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Last Comic Standing 2

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Drunky McMurder
Hah, I had just assumed New York was the last stop. Buck Star should be a national icon.

edit: For an unknown elderly comic, William Ford is pretty funny.
It is going to be hilarious if Buck Star is just fucking with them and then he just cuts a killer stand up performance in the final city.


"It is going to be hilarious if Buck Star is just fucking with them and then he just cuts a killer stand up performance in the final city."

And if that happened I would be like, "Fucking Fake."

Anyhow the Big cyry haired chick was the worse ever. Why the fuck did they pick her? The two best jokes I heard was the guy talking about Coke in the back of the store and the guy who was on the train with a bunch of black dudes then got off and white power saluted the last white guy on the train. Fucking had me rolling.


Drunky McMurder
Did they just slip a clip of Todd Glass in there and then one of him saying "Okay, I've seen enough"?

Didn't they pick Todd Glass to get to the semifinals?


Drunky McMurder
They would have been able to invite another comic if they didn't give one to that dumb bitch Kirson!


Drunky McMurder
If Buck Star makes it, it'll just convince me that they actually planned on letting him in at the start but decided to make a good story. They didn't show nearly enough of him to know whether he was ever any good, though.


He's had 8 tries to get it right, I'm sure a decent joke would have to come eventually.

But please, Norton has to go on. However, this was pre-taped right? If he made it, would he have been available for taping Tough Crowd in the interim months?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Tenguman said:
Some of these guys are ringers, I've seen them do professional stuff on TV lots of times :/

Not ringers just comics who haven't hit the big leagues... like Durst I've seen him do stand up on comedy shows a few times, but he hasn't hit the big leagues.


Drunky McMurder
God, why do I fear that last year's unfunny finalist, Tess, is going make it possible for this year's fat unfunny woman to make it in?


"Some of these guys are ringers, I've seen them do professional stuff on TV lots of times :/"

Yeah Jim Norton comes to town like once a month where I live. He's sort of a guest host on a local radio show here. I've seen the black guy who talks about the cop stopping him for speeding.


Drunky McMurder
I mentioned it earlier in the thread, but last year there were some comedians that were fairly popular already. I had seen Ralphie May, Rich Vos(He was a regular on Tough Crowd and had a comedy central presents special filmed around the same time that Last Comic Standing was filming), Corey Kahaney, and Dat Phan on TV before Last Comic Standing to name a few. When they air so many standups through Premium Blend and Comedy Central Presents..., you are bound to have seen some of these bits already if you watch enough of the channel.

Jim Norton was even in Spider-Man! Talk about exposure! :p


Drunky McMurder
Colin Quinn and Rich Vos are both judges! Does this mean Jim Norton definately will get in or he definately won't? :p


Hahaha, hard to tell. I think they may help him along, though.

Oh god, Kirson. UGH. First guy was pretty funny.
Jim Norton making it on is a clearcut sign this thing's rigged. Still funny as hell though.

And poor Buck Star. You'd think with all those plane/bus rides, he'd be able to come up with SOMETHING. Even my mom felt sorry for him... "What's up you guys, welcome to the Buck Star Show!"


Still, he'd only been doing comedy 6 months. Others who had been doing it for similar amounts of time got cut off, too. It sucks, but he should've expected it after only being in the biz for 6 months.


Drunky McMurder
If they gave actual critique, his 7 city tour may have been worth it. Plus, he got to perform in front of a bigger crowd than he ever has. Not that bad. On top of that, if he improves and comes back next season you can be damn sure they'll at least give him a chance.


Drunky McMurder
Tony Woods was hillarious on his Comedy Central Presents... show.

You know, they could fill the house just with people who have already had their own half hour comedy central special(And one who has already had a sitcom, just for good measure)
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