I think we can all agree, character creation needs to have a butt-waggle slider so you can customize this shit. If you want a woman (or dude) who walks around like a sexy dominatrix, you can have it. If you want one that runs like a football player, you can have that too.
Lol now I want to make a dude who looks like a lumberjack but struts his stuff like Ru Paul
In all honesty I just think people need to get the fuck over themselves.
You're not entitled to always have a choice and I am getting really tired of these kinds of people who are so incapable of dealing with having something they dislike exist.
I personally really love the female characters in Lost Ark, animations included.
And I really don't like most male characters in games, they're something I put up with rather than enjoy the same goes with most female characters in Western games.
The difference is that I don't act like it's a crime against humanity that they exist.
It's just so tiresome that this has to be a conversation literally every single time, it was the same with the Project EVE trailer.
And what makes it even more frustrating is that whenever I ask for more feminine options people jump down my throat and throw every stereotypical insult my way.
But then these same people will sit around shit-talking stuff like this it's so one-sided.
The difference is that I barely have any options that I like in games while people who dislike these characters have almost every game and character nowadays catered to them.
The notion that there needs to be like a modesty toggle option and an option for different animations just reeks of entitlement imo.
To me it's like me saying that in TLOU and HZD or Assassins Creed Valhalla there needs to be an option to turn the female characters into like in Lost Ark.
It's like why are these people more deserving of an option just because this one game doesn't cater to them and why wouldn't I be for games that don't cater to me ( which again is most )?
No one is entitled to an option, the devs decided that this was what they wanted to make and they made it that's it end of story.
People can decide to not play it or play it.