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Larry David announced Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12 will be the final season. Series finale will be on April 7th.(Season premiere Feb. 14th)




I watched the pilot years ago and thought it was awful.

Later I discovered pilots aren't necessarily good or worth watching (at least not as a start) and gave the show another chance. Quite like it!


I watched the pilot years ago and thought it was awful.

Later I discovered pilots aren't necessarily good or worth watching (at least not as a start) and gave the show another chance. Quite like it!
I've never seen this show, but often for me a pilot NEVER hooks me. Sometimes a series doesn't get me 100% on board till season 2 or 3.

A lot of shows don't make it that far these days.


It will be only the last season until Larry decides he wants to do more.

Anyway, what a legendary god damn show.
Based on the Seinfeld comments, i bet is somehow ends with the Curb cast and the Seinfeld cast. It would be funny if the Curb cast ended up in a jail cell next to the Seinfeld cast.


I watched the pilot years ago and thought it was awful.

Later I discovered pilots aren't necessarily good or worth watching (at least not as a start) and gave the show another chance. Quite like it!

what are you calling the pilot? The mockumentary with him prepping for a stand up show or the pants tent episode which was season 1 episode 1.

i think both are great but was just curious


Suffers with mild autism
I stopped watching when Cheryl left... she was generally the best part of the show for me, and their dynamic.

(EDIT: I know she still often appears in episodes, but I just kind of lost interest with the separation of their characters and transition to ex-wife. Larry is better when reigned in.)
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what are you calling the pilot? The mockumentary with him prepping for a stand up show or the pants tent episode which was season 1 episode 1.

i think both are great but was just curious
It's him pitching the show. Thought it was a pilot but wiki says it's a special? Either way it didn't do it for me but the pants tent was great and hooked me in. Suppose I should give the special another shot. Tastes change or maybe I just didn't "get it" at the time.
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I wonder if he's gonna kill off the fictional version of himself. That's been rumor of how the series will end since the early days of Curb.


Gold Member
Was this one of those shows from 23 years ago with the fake shaky/unsteady camera?
Never got in to it.
I wonder if those FTX SuperBowl promos worked out for him...


I got a few laughs in when the show first started all those years ago but damn-hell I could never relate to those characters. But yes, for Mr. David to sunset two successful shows is remarkable.


I wonder if this show ending could give credence to the rumor of Seinfeld returning. Getting the old gang back including Larry as producer, writer, and perhaps an actual character would be awesome.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
THe Spite store season might be my favorite. A hilarious show. all the people are terrible except JB Smooth.


Anyone been watching? Hate to say it, but this is probably the worst season by far. The jokes just don’t hit and seem really forced in this one. Am I just becoming really jaded or does anyone else feel this way?


Anyone been watching? Hate to say it, but this is probably the worst season by far. The jokes just don’t hit and seem really forced in this one. Am I just becoming really jaded or does anyone else feel this way?
So glad to know I am not alone. This season sucks ass. I think it's to the point that he is so utterly unlikeable and every single episode plays out the same, you can see the ending five minutes in. The Sienna Miller fruit thing was kinda the straw on the camel's back for me. Don't know that I will finish, but maybe the finale.
Yes , I haven’t watched it yet. I heard though, their jokes are mostly thin and not as funny. I also read, it appears some of the actors “hearts” don’t seem to be into this season.

I do think the finale has something to do with Seinfeld though, which will be interesting
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The last episode in particular was absolutely terrible. The humor in curb has always been fairly repetitious, but the situations Larry finds himself in have always been somewhat believable given how he treats people which makes it funny. There’s nothing remotely believable about a guy Larry never met finding out where he lives and coming to his house to yell at him about not responding to a text Message group he was added to. The “nightmare con” is also one of the worst recurring jokes that no suspension of disbelief can make even remotely funny. This was the worst episode of the entire show. I didn’t laugh once.
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I was just thinking about this show this morning. I didn't even realize that the new season started and I see that its almost over. Maybe I'll tune into the finale just to see how it ends. I still think they're gonna kill him off.


Neighbours from Hell
I think it's been pretty great. Totally disagree. I thought the most recent episode was clever as hell too. The text chain thing at the end in the credits and the dream con idea was great. I've absolutely loved this season. Not in my top 5 Curb seasons, but I like it a lot.


Last episode tonight. I haven't watched any episodes this season, but I'll tune into this one. I've heard the season has been pretty bad though.


Last episode tonight. I haven't watched any episodes this season, but I'll tune into this one. I've heard the season has been pretty bad though.
Hope it’s a great ending! Regardless, what an amazing run this show has had.


I stopped watching when Cheryl left... she was generally the best part of the show for me, and their dynamic.

(EDIT: I know she still often appears in episodes, but I just kind of lost interest with the separation of their characters and transition to ex-wife. Larry is better when reigned in.)
It's been a while since I've seen the show, but isn't that before Leon moved in? I never cared for Cheryl but I think Leon put the show on another level.


Finale wasn't bad. Basically a rehash of the Seinfeld finale. The episode name "No Lessons Learned" is fitting though.
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Finale was enjoyable enough! I do love that Larry doubled down on the Seinfeld finale with the trial and all the guest actors appearing. IRL, he enjoyed the way Seinfeld ended, even though everyone around him disliked it. Not the biggest Curb fan the past few seasons, too zany. Seasons 1-8 are incredible though. Probably my favorite sitcom of all time


I tried watching some of season one and it was just downright awful. Is there a particular season I should start from where it becomes funny?


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I am part of the way through the finally. This season is awful, and I am glad it is ending. A show that really had no politics has become obsessed with it.
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