was how it was impossible to tell what the layout of Insomnia actually is and where the characters are even moving as they attempt to flee the city. Everything looks the same, there is scene after scene of highways, buildings, and rubble, but there's no real sense of anyone getting nearer or further away from any particular point.
When all of that Nomura stylish action is taken out, it's just a really average (kinda bad) story.
Nomura stylish action? lol what?

I still facepalm every time people start giving Nomura too much credit for FFXV. At some point, he worked on the game, sure. But he was taken off it long ago before it took its current state.

He is not even credited at the end of movie.

This is NOT Nomura's fantasy in any way or shape.


Nomura stylish action? lol what?

I still facepalm every time people start giving Nomura too much credit for FFXV. At some point, he worked on the game, sure. But he was taken off it long ago before it took its current state.

He is not even credited at the end of movie.

This is NOT Nomura's fantasy in any way or shape.

I thought it was interesting they only credit Nojima for the "original concept" of FFXV in the movie credits.


I thought it was interesting they only credit Nojima for the "original concept" of FFXV in the movie credits.

Why is that interesting? I mean, that's what it is. Nojima wrote a script for a game which was cancelled. That game no longer exists. Elements of the script were mined for characters and details so another team of writers could create a new game with a new script, without his involvement. Kingsglaive is a prequel film to that new game.


Why is that interesting? I mean, that's what it is. Nojima wrote a script for a game which was cancelled. That game no longer exists. Elements of the script were mined for characters and details so another team of writers could create a new game with a new script, without his involvement. Kingsglaive is a prequel film to that new game.

I mean, they credit Nojima for ancient XV stuff despite him not being involved with the movie or the current game, but Nomura doesn't have a name anywhere even as a designer, special thanks or anything.

Personally I think he gets enough credit with his "Character design by Tetsuya Nomura" everywhere regarding the game itself, but it's still interesting to me they chose to exclude him to that extent.


All those years waiting... all the potential...


Imagine the invasion done well in the game with Notcis and his friend's, the original Somnus, Omnis Lacrima , maybe it would have been the greatest FF ever.

What a wasted potential, seriously.. what a waste.
I have to agree with a lot of comments here regarding the editing and action. The action was hard to follow majority of the times, which is a pity because the setting was so fucking cool.

Some of the questionable editing like fading to black at random times made me go WTF. They better not let this guy, who edited Kingsglaive, work on any other movie EVER.

The graphics were great with some inconsistency at times, they looked photo-realistic during some sequences due to the fantastic lighting. But the animation was terrible for the most part, which sucks =/

That said, I am so fucking hyped for the final game because of what was hinted in the movie.

Curious to see the meeting between Luna and Noctis and the powers that Noctis will get after the ring.
Ardyn and Ieodolas both were great in the movie and I can't wait to see them in the game and see where the story takes them.
Ultros is dead. RIP. Made me sad TBH.
The death of Regis had no effect on me. It was poorly executed.

Overall, I'd give this movie a solid 8.5/10. It is good and definitely better than Spirits Within. But I loved Advent Children more.

Imagine the invasion done well in the game with Notcis and his friend's, the original Somnus, Omnis Lacrima , maybe it would have been the greatest FF ever.

What a wasted potential, seriously.. what a waste.


Junior Member
Playing that Somnus in the party scene between Nyx and Luna is like a big fuck you to the party scene between Noctis and Stella in Versus XIII. lol

Overall movie is okay, not great, but not bad. 5/10


Imagine the invasion done well in the game with Notcis and his friend's, the original Somnus, Omnis Lacrima , maybe it would have been the greatest FF ever.

What a wasted potential, seriously.. what a waste.

But what if it wasn't done well in the game?!?!


I can tell what is -supposed- to be happening, I just couldn't tell what was actually happening. Like, sure he was trying to flip the car or something, and I think at some point it was between two buildings, but what I couldn't understand was how he was doing it and what was actually happening from cut to cut. It was visual noise and really poor action geography. Scene geography is a pretty big deal to me when it comes to action set pieces. The more you try to do with the action of a scene, the more I expect it to be communicated visually in a way that elevates it rather than hampering it. Where characters are positioned, where they are in a scene, the general layout of the scene, etc. These are important things people tend to take for granted sometimes.

The biggest disappointment in the third act was how it was impossible to tell what the layout of Insomnia actually is and where the characters are even moving as they attempt to flee the city. Everything looks the same, there is scene after scene of highways, buildings, and rubble, but there's no real sense of anyone getting nearer or further away from any particular point.
Like I said, I get these issues but I don't really see it applying to the car/vehicle scenes to the extent of the other actions scenes, mainly due to not dealing with the warping mechanic. I guess the mere existence of the issue certainly is the problem but this is one of the instances where it isn't that big of a deal (I guess this is subjective though). They could have done with less cuts to Luna or something, but I found the sequence pretty easy to follow which basically goes:
Luna climbs out of car and car falls through gap -> shows car falling -> zoom into Nyx hitting brake/reverse -> shows car w/wheels braking/reversing -> turns wheel -> car turns -> car gets caught on stuff -> Nyx jumps out

With a fantastical city I'm not sure how you're supposed or expect to even make sense of the layout. I mean there were roads that went above multi-story buildings which the city was littered with. I guess the really the only landmarks they focused on throughout the movie were the castle/tower and various statues scattered around the city. Yes, you couldn't really tell what particular point they were in the city, but to be fair, IMO I don't think that's really a necessary concern for the viewers and the characters. They were just trying to get rid of what's chasing them just like in every chase scene (even in Mad Max!)


I mean, they credit Nojima for ancient XV stuff despite him not being involved with the movie or the current game, but Nomura doesn't have a name anywhere even as a designer, special thanks or anything.

Personally I think he gets enough credit with his "Character design by Tetsuya Nomura" everywhere regarding the game itself, but it's still interesting to me they chose to exclude him to that extent.

I didn't pay enough attention to the credits, was Nomura really not credited at all? I would assume they have an "Original Character Design" credit at least? Weird.

That being said, Nomura remains a Square Enix employee, while Nojima is a freelance writer with his own company. So maybe the credit in that case could be contractual, since whatever he penned would be under contract between him and Square Enix.

With a fantastical city I'm not sure how you're supposed or expect to even make sense of the layout.

By having good direction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JujtlsiqZ-E
I liked it a little in the movie and I'm sure i would have liked it waay more in game while noct is there witnessing all that.
You can already see what Noctis would have done in this trailer showing the gameplay.


So Noctis was just running around the streets of Insomnia while it looked empty. No sense of chaos or anything. They put a fight with Behemoth and Aranea.

The scenario here would have been tweaked to some extent but that was basically the gist of it.

P.S Regis looked terrible here.


I mean, they credit Nojima for ancient XV stuff despite him not being involved with the movie or the current game, but Nomura doesn't have a name anywhere even as a designer, special thanks or anything.

Personally I think he gets enough credit with his "Character design by Tetsuya Nomura" everywhere regarding the game itself, but it's still interesting to me they chose to exclude him to that extent.

Movie producers don't pick and choose who they put in credits: everyone there is usually there because their contract states they will be. Nomura did no direct work on this film, so they weren't obliged to acknowledge him in the credits. They did use some of his designs, obviously, but not to the extent that they had to credit him based on whatever contract he has at SE. The difference with Nojima is he's clearly got a contract which obliges SE to acknowledge him for adapting his work in this way.

Special Thanks, afaik, are reserved for people outside of the company who had no direct involvement but you want to thank for whatever reasons. That's why there are thanks to people no longer at SE, or from Sony etc. listed there.


Special Thanks, afaik, are reserved for people outside of the company who had no direct involvement but you want to thank for whatever reasons. That's why there are thanks to people no longer at SE, or from Sony etc. listed there.

Not exclusively true. A ton of the special thanks credits are for people who are Square Enix employees. Special thanks on S-E games tend to be reserved for people in the industry who at some point advised or assisted someone in the core team in some indirect way, it can include company employees who are in other teams not directly involved with this project. For example, Ito has a special thanks credit on Dissidia 012 because they pinged him regarding Vaan in the game and he gave his blessing.


Nomura stylish action? lol what?

I still facepalm every time people start giving Nomura too much credit for FFXV. At some point, he worked on the game, sure. But he was taken off it long ago before it took its current state.

He is not even credited at the end of movie.

This is NOT Nomura's fantasy in any way or shape.

That's exactly what I'm trying to say here...

The Versus trailers had a lot of style. Advent Children as well. Kingsglaive is just boring hollywood action.

The action in Advent Children made it watchable in my opinion, otherwise it would be just as average as Kingsglaive.


That's exactly what I'm trying to say here...

The Versus trailers had a lot of style. Advent Children as well. Kingsglaive is just boring hollywood action.

The action in Advent Children made it watchable in my opinion, otherwise it would be just as average as Kingsglaive.

I actually enjoyed the story bits of Kingsglaive, if it had the action style of AC and VXIII omg....
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