Preface: everyone's racist. It's more or less a universally imposed element of social conditioning in human culture at present, and we're hardwired to utilize reductive stereotypes one way or another in social interactions for expedience, so as long as there are cultural distinctions between supposed races of people those distinctions will be used to racist ends. We're all racist. The important buffer between those subconscious mechanisms and how you ultimately comport yourself comes down to the awareness of your racial biases and how they might be influencing you from the instant you have that racial data in-hand, and whether you attempt to adjust for that where possible in order to treat people fairly and respectfully based on their individual qualities instead (especially when something significant is on the line with that interaction). The second half of that buffer is how you acknowledge and account for whatever privilege society affords you in this embarrassingly stupid codified hierarchy, and that part's where, arguably, the disproportionately privileged folks have disproportionate responsibilities.
What you said about social conditioning and human culture often takes the form of ingroups/outgroups
In sociology and social psychology, an ingroup is a social group to which a person psychologically identifies as being a member. By contrast, an outgroup is a social group with which an individual does not identify. For example, people may find it psychologically meaningful to view themselves according to their race, culture, gender, age or religion. It has been found that the psychological membership of social groups and categories is associated with a wide variety of phenomena.
The terminology was made popular by Henri Tajfel and colleagues during his work in formulating social identity theory. The significance of ingroup and outgroup categorization was identified using a method called the minimal group paradigm. Tajfel and colleagues found that people can form self-preferencing ingroups within a matter of minutes and that such groups can form even on the basis of seemingly trivial characteristics, such as preferences for certain paintings.[1][2][3][4][5]
In-group favoritism
This refers to the fact that under certain conditions people will prefer and have affinity for one's ingroup over the outgroup, or anyone viewed as outside the ingroup. This can be expressed in one's evaluation of others, linking, allocation of resources and many other ways.[6]
Outgroup derogation
Discrimination between ingroups and outgroups is a matter of favoritism towards an ingroup and the absence of equivalent favoritism towards an outgroup.[7] Outgroup derogation is the phenomenon in which an outgroup is perceived as being threatening to the members of an ingroup.[8] This phenomenon often accompanies ingroup favoritism, as it requires one to have an affinity towards their ingroup. Some research suggests that outgroup derogation occurs when an outgroup is perceived as blocking or hindering the goals of an ingroup. It has also been argued that outgroup derogation is a natural consequence of the categorization process.[9]
Sorry for the wiki dump, you did explain it correctly, but it's worthwhile giving everyone in here some of the "science theories" behind human behaviours when it comes to socialisation/grouping. As you said it's how people deal with how they are influenced/socialised. Even fellow animals and species around us stick to in and out groups. Humans might be at the top of the hierarchy for intelligence, but we still have our evolutionary legacy to understand/deal with. For the most part we're nowhere near as rigid to sticking to our group, or tribe, as some other species are. We're probably by far the most respectable species at successfully integrating and mixing with other races, ethnicities, cultures and so on. That being said you can still witness in/out groups on NeoGAF. Topics setup for the benefit/inclusion of the group, versus the exclusion of any out-groups. I'm not saying that's wrong, simply pointing out it happens naturally in societies. I myself when I see groups I can't identify with might even give it a miss trying to take part, and I don't feel resentful about that, I just accept it might not be a group I can successfully be part of. It's a measurable part of life, and a reality for nearly everyone to
some extent. I'd say up front people on here are hypocrites if they try to claim they've not been influenced or ever felt more comfortable with some sort of in-group favouritism. Whether it's to do with their age, culture, religion, hobbies, or yes, even race. With the latter, you can see it all across the internet with some sort of grouping/collection of or celebration of a singular race/culture.
But humans aren't perfect, putting fairly benign and acceptable in-group favouritism aside. A lot of violence going on now and all throughout our history has been wars fought against a "group" outside another "group". Whether it's blacks vs whites, straights vs homosexuals, West vs East, someone vs the Jews (one of the most oppressed groups ever), etc. As anyone will say, it's all about how individuals and groups respond to socialisation. Mild forms of in-group behaviour are normal, sometimes even healthy, going full hostile/violent/oppressive towards other groups is not. However, broad sweeping generalisations without understanding some not too complex behavioural matters/psychology/socialisation can come across very coarse or rough around the edges. Such as when people have very little nuance around "all x people are y". That doesn't stand scientific scrutiny nor does it hold up against evidence. Talking about societal privileges is correct to do (as yes, some groups do see more privileges than others), but when you see posts after posts arguing about homeless person x vs homeless person y you know some people are starting to get a bit far gone.
As for the topic in general, apart from gaslighting the internet and social platforms into a frenzy of arguing, underneath it's a simple case of you cannot represent a large brand based company that serves all customers regardless of their race, ethnicity, sex, religion and so on and be an overly vocal political activist that may ignite the brand in your own political beliefs. It just goes with the line of work you are in, for better or worse. Coming out hard on outgroup derogation is not going to fly for a company like L'Oreal. They need to protect their brand and come across as a company that will try to sell to all people.