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Lance Armstrong facing possible ban, would miss Tour de France

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sonarrat said:
Ullrich was never banned. He was hounded by German authorities following a solid link to Operation Puerto until he packed up and retired, even though he was never charged.

Ulrich was told by Le Tour's organisation that he was persona non grata even if he didn'T get banned.

Tell me how many doping tests Alberto Contador has been subjected to in the past year.

I don't know, nor do I care. Why should I? Do you know? Are you following each one of his tests? Do you know how many tests the Olympic Lyonnais players have been through this season? As often as after every single game. Yes 30+ tests so far, how dare they!


well not really...yet
On one hand, the French doping agency are clearly being bastards

On the other hand, fuck Lance Armstrong

Whoever wins...fuck em.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Fularu said:
I don't know, nor do I care. Why should I? Do you know? Are you following each one of his tests? Do you know how many tests the Olympic Lyonnais players have been through this season? As often as after every single game. Yes 30+ tests so far, how dare they!

difference is.. lance is singled out.. olympic lyonnais players are not.


marked forever
France is afraid of Americans with one nut!

God, they must tremble at the idea of an American with TWO...

(Like the ones buried in Normandy...)

Am I good at being a dick or what? :lol


Has problems recognising girls
Alx said:
It is common knowledge that almost all the Tour contestants are cheating, anyway... and it's been this way for years. How many retired champions have admitted that they were taking drugs during their competitions ?
:lol you lot still love to rear your heads from the sands eh?

Cycling is one of the most aggressively drug tested sport in the world, and whilst a Tour may find a drug cheat halfway through the competition, that rider/team is usually disqualified and banned by the UCI or local governing Tour body - in some cases having complete trophy wins wiped from history. Whilst the old riders will admit it quite easily due to the very lax and pathetic testing back in the 60s through to the 80s, recent years has seen a major increase of positive doping cases due to the methods of testing.

Believing that riders today are cheating and still getting away with it is pretty ignorant. The issue is a serious one and even being tempted to use such substance practically means your cycling career is over sooner rather than later.


my reputation is Shadowruined
So what is this amazing technique Lance Armstrong uses to avoid detection during all these tests?

Is he an intellectual genius that is smarter than scientists as well?


Fularu said:
Ulrich was told by Le Tour's organisation that he was persona non grata even if he didn'T get banned.

T-Mobile pulled him out of the team right on the eve of the Tour de France, as soon as he was linked to Operation Puerto, and fired him. From that point the position of the Societe du Tour de France or anyone else was rather irrelevant.

I don't know, nor do I care. Why should I? Do you know? Are you following each one of his tests? Do you know how many tests the Olympic Lyonnais players have been through this season? As often as after every single game. Yes 30+ tests so far, how dare they!

So now it goes from "it comes with the territory" to "I don't know and don't care."


the tour the force and cycling in general became a huge farce. i used to be a big jan ullrich supporter but even he used doping. fucking shit. fuck this sport.


Has problems recognising girls
Blablurn said:
the tour the force and cycling in general became a huge farce. i used to be a big jan ullrich supporter but even he used doping. fucking shit. fuck this sport.
Then you should be blaming the individual, not the sport in general. It is no one else's blame but Jan Ullrich's if he decides that he cannot compete in cycling professionally without using illegal substance enhancements.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Brimstone said:
So what is this amazing technique Lance Armstrong uses to avoid detection during all these tests?

Is he an intellectual genius that is smarter than scientists as well?

Yeah the sport is becoming a joke. They are trying to tie Lance's hands so that he can't even compete.
LOL @ people acting like the whole world doesn't know Armstrong's on roids. "Oh, they're just picking on him because he's American." Come on, give me a break. It's a joke if they let him keep doing this, just like it was a joke when MLB let Bonds break the home run record.


LiveFromKyoto said:
LOL @ people acting like the whole world doesn't know Armstrong's on roids. "Oh, they're just picking on him because he's American." Come on, give me a break. It's a joke if they let him keep doing this, just like it was a joke when MLB let Bonds break the home run record.

How does he never test positive? Even when they test him regularly?

Dai Kaiju

LiveFromKyoto said:
LOL @ people acting like the whole world doesn't know Armstrong's on roids. "Oh, they're just picking on him because he's American." Come on, give me a break. It's a joke if they let him keep doing this, just like it was a joke when MLB let Bonds break the home run record.

Came basically to post this. I'm american. I hate france. I think Armstrong is a cheating scumbag.

KHarvey16 said:
How does he never test positive? Even when they test him regularly?

Most likely using a masking agent of some kind.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
LiveFromKyoto said:
LOL @ people acting like the whole world doesn't know Armstrong's on roids. "Oh, they're just picking on him because he's American." Come on, give me a break. It's a joke if they let him keep doing this, just like it was a joke when MLB let Bonds break the home run record.

he has had the most drug testing out of any cyclist ever.. those include surprise visit drug tests.


LiveFromKyoto said:
LOL @ people acting like the whole world doesn't know Armstrong's on roids. "Oh, they're just picking on him because he's American." Come on, give me a break. It's a joke if they let him keep doing this, just like it was a joke when MLB let Bonds break the home run record.

You're comparing the MLB, which gives teams as much as 2 days' advance notice before dope testing, to cycling, which requires whereabouts reporting and sends doping testers to athletes at all times of the year at all times of the day and night with NO advance notice? Oookay.


I don't care about him racing the TDF, I just hope his collarbone heals in time for the giro. Contador will the pony for Astana this year anyway.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Dai Kaiju said:
You don't think it's at all shady that Armstrong felt the need to take a shower before the dope test?

maybe he had just finished working out.. they were still trying to identify the guy.. who knows. but what exactly could he have done?

do you know of any methods that can clear a hair and blood test?


Dai Kaiju said:
You don't think it's at all shady that Armstrong felt the need to take a shower before the dope test?

Why did his hair test come out negative? Did he take a shower and drank his super secret test defeating elixir?


Dai Kaiju said:
You don't think it's at all shady that Armstrong felt the need to take a shower before the dope test?

1. There was nothing he could have done to change the outcome of the hair, urine, and blood tests.
2. It was up to the doping controller to stop him, or at least inform him in no uncertain terms, if Lance wasn't supposed to be out of his sight.


I dont doubt Armstrong, like all other top cyclist has used something illegal, but the hard-on they get for going after him in such a public way is what irks me.

Make him piss in a cup 2 times a day, fine, just don't tell me about it.

I think all professional athletes, be it baseball / football / cycling / the other football / etc etc should be tested once a week for substances and hormone levels (if there is an undetectable AAS it should show some hormonal fluctuations), on random days. With the dizzying cocktail of drugs available from dealers and even legally, testing should be massive and thorough...just don't single out one guy to talk about in the news.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
KHarvey16 said:
Why did his hair test come out negative? Did he take a shower and drank his super secret test defeating elixir?


People hate Lance because he's so good.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GodofWine said:
I dont doubt Armstrong, like all other top cyclist has used something illegal, but the hard-on they get for going after him in such a public way is what irks me.

But he hasn't tested positive, so your assumption is wrong.


Dai Kaiju said:
You don't think it's at all shady that Armstrong felt the need to take a shower before the dope test?
:lol :lol

You think a fucking shower is going to somehow magically make all of his tests negative? Did he cut off his hair and put on a wig? Did he add a couple of pints of someone elses blood into his system? Maybe got his manager to pee in a cup?

The whole deal is beyond pathetic and clearly shows that they are out to get him.


mckmas8808 said:
But he hasn't tested positive, so your assumption is wrong.

Incorrect. Lance Armstrong has in the past tested positive for corticoids, but he somehow managed to get away with it after he produced a pre-dated TUE (edit: thats a therapeutic use exemption) :D


Dai Kaiju said:
You don't think it's at all shady that Armstrong felt the need to take a shower before the dope test?

Gallbaro said:

Although French doctors declared Armstrong's hair, urine and blood samples were all drug-free, the AFLD said the seven-time Tour de France champion behaved strangely when tester asked him to provide the samples following a training ride in the French Riviera town of Beaulieu-sur-Mer on 17 March.

Now albeit I'm just a casual mountain biker, but if I just get done with a ride I'm pretty rank. And I'm pretty sure Lance's training rides are a bit more intense than my casual rides are...

With that said - they randomly show up asking for a sample. You want to be sure that they are legit so have to have their credentials checked out prior to providing the sample. I see nothing odd with taking a shower after the training ride while you get their credentials checked out.


qwertybob said:
Incorrect. Lance Armstrong has in the past tested positive for corticoids, but he somehow managed to get away with it after he produced a pre-dated TUE (edit: thats a therapeutic use exemption) :D

He tested for traces but not to the required level for it to be considered enhancing uses. On top of that he was using it to help his sore ass after riding on those miserable saddles.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
RyanDG said:
Now albeit I'm just a casual mountain biker, but if I just get done with a ride I'm pretty rank. And I'm pretty sure Lance's training rides are a bit more intense than my casual rides are...

With that said - they randomly show up asking for a sample. You want to be sure that they are legit so have to have their credentials checked out prior to providing the sample. I see nothing odd with taking a shower after the training ride while you get their credentials checked out.

And his hair, urine and blood were all clean. what could he have possibly done to taint everything?


Blader5489 said:
Compelling evidence!

Especially since masking agents are detectable now. Since one of the primary things they're searching for is EPO, which is a naturally occurring protein, all they have to do is notice that there is no EPO in their sample at all, either real or artificial. (Which, by the way, can't be good for you.)
This is BS, the French hate Lance and they aren't doing anything to hide the fact.

As for Lance not learning French, I could see how that might be seen as a dick move by French people, but then you have to realize the French are even bigger dicks about not letting English loan words into their language "officially".


This coupled with his injury in Spain doesn't make a good future for his career, really. :[

I'll still pray to my Lance poster every night of the TF this summer. /sobs


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I love how ppl in this thread knocking Lance didn't realize it was a hair test... I know maybe he went and had someone else's hair implanted while he took the shower!


clemenx said:
I think that's a good reason, would you like me if i moved to USA and refused to use english?
There are people in NYC that don't speak english because guess what? No one gives a fuck.


Dai Kaiju said:
Most likely using a masking agent of some kind.

Thats right, when you are defeated by facts and have nothing else to fall back on, blame it on 'magic'.

Sorcerer Armstrong confirmed, amirite? Ridiculous to read shit like that written by grown ass men.

sonarrat said:
You're comparing the MLB, which gives teams as much as 2 days' advance notice before dope testing, to cycling, which requires whereabouts reporting and sends doping testers to athletes at all times of the year at all times of the day and night with NO advance notice? Oookay.

It was stated that some teams had vigilants to advise when a "vampire" (that's how cyclist call the persons who does the analysis) is coming and how they had already "clean" samples of blood and urine. For not to talk about that evolution of EPO that was undectectable for some time.

That said the doping test and regulations on this sport are brutal and probably it's one of the few sports that I se reasonable the use of dopping, such a brutal sport, they need to regulate it to make it safe and reasonable or do something about the length of the courses.

Tell me how many doping tests Alberto Contador has been subjected to in the past year.

I don't know, but what's that supose to mean?, he wasn't in the 2008 Tour, because the organization banned Altana that year, so I don't see how that's even relevant.


IN response to masking agents...

Actually IF he was using he would most likely be using a form of "testosterone" that isn't picked up by tests and not a masking agents. I remember there was a "designer steriod" (Nandrolone decanoate, Nandrolone Phenpropriate) that all that was different was an extra methyl group on one of the carbon in the steroid nucleus (carbon 19) and it was completely undetectable until some coach got angry with athletes using it and handed over a vial of the stuff to anti doping agencies. Without knowing the structure of some of these steriods its hard to test for.. This is why some athletes (michael phelps, and that older womans swimmer) that have agreed to not only be tested but have some saved for future testing when the"undetectable" forms are outed.

But this assumes that testosterone is the form of doping that will provide him the biggest gain and im honestly unfamiliar with cycling so for all i know Epo and other forms of enhancement are better...

and now i drop out of this conversation.

EDIT: to remove wrong quote used and add a blurb


Brimstone said:
Is he an intellectual genius that is smarter than scientists as well?

Doping science is almost always one step ahead of detection science. Once a dopant is found, a test needs to be developed that can detect it by direct means, surrogate markers, etc, qualified, then validated and even then, false positives crop up But a test can't be developed until the dopant and/or its effects are known.

Anyone who thinks an athlete can competitively complete the tour de france (or any of the other grand tours..giro and vuelta) on just gatorade, pasta, and a multivitamin is lying to themselves or doesn't know how demanding cycling is.

Doesn't mean that the TdF can't be completed w/o doping...just means that at the competitive level as it stands right now, it's more difficult to believe that top athletes are NOT doping.
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