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KINGSGLAIVE: Final Fantasy XV Thread: Everything for the future king


Watched it with zero expectations since I consider Spirits Within but even more Advent Children to be total shit.
I was actually pretty surprised, the movie is a great prologue to FFXV, it basically wraps up all the things that we saw in a fragmented way in the old Versus trailers and are now used as a premise for FFXV. CG quality is among the best I've ever seen.
Ardyn, Regis, the Niflheim emperor were all interesting characters in the movie and that gives me confidence for the story in FFXV. Luna was a bit too boring/serious.
Obviously this is not material worth of a standalone release as a movie. The story goes nowhere if you don't plan to play the game, dialogues can be awkward and cliched like in a videogame and some characters like Luna's brother are totally useless and underdeveloped.
But as I said as a prologue movie to FFXV this was pretty great and I'm excited for the story in the full game.


It was really weird, I still don't know if I liked it or not. It felt way too long though, and the ending felt heavily inspired by man of steel.

I guess it works as a prologue, but as a stand alone movie it's not really worth it, way too video gamey and amateurish at times.
Just finished the movie. I would probably give it a 4/10.

The biggest sin is that the movie feels like it doesn't understand what it wants to do with the characters exactly. Their motivations and overall intentions are very poorly handled, and in the end, I couldn't care about them because they were very 1-dimensional. (With the exception of the dude with crutches. He should have been the main character because he was more interesting, but even then his actions towards the end didn't make sense.)

The structuring of the action scenes are also very poor, with the exception of the signing ceremony which I thought had great tension. The editing is messy and indecipherable in the biggest scenes of the film. Like that scene they revealed the general's identity. How they handled it was so jarring and confusing, and there was no build-up at all.

I couldn't help but think of LOTR when
people put on the ring and see the old kings ala the Nazgul, or Sean Bean dying so the ring won't fall into enemy hands.
Maybe even Pacific Rim when
the Jaeger/Summons were smashing the Demons/Kaijus on city streets
It's like those movies, but made by lesser filmmakers.


He must not be forgotten.




The best. Seriously.

Someone should do a side by side comparison of v13 scenes compared to Kingslaive's, so I can get sad.


Just finished watching it and enjoyed it a lot. Felt perfectly fine a prologue to FFXV. Some of the stuff that reminded me of Versus XIII trailers was great.


Just watched it and it was slightly less than OK. As expected I hated Regis the moment I saw his new design and this movie did nothing to change my mind about him, and I doubt I will care about any emotional scene that involves the king in the game if there are some.

The way charters move a lot of the times are bad it's like watching a bad actor in a play performing terribly. Did I mention how awful facial expressions were?

I didn't like the party scene at all and I didn't think it was necessary(assuming they wanted to make versus fans happy with it but it didn't work with me).

Is it just me or does Luna and Ravus
relationship looks like it was inspired by Daenerys and Viserys? old evil blonde brother and his fragile good sister.his sister is to marry the prince/king. he doesn't treat her well. he seeks crown/ring.. etc. Yeah I didn't like anything regarding their characters and relationship in this movie

The hooded man Ravus was such a disappointment :( I was expecting him to be at least like Xemnas from KH2, but he ended up being like fucking Viserys

Visuals and some fights were cool tho.


Shit what was the music played when Nyx picked up Luna? I can't remember what game it was from.

I'm almost positive it was from VIII, IX, XI or XIV

Edit: wait it's an updated version of the main theme from the OG FF? According to theatrhythm.


I'm very surprised at how negative the thread is overall. Just finished the movie about an hour ago and I really enjoyed it. I will agree the editing was pretty lousy at the beginning, but after about 15 minutes it became either much better or I adjusted to the style. I thought the voice acting of the main cast was great, especially Aaron Paul and Sean Bean. There were a few duds like Libertus, but it didn't take me out of the movie much. I was shocked at the scale of the final set piece. It felt like I was watching a $100 million Hollywood blockbuster.

Overall, the movie did its job. I'm super pumped for FFXV now and if it was still hitting its Sept 30th release date, this would have been perfect. I'll just have to watch Kingsglaive again a week or so before the game comes out. Anyway, with it still fresh I'd probably give it 8/10.

Astral Dog

I'm very surprised at how negative the thread is overall. Just finished the movie about an hour ago and I really enjoyed it. I will agree the editing was pretty lousy at the beginning, but after about 15 minutes it became either much better or I adjusted to the style. I thought the voice acting of the main cast was great, especially Aaron Paul and Sean Bean. There were a few duds like Libertus, but it didn't take me out of the movie much. I was shocked at the scale of the final set piece. It felt like I was watching a $100 million Hollywood blockbuster.

Overall, the movie did its job. I'm super pumped for FFXV now and if it was still hitting its Sept 30th release date, this would have been perfect. I'll just have to watch Kingsglaive again a week or so before the game comes out. Anyway, with it still fresh I'd probably give it 8/10.

i dont think its outwright negative but just mixed, with a few posters with bad impressions posting casually.


Shit what was the music played when Nyx picked up Luna? I can't remember what game it was from.

I'm almost positive it was from VIII, IX, XI or XIV

Edit: wait it's an updated version of the main theme from the OG FF? According to theatrhythm.

Yeah main theme of Final Fantasy.
Shit what was the music played when Nyx picked up Luna? I can't remember what game it was from.

I'm almost positive it was from VIII, IX, XI or XIV

Edit: wait it's an updated version of the main theme from the OG FF? According to theatrhythm.

Are you talking about the scene with the goofy ambassador dude?

That was the classic Final Fantasy series theme from the original games, first used in FF1's opening.


Saw it this morning. There isn't really anything for me to add that hasn't already been said. I enjoyed it for what it was but it's an objectively bad movie. Pretty visuals and some mildly entertaining action scenes(though still choppy as fuck) aren't enough to get me to ever watch it again.

Nozue should never be allowed to direct anything again. Get a qualified director next time, Square.

Crowe. What a waste of a really cool character design. Awful VA. Awful story arc.

Sean Bean was absolutely the MVP in this movie. I really wish they could have somehow got him to record for the game. Lena Headey, with that beautiful voice, and Aaron Paul were only serviceable but much better than the rest of the cast.


I really think this movie will shine even more when the game is out and we understand more of the lore and rules behind Eos. It's a shame they couldn't make it more self-contained but yeah, there are too many questions that are asked and not answered.
one of the funniest things about this was that, instead of having meaningful or intentional cuts, they would just awkwardly fade to black whenever dialogue for a scene was exhausted, literally like a video game cutscene.


It was an alright movie. But say the first 30 minutes...what a mess. Cut to this scene, switch switch switch switch. Fucking jarring.

one of the funniest things about this was that, instead of having meaningful or intentional cuts, they would just awkwardly fade to black whenever dialogue for a scene was exhausted, literally like a video game cutscene.

I almost stopped the movie because of this.
Might be a bit off topic, but when the game was delayed, did that include a kings tale being delayed as well? I know it was a preorder bonus, but I wasn't sure if it was being released on its own too.


one of the funniest things about this was that, instead of having meaningful or intentional cuts, they would just awkwardly fade to black whenever dialogue for a scene was exhausted, literally like a video game cutscene.

Yeah it's a cheap cop-out to try to indicate the passage of time, and an obvious failing of the director/editor.

There are so many ways to space out a scene to give the impression time passing without having to resort to tacky shorthand fades every few minutes.
Another thing that bugged me was the really odd music cut in when Nyx went to meet his buddies and how it kind of just disappeared into some low volume track.

It just felt badly edited.


one of the funniest things about this was that, instead of having meaningful or intentional cuts, they would just awkwardly fade to black whenever dialogue for a scene was exhausted, literally like a video game cutscene.

There is one solid transition in the entire film, and that's around.... I think the end of the first act. It's the only creative transition I remember. They use a shot of the car turning a bend on the highway in Insomnia to wipe across the camera and transit into a shot of an airship turning into the Tanabreu airspace.


Might be a bit off topic, but when the game was delayed, did that include a kings tale being delayed as well? I know it was a preorder bonus, but I wasn't sure if it was being released on its own too.

blame GameStop for buying exclusivity, and then blame Square-Enix for cutting exclusivity deals.


If the old kings can come back as living statues and fight for you, I wonder if Regis will appear to fight with you in the game near the end. Assuming there is a statue of him somewhere.


Neo Member
How are you all seeing this? Is it now available to purchase and watch? 8 thought it was in theatres for 1 weekend only in 10 cities or something rediculous like that.

Thanks for the info


How are you all seeing this? Is it now available to purchase and watch? 8 thought it was in theatres for 1 weekend only in 10 cities or something rediculous like that.

Thanks for the info
It's available on iTunes right now. Provided you don't live in a third world country, in which case you might need to turn to shadier avenues.


I forgot to mention Nyx and his gang in my earlier post. They were so forgetable and annoying I forgot to mention them...

libertus especially was unbearable -__-


Regarding Luna's strange, fearless and already reckless behaviour... Do we know if
Noctis has told Luna about the time and circumstances of her death when they were children maybe? Her behaviour, like staying completely calm while dangling mid-air, jumping out of an aircraft or running through a bullet shower, would make much more sense. Also her talk about whatever destiny she must fulfill together with Noctis.
If that is true I have the feeling she will die in the game... :( This is just specualtion. So, if anybody knows because of the leakes, don't tell me. Just don't answer this post at all, okay? XD

It was a very bad idea to delay the game for two months after Kingsglaive is already long out and there being so many leaks. :(


This was horrible. Mostly.

- I heard about the editing, but I didn't expect it to be this bad. Seriously, you get one fade to black after another and nothing really flows. Whoever said that the movie feels like a couple of short movies stitched together was completely right. The action scenes were as hard to follow as some of the early impressions made them out to be.

- The Kingsglaives themselves were atrocious characters. Most of them were unlikable, especially Libertus
and of course he's the one to survive the damn movie. God, I hate Libertus with burning passion. I'm not sure if it was his hairstyle, his voice or the acting, but I kept getting annoyed whenever he was on screen. His motivation wasn't even that bad, but they just absolutely failed to elaborate on him in a meaningful way. It was so bad that I was actively rooting for Glauca to kill them all.
Nyx was okay, but severly underexplored. The hairstyle still doesn't fit Johan Akan's face, though.

- Glauca was the movie's best character.
I hope he gets his chance to kill Libertus in the main game, but I'm not holding my breath. Did I mention that Libertus was annoying?

- Luna was bad, but not as offensively bad as I feared. My problems with her mostly stem from the incredibly poor marketing and the attempt to make her look like a strong female character™.
I liked that she makes her own decisions, even if some of these decisions were rather stupid. However, the next time you try to convince me that Luna is a strong female character™, I'd advise to give her a role that doesn't involve getting repeatedly captured and running away all the time. I also laughed at the notion that Luna was travelling to Altissia dressed like a princess.
Lena Headey's voice matches her surprisingly well.

- Speaking of offensively bad: The party scene felt like a slap into the face. If you want to dissociate FFXV from Versus XIII, fine, go ahead, but stop taking scenes and elements from Versus XIII and repurpose them for something entirely different. Whoever made this scene in Kingsglaive had no idea what made the party scene in Versus XIII so appealing. It's also the least effective way to get the Versus XIII fanatics to shut up when you keep bringing it up. The way this scene played out in Kingsglaive was the epitome of everything that's wrong with FFXV's approach to Versus XIII's themes and motifs.

- The banter between Regis and Iedolas was my highlight of the movie. It was the one time where I felt that the dialogue was on point. Sean Bean's performance as Regis was also great.

- The CG was great whenever the characters didn't fall into the uncanny valley. Some of Nyx's expressions bordered on idiotic at times.

- God, I hate Libertus. Libertus was such a terrible character that I'm like 90% sure that the film would have been much better if they had removed him from the story.
Unless the main game somehow manages to salvage him, he has to be one of the worst characters in franchise history. His relationship with Crowe is not explored and they don't tell us anything about the pills he takes. The only worthwhile thing he does is escorting Luna outside of Insomnia, and even then he keeps whining about Nyx for some reason that probably would have made sense if they had actually cared about introducing this guy's moral dilemma to the audience. Had they given Luna some sort of offensive skills instead, Libertus could have been cut altogether and that would have opened the room for more development for the other characters.


Thought this was cool. It won't turn heads or anything, but it was fine as a prologue/companion piece to FFXV. It also felt like they took all the cool scenes from the early Versus XIII/XV trailers and threw them in here but substituted Noctis for Nyx as a way of saying, "alright, here's all the rad old shit you guys keep clamoring for, now look forward to FFXV with an open mind," which I'm fine with.

Visuals were very pretty. Wouldn't mind seeing Visual Works tackle a Kingdom Hearts movie next.
Poor film. Terrible voice acting and animation was janky on the people at times. CG was nice but didn't blow me away. Other than that couldn't say much good about it.


Any pics of that supposed costume for XV you get by buying on PS4? I have the deluxe edition pre-ordered, but I dunno. Was thinking of switching to the digital season pass version anyway.


Libertus was such a terrible character that I'm like 90% sure that the film would have been much better if they had removed him from the story.

Seriously. I kept thinking it would've been better if
Libertus had died instead of Crowe. I don't know if they thought Crowe's death would have more of an impact because she's a woman or what, but it had very little affect on me since she had about 3 lines in the movie. She at least had a better design and didn't seem as annoying.


Speaking of offensively bad: The party scene felt like a slap into the face. If you want to dissociate FFXV from Versus XIII, fine, go ahead, but stop taking scenes and elements from Versus XIII and repurpose them for something entirely different. Whoever made this scene in Kingsglaive had no idea what made the party scene in Versus XIII so appealing. It's also the least effective way to get the Versus XIII fanatics to shut up when you keep bringing it up. The way this scene played out in Kingsglaive was the epitome of everything that's wrong with FFXV's approach to Versus XIII's themes and motifs.

Can you please explain to me what made the party scene in Versus XIII so appealing? I honestly do not understand this attachment some of you have. And this is coming from someone that was in high school when Versus XIII was first revealed and waited years and years for more information along with the rest of you. The party scene was never what excited me about Versus XIII. All we ever had from it was a graphically incomplete cutscene of Noctis meeting Stella with no voice acting, Somnus as the music, and some Amano artwork in the background. Other than that, it was only the promise of an escape after the party was attacked. Is it just that you had 10 years to build up that scene in your head? Because IMO what they provided to us in the Versus days from the party scene was never very exciting.

On top of that, I actually enjoyed the party scene in Kingsglaive simply as a throwback to the Versus days. Visually it was gorgeous, I enjoyed the back and forth between Regis and Ledolas, and overall I just like the idea of Noctis not being there for any of the attack.


Can you please explain to me what made the party scene in Versus XIII so appealing? I honestly do not understand this attachment some of you have. And this is coming from someone that was in high school when Versus XIII was first revealed and waited years and years for more information along with the rest of you. The party scene was never what excited me about Versus XIII. All we ever had from it was a graphically incomplete cutscene of Noctis meeting Stella with no voice acting, Somnus as the music, and some Amano artwork in the background. Other than that, it was only the promise of an escape after the party was attacked. Is it just that you had 10 years to build up that scene in your head? Because IMO what they provided to us in the Versus days from the party scene was never very exciting.

I liked that the party scene was some sort of establishing moment for both Noctis and Stella. That's what Nomura described the scene as and many of the things Nomura said about these two characters in the past are in fact reflected in the Versus XIII version of the scene. It was one of those quieter moments just like the soup scene in the E3 2013 trailer that get increasingly rarer as AAA games focus on getting more and more spectacular.

Noctis (and this seems to have been carried over to XV) is reluctant to become the king and runs away from Stella when she talks about what makes him special. He prefers a normal life and even says that straying to much from the norm might be bad for you. He doesn't care about titles and insists that Stella calls him "Noct" instead of Prince Noctis. Stella plays him off fantastically by actively chasing after him. She doesn't let him off the hook easily when he walks away from her. You can easily say how different these characters are. The cinematography even balances out the now outdated graphics for me.

Nyx and Luna don't have the same chemistry as Noctis and Stella had. They don't need to have the same chemistry because they are different characters, but this also means that one scenario that is potentially interesting with one set of characters may not be as interesting with another set of characters and that's exactly what happened here. I guess that the scene is still somewhat telling for the relationship Nyx and Luna have as Nyx seems to see Luna as little more than an annoying princess both here and in the rest of the movie, but it's just not as effective because of that.


Well I just finished the movie. As an FF fan and as someone who's been following this game's development, consider me very hyped. There was some bad writing, bad VA, and confusing direction, but it was fun. Solid 7.5/10 for me. Actually the animations were so amazing it bumps up to 8/10. Can't wait for the game.


I actually like Luna Freya. Shame they couldn't just make the game about her adventure instead of the 4 broskis on a road trip.


Nyx and Luna don't have the same chemistry as Noctis and Stella had. They don't need to have the same chemistry because they are different characters, but this also means that one scenario that is potentially interesting with one set of characters may not be as interesting with another set of characters and that's exactly what happened here. I guess that the scene is still somewhat telling for the relationship Nyx and Luna have as Nyx seems to see Luna as little more than an annoying princess both here and in the rest of the movie, but it's just not as effective because of that.

Shouldn't we be open to the possibility of Noctis and Luna's "establishing moment" being just as appealing? As far as I know, there has been no footage of Noctis and Luna together except for when they were kids. Noctis hasn't seen Luna for 10+ years, right? I'm very interested to see how they act together. They might have been friendly as kids, but people change. Maybe their relationship will be very similar to what we knew of Noctis and Stella's, although there wasn't very much to go off of.


Shouldn't we be open to the possibility of Noctis and Luna's "establishing moment" being just as appealing? As far as I know, there has been no footage of Noctis and Luna together except for when they were kids. Noctis hasn't seen Luna for 10+ years, right? I'm very interested to see how they act together. They might have been friendly as kids, but people change. Maybe their relationship will be very similar to what we knew of Noctis and Stella's, although there wasn't very much to go off of.

Eh, yes, but this doesn't invalidate my point that the Kingsglaive party scene is a poor imitation of the Versus XIII one.


Loved it. Half the scenes look like real life, I enjoyed the pacing and characters. Action scenes were cool, and Aaron Paul's voice acting is top notch.

I even more excited to play the game, this seems like the perfect intro to the story.


Eh, yes, but this doesn't invalidate my point that the Kingsglaive party scene is a poor imitation of the Versus XIII one.

It doesn't try to be an imitation though. It's not like it's still Noctis and Stella in a poorly done version of the original scene. It's an entirely different scene meant to simply call back to the original scene in a few ways. If it was a recreation of the original scene with the same characters but worse dialog and cinematography I could maybe understand the disappointment.
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