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KINGSGLAIVE: Final Fantasy XV Thread: Everything for the future king


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
How was it good? Cuz people were getting jobbered and offed and while the lead up to it was pretty great the actual execution of the scene itself was terrible.

How was it terrible then? From what I've seen the two scenes make sense and is also relevant to the peak of the movie
aka the start of the invasion

Astral Dog


That girl
that died was kind of a twist, i cant remember her name but found in the garbage? gross, she died too soon.

Everyone on the Kingsguard
except for Nyx and his buddy Libertus who tried turned to be traitors? uhhh, im surprised the kingdom of Lucis lasted that long.

The movie goes places, but im not sure where, i guess it was about leaving the past and fight for the future.

they had a giant octopus on the plane

i wonder if those
will be bosses in the game, they seem to be rather important.

im not sure how
Glauca was able to fight with the ring powers for that long, (and keep getting shocked) but he would have been an awesome boss

My favorite scene was at the top of the hotel when
somnus plays, quite beautiful and you get the impression something big is about to happen, they even had that painting on an aquarium there, even if it will never be used :(

Emperor Aldercapt, me wonder if he will have deep reasons for doing what he does,taking kingdoms and killing everyone., or if he is just doing because he is evil.

Alvis reminds me a bit of Luka lets see where he goes.

Princess Lunabrella was a bit of a planner and not the badass princess the previews hinted to be, but at least her voice is beautiful :)

Nyx is, uh, ok, nothing more to say, besides good voice i never cared.

the battle at the end
was hard to follow, half the time i didnt see what was happening :/

Noctis and the wedding

the movie goes too long with nothing happening but then the action sequences were not very interesting or hard to follow, decent intro for the game, technically beautiful except for the weird eyes wich are scary.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I haven't played FFXIII, but it must've been so bad it literally made you brain damaged for your second sentence to be true.
You will not believe how bad FFXIII's plot is. It's SO bad..and the sequels one up it constantly.


that puzzling face
- "I would not forgive myself if I didn't try to solve the situation, so instead of coming up with another solution, let me kill myself". Final Fantasy IV flashbacks.

Any reason to repost



People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Is (major spoiler)
Glauca gone from FFXV? I assumed he'd be there since he was introduced in the villain hierarchy early this year.

Ray Down

Is (major spoiler)
Glauca gone from FFXV? I assumed he'd be there since he was introduced in the villain hierarchy early this year.

I assume so since he was revealed with XV rather than Kingsglavie, did the movie really run home the fact he's dead?

SE can always pull some magic something out of there ass.


Man i dont care what anyone says... this movie was awesome! The voice acting was cheesy, good and bad... but it actually made it feel more connected to video games that way. The action was fucking amazing, the story while sometimes confusing, often clarified the stuff i was initially confused over.
the way they showed Ravus put the ring on and claim to being worthy... i was like.. huh? but it was followed up pretty quickly with the Lucii explanation so i wasnt completely lost for long

Better than Spirits Within (thats not saying much) and Id say even better than Advent Children (even though i loved AC though, i know a lot of you dont... lol)
I assume so since he was revealed with XV rather than Kingsglavie, did the movie really run home the fact he's dead?

SE can always pull some magic something out of there ass.

he was just laying there next to Nyx and He was moving before the scene cut away so i dont think its definite that hes dead


I assume so since he was revealed with XV rather than Kingsglavie, did the movie really run home the fact he's dead?

SE can always pull some magic something out of there ass.

Well he certainly didn't burst into a plume of particles such as FF villains tend to, so maybe? The movie didn't actually show him dying, just lying on the ground looking at Nyx.


I assume so since he was revealed with XV rather than Kingsglavie, did the movie really run home the fact he's dead?

SE can always pull some magic something out of there ass.

You never actually see him die, but he got pretty fucked up, wouldn't be surprised if he's in the game in some form though


I get the idea about having scenes inspired by the old Versus trailers, but think we ultimately would have been better off without it. I mean, the way they did the party doesn't even seem to have the same point it did from those trailers, yes? From what I remember, the party seemed like a way to convey some of the lore relating to the Gods along with Noctis and Stella's abilities.

If they had found some way to convey that and actually give the scene a real point to help build up the world then it might have been better. Not sure how they could have done that with Noctis not there but there are probably ways.


I'm glad you liked them but for me... I just felt angry.

Were you angry at the
treaty signing scene?
That was pretty much what we had been shown from that scene and it looked even better than before. The other you mentioned...I can see how some would be annoyed with that. Considering that the characters that were there originally weren't even in the movie, I knew it couldn't have been replicated so I took it as fan service.
Overall I enjoyed the hell out of it. Pretty much avoided pre-release info outside reading a couple reviews here so I was mostly going in blind. As someone who didn't care much about the FF XV world from what I had seen in the two demos I am happy they got me hooked in with the movie.

Some highlights...
-Ultros looked great, and was really creepy with that strange moaning he did
-Summoning KOTR was amazing
-Treaty signing tension and King's death.
-Nyx's rushing in with his new power knowing it will kill him by sunrise
-Idea of the ring burning up the unworthy is cool
-Was surprised how much I liked Lena Headey as Luna. Thought she did good.
-Sean Bean and the VA who played Ardyn were great. Movie needed more Ardyn.
-Is this a movie or real life? Some moments where I had to do a double take I wasn't looking at FMV.
-Never felt bored. Movie seemed to have a flow to it that worked for me. I could follow the plot pretty well too.

-Some of the overhead shots and shots with lots of people looked goofy. I could tell I was looking at "lesser FF NPCS" even in a movie.
-Some of the voice work delivery felt off. I don't recall laughing at "funny" lines. Aaron Paul didn't do much for me, although I guess I did end up enjoying his story and quirkiness toward the end.
-Villain sounded like evil videogame baddie in mask. Sorta dug that it ended up being Nyx's boss.
-Editing of scenes in first quarter was awkward. Didn't seem to flow well.
-The fighting at the end had so much shit going on I couldn't focus at times. Not as bad as I had heard (Taken 3) but I noticed it most during that fight. Still managed to wow me though.
-Music had a couple moments of goodness but I don't remember it reaching great heights.
-Resistance arc didn't deliver for me. That one resistance guy's (not Libertus) face bothered me. Maybe if they spent more time on that guy's face I would have cared more.

So yeah, I think I like it more than SW and AC (visually it's a given). It was a somewhat hectic glimpse into a new fantasy/sci fi world with incredible production values. I guess it did it's part since I didn't care for the XV setting/lore till today.


I actually liked the film, but I wasn't crazy about the
Kiju Big Battle
at the end.

I also wish the story was more standalone instead of it being tied so heavily to the game in which
you wonder where is this prince Noctis during all of this.
Of course, us gamers know, or will eventually know when the game releases, but anyone watching this by itself would be at a loss with that and the open ended conclusion.

I think I'll watch it again.


Why is it that most of you guys on this forum just complain and hate everything. Relax and enjoy yourselves ffs. If you're expecting a Shakespearean play then you guys are deluded.



BINGO! This is my biggest problem with the film and FFXV. I just don't like Noctis based on what I've seen and played so far and Kingsglaive compounded on that problem by giving us a much superior protagonist.

The film builds Noctis up like he's going to be some kind of mythic being in the FFXV universe. Sure he's the successor to the king, but what use could he possibly be on his road trip when shit is hitting the fan at home? We never learn why he's important in the grand scheme of things. Sure there's the game to explain that but leaving us without basic explanations of things (eg why is Niflheim at war and what do they want with the crystal) just hurts the film.


I'm not sure how anyone can say Nyx is a better protagonist than Noctis when in Kingsglaive, Nyx might as well be mute and nothing would change.

And we know so little about Noctis, even his Brotherhood episode isn't released yet.


Neo Member
I enjoyed the movie for what it was, and it was quite fun seeing the action sequences during the second half of the movie. The 'giant' fight at the end was so cool!

The reception after the end credit scene came up... a fair amount of people were cheering and clapping. This was at the George St. cinema in Sydney.

All in all I left the cinema feeling more hyped for the game. :)


Why is it that most of you guys on this forum just complain and hate everything. Relax and enjoy yourselves ffs. If you're expecting a Shakespearean play then you guys are deluded.


If only square made it easy to enjoy this movie by, I dunno, making a good movie..


If only square made it easy to enjoy this movie by, I dunno, making a good movie..

He probably meant in all the Final Fantasy XV threads. Most of them are filled with negativity. The movies isn't the best thing ever but it's far from the worst and serves the purpose of setting up events for the game. I do feel that had this been marketed properly (you really NEED to see this and it's not a stand alone story as they said) people's expectations for it would be in line.


Maybe! But it's hard when you waited 10 years for something.

But what they announced 10 years ago is most certainly not what we are getting. I was anticipating Versus as well but FF XV isn't that and they have been pretty clear about that. As cool as some of that stuff seemed like it was going to be, realistically we know that none of it is going to be in the game the way it was presented back then. I would rather get a tangible product in FFXV then get nothing which is what we would have gotten from Versus. I REALLY hope this teaches SE about announcing things way too early.
How much do we know about how this movie actually came to be? I'm about halfway through - and considering that I'm posting right now, I'm clearly not very into it - but I'm kind of fascinated by how this might play into the greater story of FFXV's development. It'll never happen but I bet it could make for one hell of a book someday.

Like, I want to know how this even happened on a business level. There's no realistic way this can make enough money to recoup the cost of production, right? How did this get greenlit? I'll buy that they wanted to convey some story beats that didn't make it into / wouldn't fit into the game itself, but it seems crazy that they were actually allowed to go this far with it.


Crystal Bearer
But what they announced 10 years ago is most certainly not what we are getting. I was anticipating Versus as well but FF XV isn't that and they have been pretty clear about that. As cool as some of that stuff seemed like it was going to be, realistically we know that none of it is going to be in the game the way it was presented back then. I would rather get a tangible product in FFXV then get nothing which is what we would have gotten from Versus. I REALLY hope this teaches SE about announcing things way too early.

They seem to be learning their lesson by not showing Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy VII Remake.


Were you angry at the
treaty signing scene?
That was pretty much what we had been shown from that scene and it looked even better than before. The other you mentioned...I can see how some would be annoyed with that. Considering that the characters that were there originally weren't even in the movie, I knew it couldn't have been replicated so I took it as fan service.
That scene rubbed in how we lost the dichotomy of the mafia suits wielding swords versus the old school armor using guns.

Instead we have both sides looking pretty similar, just with different weapons.


Crystal Bearer
That scene rubbed in how we lost the dichotomy of the mafia suits wielding swords versus the old school armor using guns.

Instead we have both sides looking pretty similar, just with different weapons.

Yeah pretty much this.


That scene rubbed in how we lost the dichotomy of the mafia suits wielding swords versus the old school armor using guns.

Instead we have both sides looking pretty similar, just with different weapons.

But the actual content from what we saw was pretty similar. People gotta let go of Versus in the context of Final Fantasy XV. FF XV is not that and comparing it to what we thought Versus would be is only going to continue to lead to disappointment at what might have been.


After finishing Kingsglaive, I think there were definitely problems with it but for me none of them were any of the things that connected to the FFXV story. Quality of voice acting was all over the place, almost everything regarding the actual members of the Kingsglaive was poorly explained or poorly portrayed, and while some of the action was really cool a lot of it was also completely incoherent. I really just don't think I like Nozue's style of action scenes.

But the stuff that hinted toward where things will go in FFXV made me excited for it.
Maybe it's because I had suuuuper low expectations but I enjoyed the movie for what it was. Like, I was into it. Not gonna front. It's still a hot mess though. The editing was bizarre at times but I didn't really experience that much difficulty following the heavy action scenes at the end of the movie. I complete understand the common complaint about those scenes though.

I guess I should spoiler tag the rest of my post but honestly the plot of the movie is such nonsense I don't really feel like spoiler tags are justified.

So Glauca/Drautos brought Luna to the city so that he could use her to draw the Kingsglaive away from the King and the city during Iedolas' coup. Uh, ok. Luna is a subject of the Empire, why would Regis suddenly concern himself with her safety when she's technically already been kidnapped for 12 fucking years. "Oh, this person whom I haven't seen in 12 years is apparently being held on a ship 20 miles away. These ships belong to an empire she is technically a member of, but I will send my personal guard away from me regardless of these suspicious as fuck circumstances because REASONS."

I assume Regis is concerned with Luna's safety because they keep talking about her destiny and how important it is that she helps Noctis fulfill his destiny to safeguard the future of the world. Which would be fine if they told us what the fuck she and Noctis are destined to do and provided any kind of context at all. But the film doesn't give us any. Every fucking scene with Luna is, "I have to see Noctis, he must fulfill his destiny blahblah" but we have no idea what the fuck she's talking about.

I'm sure all this destiny crap has to do with the Plague of Stars (whatever the fuck that is), but because nothing is explained to us the audience never really has a stake in the outcome of the movie's events. The characters motivations are never given any context. We aren't given the opportunity to give a shit.

The other thing that bothered me was Glauca. Is the Glauca that appears in the Tenebrae flashback also Drautos? Or is the Glauca character more like an assumed identity by those that wear the armor (that armor is fucking cool by the way)? I just don't understand how the Captain of the Kingsglaive is also able to function as a leading General in the Niflheim military. You reaaally have to suspend your disbelief as an audience to accept that reveal.

Couple of other things. I loved loved loved the Ultros cameo even though it was so out of left field and ridiculous but Ultros is ridiculous to begin with so it worked for me. He went out so cheap though. Not gonna lie I was way more upset at Ultros dying than Regis.

Libertus' voice work was HORRENDOUS. Seriously it was like watching a YouTube anime fandub.

The Diamond Weapons had me screaming. I loved that shit. "Unleash the demons!!!" Niflheim breeding and mind controlling monsters/demons with microchips is so ridiculous but I dig it.

I will watch this again and again, if only to see Nyx's beautiful ass. Damn. Dat ass.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Why is it that most of you guys on this forum just complain and hate everything. Relax and enjoy yourselves ffs. If you're expecting a Shakespearean play then you guys are deluded.


It's a poorly written and badly directed film. This is the problem with these projects that have rabid fanbases. There is a pushback against valid criticism. Expecting good storytelling and coherent directing isn't asking for the moon. It's the least that should be put out there.

Why can't I expect a good film? I enjoy myself when the product I'm watching is actually sensible and not overwrought pseudo mature nonsense.

As much planning as there is with animated projects, this felt extremely sloppy. The cutting to black even when the scene isn't transitioning to a different setting is a prime example. And maybe some of this could slide if the action was entertaining, but it was a blurry shaky mess. There isn't an excuse for that. It's a CG movie, they literally control everything happening on-screen.


The other thing that bothered me was Glauca. Is the Glauca that appears in the Tenebrae flashback also Drautos? Or is the Glauca character more like an assumed identity by those that wear the armor (that armor is fucking cool by the way)? I just don't understand how the Captain of the Kingsglaive is also able to function as a leading General in the Niflheim military. You reaaally have to suspend your disbelief as an audience to accept that reveal.
Yeah the fact that they showed him attacking Noctis & Luna's families in the flashback to 12 years ago really made me go "huh?" at that reveal. Like to the point that my first thought at that reveal was maybe Glauca has some kind of shapeshifting ability that he uses to impersonate people rather than thinking he actually was Drautos.

Did we ever get some kind of timeframe explaining when he was made captain of the kingsglaive?

Libertus' voice work was HORRENDOUS. Seriously it was like watching a YouTube anime fandub.
Yeah this was actually the worst. I can't believe they thought that was acceptable.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
It's a poorly written and badly directed film. This is the problem with these projects that have rabid fanbases. There is a pushback against valid criticism. Expecting good storytelling and coherent directing isn't asking for the moon. It's the least that should be put out there.

Why can't I expect a good film? I enjoy myself when the product I'm watching is actually sensible and not overwrought pseudo mature nonsense.

As much planning as there is with animated projects, this felt extremely sloppy. The cutting to black even when the scene isn't transitioning to a different setting is a prime example. And maybe some of this could slide if the action was entertaining, but it was a blurry shaky mess. There isn't an excuse for that. It's a CG movie, they literally control everything happening on-screen.
Thank you.


People covered pretty much most of my concerns. Other than that I expected the movie to be
more centered on the Kingsglaive itself. It kind of was, until the second half of the movie came, and the focus shifted mostly to Nyx and Luna, and from there it only went downhill IMO

Kingsglaive captain being a traitor could be seen from MILES. The guy just disappears half the movie. >_>

Last but not least, do we know something about why is Noctis in wheelchairs?
I personally liked the movie, but I have a couple of questions about it:

What is the old wall? The knights of the round? I'm confused between the new wall and the old one.

Did they cut out the scene where we saw Luna in Stella's dress with Nyx? I saw a screenshot posted around tumblr, but didn't see it in the movie :/ .

Could it possible that there might be different people who take on the role of Galuca? Reason why I asked is because Galuca attacked Tenebrae 12 years prior to the start of the movie. And Drautos doesn't look old at all when we first meet him, so rewind 12 years would make him too young to fit the role right?


didnt go through the thread to see if this was already posted... but post-credit scene with
noctis and co. that takes place literally seconds before the game starts lol.


I personally liked the movie, but I have a couple of questions about it:

What is the old wall? The knights of the round? I'm confused between the new wall and the old one.

Did they cut out the scene where we saw Luna in Stella's dress with Nyx? I saw a screenshot posted around tumblr, but didn't see it in the movie :/ .

Could it possible that there might be different people who take on the role of Galuca? Reason why I asked is because Galuca attacked Tenebrae 12 years prior to the start of the movie. And Drautos doesn't look old at all when we first meet him, so rewind 12 years would make him too young to fit the role right?

The new wall was the magic barrier, the old wall was
all the summons
protecting the city... right?


didnt go through the thread to see if this was already posted... but post-credit scene with
noctis and co. that takes place literally seconds before the game starts lol.

I thought it was interesting that the scene was apparently made in-engine with Luminous, instead of full CG like the movie.
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