According to NHK news 33 people have died in this fire. That's half the people in the building. I read that both fire exits were lit on fire to prevent people from escaping. Absolutely horrible.
According to NHK news 33 people have died in this fire. That's half the people in the building. I read that both fire exits were lit on fire to prevent people from escaping. Absolutely horrible.
According to NHK news 33 people have died in this fire. That's half the people in the building. I read that both fire exits were lit on fire to prevent people from escaping. Absolutely horrible.
Police are denying that the suspect was a current or former employee at Kyoto Animation, people are instead theorizing that his 'ripped off' line might instead reefer to accusations of plagiarism towards the studio.
??? No. I mean the movie might literally feature a studio going down rather than it being a metaphor.Is that suppose to be a joke?
Μore info;
Access to the roof was blocked or locked. More people could have been saved
In such quiet cities in Japan there is no guard or access system. Anyone can walk in and even interact with staff. Arsonist must have visited the place before to know the weak spots
I read that both fire exits were lit on fire to prevent people from escaping.
The rumor has it was a Hibike Euphonium fan that did it because they portrayed his waifu wrong.Do we know the motive? Jesus christ half of the people died.
The rumor has it was a Hibike Euphonium fan that did it because they portrayed his waifu wrong.
Saw earlier today the news, what a tragedy, it had 10 deaths at that point, now its 33, with 38 injured, I think everyone was caught on the fire, unless a very few managed to get out unharmed.
Cool isn't dead.And I heard that Takeshi or something died... he was that creator of Dragon Maid if I remember correctly. RIP in peace
Cool isn't dead.
K-On!Damn, that sucks and is sad.
Not too familiar with there works, I've only seen Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid of there stuff, but it was pretty good.
So then it was premeditated. This guy knew he was going to kill all those people and take his own life. Also can you link to that.
It makes you sad thinking how that studio had literally no fire extinguishers or seemingly no fire drills/safety.
It is pretty much confirmed this wasn't the case.For the first, recent articles mentioned many persons trapped between 3rd floor and roof.
For the latter it mentions arspnist was disgruntled about a supposed work that he thinks they plagiarized. So he must have visitied the place before to argue. President of KyoAni mentioned that few months ago they had received death threats and they might have been connected to this case.
They have no security. They obviously had no fire drills and most people suffocated to death since they couldn't break one door down. It was a complete disaster.Just terrible.
I don't understand how something like this can happen. A guy shows up with gasoline and nobody calls the cops on the spot? There is no fire extinguishers or easy to access fire escapes? Can't escape to the roof?
30+ people that's like half the people in the building. I can't even imagine what it would be like to go out like that.
Don't know if this deserves its own thread, maybe it's better to post it here but unlike other channels on 4chan, the /vp/ channel wished it was Gamefreak who got burnt down and NOT the animation company. I've managed to catch the screenshot, unfortunately it's now been deleted so it was only the first part. :/
It is pretty much confirmed this wasn't the case.
For one people died on the door leading to the roof they couldn't even break open the locked door.
Then you have the guy saying shit was plagiarized which is dumb , Kyoani only adapts series they haven't done a original anime in the longest time. The guy is most likely a fucking nutjob.