Its Quite Toasty
jesus it feels like everyone decided to release both barrels of D2 info today
This all sounds great! But how about the elephant in the room, 60fps on console? 🙏Yea, it's coming to PC. From what I'm told the decision to restructure was made thanks to a major memory ceiling being reached on last gen with regard to the Rise of Iron expansion, which was set to launch in the spring, not fall. Bungie decided to push out D2 since it was behind and needed much more iteration, and took advantage of the Rise of Iron delays to use that as the content stop gap for the fall of this year.
Destiny 2 is being overhauled so that they can build upon it in the future without having to work within the frame work limitations that D1 setup. Right now, the way things play out, we have to introduce playspaces so that players can engage in systems or activities, but it creates a huge barrier that must be overcome on both the networking & design side so, they're going to do more open playspaces that incorporate towns, outposts, etc into more common areas. This means fewer hardlines for areas and having them be gated by menus. Goal is to have players conducting things & making activity decisions while still in control of their character, instead of having to exit out into an activity hub. Think of how in WoW, you hit a button and queue into activities you want to do all while still playing your character.
Major narrative changes are on board for D2. Both in terms of plot direction, pacing & structure. Major focus is going to be on the Cabal & Saturn. Saturn is a playspace is set to be bigger than all of the playspaces currently implemented in the game combined. This is in large part of the scale of playspaces being redesigned, so it'll be both bigger & denser with activities. There's a reason Guardians take the fight to Saturn.
Major changes to the engine are occurring. Their render tech has gone through some major iteration thanks in large part to getting to approach it without having last-gen as a limit. Because of this, they are still undecided what, if any, of Destiny's old content, both in terms of playspace, areas, Strikes & raids, will be available through D2. There is talk in possibly allowing D1 remain as its own client, which flies against how Destiny currently operates, where as the new content renders the old client & content obsolete.
Live team has been going through some iteration so that they may continue to support Destiny with content after a major content drop, but they are stuck between a rock & a hard place. The live team is trying to support a game running on an old engine with its older tools, whereas the bulk of development is on the engine framework & enjoying new tools. Because of this, the Live team is largely handcuffed, so don't really expect a whole lot of post-launch content for D1 in the next year.
However, starting with the launch of D2, we will see far more substantial content dropping in the time between yearly releases, as the game & engine & live team have all been planned to support that going forward. Team is aware that they need more substantial content throughout the year, not just at the end of it.
If they do drop D1 content, it likely won't be permanent - they might reintroduce areas in a more 'D2' fleshed out way. So we might lose temporary access to these places, then regain it or have to fight back for control of it at a later point in the plot. This means we'll get to see older areas or activities through the perspective of the newer content, which also means the older areas might expand considerably by the time we get back to them, since the design goal for playspaces is to now make them both way bigger & way denser with activities.
Edit: New races & factions are planned. No idea on whats happening with regards to classes however. New enemies within factions are also going to be introduced. Take the Sions for the Cabal for example - they are going to get fleshed out in D2.
So we should give them a lazy way out? Good to know we have them held up to high standards.
So we should give them a lazy way out? Good to know we have them held up to high standards.
This all sounds great! But how about the elephant in the room, 60fps on console? 🙏
Lmao I can totally see it happening unfortunatelyYeah seriously a fucking emblem for all that ive done in Destiny is not a good compensation.
The Destiny -> TTK transition handled it perfectly well. Old gear is useless for new content but still viable in old content/Crucible. Not sure why that's suddenly a game-breaking tall order - they've done it before.and what exactly do people mean when they want their "characters to carry over"?
Do you mean your super powered weapons and equipment from 1 to 2? If so, wouldn't that wildly imbalance the game, and destroy it for newcomers? As well as cripple the single player portion?
Do you just mean shaders and looks for your character profiles? That seems easier and more reasonable.
Otherwise, if they rebalance and revamp the gear and weapons system for the better, then obviously they would need to drop the old shit for the future.
This all sounds great! But how about the elephant in the room, 60fps on console? 🙏
I don't want them to consider D1 AT ALL when making D2.
No restrictions - just an awesome game that incorporates everything they've learned.
Yeah seriously a fucking emblem for all that ive done in Destiny is not a good compensation.
You mean your character you picked out of 4 faces and 3 different hairstyles?
I have no connection to my character.
Can't wait for a fresh start!
Hmm, now I have to decide between playing as an Awoken or a Fallen...Sure thing. All of the races, including the Awoken, still have much room for expansion. The Fallen were originally another race that the traveller actually guided before it reached humans; The Vex were also a completely different race before they machinized themselves into a Borg like race. They're also going to be introducing enemy factions that have motivation & goals. Right now enemies seem like creatures - D2 should hopefully make them more sentient with goals.
I'm told the new raid was causing an out of memory crash that just had no work around - the content NEEDED more RAM in order for it to exist.
They should add titles.
And retire shaders related to Y1 content.
Heck, that's how WoW players live. Having cosmetic shit and titles carry forward, despite everything they did.
Sure thing. All of the races, including the Awoken, still have much room for expansion. The Fallen were originally another race that the traveller actually guided before it reached humans; The Vex were also a completely different race before they machinized themselves into a Borg like race. They're also going to be introducing enemy factions that have motivation & goals. Right now enemies seem like creatures - D2 should hopefully make them more sentient with goals.
I'm told the new raid was causing an out of memory crash that just had no work around - the content NEEDED more RAM in order for it to exist.
And at the very least, now that they're on this generation, they should be capable of actually treating Destiny 2 like an MMO, and not releasing a sequel a couple years down the road.I do hope there's some continuity RE: guardians with the new game, but being able to cast off the engine and design limitations from D1 and rebuild a baseline that is more expandable will get them back on track for the 10-year vision for the game.
Very excited to see what they do now that last gen is no longer a limitation, it was clearly holding the world design, and thus encounter scale, back.
I'll be sad if we lose all the current locations though. I loved the idea of Destiny building its locations outward from Earth, to more locations in the solar system, and beyond. Losing three years worth of foundation locations would be a bummer, but I can see how that would be too difficult to sustain.
I am good with cosmetic shit carrying over but what about ornaments. I really hope those guns that have been given ornaments we going to be carried over.
Wasn't destiny supposed to last like 10 years?
You have a year to play with, and say goodbye to those.
Nothing carrying over means I'll pass on Rise of Iron
So we should give them a lazy way out? Good to know we have them held up to high standards.
Hell, FFXIV ARR had a "Legacy" Intro Cutscene rather than the traditional one if you played 1.0.
Nah I'm betting on them being carried over.
Don't get this.
My stuff didn't carry over from Oblivion to Skyrim or from the Witcher 2 to 3.
I have to acquire a morphball in every metroid.
Every game ends eventually, why should destiny be different?
I do hope there's some continuity RE: guardians with the new game, but being able to cast off the engine and design limitations from D1 and rebuild a baseline that is more expandable will get them back on track for the 10-year vision for the game.
Very excited to see what they do now that last gen is no longer a limitation, it was clearly holding the world design, and thus encounter scale, back.
I'll be sad if we lose all the current locations though. I loved the idea of Destiny building its locations outward from Earth, to more locations in the solar system, and beyond. Losing three years worth of foundation locations would be a bummer, but I can see how that would be too difficult to sustain.
I am good with cosmetic shit carrying over but what about ornaments. I really hope those guns that have been given ornaments we going to be carried over.
Cause Bungie literally told us that we would be using the same character over a ten year period. Betheseda didn't say: "Oh yeah, you totes will transfer everything from Oblivion to Skyrim."
Yeah seriously a fucking emblem for all that ive done in Destiny is not a good compensation.
Cause Bungie literally told us that we would be using the same character over a ten year period. Betheseda didn't say: "Oh yeah, you totes will transfer everything from Oblivion to Skyrim."
Exactly. People are so entitled lol.Don't get this.
My stuff didn't carry over from Oblivion to Skyrim or from the Witcher 2 to 3.
I have to acquire a morphball in every metroid.
Every game ends eventually, why should destiny be different?
Because Destiny is an online-only MMO-lite.Don't get this.
My stuff didn't carry over from Oblivion to Skyrim or from the Witcher 2 to 3.
I have to acquire a morphball in every metroid.
Every game ends eventually, why should destiny be different?
Well its a new game you dont need any "compensation".
The entitlement of many to get something is hilarious.
What are we talking now? Character or gear?
"The idea is that the Guardian you have created is something you can bring along with you on that adventure. If you take a look at the way people have played other games for a long period of time, they've had a relationship with the same character for a very long time."
No way. Your still thinking of Destiny 2 as an expansion.
It's a new game.
Yes. A few of Saturn's moons.By Saturn I'm inclined to believe you mean a few if not all of its moons? Because Saturn is a gas giant so actually being on the planet isn't possible and any explanation for being able to be on a terrformed gas giant would be pushing what my suspension of disbelief would be willing to tolerate.
There's been talk of space flight gameplay, but that would be at a future point, like a Destiny 3 or 4. It's definitely been talked about. Turning the ship into an extension of the guardian. Right now it just serves a cosmetic purpose - they are definitely exploring ways to expand on that.So with the story I remember that they wanted it to be like the next star wars and something massive but in Destiny 1 I feel like there's a lot of stuff thrown out there that amounts to nothing, it's a bunch of figures with cool titles that don't really amount to anything other than sounding cool. Do you feel like that's changed and the story or at least the developers are making an attempt to make the world more coherent and actually alive?
I think giving the factions motivations, personality and history adds a lot to that and those particular story beats I think are great and add a lot to the world but do you yourself feel like they're closer to accomplishing that Star Wars like universe with Destiny 2?
Also, I assume the Destiny series is staying in solar system? And has there been any talk of space flight gameplay? I feel like ships are a wasted opportunity for that considering how good the system they created in Halo Reach was and the series would be a good fit for it combined with the idea of travelling between planets and owning your own ship
Well its a new game you dont need any "compensation".
The entitlement of many to get something is hilarious.
You almost never see your character, you do however see their armour...and there is enough variation between armour, weapons, emotes and shaders to personalise your character.Yep. How anyone could be connected to their character in Destiny is beyond me. They're devoid of any personality or identifying traits. It's literally one of three classes that largely play the same, picked from a few faces and a skill tree that takes like two days to complete.
If Destiny 2 improves upon all this by letting me actually personalize my character and make him unique and interesting beyond what gear he has on at the moment, then I'm all for them scrapping the cookie cutter approach from the original game.
Destiny 2 on PC would open up not only an entire DGAF community for those who were only playing on console because it wasn't available on PC, but those who don't play console at all.I would love to play it on PC simply because of 60FPS, but honestly I simply cannot give up on the community. DGAF community is mostly PS4 and I doubt that will change with Destiny 2....even if there are people who'd be interested in PC version due to the framerate advantage.
You almost never see your character, you do however see their armour...and there is enough variation between armour, weapons, emotes and shaders to personalise your character.
If you don't see how you can feel connected to that then I don't k ow what to say.