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KINGSGLAIVE: Final Fantasy XV Thread: Everything for the future king

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I would prefer to watch this in Japanese with English subtitles

Its strange. I heard this was done originally for English but the acting still feels very off lol

Does a Japanese version exist and how can I watch it with Subs?
It feels off because they missed the point of performance capture and completely re-recorded the audio over the animation. There are several parts in the film where mouths literally aren't moving and unlike in say a live action film where ADR wouldn't be as noticeable it's extremely noticeable in the film.
Bleh just finished watching it in english

Not a very good movie

Anime is better for the mere fact it focuses on characters that matter going into the game

They should have based the movie around the main characters or at least kept the focus on Regis/Luna and not the sacrificial soldiers

They should just stop trying to make Final Fantasy theatrical movies a thing and stick to lower budget stuff like the Anime


Just watched it. Kinda mixed about it.
CG was sublime. Best ever.
Characters outside of the main three (Regis, Luna and Nyx) felt too stiff for some reason.
Luna's still a damsel in distress and this time I don't think Tabata can sway me. Definitely miss Stella after watching this movie.
It was an okay movie but I feel like if I watch this a second time, it might be worse than my initial impressions.


Here are my thoughts on Kingsglaive:
  • The CGI was fantastic, but what went wrong with the animations? The lipsync especially is off a lot of the time (ESPECIALLY in the post-credits scene). Is this because they wanted it to be partly synced to the Japanese version too? They should just have created two different versions if they really wanted that...
  • The party scene, the peace treaty signing scene and the escape scene up to where
    Glauca kills Regis
    were the best scenes in the whole film, not because of the nostalgia but because they are actually edited pretty well and/or they have the appropriate tension. In contrast to the rest of the film. The environments were also much better designed here. I also did like the slums environment design though.
  • On that note, Somnus was the best song in the film, and I also liked Luna's theme, which was unsurprisingly also by Shimomura.
  • My DBZ eyes could not follow the action. I could follow what they were trying to show, but I could not follow what was actually happening.
  • Crowe's
    was handled pretty terribly. I guess after the fact I can now deduce that
    it was all orchestrated by Drautos/Glauca, but how did he make sure that the body was found and that it was reported to the Kingsglaive and Regis?
  • I feel
    Drautos turning out to be the main villain
    should have been foreshadowed and reacted to better. I also have no idea what his reasons were. Did I not pay enough attention, was the reason so stupid that I forgot or did the film just not explain it well enough?
  • Since Tabata said Nyx would appear in-game in some form, I hope
    we'll find Nyx's spirit animal in-game instead of just his burned corpse or something. That would be much better.
  • I hope we get Glauca's armor in-game.
  • So now we know why they added bruises to Luna's model (comparison gif).
    She got shot in that shoulder in this movie
    . It's a cool touch, but personally I would rather not have
    her get shot
    and not have the bruises as a result. They're a bit distracting.
  • I liked Iedolas, looking forward to seeing him in-game.
  • Luna's a bit of a lunatic for
    not wanting to travel with Libertus since she'd get recognized, and instead walking in her royal dress in plain sight like that
    . Is that why she was named Luna?
  • Why can Noctis warp-strike if
    that power depends on the will of the kings? Hasn't the Insomnia invasion concluded and haven't the old Lucian kings gone back to sleep by the time FFXV begins?
  • I had no idea what was happening when Nyx was staring at that watch-like thing and then suddenly rushing off, until he told someone that
    Luna had been kidnapped and he had the coordinates. So that watch showed the coordinates of the tracking device on the hairpin, I guess? It still doesn't entirely make sense to me how he got those coordinates.
Basically, it would have been a good movie if only it wasn't edited so badly. What was up with all the fades where they made no sense, and the quick cuts in the action scenes?

Gonna just say this is a huge leap of logic based on two sentences from two different people from two different interviews more than a few years apart.
I'm glad to hear you saying that, since you probably know most about all this. I couldn't find the sources for the Versus claim yesterday so now I looked around a bit more in old Versus interviews and it turns out she had similar freedom back then:
http://forums.khinsider.com/video-games/151654-yoko-shimomura-talks-about-music-upcoming-games.html said:
Moving on to Versus XIII, Shimomura wouldn't say much. In fact, she didn't really say anything at all. The development staff is currently forming a framework for the game's music. Shimomura noted that they have to be careful about making too firm an image, as the music may then not end up fitting with the game. They're currently considering the possibilities for many different music types, a phase of development that she enjoys.
Nomura has talked about pushing her a few times w.r.t. the KH series though (as well as Shimomura pushing herself), but that's unrelated. So my claim was completely wrong -- thanks for pointing that out. :)


Just saw it. Yeah that was pretty bad. Mind you, not AC levels of bad, but it seems like SE is still focusing on spectacle and fanservice over actual good story for their movies.

Nyx was pretty cool and I wish he was the main character for the game, but that was it. Luna was so terrible that I don't look forward to meeting her again in the game. What an awful, boring and predictable character. I think stupidity is a trait from his family, seeing
Ravus. I mean, really? how stupid you can be to blame Regis for the death of his mother and joining the ones that killed her?

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Just saw it. Yeah that was pretty bad. Mind you, not AC levels of bad, but it seems like SE is still focusing on spectacle and fanservice over actual good story for their movies.

Nyx was pretty cool and I wish he was the main character for the game, but that was it. Luna was so terrible that I don't look forward to meeting her again in the game. What an awful, boring and predictable character. I think stupidity is a trait from his family, seeing
Ravus. I mean, really? how stupid you can be to blame Regis for the death of his mother and joining the ones that killed her?
I mean,
it was LITERALLY like inches away from his face, his mother being burned and then stabbed with a comically huge sword, he basically made eye contact with Glauca at that moment, yet no, somehow, it's Regis's fault. Like they really couldn't have written that scene any differently?


I mean,
it was LITERALLY like inches away from his face, his mother being burned and then stabbed with a comically huge sword, he basically made eye contact with Glauca at that moment, yet no, somehow, it's Regis's fault. Like they really couldn't have written that scene any differently?

Yeah I agree, that's a reason why, as I said, they go for spectacle rather than story
there's no way that they didn't realise how stupid that guy sounded, but they just needed him to go against Regis for the shock value, ignoring if that made sense or not. AC was the same, a lot of nonsense shit all because of the shock value and fanservice.

Another fault IMO for the movie is that it didn't make me care about the actual FFXV gang. I mean,
we don't really know shit about Noctis other than he is out, instead we spend all the movie with Nyx. For me, now I feel like I would rather have Nyx as the main character of FFXV instead of Noctis, who is out like nothing happened when his natal city is being heavily attacked. Maybe I should watch that Brotherhood anime though.

I think they should have put some scenes with Noctis and his friends, like a warmp up to make you care and look forward to play with them in the game.


Byvar said:
Here are my thoughts on Kingsglaive:
The CGI was fantastic, but what went wrong with the animations? The lipsync especially is off a lot of the time (ESPECIALLY in the post-credits scene). Is this because they wanted it to be partly synced to the Japanese version too? They should just have created two different versions if they really wanted that...

I don't think it's lip-synced to anything most of the time. It's simply cheaply made due to a low budget. It's just like the average anime production. :p


Here are my thoughts on Kingsglaive:
  • The CGI was fantastic, but what went wrong with the animations? The lipsync especially is off a lot of the time (ESPECIALLY in the post-credits scene). Is this because they wanted it to be partly synced to the Japanese version too? They should just have created two different versions if they really wanted that...
The post credit scene seems to be using Luminous engine assets rather than the high quality assets seen in the movie.


CGI was really inconsistent IMO. Some scenes looked really awesome (minus lypsinc), some looked really bad like the bar scene though.
I wanted to like this. I really did. Despite the reviews I kept an open mind. But it has bored me throughout.

It has no bearing on the game for me, since FFVII Advent Children didn't affect my love of FFVII.
I wonder if anyone got the vibes I got from watching the terribly unnecessary character Rayvus [spoiler pic below]


just watched it, the CGI is amazing, love the fight scene in the beginning .. but the rest of the fight feels meh, particularly the last fight, somehow boring and too long for me

as for the story,
some of it didn't make any sense ... glaives are too easy to be traitor for such weak reason

btw despite all of this, this movie made me curious more about FF XV and obviously pique my interest about the game ... so i'm looking forward to play it
I saw it, I thought it was fine.. I just didn't really see the point of it. Why bother making a CG movie for a game as a kind of bloated preview? The story was weak, but offered at least a pretty clear overview of both sides of the conflict. They just can't help themselves with the over-the-top embellishments that have made their last three games so corny.
When the mullet dude (Nyx) stabs his friend in the heart with the two titans doing the same thing in the background *cringe*. It is all so on the nose and lame.

The language, their insistence on referencing Shakespeare or copying some sort of George RR Martin/Tolkien-ish literary style.. None of it works. All of their characters are so one-dimensional.. You have the bad ass, the stoic princess with a boob window.. I thought the whole point of making a 'fantasy based on reality', was to bring the series down to earth a bit more. Make the characters more adult and well-rounded. I appreciate the difficulty in trying to make such a huge world believable, but who the hell writes this shit?


Movie was boring as hell, hopefully not indicative of the game (though story wise, yeah...). The only really good thing to come out of this movie was that Nyx existing made me discover his real life model, so that was worth it IMO.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Honestly it makes very little sense that the king allowed an entire group of people to enter the treaty room and didn't make them surrender their weapons.


Honestly it makes very little sense that the king allowed an entire group of people to enter the treaty room and didn't make them surrender their weapons.
If you're about to sign a peace treaty, I guess both sides would expect to have some form of "Mutual Assured Destruction" for lack of a better word^^ It wouldn't be fair to the Niffs, who could only protect themselves by their guns whereas Lucians can always summon up their weapons.


CG was pretty good but some very noticeable mistake. Other than that the movie was pretty bad. Bad editing with overuse of various technique. The story gets busy and cam can cause confusion. As a movie it's alright more bad than good.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
"It's cool, these guys seem legit."
Maybe they're so used to being able to conjure weapons out of thin air lol
"My king, shouldn't we take their guns?"

"What the fuck is a gun?!"
If you're about to sign a peace treaty, I guess both sides would expect to have some form of "Mutual Assured Destruction" for lack of a better word^^ It wouldn't be fair to the Niffs, who could only protect themselves by their guns whereas Lucians can always summon up their weapons.
I mean maybe, but considering they have airships and stuff and the King knew they were on the way you'd expect him to say something about it. I'm not sure "mutual assured destruction" is how peace treaties work. If anything I feel like guns have a distinct advantage over magic considering how fast some of the council got wrecked.


I mean,
it was LITERALLY like inches away from his face, his mother being burned and then stabbed with a comically huge sword, he basically made eye contact with Glauca at that moment, yet no, somehow, it's Regis's fault. Like they really couldn't have written that scene any differently?

Yeah I agree, that's a reason why, as I said, they go for spectacle rather than story
there's no way that they didn't realise how stupid that guy sounded, but they just needed him to go against Regis for the shock value, ignoring if that made sense or not. AC was the same, a lot of nonsense shit all because of the shock value and fanservice.

I wasn't really happy with the direction they went with Ravus either, but I think it's a bit too soon to write him off completely. I can't imagine he actually
likes Niflheim either, he was probably just trying to use them for his own personal gain. And I could see why he wouldn't care for Regis. It's no coincidence that his life fell apart the day that Regis came to visit Tenebrae. Then the minute the shit hits the fan, Regis turns tail and runs. Sure, maybe he did what he had to do to protect Noctis, but I could understand why Ravus would feel resentment toward him. It's kind of the same reason the Kingsglaive turns on Regis. I know his options were limited, but he's awfully quick to abandon other people beyond the wall for the sake of his own family. And do we really know what Ravus would've done with the ring's power if it had accepted him? Maybe he would've tried to kill Glauca and Regis? If anything, I think the dumbest thing about him was that he thought the ring would accept him in the first place. He's obviously arrogant and selfish, no doubt about that.
I don't know, maybe I'm just trying to make excuses for bad writing. Either way, I'm hoping he's better in the game and not the one-note character he seems to be right now. I'm probably just in denial after spending so much time thinking he'd be the
final boss. Ardyn seemed too obvious and I thought it would make for some good drama between Luna and Noctis.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
I already have the urge to watch this a second time, mostly for the first amazing part. That said I hope they do like AC and ending up launching a COMPLETE edition later in the future with 30-40 mins of scenes added. I heard the game was #1 on PSN right? I hope that plus the physical editions make this movie successfull. I want more similar stuff in the future from S-E so better do well.
[*]So now we know why they added bruises to Luna's model (comparison gif).
She got shot in that shoulder in this movie
. It's a cool touch, but personally I would rather not have
her get shot
and not have the bruises as a result. They're a bit distracting.

They would add such a detail (her getting
wasn't even relevant for anything) yet make her look like two completely different persons in the movie and game...


I wasn't really happy with the direction they went with Ravus either, but I think it's a bit too soon to write him off completely. I can't imagine he actually
likes Niflheim either, he was probably just trying to use them for his own personal gain. And I could see why he wouldn't care for Regis. It's no coincidence that his life fell apart the day that Regis came to visit Tenebrae. Then the minute the shit hits the fan, Regis turns tail and runs. Sure, maybe he did what he had to do to protect Noctis, but I could understand why Ravus would feel resentment toward him. It's kind of the same reason the Kingsglaive turns on Regis. I know his options were limited, but he's awfully quick to abandon other people beyond the wall for the sake of his own family. And do we really know what Ravus would've done with the ring's power if it had accepted him? Maybe he would've tried to kill Glauca and Regis? If anything, I think the dumbest thing about him was that he thought the ring would accept him in the first place. He's obviously arrogant and selfish, no doubt about that.
I don't know, maybe I'm just trying to make excuses for bad writing. Either way, I'm hoping he's better in the game and not the one-note character he seems to be right now. I'm probably just in denial after spending so much time thinking he'd be the
final boss. Ardyn seemed too obvious and I thought it would make for some good drama between Luna and Noctis.

I mean, of course they can flesh him out in the game. I'm only talking about what they show you on the movie.

And honestly, even though I agree Regis was a dick to, well, everyone, and if I was Ravus I would kind of hate him too, but I would hate the Empire even more. The plot with Regis and Ravus was really rushed IMO. But we'll see what they do in the game.

They would add such a detail (her getting
wasn't even relevant for anything) yet make her look like two completely different persons in the movie and game...

She already looks totally different person.



Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
She already looks totally different person.

Well can't complain here, the character in the movie is creepy. There is something wrong with the distance between the eyes and the face animations in general. Luna-ingame is better.


Oh the middle part of the movie was amazing, the tension and the action. Rest was ugh. It feels like someone else directed the middle part and rest was directed by some generic anime director.

Nyx was cool too. It will be difficult for me to go back to the character design in the game.

Btw above i agree to above poster about Luna. Her face and animation was inconsistent.


Second best movie of the year just after Startrek Beyond <period>. I went to see sucide squad, civil war, BvS, idependece day and more. None of those movie were even romotely close to Kingsglive. Great VA, music, ambience and CG. So so story but still easey 8 of 10.

But I read some sour stuff in this thread. Go see the movies I mentioned to lower the expectation bar. What better movies have you seen this year anyway?


Well can't complain here, the character in the movie is creepy. There is something wrong with the distance between the eyes and the face animations in general. Luna-ingame is better.
That and the weird attempts at self sacrifice for her duty/programming makes her seem like a robot.


Second best movie of the year just after Startrek Beyond <period>. I went to see sucide squad, civil war, BvS, idependece day and more. None of those movie were even romotely close to Kingsglive. Great VA, music, ambience and CG. So so story but still easey 8 of 10.

But I read some sour stuff in this thread. Go see the movies I mentioned to lower the expectation bar. What better movies have you seen this year anyway?
If you're watching movies to lower your expectations, doesn't that mean you've been choosing to watch crappy movies...?
My hype for the game just got amped through the roof after seeing the
Lucii Statues vs Diamond Weapon x Nyx vs Glauca fight
. I just hope they make more sense of the story with the 40+ hours of the game, because clearly the mithology was too deep to be properly introduced with the movie.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Well can't complain here, the character in the movie is creepy. There is something wrong with the distance between the eyes and the face animations in general. Luna-ingame is better.
There's nothing wrong with the distance between the eyes, it's a 3D scanned model.

Luna in-game looks like a lifeless doll due to how little blendshapes her model has.


If you're watching movies to lower your expectations, doesn't that mean you've been choosing to watch crappy movies...?

I worded it wrong. After watching those movies you would just apprciate Kingsglaive more as decent movies are few and far in between this year. It means that the latest scifi, fantsy, superhero movies are waaay worse than kingsglaive in my opionion. Guardians of the galaxy and Ant-man being exceptions but they are loder production


Watched it yesterday. Given all the mixed/meh impressions you guys had, I kept my expectations low and was pleasantly surprised.

This is just an ok movie for sure at best. But with my expectation in check, it wasn't as much as a train wreck as I thought it'd be.

Hyped me up for the game, with it ending with the start of chapter 1 and all.

Last big fight was a big mess though, very hard to keep track of what's happening.


Crystal Bearer
I worded it wrong. After watching those movies you would just apprciate Kingsglaive more as decent movies are few and far in between this year. It means that the latest scifi, fantsy, superhero movies are waaay worse than kingsglaive in my opionion. Guardians of the galaxy and Ant-man being exceptions but they are loder production

As someone who goes out to the movies on a regular basis... no, I don't really agree. Kingsglaive is quite poor next to your average focus-tested blockbuster. At least the Marvel flicks have a sense of editing and proper story to them.


I worded it wrong. After watching those movies you would just apprciate Kingsglaive more as decent movies are few and far in between this year. It means that the latest scifi, fantsy, superhero movies are waaay worse than kingsglaive in my opionion. Guardians of the galaxy and Ant-man being exceptions but they are loder production

For what it's worth I agree with you. I really don't know how this movie gets such bad reviews here. The action was great, Nix was cool, the plot was ok. People complain that it's boring? Half the movie is full on action, and the middle part was intriguing to me.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Yea thanks to the credits I finally name of the model they scanned in for Luna's appearance. Sonya Maltceva. They made a lot of adjustments to make her resemble a realistic version of in-game Luna, eye and skin color being the most prominent.

For what it's worth I agree with you. I really don't know how this movie gets such bad reviews here. The action was great, Nix was cool, the plot was ok. People complain that it's boring? Half the movie is full on action, and the middle part was intriguing to me.
A movie with a abysmal pacing, a story with no emotional weight behind the vast VAST majority of scenes especially for people who haven't spent years of investment in characters like Regis, and fight scenes with no sense of emotion behind them not to mention how poorly edited and hard to follow they are, and none of this things would be as tedious if they were if the vast majority of the cast didn't sound like cartoon characters despite looking very clearly like people on top of some really terrible use of ADR. Like, I struggle to see how people can think this is a genuinely good film. There's nothing wrong with liking it ofc, but seriously it's not a good film at all. It fails in every way you can think of when it comes to "What makes a good film."


As someone who goes out to the movies on a regular basis... no, I don't really agree. Kingsglaive is quite poor next to your average focus-tested blockbuster. At least the Marvel flicks have a sense of editing and proper story to them.

Lets agree to disagree. This year was a train wreck for focus tested blockbusters for me. What movie specifficly have you enjoyed more than Kingsglaive? Deadpool and xmen were decent but still not better in my eyes than FF. Kingsglaive managed to capture my attention for longer then any of this year movies. I actually had conversations about it.
Is Captin the same Glauca as from the beginging? Are those past kings in the ring? Regis is with them? So Noctis will be able to say goodbye or will he be able to chat with him anytime? One of the statues appeared to be woman. Was she a Lucian queen? and so on
None of the hollywood blockbuster did that to me in 2016. Maybe it is because of the game but until this movie I almost lost intrest in it all together. Now it is rekindled and I can't wait till decembre.


A movie with a abysmal pacing, a story with no emotional weight behind the vast VAST majority of scenes..."

That sentence could be applied to most action movies of the year. I did not find anything wrong with the pacing which normaly I am concenred with in japanese productions as some shots and scenes tend to overstay their welcome.

Peple whine about squander oportunity with Crowe. I have not felt this shocked by someone dying since episode 10 of season 6 of Game Of Thrones. Her smuged makeup where the tears were falling before she died... It actually made me care for a charcter which had like 3 lines the entire movie.

I can agree that protoganist in general were undercooked but the villains were brilliant. I hated the emipre and I will see it pay come decembre :).

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
That sentence could be applied to most action movies of the year. I did not find anything wrong with the pacing which normaly I am concenred with in japanese productions as some shots and scenes tend to overstay their welcome.
It could, but, they still were vastly better shot, edited, directed, written, with much better performances from the actors than this film.

Peple whine about squander oportunity with Crowe. I have not felt this shocked by someone dying since episode 10 of season 6 of Game Of Thrones. Her smuged makeup where the tears were falling before she died... It actually made me care for a charcter which had like 3 lines the entire movie.
Dude, this doesn't mean that the scene had any emotion whatsoever, we don't know shit about the character besides the fact that she's a little mean and thus, don't have any reason to give a shit besides, "Well her design was nice." The film asks the audience to care about a character who barely spoke or even did anything of worth.

I can agree that protoganist in general were undercooked but the villains were brilliant. I hated the emipre and I will see it pay come decembre :).
Two of the main villains in the movie don't even make sense and the rest barely have enough screentime for us to get invested or care about why they're doing the things they're doing.


Lets agree to disagree. This year was a train wreck for focus tested blockbusters for me. What movie specifficly have you enjoyed more than Kingsglaive? Deadpool and xmen were decent but still not better in my eyes than FF. Kingsglaive managed to capture my attention for longer then any of this year movies. I actually had conversations about it.
Is Captin the same Glauca as from the beginging? Are those past kings in the ring? Regis is with them? So Noctis will be able to say goodbye or will he be able to chat with him anytime? One of the statues appeared to be woman. Was she a Lucian queen? and so on
None of the hollywood blockbuster did that to me in 2016. Maybe it is because of the game but until this movie I almost lost intrest in it all together. Now it is rekindled and I can't wait till decembre.
I think my original question is correct. You're just not choosing to watch good movies, that's why you would think Kingsglaive is the second best movie of the year. On your list is summer blockbuster fare, but none of those is Zootopia, or Jungle Book, or Kubo and the Two Strings. BvS also brought about a lot of conversation, but that doesn't mean by some default it is good, it just means it is controversial. If you're asking those questions in your spoilers, it means the writing was unclear, which actually indicates Kingsglaive was poorly written and therefore quite bad considering the bread and butter of movies is story.
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