If the name change happened after Speed Racer why did Ninja Assassin have Lana's old name? Weird.
It probably didn't. As far as I'm aware this is a pretty recent thing, as far as name change / publicly being out as a transgender woman.
If the name change happened after Speed Racer why did Ninja Assassin have Lana's old name? Weird.
It probably didn't. As far as I'm aware this is a pretty recent thing, as far as name change / publicly being out as a transgender woman.
He's asking Devolution what she thinks of that statement.
...or am I missing out on an inside joke?
Edit: Actually I think you were right Billechu.
Larry Wachowski publicly debuts as... Lana Wachowski
Oxigen I can understand, but LAUGHTREY too? Come on now. If we're all supossed to be open and tolerant than you need to respect his opinions too. To be honest I kind of agree with him, and I consider myself to be extremely liberal and very supportive of gay rights. If there's educating that needs to be done then by all means, enlighten us, but don't ban someone who was expressing his opinions in a calm, non-combative manner. That only reinforces the mindset that there are certain things that you just have to agree with on GAF lest you face the banhammer (like PC gaming on gaming-side). That's just... well, bullshit.
This is really all that needs to be said. People need to realize that they're not talking about a hypothetical group of people, they're talking about a sizable portion of members who are reading and posting in this thread, and showing a bit of compassion and respect would be great.Do you somehow not see how fucking insulting it is for transgendered people - members of our community reading this thread no less - to be directly compared to ridiculous hypothetical people who want to mutilate themselves to look like Jesus or mermaids?
Do you somehow not see how fucking insulting it is for transgendered people - members of our community reading this thread no less - to be directly compared to ridiculous hypothetical people who want to mutilate themselves to look like Jesus or mermaids?
Do we call them the Wachowski siblings now?
Havent they gone by The Wachowskis for a while now?Do we call them the Wachowski siblings now?
1. Good for her-- She looks happy!
2. With all that money, please get some dental work done. I mean c'mon.
DrForester said:Again?
Look, I'm not trying to offend anyone and neither was he. I'm not going to say much more than that because I don't want to be banned too.
All I will say if that if trans people want to be respected and taken seriously they need to educate their peers rather than call them bigots and cry for bans. Educate and convince, rather. The fact that he was actually banned for that makes my blood boil.
Look, I'm not trying to offend anyone and neither was he. I'm not going to say much more than that because I don't want to be banned too.
All I will say if that if trans people want to be respected and taken seriously they need to educate their peers rather than call them bigots and cry for bans. Educate and convince, rather. The fact that he was actually banned for that makes my blood boil.
Here I thought the reasonable, not-idiotic thing to do would be to respect people and take them seriously by default. That way they'd have to convince me out of that position; that way I might not construct a hilariously specious argument that they'd have to defeat to justify their actions if not their entire existence before I ever learn anything about them.
Purposefully not respecting appropriate pronoun usage and calling trans people gross is bog standard bigotry.
You should stop by gayGAF to let them know your opinion. Or, you know, just keep it to yourself. Nobody is showing you gay porn. Get over it.
People on neogaf act as if they are clairvoyant sometimes...
Yeah, calling a trans person "gross" literally before saying anything else really earns that poster the benefit of the doubt.
So does the pronoun "She" retroactively apply to every past event of Wachowski's life?
So does the pronoun "She" retroactively apply to every past event of Wachowski's life?
Just curious. This thread went places.
As other posters have said if she wasn't a trans person, then it would be less frowned upon to judge her by her looks. What kind of bullshit is that? Also why make the jump that he's talking about all trans-gendered people and not just judging Lana particularly.
Edit: Good post Bitmap
It's generally considered polite, yes. I won't hound anyone on it, personally.
What do you mean? You just the use pronoun she for all facets of her life now. She was born on such and such date. She enrolled in x college. She wrote/directed the Matrix Trilogy.
Oxigen I can understand, but LAUGHTREY too? Come on now. If we're all supossed to be open and tolerant than you need to respect his opinions too. To be honest I kind of agree with him, and I consider myself to be extremely liberal and very supportive of gay rights. If there's educating that needs to be done then by all means, enlighten us, but don't ban someone who was expressing his opinions in a calm, non-combative manner. That only reinforces the mindset that there are certain things that you just have to agree with on GAF lest you face the banhammer (like PC gaming on gaming-side). That's just... well, bullshit.
Standard "you're bigoted if you don't tolerate bigots" bullshit.It's incredibly ironic that some people don't see the hypocrisy in chastising other people for not agreeing with them or having an open mind/being progressive.
Like, "Let people do and think what they want, but if you don't think so too then fuck you!"
His "point of view" is that trans people are insane. Science disagrees with him. In this case, the Earth is not flat.There are also people who believe with their entire being that they are Jesus Christ come again, but I don't think there are many doctors that will take their perfectly healthy hands and feet and cut holes in them so they can appear how they really feel.
I hate these threads, it always feels like a minefield. It's like if you don't go with the grain of hivemind of GAF in 'touchy' subjects and try to explain your point of view it's auto-ban.
Yes, the venerable trans lobby is throwing millions of dollars around to push their ridiculous agenda so insane people can have superfluous surgeries at whim.Money, probably.
It's only a little hole in his hands and feet, a piercing at best. Why not just let him believe he's Jesus and everyone is happy when he can prove to everyone he's been stigmatized.
You'd be the only one, that's for sure.
I really don't. That's the point. Who decided one self image is valid and one isn't? What if someone didn't like how tall they were and they wanted to be a foot shorter. What if someone from the day they were born felt they should've been a mermaid and wanted their fingers and toes webbed together?
I can't even think of an example where someone wouldn't say "Oh now you're just being ridiculous." but that's how I feel about gender re-assignment surgery. Changing yourself so drastically because of how you feel with no way to go back. What kind of mental evaluations does someone go through before getting the surgery? Again, what kind of doctor will take healthy organs and change them so drastically for the sake of mental health?
This is my last post on this subject for sure. I expected some sort of backlash but nothing like the one I got. I don't know anything about the subject, I think people should be able to do what they want if they are legitimately of sound mind. I was willing to talk about it and educate myself but I guess there's no place for that here. I don't agree; therefor I'm a hateful bigot.
2. With all that money, please get some dental work done.
Isnt this incredibly old news?
Yeah, I really don't like this.
It narrowly projects certain concepts along a 2-dimensional axis, when I'm of the oponion that it should at the very least be projected within a 3-dimensional space.
Yeah, I really don't like this.
It narrowly projects certain concepts along a 2-dimensional axis, when I'm of the oponion that it should at the very least be projected within a 3-dimensional space.
It's still pretty good for what it's trying to explain even if I don't agree with putting people on such linear narrow constructs. What would your 3 dimensional space look like? Also they're on one dimension.
Hold on you guys are replying to him as if he were being serious.
You almost tricked me.Why is this acceptable? I had slightly angular teeth until my procedure (braces when I was 13). Be a little more sensitive.
However, I do feel moderation is getting extremely heavy handed on this issue. Specially language and pronouns... I mean some posters are extremely clear and should definitelly get a ban but... people from all over the world and different socioeconomical makeups post here, many of them using a language different than their own. I do dislike the pile-on mentality... moderation here is *extremely* protective of transgender people at this point, there's no need to ram it in. "Tranny" in particular... it's on many dictionaries as just "slang" or "colloquial" and outside the communnity or people well acquinted with it, there's many places and environments where such word has no negative connotation nor it is viewed as anything more than just a shorthand. Sure it is considered offensive today, no question... but language moves so, so fast on this matter. There's that guardian piece that pops up on google anytime you search "tranny offensive" that just boggles the mind at the speed words and meanings move in this field... it is easy for people who are not in it or well acquinted with it to be out of the loop. Pronouns can so easily slip, for someone not used to trans people specially... it was a "him" then now a "her" but wait no it was a "her" then and its a "her" now but how come it was a "her" instead of a "him"... heck as non-native English speaker, my pronouns slip sometimes on unrelated things.
So what's the point of all that? That it's very easy for someone to unwillingly and without intention to be offensive to make a couple mishaps. And the way these threads go, there's not always opportunity to clear it up. Specially for a junior, with the permaban and all that.
Because honestly sometimes these threads feel like a circus with a pack of posters waiting to throw themselves at anyone who falls from the tightrope just to toy with the poor sob until the ringmaster puts him/her to sleep.; meanwhile outside the ring posters "on the seats" are waiting popcorn at hand for the amusement to begin. I can almost hear the circus music.
Oh well, what's done is done. Gonna suck to lose subscribed threads if the hammer drops but c'est la vie.
Yeah, I really don't like this.
It narrowly projects certain concepts along a 2-dimensional axis, when I'm of the oponion that it should at the very least be projected within a 3-dimensional space.
For an example, I'd separate biological sex into two separate continuum - primary and secondary sexual characteristics.
Gender identity, to me, is the same as gender expression and can be expressed along more directions than the sterotypical man-woman continuum - it incorporates existing and hypothetical non-woman/man genders that can't be reduced to something between man and woman.
Same goes with orientation, which I don't consider in terms of hetero/homo (with bi inbetween). To me, sexual orientation is a misnomer - we are instead attracted to a collective set of traits that vary from individual to individual.
When you put the onus on trans people to justify and explain their own existence, it's probably going to get a little heated.
It's my right as a human bring to have those beliefs.
They are just as valid as any until proven otherwise.