KOMANI KOMANI May 21, 2020 #2 Saw this yesterday. They will be adding more of their library. Good for everyone.
#Phonepunk# Banned May 21, 2020 #3 aw hell yeah. the GOAT OSTs between this and Joe Rogan i might need to sign up
Andyliini Member May 21, 2020 #4 I've had some of these on my playlist for about a year, and there are some of them are ageless masterpieces. Sadly, not every game is there.
I've had some of these on my playlist for about a year, and there are some of them are ageless masterpieces. Sadly, not every game is there.
Soodanim Member May 21, 2020 #5 Oh wow, they're proper Castlevania and not Los! Thanks for the heads up
S Sophist Member May 21, 2020 #6 The best ones are not available. The Circle of Moon OST has the same sound quality as the GBA
G greenteaforme Member May 22, 2020 #9 Finally, I've been wanting this for a while. Hate having to use YouTube to listen to Bloody Tears.
deriks 4-Time GIF/Meme God May 22, 2020 #10 The Playlist is all fucked up, but nice to see the real thing Konami should have a proper user on the server to organize that. The user that has all those musics have a lot of other gaming OST, and they're all messed too
The Playlist is all fucked up, but nice to see the real thing Konami should have a proper user on the server to organize that. The user that has all those musics have a lot of other gaming OST, and they're all messed too