I didn't realize that the Klan also considered themselves a Christian group? I'm an atheist, but do they think Jesus was a white guy living in the Middle East or am I missing something?
Jews are generally not considered "white" especially by white supremacist groups.
I didn't realize that the Klan also considered themselves a Christian group? I'm an atheist, but do they think Jesus was a white guy living in the Middle East or am I missing something?
I had no idea the KKK were anti-semitic.
It absolutley is. It makes it much harder for those who say "this isn't about racism" to continue to make that claim.
Some of it is trolling for notoriety but it's also a safe bet the crossover in membership between the Klan and MENSA isn't the most complicated venom diagram.
Would be awesome if the ACLU defended the KKK with a black lawyer.Yes.
This sort of demonstration falls under the rights of petition and assembly as well as, arguably, freedom of speech. The American Civil Liberties Union has defended protests by hate groups like the KKK in the past on these grounds.
Yea, look up southern Baptists & the KKK.I didn't realize that the Klan also considered themselves a Christian group? I'm an atheist, but do they think Jesus was a white guy living in the Middle East or am I missing something?
My girlfriend's boss is in the KKK, so yes.
PS I'm black and she's white.
How the fuck can a group like KKK be legal? What's your problem US?
How the fuck can a group like KKK be legal? What's your problem US?
How the fuck can a group like KKK be legal? What's your problem US?
How the fuck can a group like KKK be legal? What's your problem US?
Hahaha, never. The KKK and the confederate flag are good lessons to future generations about how fucked up racism becomes. So no need to worry about being erased.If you cant tell they are trying to wipe us out of the history book,
The KKK are trying to support the confederate flag's continued existence by holding a rally, calling its removal "cultural genocide". Where to even begin with this?
And don't worry KKK, you'll never be removed from history. We need examples like you to remind us what we are capable of and what we have overcome to better ourselves.
The "they expect 200 people to attend" got me
And hell even that number seems high for this level of psychosis
Here's hoping that is just hope and ends just being a few people awkwardly shuffling around as they realise the mistake they've made; but there are (sadly) likely more of these pieces of human garbage hiding away, waiting for something to come along in hopes of rallying some support to forward their own twisted agenda.
At first I was against this, but this rally might not be such a bad idea. Imagine how many people (or ar least politicians) will be left supporting the flag when they realize they're on the same side as the KKK.
In all seriousness, though, here we go again with the hypocrisy. "Stop the metaphorical genocide against us so we can commit real genocide someday."
Why isn't the government stopping THIS terrorist organization in its own backyard?
I hope they break 200..shit 2000+ would be fantastic. The more show up, the better..The "they expect 200 people to attend" got me
And hell even that number seems high for this level of psychosis
Now that the cartoon super-racists have come out in support of the confederate flag, can we expect any "moderates" to stop claiming it's not racist? I mean who wants to be on the same side as the KKK?
He knows about you?
I had no idea the KKK were anti-semitic.
Jewish people are definitely considered white, by like everyone. Except white supremacy groups I guess.
The kkk is still a thing?
Jewish people are definitely considered white, by like everyone. Except white supremacy groups I guess.
many jews do not see themselves as white
I once tried to join the KKK as a sociology project.
Like, it was actually a project for sociology class. Wrote an essay about it and everything. They ended up letting me in and I lost my nerve and rushed out quickly.
religion is not a color, Sammy David Junior converted to Judaism for couple of years.
And there Ethopian Jews.
They're white.
How the fuck can a group like KKK be legal? What's your problem US?
It's an ingenious trap the KKK have set for themselves, whatever the decision.
No protest from them and politicians will pull the flag. Do protest and the last legs of the 'heritage' argument begin to look even more dodgy.