The problem is that it's racist.What is the problem with using Systematic Racism? It's more accurate, and it isn't distorting a word used to describe either the broad belief of something discriminatory or the individual suffering from it. And I don't think there is a surge to change the definition of racism to include an inherent power/political dynamic.
Even putting this discussion aside, you haven't addressed my actual point. I don't want to make assumptions, but I'm going to assume you didn't disagree with the message.
As for the models message, saying ALL white people is saying ALL white people. Her intention might not have been what she said, but accidentally saying something that burdens an entire race, essentially for all time at least until we reach perfect equality, is wrong. I don't think she meant that all white people are racists, but her statement is wrong. We can discuss the definition of racism, though I admit I find major flaws with yours, but I can't really have a discussion about racism if somebody can't see the obvious flaws in the actual statement and not the presumed meaning.
If I try to make a point about race and in the process make a clearly wrong statement due to poor word choice or just a lack of clear communication, people would be right to criticize the actual words I use.
In this thread, lots of white people talking about something they don't know.
lol at people agreeing with her in this thread.
What is the problem with using Systematic Racism? It's more accurate, and it isn't distorting a word used to describe either the broad belief of something discriminatory or the individual suffering from it. And I don't think there is a surge to change the definition of racism to include an inherent power/political dynamic.
Even putting this discussion aside, you haven't addressed my actual point. I don't want to make assumptions, but I'm going to assume you didn't disagree with the message.
As for the models message, saying ALL white people is saying ALL white people. Her intention might not have been what she said, but accidentally saying something that burdens an entire race, essentially for all time at least until we reach perfect equality, is wrong. I don't think she meant that all white people are racists, but her statement is wrong. We can discuss the definition of racism, though I admit I find major flaws with yours, but I can't really have a discussion about racism if somebody can't see the obvious flaws in the actual statement and not the presumed meaning.
If I try to make a point about race and in the process make a clearly wrong statement due to poor word choice or just a lack of clear communication, people would be right to criticize the actual words I use.
You also have to realize that I'm coming from multiple confrontations about racism where even me talking about systemic racism verbatim doesn't work. As I've said earlier in the thread semantics always gets in the way so I've honestly given up on making things easier to break down.
But no I don't disagree because all white people have been racist in their lives or have been complicit at some point in time due to society's norms and how it views minorities. Not saying all white people are a willing participants no. I'm saying this is just something you partake due to the society as a whole being racist (which is why I don't separate it using systemic). Saying all white people is racist shouldn't be a damning statement if that is understood but if that can't be understood then we can't get anywhere.
"all white people is racist" sounds pretty damning to me, damned if you do damned if you don't even, so why bother?
However, it's still extremely tone-deaf to call out white people as a monolith of racist oppression responsible for Charlottesville when a white girl was murdered standing up to the Nazi cunts, and a diverse group stood against the fascist baddies there in general and many were harmed for their efforts. That's probably not the moment to single out The Race of White Oppressors to Blame for it rather than the actual Nazi/white supremacist perpetrators and their sympathizers, putting it very mildly. You're consciously pursuing a racist position by drawing lines in the sand purely across racial boundaries to make targeted accusations or assignment of blame about a specific event like Charlottesville. What went down there involved real individual actors with agency and culpability. "White people" as a racial block did not march with tiki torches and AR-15s that night chanting Nazi mottos and looking for blood, and "non-white people" as a racial block did not stand up to them and bleed and die for their efforts, regardless of the underlying systemic factors that brought us to the moment of confrontation. Framing it otherwise does a disservice to the heroic people of all backgrounds who stood up to the Nazis that night because it was the right thing to do.
"all white people is racist" sounds pretty damning to me, damned if you do damned if you don't even, so why bother?
Because you actually give a damn about making the world a better place than worried about your ego or on the opposite end feeling guilty for shit you don't have control over.
That's another thing. No one is saying you have to feel guilty 24/7 or anything either. Just be aware and do better.
You also have to realize that I'm coming from multiple confrontations about racism where even me talking about systemic racism verbatim doesn't work. As I've said earlier in the thread semantics always gets in the way so I've honestly given up on making things easier to break down.
But no I don't disagree because all white people have been racist in their lives or have been complicit at some point in time due to society's norms and how it views minorities. Not saying all white people are a willing participants no. I'm saying this is just something you partake due to the society as a whole being racist (which is why I don't separate it using systemic). Saying all white people is racist shouldn't be a damning statement if that is understood but if that can't be understood then we can't get anywhere.
Because you actually give a damn about making the world a better place than worried about your ego or on the opposite end feeling guilty for shit you don't have control over.
That's another thing. No one is saying you have to feel guilty 24/7 or anything either. Just be aware and do better.
Your entire existence is drenched in racism.
I think the reason I have a hard time with statements like this one is that they imply an extreme and unrealistic prescription for righting the wrongs of racism. If my entire existence is drenched in racism, that means that the only morally correct course of action is to devote my entire existence to eradicating racism. Even if that premise is valid, I think I'm too selfish of a person to do that. I only have it in me to spend a certain small number of hours per week volunteering and to spend a certain small fraction of my income on donations to nonprofits, so I'd rather stick to my existing worldview, which lets me convince myself I'm a decent person.
I generally respond more positively to messages like this: "Systemic racism means that wealth and power are distributed unevenly among races. People with more wealth and power have a moral obligation to help even the playing field by dismantling systemic racism."
I like this message more because A) it allows me to do other things with my life in addition to fighting systemic racism, and B) it identifies as the source of my moral obligation not the shade of my skin itself, but the fact that the shade of my skin has conferred societal advantages on me.
The sooner we can all agree that we are all racist the sooner we can all come together and find ways to mitigate the injury because of that fact.
Most people aren't cartoonishly racist. But denying your own racism denies the insidiousness of the racist power structure.
Can't believe that people are unironically declaring all white people racist in this thread.
Get it together Gaf.
Because you actually give a damn about making the world a better place than worried about your ego or on the opposite end feeling guilty for shit you don't have control over.
That's another thing. No one is saying you have to feel guilty 24/7 or anything either. Just be aware and do better.
White peoples feelings > lives ruined and lost by the boot of white supremacy
People are more concerned with how things are said and communicated than the oppression of people of color
Pretty sure this concern has been expressed ever since the first black person argued that they had rightsI'm concerned that how things are said and communicated will ultimately lead to greater oppression of people of color
Pretty sure this concern has been expressed ever since the first black person argued that they had rights
But you don't, really. You're not really concerned, you're more concern trolling. You're more threatening that how this person words her statements is what could lead to more oppression if she doesn't do it how you like it. Nevermind getting the jist of what she said about how systemic racism is conditioned into everyone, now that she's said it like this, she has led to the rise of more neo Nazis and white supremacists and more racism. Let's scare each other about the consequences so uppity minorities know to speak with perfectly non-provocative unanimously approved speech or never speak up again.I'm concerned that how things are said and communicated will ultimately lead to greater oppression of people of color
White peoples feelings > lives ruined and lost by the boot of white supremacy
People are more concerned with how things are said and communicated than the oppression of people of color. Sad to see so many support L'Oréal here in this thread.
But you don't, really. You're not really concerned, you're more concern trolling. You're more threatening that how this person words her statements is what could lead to more oppression if she doesn't do it how you like it. Nevermind getting the jist of what she said about how systemic racism is conditioned into everyone, now that she's said it like this, she has led to the rise of more neo Nazis and white supremacists and more racism. Let's scare each other about the consequences so uppity minorities know to speak with perfectly non-provocative unanimously approved speech or never speak up again.
Cool story
Well this is a level of engagement I expect from a 12-year-old on 4chan
I think "all white people benefit from racism" is closer to the mark than "all white people are racist" or "all white people are racially violent."
No lies detected.
Also fuck tone policing white moderates.
Well this is a level of engagement I expect from a 12-year-old on 4chan
That's why you don't engage users with <1 PPD earnestly. Notice how infrequently that person posts yet has 2nd most posts in this particular thread. They're obviously trolling it. They're not here to have an honest discussion. Just throw them on ignore.
No lies detected.
Also fuck tone policing white moderates.
How one says something in politics matter regardless of how accurate you are.
That being said, I don't think Evilore's point "everyone is a little racist" is wrong. It's also a spectrum not a binary. A big issue is that too many people think "racism" only means what went down in Charlottesville. So people spend so much time/energy on "I'm not racist" because the thought "fuck them negros" never enters their head that "innocuous" things like school zoning fly under the radar but are still racist too. Fighting for the status quo or valuing "order" over justice is also complicit to racism even if that person holds little ill will to PoC.
It feels exhausting having to tiptoe around this. Worrying about people's feelings when real bad shit is going down to others. I'm not saying the model's first take was the best/appropriate way to go about it. It doesn't give enough credit to those who are legit trying among other issues. However, I feel most of us have been in enough of these conversations to know that even talking about this in the "right/better way" can be like smashing your head against a wall.
As a straight dude I shrug off nearly all generalizations against those groups because I know who I am, I know what I have done well or done poorly and I know I'm in the "in group" in both those circumstances so it's really hard to hurt me along those axes. That doesn't mean such statements aren't dumb or shouldn't be criticized. But maybe shrug/laugh off dumb shit thrown your way if its "attacking" you along an axis of power rather than get triggered? I'm just speaking in general.
FWIW, I feel her second take was mostly on point but I think the first take was "hot" enough that I'm not really bothered they fired her.
You fully agree with everything they said? And lol at every person who disagrees with this being white and/or a moderate. Seriously.
Preface: everyone's racist. It's more or less a universally imposed element of social conditioning in human culture at present, and we're hardwired to utilize reductive stereotypes one way or another in social interactions for expedience, so as long as there are cultural distinctions between supposed races of people those distinctions will be used to racist ends. We're all racist. The important buffer between those subconscious mechanisms and how you ultimately comport yourself comes down to the awareness of your racial biases and how they might be influencing you from the instant you have that racial data in-hand, and whether you attempt to adjust for that where possible in order to treat people fairly and respectfully based on their individual qualities instead (especially when something significant is on the line with that interaction). The second half of that buffer is how you acknowledge and account for whatever privilege society affords you in this embarrassingly stupid codified hierarchy, and that part's where, arguably, the disproportionately privileged folks have disproportionate responsibilities.
Okay, so, Munroe's original Facebook post (as described in the OP) sounded highly inflammatory and damaging to PR for the company she signed on to represent from what I can tell, and completely at odds with the company's intent and message. Yeah, it's understandable on a human level to express intense frustration during the Charlottesville incident, no matter who you are, since, you know, trendy Nazi white supremacists beat and murdered protesters on US soil, the hefty police presence at the scene did fuck-all to mitigate it, and POTUS offered the Nazis sympathy instead of condemnation. Yikes. That tells us a lot about the overwhelming systemic clusterfuck involved at all levels of this, no doubt.
However, it's still extremely tone-deaf to call out white people as a monolith of racist oppression responsible for Charlottesville when a white girl was murdered standing up to the Nazi cunts, and a diverse group stood against the fascist baddies there in general and many were harmed for their efforts. That's probably not the moment to single out The Race of White Oppressors to Blame for it rather than the actual Nazi/white supremacist perpetrators and their sympathizers, putting it very mildly. You're consciously pursuing a racist position by drawing lines in the sand purely across racial boundaries to make targeted accusations or assignment of blame about a specific event like Charlottesville. What went down there involved real individual actors with agency and culpability. "White people" as a racial block did not march with tiki torches and AR-15s that night chanting Nazi mottos and looking for blood, and "non-white people" as a racial block did not stand up to them and bleed and die for their efforts, regardless of the underlying systemic factors that brought us to the moment of confrontation. Framing it otherwise does a disservice to the heroic people of all backgrounds who stood up to the Nazis that night because it was the right thing to do.
So yeah, this is an example of one of the things I very much dislike about discussions about race and racism. People saying, "making derogatory, sweeping generalizations about an entire race is still racist" can be critisized as "tone policing" by "white moderates."
It's regressive, and unfortunately ironic given the topic.
Could you point me to the parts of her statements that aren't true?
Tone policing isn't disagreeing, it is being butt hurt that PoC use language that you don't like.
I guess they don't teach much Irish history at her school.
What the fuck am I saying, I KNOW they don't teach much Irish history in British schools.
So yeah, this is an example of one of the things I very much dislike about discussions about race and racism. People saying, "making derogatory, sweeping generalizations about an entire race is still racist" can be critisized as "tone policing" by "white moderates."
It's regressive, and unfortunately ironic given the topic.
A big issue is that too many people think "racism" only means what went down in Charlottesville.
Preface: everyone's racist. It's more or less a universally imposed element of social conditioning in human culture at present, and we're hardwired to utilize reductive stereotypes one way or another in social interactions for expedience, so as long as there are cultural distinctions between supposed races of people those distinctions will be used to racist ends. We're all racist. The important buffer between those subconscious mechanisms and how you ultimately comport yourself comes down to the awareness of your racial biases and how they might be influencing you from the instant you have that racial data in-hand, and whether you attempt to adjust for that where possible in order to treat people fairly and respectfully based on their individual qualities instead (especially when something significant is on the line with that interaction). The second half of that buffer is how you acknowledge and account for whatever privilege society affords you in this embarrassingly stupid codified hierarchy, and that part's where, arguably, the disproportionately privileged folks have disproportionate responsibilities.
Okay, so, Munroe's original Facebook post (as described in the OP) sounded highly inflammatory and damaging to PR for the company she signed on to represent from what I can tell, and completely at odds with the company's intent and message. Yeah, it's understandable on a human level to express intense frustration during the Charlottesville incident, no matter who you are, since, you know, trendy Nazi white supremacists beat and murdered protesters on US soil, the hefty police presence at the scene did fuck-all to mitigate it, and POTUS offered the Nazis sympathy instead of condemnation. Yikes. That tells us a lot about the overwhelming systemic clusterfuck involved at all levels of this, no doubt.
However, it's still extremely tone-deaf to call out white people as a monolith of racist oppression responsible for Charlottesville when a white girl was murdered standing up to the Nazi cunts, and a diverse group stood against the fascist baddies there in general and many were harmed for their efforts. That's probably not the moment to single out The Race of White Oppressors to Blame for it rather than the actual Nazi/white supremacist perpetrators and their sympathizers, putting it very mildly. You're consciously pursuing a racist position by drawing lines in the sand purely across racial boundaries to make targeted accusations or assignment of blame about a specific event like Charlottesville. What went down there involved real individual actors with agency and culpability. "White people" as a racial block did not march with tiki torches and AR-15s that night chanting Nazi mottos and looking for blood, and "non-white people" as a racial block did not stand up to them and bleed and die for their efforts, regardless of the underlying systemic factors that brought us to the moment of confrontation. Framing it otherwise does a disservice to the heroic people of all backgrounds who stood up to the Nazis that night because it was the right thing to do.
Sorry you feel that way.
Don't change any facts tho.
Fuck anybody that makes generalisations about millions of people based on their skin colour.No lies detected.
Also fuck tone policing white moderates.
Well we should also note that racist/racism has a clearly negative connotation. Like, everybody has inherent perceptual biases, and sometimes those biases are based on facts but with an underlying understanding of the context behind the facts that allows for a deeper understanding.
For me, saying everybody is racist kind of lessens the value of the word by diluting it. I try to ignore it when people say it because I understand what they mean, but I'm not really a fan of that broad label.
It doesn't help that those people tend to be the exact same who mock or reject the existence of things such as microaggressions. So they freak out even if you try to explain that while they're not cross-burning KKK racists they're still contributing to a society that maltreats minorities. I usually use the word 'ignorant' to describe those people rather than racist, but even that causes them to get all buttmad because they think you're calling them an idiot. White-fragility is so obnoxiously resistant to growth.
I see that the old "being called a racist is worse than being the victim of racism" adage still holds true.
yeah fuck scientists tooFuck anybody that makes generalisations about millions of people based on their skin colour.
As a POC surely you understand the basic sentiment that making a broad statement about an entire ethnicity, especially a negative or accusatory one, is wrong.
And if you agree with the above statement, surely you agree that still applies to white people.
That's not tone policing. To call it that is to delegitimize white people's complaints about racist statements, which is an implicit acceptance of racism towards white people. Doubtfully on purpose, but still true.