Level 24 here. Nice game, but it is too quest driven for my taste. Some dungeons makes it really fun, but in the world map you should not wast your time killing monsters.If Kotaku hates it, then I need to play it
It's a F2P MMO. And it will earn a lot of money by the looks. People are liking it.Glad this is selling great. Seeing the salt from the Feminazis is funny to watch
What?! Do you expect a journalist in these days to work in a serious ways? This concept is too outdated!Don’t they give anything better to do? This is why imho, certain regions have much more interesting and better designs than others. They aren’t afraid to think outside the box and take risks. Basically, if it isn’t the generic T-shirt/tank top, jeans combo with the short, one-side shaved hair woman or the female that isn’t covered from head to toe, it’s getting ridiculed by these “journalists”.
I agree. That's why I never click in any link that direct to that dump. But is really nice satirize them, even more that the every time that bunch of lunatics write something, they even makes us the favor of let the joke ready.Don't give them the clicks, they need this drama and stupidity to keep going. I just cannot believe dumpsterfires like Kotaku, Polygon, PCGamer, RPS and other garbage still exists.
Stop giving these SJWs your time and money.
I mean: "Now in 2022, it’s not only bad, it seems as if the folks making this game just ignored the last decade or so of discussions and debates surrounding representation of women and non-masculine characters in games."
The only thing I can say to something that they wrote like that is Thanks to the developers to ignore some lunatic as this one of Kotaku. It almos gives me the wish to comment on Kotaku saying that I'm thankful to the developer (but that could help then with clicks, but the meltdown surely should be fun