Escape Goat
Where did she get the batleths?
Hopefully she'll read the positive responses from tonight and realise that flopanne is not the trajectory she should be on.I thought it was pretty good. I got Paparazzi VMA vibes.
But lol Joanne was such a mess. Hopefully she bounces back from that. Not sure where her career goes from here.
Says the user with MARIO as their icon. Ironic!Fitting to have a has been on the field and during half time.
Yup, that's why people call her the Whitney of our generation, Gaga has those incredible vocals.
Says the user with MARIO as their icon. Ironic!
We'll see.Mario is so hot right now.
It would've been amazing to have them finally perform telephone together - they weren't even available at the same time for the telephone MV, so in almost every shot where they're together, they use body doubles with the other singer's head added in post.No Beyoncé felt like a missed opportunity, but it was actually refreshing seeing her do it all solo.
I didn't realize she actually jumped off the roof. I think the camera work could have been better on that.
Overall solid performance but not a classic like Madonna, Bruno Mars, or Prince.
I personally like Telephone but yeah if there wasn't going to be a secret Beyonce cameo then probably should have picked something else.
Pink has done amazing things.Mad props for the jump and wire act. I can't think of too many pop stars that would do that, let alone live at the super bowl half time show.
I didn't realize she actually jumped off the roof. I think the camera work could have been better on that.
Overall solid performance but not a classic like Madonna, Bruno Mars, or Prince.
I personally like Telephone but yeah if there wasn't going to be a secret Beyonce cameo then probably should have picked something else.
Mad props for the jump and wire act. I can't think of too many pop stars that would do that, let alone live at the super bowl half time show.
Is it just me or was this stunt faked. Did not look right. My family says I'm wrong. What say you GAF?
The stuff on the roof with the drones, and then the jump was pre-recorded. Only the stuff after the jump was live.
So she didn't jump off the roof and that explains the disconnected cut.
Great show!!!
Not as good as Katy's though.
Gaga performance turned out to be the best part of the Super Bowl. Really great performance, love her so much.
Wait, so if Gaga on the roof and her jump wasn't live then why did they show the retractable roof opening prior to her set, then it closing after her set?