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Kyle from [H]ard OCP does the unt[H]inkable




More images in the t[H]read.

Apparently Tim Roberts is uber-pissed. lol


Pimpbaa said:
I know most think the phantom sucks and all, but what is the point of this?

You must not know about the lawsuits and sabre-rattling between the two companies, do you?
Tenguman said:
What are they? 11yrs old?

You think that's bad, go to their forum and read all the "woot!" replies of the braindead idiots approving the system being smashed. I'm not a "phanboy", and I certainly won't be picking up this system, but that smashing was just childish.
ManDudeChild said:
You think that's bad, go to their forum and read all the "woot!" replies of the braindead idiots approving the system being smashed. I'm not a "phanboy", and I certainly won't be picking up this system, but that smashing was just childish.

... Get the fuck over it. Just because you got a rod up your ass doesn't mean others can't have fun in smashing shit up. IT'S JUST A PIECE OF ELECTRONICS. My god, you're so pathetic.


It happens all the time... meh…

SEGA fans smashes PS2’s

Microsoft fans smashes Gamcube’s

Nintendo fans smashes… uhh… … they can afford to buy any other console

Sony fans don’t care


HardOCP published a couple of articles detailing how the CEO of Infinium was involved in numerous other pie-in-the-sky companies that very quickly tanked after taking in millions from investors.

They also investigated Infinium, and found that the headquarters for the company was totally empty office spaces in buildings and strip malls. The whole thing was built on a house of cards.

It was a pretty rare example great investigative game journalism, in a field where most magazines and websites are nothing but the pawns of publishers and hardware manufacturers.

In retaliation to the whole story, Infinium is suing them.

So when they smash up a Phantom prototype, it's not some fanboy-ish "haha we hate this system" thing, but cathartic agression towards some assholes that want to fuck them over for exposing the smoke-and-mirrors. They have a lot of people on their forums rooting for them (as well they should), so that's where the "w00t w00t" stuff comes from.

The destroyed console is in some ways a continuation of their expose -- they are more-or-less proving that the Phantom is just a PC with an ugly case, underscoring the idea that the whole thing is just some ramshackle fly-by-night operation without any real thought put into it.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
shuri said:
yeah but. Who gives a damn? You know damn right that the phantom will never actually be released

I think HardOCP gives a damn cause they are being sued.


Running off of Custom Firmware
nubbe said:
It happens all the time... meh…

SEGA fans smashes PS2’s

Microsoft fans smashes Gamcube’s

Nintendo fans smashes… uhh… … they can afford to buy any other console

Sony fans don’t care



Running off of Custom Firmware
border said:
HardOCP published a couple of articles detailing how the CEO of Infinium was involved in numerous other pie-in-the-sky companies that very quickly tanked after taking in millions from investors.

They also investigated Infinium, and found that the headquarters for the company was totally empty office spaces in buildings and strip malls. The whole thing was built on a house of cards.

It was a pretty rare example great investigative game journalism, in a field where most magazines and websites are nothing but the pawns of publishers and hardware manufacturers.

In retaliation to the whole story, Infinium is suing them.

So when they smash up a Phantom prototype, it's not some fanboy-ish "haha we hate this system" thing, but cathartic agression towards some assholes that want to fuck them over for exposing the smoke-and-mirrors. They have a lot of people on their forums rooting for them (as well they should), so that's where the "w00t w00t" stuff comes from.

The destroyed console is in some ways a continuation of their expose -- they are more-or-less proving that the Phantom is just a PC with an ugly case, underscoring the idea that the whole thing is just some ramshackle fly-by-night operation without any real thought put into it.



Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Some dude from HardOCP forums: and oh yeah, half the back ports went NOWHERE, the s-vid and composite both went to the same place, the svid of the 5600, the audio was hooked up, and so was the cat 5.

BAHAHAHAHAHA... hahahaha. Man this company really sucks. They deserve the ridicule they are getting.
I really respected [H]ardOCP's story on Infinium before, but this is just stupid and unnecessary, and it makes their journalistic crusade seem even more like a childish personal feud.
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