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KINGSGLAIVE: Final Fantasy XV Thread: Everything for the future king

That's exactly what I'm trying to say here...

The Versus trailers had a lot of style. Advent Children as well. Kingsglaive is just boring hollywood action.

The action in Advent Children made it watchable in my opinion, otherwise it would be just as average as Kingsglaive.
The problem is not the action choreography. It is the fucking editing and camera cuts that made it hard to follow.

Judging from the animations between Advent Children and Kingsglaive, I am sure AC had a much bigger budget than FFXV:KG. It is pretty obvious they cut a lot of corners to save budget in this movie. But they could have afforded better editing =/

Also it goes without saying but Kingsglaive has the better story and writing compared to the laughable quality of writing material in AC. If we take out AC action, the movie will be worse than Spirits Within.


You can already see what Noctis would have done in this trailer showing the gameplay.


So Noctis was just running around the streets of Insomnia while it looked empty. No sense of chaos or anything. They put a fight with Behemoth and Aranea.

The scenario here would have been tweaked to some extent but that was basically the gist of it.

P.S Regis looked terrible here.

It was cool for a PS3 game, im sure with current tech and the use of CG there would be great sense of chaos and amazing atmosphere, check 2013's Insomnia gameplay chaos, that was a very early build and it was cool.

playing as Noct and his friends in that chaos is way more intersting to me than watching a realistic designed characters based on real life actors with zero character development.

It was a wasted potential, the whole Insomnia part.


It was cool for a PS3 game, im sure with current tech and the use of CG there would be great sense of chaos and amazing atmosphere, check 2013's Insomnia gameplay chaos, that was a very early build and it was cool.

playing as Noct and his friends in that chaos is way more intersting to me than watching a realistic designed characters based on real life actors with zero character development.

It was a wasted potential, the whole Insomnia part.

There is no Insomnia gameplay in the 2013 footage (besides the courtyard battles which is still in the game). The footage in the 2013 is all renders, that segment takes place in Altissia. It's still in the game but I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't nearly as chaotic as that footage.


Junior Member
For how well the action choreography was in AC, Kingsglaive is a real disappointment in this regards for me. Most of the fights are so messy and hard to make of what's what, who's fighting who and stuff. Too many quick cuts and flashy bombing effects that obscure the action.
Movie did nothing for me at all. The plot was just eyerolly. The dialogue was just the worst. Nobody seemed like an actual person. The action, as many have pointed out, was all Nolaned out with jump cuts -- which I get why they do that in live action, but c'mon this is CG! We can actually have gorgeous wide-angles here; it's a completely artificial fucking environment!

I didn't have super high expectations; I'm used to iffy-translated Japanese fare. So I'm not too salty or anything. But yeah, kind of a shame.

I also kept picturing Aaron Paul's Bojack character every time I heard his voice, heh.

Maybe it'll make more sense after I play the game. It made about 33% sense. Sometimes.
Finally done watching the movie.

First of all, technical impressions:
T'was alright. Action was fine, I really don't see where everybody got the whole "quick cuts are confusing" thing. Maybe I watched some magically different version? Cuz my version had plenty of steady shots lastin for 6-10 seconds at times, Somebody mentioned
fight being hard to follow. I have no idea what they are talking about. Fight was full of smooth, rather slow pans and rare VERY rare cuts. Like I don't think there's a single shot in that entire fight lasting less than 5 seconds before a cut.

The choreography however could use help. I liked that it was a tad more grounded in a sense that it felt more like real humans with the help of some magic, then just outright super people, ala Advent Children, but most fast action with actual trading of blows seemed to have a serious downgrade to animation. it suddenly actually looked like a cheesy video game cutscene.

The biggest problem I had with the movie is that it felt like it was struggling with all the exposition it needed to explain itself to the audience. In the early parts especially, it felt like every scene devolved into exposition one way or another and it took away from the attempted human moments, as the illusion shattered and cogs were exposed.

Now for the plot:

Some of you may remember my arguement about how I think Empire might not be that bad after all, mainly because all I saw from early story impressions of Final Fantasy 15 is an empire built on progress to the point that they don't even need to sacrifice their own people in war, vs weird ;little place holding onto vague traditions and royal lineage.

Now, this movie made it worse. Make no mistake, Empire is by no means "good and justified" with their actions, but what is Lucis actually standing for itself? Scene after scene I saw lives and words of royal family have put much higher value than your common man purely because they are of royal blood. They did things, in ways that often felt that they are done at the expense of their own people for the sake of their reign. Even when we are revealed the magical circle of all the previous kingd, instead of an eye opening expeirence it just made it worse. A bunch of uptight, patronizing people, filled with so much attachement to their throne and so much resentemnt to any common man who "dares" to question their royal authority, they treat Nix as dirt for daring to put on a ring when in a pinch. And their arguements? "So short sighted" "we think of the future"... and this is my biggest gripe... "future" Last 20-30 minutes of the movie were filled with constant abuse of the word. You know how you if you repeat the word many times, it loses it's meaning. Well, I feel this is the entire strategy of old kings of Lucis. Throw buzzwords at people until they lose any meaning they might've had. Throughout the climactic finale I was trying to grasp what that "future" even meant. But it didn't mean anything. Nobody did anything to establish that there's no future under empire. Nothing. It's just a cute buzzwords. It sounds important so like, it must be important, right?
Well it didn't sound important to me. It just felt like a convenient slogan, without anything to back it up. "My pride is shaping the future", "I did it for the future". What Future? What sort of future do you mean, how is it different than other futures? Why is it worth fighting for?

It completely disconnected me from the final fight. All I saw was a man wronged by his country, by his king, fighting towards what he believed would be a better world to live in. By no means innocent, causing many deaths, I can at least understand him. He saw this dynasty, valuing their lineage more than they value their lands, their common man, hiding behind vague excuses, not unlike our real royalty claimed to be entitled by god himself to their throne. And he wanted to tear it down, for all the wrongs it commited in his eyes.

What did Nix fight for? A circle of ethereal dudes that treated him like shit for suffering, hurting and fighting for them to the point of being pushed to the verge of death? The vague meaningless words like "future" and "the world" that held no actual meaning or explanation besides being spoken by a posh princess in a posh manner?

Final Fantasy 15 has a tall order proving Nocits's fight is worth anything other than a basic meaningless power struggle between people on top at expense of people at the bottom. And if it's exactly what it is meant to be, as a common man, do pardon me for not really feeling connected with the struggles of royalty to maintain their power over peasants like me...


Got to see the movie yesterday.

I give it a 6.5/10.

It's a cool and an enjoyable movie to watch. Unfortunately, it has many flaws.

First of all, the editing. Why is there so many black fade-out ?
Second, why
Ravus is like Viserys ?
Third, why
Luna is a strong woman but still a damsel in distress who wants to show that she's strong but she's not and a few scenes later she's kind of strong and then always saying she's doing it for Noctis and the King and then being... blablabla
Fourth, what the heck is this justification ?
Niflheim took our lands, Lucis welcomed us but Regis can't do everything so they feel abandoned by their own King and they decide to go with Niflheim, their own ennemies ? And what's that immigrant story btw ? I would have loved to see more about this.
Crowe... WHY ? She deserves better and more screening time ! And how can she dies like that ? She's a powerful magic user !
Sixth, I liked the character of Libertus, but his voice is like out of the subject. Hard to explain that.
Seventh, you can have a beautiful scene and next to that scene, a lower quality one. It's inequal.
everybody knows about Luna, they know how she looks. But nobody is reacting when she's walking with everyone else in the ending ?
even if Regis is old, where is my epic fight against Glauca ?

Good points :

First, Ardyn Izunia. Darin De Paul did a great job
the relationship between Ardyn and Iedolas, reminds me of Kefka and Gestahl
Third, it's beautiful. Can't deny that. Loved Insomnia. Too bad we won't explore that city.
Fourth, some musics were good. But I would have loved to see Shimomura-san doing the entire score.
Fifth, the credits with the Titan Trial music/Uncovered trailer. I was surprised !
the scene where Nyx is talking to KOTR

I won't be surprised if we have a Long Version/Complete Edition, like Batman v Superman or FFVII AC.


Just saw it, though it was great, wished for a more somber tone though.
I also wished that it ended with the images we saw at the end of Duscae with Luna's dress all torn up trying to escape the city, the end felt too happy.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I just realized, does the rapid aging affect Regis's council as well? Because his appearance change according to the lore is rapid aging, but his council, (of what i assume to be former party members when he had his own journey), is just as old as he is.


spoilers I guess

so Glauca was undercover for 12 something years? what about before the intro, he was fighting for empire for reasons?

I think I'm missing something


spoilers I guess

so Glauca was undercover for 12 something years? what about before the intro, he was fighting for empire for reasons?

I think I'm missing something

Glauca is the captain of the Kingsglaive. The Kingsglaive was only formed after the Empire attempted to assassinate Regis in the intro. It was formed by Regis gathering worthy orphans and willing warriors from the surrounding regions which had fallen to the Empire. So we can assume that Glauca was always an imperial soldier, but no one knew what he looked like behind the armor, so he went undercover when the Kingsglaive was being formed and has been a double agent since then. The Kingsglaive are given freedom to travel around outside Insomnia for special missions all the time, so I assume he would return to the Empire from time to time and no one would ask any questions.


This should be Aaron's last game movie. I would tell the agent don't even look at the scripts.

Honestly for the amount of dialogue and the seemingly low bar for what passes as voice acting (Libertus), Aaron Paul got off easy with this one. This was an easy paycheck. The only place he would have looked silly would have been in promoting it, which they didn't do.

Anyone know which digital download version is the highest quality?

I used Amazon and it was crystal clear and smooth.


Well he's in promo videos such as https://youtu.be/PoY0Mdc_ZCU

Yeah but I mean outside of those short videos which will likely be the entirety of the DVD extras, he didn't really go out of his way to promote it. He didn't mention it in any of his television appearances (he's done two late night circuits between then and now and it hasn''t even come up as a quick shoutout) and I don't think he tweeted more than twice about it, once around Uncovered and once the other day.
Yeah, I've always been somewhat confused by the sense of scale in Midgar. Everyone in the game seems to treat it as a bigger city than it really appears to be.

Yeah, Midgar's scale is fucking weird. Shinra HQ is only 70 stories tall and is the central structure and focal point of the cities design. I mean, the Chrysler Building in NYC is 77 stories. The game treats Midgar as an equivalent to NYC (the initial concept of the game actually featured NYC, but that concept was later brought over to Parasite Eve). But the scale is fucked, it's literally a building smaller than the Chrysler Building with an entire city of smaller buildings built around it.


Yeah, I've always been somewhat confused by the sense of scale in Midgar. Everyone in the game seems to treat it as a bigger city than it really appears to be.

Yeah, Midgar's scale is fucking weird. Shinra HQ is only 70 stories tall and is the central structure and focal point of the cities design. I mean, the Chrysler Building in NYC is 77 stories. The game treats Midgar as an equivalent to NYC (the initial concept of the game actually featured NYC, but that concept was later brought over to Parasite Eve). But the scale is fucked, it's literally a building smaller than the Chrysler Building with an entire city of smaller buildings built around it.

Because it is a game city in a by now pretty old game? Even Los Santos in GTAV is actually just the size of a very small city if you would transfer it to the real world. The biggest mountain in this game is Mount Chiliad and it's actually just 800m high. That's tiny...

lmao so did luna just
walk to altissia

Yep, in her fancy dress, high heels and hairdo among the plebs. XD

They could at least have roughed her up a little like in that one concept art:


And she even overtook Noctis and the boys and was before them in Lestallum and Altissia. ;)
I actually thought Aaron Paul, Lena Headey, and Sean Bean did really well with their roles. I mean, you can't really save the writing in this, in my opinion, but I think they really tried.

quick edit: That said, much as I enjoyed Sean Bean and Lena Headey, I think it might have been a mistake to not use the voice actors from the game. Creates kind of a weird continuity there.


her treatment was so weird

here, pilot the plane
nvm, move

here have a staff to fight
nvm, keep it warm with ur armpit

here, drive
nvm, move

here, drive badly
now move

here, talk the bad guy to death
lol, camera cut away to someone else

she got
jihl nabaated hard

For real, her coolest moment, tricking the bad guy to put on the ring so she can take it was so rushed and poorly executed. Like I knew that was her intention but from her expression, delivery of the lines to even how she grabbed the arm it all felt like a happy, unintentional accident where she got lucky rather than her being cunning and tricky and using her smarts. Especially the arm grabbing scene, everyone KNEW what she was doing but we don't really see it, its just a poor scene that doesn't emphasize "yes, this was her brilliant plan all along".

It felt like she didn't know what she was doing at all and then the moment she gets the ring BAM back to Nyx, we don't even get to see a proper reaction from her. It was supposed to be the moment where she actually did something useful but it felt incompetent & lucky on her end.

Luna was handle horrifically and went from a character I was interested in seeing to just hoping she either has close to zero screentime or director of the game is handling her so differently to the point that the Luna we see in this movie might as well be a totally different character from the Luna in the game. And I'd be ok with that as long as she isn't trash.


Now for the plot:

Some of you may remember my arguement about how I think Empire might not be that bad after all, mainly because all I saw from early story impressions of Final Fantasy 15 is an empire built on progress to the point that they don't even need to sacrifice their own people in war, vs weird ;little place holding onto vague traditions and royal lineage.

Now, this movie made it worse. Make no mistake, Empire is by no means "good and justified" with their actions, but what is Lucis actually standing for itself? Scene after scene I saw lives and words of royal family have put much higher value than your common man purely because they are of royal blood. They did things, in ways that often felt that they are done at the expense of their own people for the sake of their reign. Even when we are revealed the magical circle of all the previous kingd, instead of an eye opening expeirence it just made it worse. A bunch of uptight, patronizing people, filled with so much attachement to their throne and so much resentemnt to any common man who "dares" to question their royal authority, they treat Nix as dirt for daring to put on a ring when in a pinch. And their arguements? "So short sighted" "we think of the future"... and this is my biggest gripe... "future" Last 20-30 minutes of the movie were filled with constant abuse of the word. You know how you if you repeat the word many times, it loses it's meaning. Well, I feel this is the entire strategy of old kings of Lucis. Throw buzzwords at people until they lose any meaning they might've had. Throughout the climactic finale I was trying to grasp what that "future" even meant. But it didn't mean anything. Nobody did anything to establish that there's no future under empire. Nothing. It's just a cute buzzwords. It sounds important so like, it must be important, right?
Well it didn't sound important to me. It just felt like a convenient slogan, without anything to back it up. "My pride is shaping the future", "I did it for the future". What Future? What sort of future do you mean, how is it different than other futures? Why is it worth fighting for?

It completely disconnected me from the final fight. All I saw was a man wronged by his country, by his king, fighting towards what he believed would be a better world to live in. By no means innocent, causing many deaths, I can at least understand him. He saw this dynasty, valuing their lineage more than they value their lands, their common man, hiding behind vague excuses, not unlike our real royalty claimed to be entitled by god himself to their throne. And he wanted to tear it down, for all the wrongs it commited in his eyes.

What did Nix fight for? A circle of ethereal dudes that treated him like shit for suffering, hurting and fighting for them to the point of being pushed to the verge of death? The vague meaningless words like "future" and "the world" that held no actual meaning or explanation besides being spoken by a posh princess in a posh manner?

Final Fantasy 15 has a tall order proving Nocits's fight is worth anything other than a basic meaningless power struggle between people on top at expense of people at the bottom. And if it's exactly what it is meant to be, as a common man, do pardon me for not really feeling connected with the struggles of royalty to maintain their power over peasants like me...

I didn't see a difference between the Empire and the Kingdom in terms of hierarchy and "peasant worth" as I'll put it. The difference lied in what the Empire did with its technological advances - that is to say, forced their way into people's lives and didn't give them a choice as to whether or not they would be ruled by them. They basically raped and pillaged their way to Lucis, and Lucis is holding its ground to at least not be raped. Of course with a peace treaty, things could have a better turn of events, but even right as they were about to sign, the Empire went ahead and raped Lucis anyway. Wouldn't you want to stand against a bully for as long as you could? I mean, who wants that shit? I don't blame them for "holding onto the past" when that's the kind of future we're looking outside our box at.

By the time the lands that Nyx and friends came from were abandoned, the King was already too weak to fight the war for much longer. It was a strategic move to defend what was within his power to defend while Noctis was raised into a worthy heir. Noctis clearly isn't ready, but that's what Final Fantasy XV: The Game is for.

And now that the Empire has (essentially) the world in their hands, it's up to Noctis to try and revert that and at least take back his kingdom, if not put the Empire in its place and free the other nations from its grasp. Not really sure how you missed that part of the Empire. It's almost pretty much the exact same thing as the Garlean Empire in FFXIV.


I started watching it last night but turned it off and watched something else. It wasn't grabbing me and it didn't feel like the right time to watch it so I'm saving it for the weekend.
Final Fantasy 15 has a tall order proving Nocits's fight is worth anything other than a basic meaningless power struggle between people on top at expense of people at the bottom. And if it's exactly what it is meant to be, as a common man, do pardon me for not really feeling connected with the struggles of royalty to maintain their power over peasants like me...

You should watch Game of Thrones.


I didn't see a difference between the Empire and the Kingdom in terms of hierarchy and "peasant worth" as I'll put it. The difference lied in what the Empire did with its technological advances - that is to say, forced their way into people's lives and didn't give them a choice as to whether or not they would be ruled by them. They basically raped and pillaged their way to Lucis, and Lucis is holding its ground to at least not be raped. Of course with a peace treaty, things could have a better turn of events, but even right as they were about to sign, the Empire went ahead and raped Lucis anyway. Wouldn't you want to stand against a bully for as long as you could? I mean, who wants that shit? I don't blame them for "holding onto the past" when that's the kind of future we're looking outside our box at.

By the time the lands that Nyx and friends came from were abandoned, the King was already too weak to fight the war for much longer. It was a strategic move to defend what was within his power to defend while Noctis was raised into a worthy heir. Noctis clearly isn't ready, but that's what Final Fantasy XV: The Game is for.

And now that the Empire has (essentially) the world in their hands, it's up to Noctis to try and revert that and at least take back his kingdom, if not put the Empire in its place and free the other nations from its grasp. Not really sure how you missed that part of the Empire. It's almost pretty much the exact same thing as the Garlean Empire in FFXIV.

The Garleans in FFXIV are probably written worse - they're supposedly this looming menace but they set up like four tiny strongholds staffed by around twelve people each and then wonder how they lost to these hippies and adventurers while they sit around doing nothing for like two years while those same hippies and adventurers are knee deep in pissed off dragons, ancient evils and fuckers from the moon.

At least FFXV's empire is a believable active threat.


They could at least have roughed her up a little like in that one concept art:


And she even overtook Noctis and the boys and was before them in Lestallum and Altissia. ;)

I would pay top Gil for a 1 terabyte folder of all the unreleased Versus XIII/early XV files, artwork,sounds,graphics etc.
This is so blown out of proportion.

Luna is NOT a warrior woman. So no, she's not "strong" like Lightning from XIII, or like Stella from vXIII (at least how people conceived her).

But she's obviously spiritually/mentally strong, in that her life has pretty much gone to shit, and she stays dedicated to a large, overarching cause, no matter the difficulty/cost.

The movie isn't super well written, so no character comes off fantastically well. But w/in the confines of what they're doing, there's nothing "weak" about Luna, except in that she's literally physically weak, not a melee fighter.

Luna is literally Yuna without magic. They are the same character.
The Garleans in FFXIV are probably written worse - they're supposedly this looming menace but they set up like four tiny strongholds staffed by around twelve people each and then wonder how they lost to these hippies and adventurers while they sit around doing nothing for like two years while those same hippies and adventurers are knee deep in pissed off dragons, ancient evils and fuckers from the moon.

At least FFXV's empire is a believable active threat.

Well to be fair Bahamut fucked the Empire up pretty good and Emperor Solus gave up on his designs for Eorzea afterwards. By the time A Real Reborn gets going Gaius is fucking around in Eorzea without the Emperor's blessing and doesn't have the full might of the Empire behind his back.


Crystal Bearer
Well to be fair Bahamut fucked the Empire up pretty good and Emperor Solus gave up on his designs for Eorzea afterwards. By the time A Real Reborn gets going Gaius is fucking around in Eorzea without the Emperor's blessing and doesn't have the full might of the Empire behind his back.
Gaius was right.


I watched it yesterday. It wasn't very good but it did give me a better idea of what the XV universe's like which made me look forward to the game some more so I guess it worked in that regard. I didn't think the action wasn't hard to follow, but unfortunately it wasn't very exciting to look at either. Advent Children felt better directed, I guess that's the Nomura touch? (And yeah, I noticed he wasn't even credited, ouch. Even Afrojack was.)

I liked Regis a whole lot so that's good, and the party scene was pretty wonderful. I'm pretty sure it was straight up the Versus scene rewritten though! Most other scenes lacked that Final Fantasy drama, only a few good exceptions.

Luna was absolutely terrible, sorry. She's a damsel all the way through. They try to have these moments were she "does" stuff... where she ends up doing nothing end has to get saved. That's not good at all. I hate to keep bringing Versus up but the Stella we saw in the Versus scenes had a whole lot more going for her in those few minutes, at least she had some combat skill. Not to say that's needed but damn does Luna do some stupid shit in the movie that'd make you hope she does. And then there's the fact that she seems to be unable not to speak through speeches. Like, try to talk like a human being, Luna. You aren't in front of a crowd. ...I really hope she's better in the game.

Noctis being absent entirely felt weird. I knew he was and I thought I wouldn't mind, but the fact that they don't show him leaving didn't sit well with me. I imagine we get it in the game but it would've added some emotional weight to things.

And god was the soundtrack awful. A few Shimomura-esque pieces, but "movie-fied"? Those were all right, though they weren't nearly as good as her actual stuff. One wonderful track... lifted from the game that felt out of place because I recognized it as a track from the game without any changes. Didn't even bother to use the *cough* alternate version

And then there was a whole lot of generic sounding movie stuff. That's about the least I want out of a Final Fantasy soundtrack, come on.

Overall I'd say I enjoyed it as a Final Fantasy fan, but it still bothered me way too much at times. So I think I'd give it a 7 out of 10? Wouldn't be able to recommend it to anyone who isn't a Final Fantasy superfan though, yikes. Can't imagine it'd be a good experience.


The problem is not the action choreography. It is the fucking editing and camera cuts that made it hard to follow.

Judging from the animations between Advent Children and Kingsglaive, I am sure AC had a much bigger budget than FFXV:KG. It is pretty obvious they cut a lot of corners to save budget in this movie. But they could have afforded better editing =/

Also it goes without saying but Kingsglaive has the better story and writing compared to the laughable quality of writing material in AC. If we take out AC action, the movie will be worse than Spirits Within.

I just wanted to say, considering this is cgi there shouldn't be traditional editing to be blamed on those camera cuts, that's all in the story boards. These movies aren't edited the way a live action movie would be. So I'd blame the director? Nomura directed Advent Children and I thought it was much better there


If I LOVE both Spirits Within and Advent Children, I assume I'll like this.

Is there any way to rent it digitally for about $5? Or is it only available for Digital Purchase right now?

I want to rent first, then buy the BluRay if I like it.


Gold Member
Just watched the film. And I thought this was total bullshit.
The way Regis died was complete bullshit. He barely put up a fight, and the way Clarus died was also bullshit. How the hell can a general overpower a king with the power to summon swords Couldn't Regis just activate armiger.
I still believe the OG regis would have kicked serious ass.


If I LOVE both Spirits Within and Advent Children, I assume I'll like this.

Is there any way to rent it digitally for about $5? Or is it only available for Digital Purchase right now?

I want to rent first, then buy the BluRay if I like it.

I think someone here said you can only rent it at the end of september.

Ran rp

I forgot I have like $24 from Google Opinion Rewards but I don't think I can watch Play Store videos on a desktop. ugh.

Edit: I can buy it through Youtube and watch it on the PS4! Can't watch it in HD on a computer for some reason.


Just watched the film. And I thought this was total bullshit.
The way Regis died was complete bullshit. He barely put up a fight, and the way Clarus died was also bullshit. How the hell can a general overpower a king with the power to summon swords Couldn't Regis just activate armiger.
I still believe the OG regis would have kicked serious ass.

End spoilers re: Regis
I think it was pretty obvious that Regis was tired, old, strained, and weakened throughout the entire movie. Dude was walking with a cane, it's no wonder he couldn't fight.
Just watched the film. And I thought this was total bullshit.
The way Regis died was complete bullshit. He barely put up a fight, and the way Clarus died was also bullshit. How the hell can a general overpower a king with the power to summon swords Couldn't Regis just activate armiger.
I still believe the OG regis would have kicked serious ass.

It's implied that summoning the new wall is taking a severe toll on Regis and his power is waning as a result. That's why he agrees to the treaty with the Empire to begin with, his strength is failing.


Just watched the film. And I thought this was total bullshit.
The way Regis died was complete bullshit. He barely put up a fight, and the way Clarus died was also bullshit. How the hell can a general overpower a king with the power to summon swords Couldn't Regis just activate armiger.
I still believe the OG regis would have kicked serious ass.

He has been weakened considerably by maintaining the barrier and can barely walk. He had no problem handling him back in Tenebrae


Gold Member
End spoilers re: Regis
I think it was pretty obvious that Regis was tired, old, strained, and weakened throughout the entire movie. Dude was walking with a cane, it's no wonder he couldn't fight.

True that was stated numerous times throughout the film, but no way if he could summon all the swords he couldn't have destroyed the shit out of Glauca. The film portrayed him as someone who just got grabbed and simply stabbed without even trying. The same could be said about Regis' royal counsel. Total fucking bullshit.
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