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Last Comic Standing 2

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Drunky McMurder
GOD DAMMIT. Every FUCKING ONE OF THEM was funnier than Kirson or Ant. How the fucking fuck do you not pick Pablo Francisco, but you chose Kirson!?


God dammit. Pablo Francisco, that Arnold kid, the cop, that one guy who's having a kid, ALL OF THEM fucked over by Kirson. What the hell?!?!?


man paoblo really needs this chance he is sooo funny he has one of the best and classic comedy central presents wtf.
Christ, I can't believe they didn't pick Paul. Or Pablo. Or hell, Vladimar.

Picking Ant is one thing - he at least has potential to be funny. Jessica Kirson was a fucking joke. She's NOT FUNNY!! I hope she's the first to get booted from the house...


go eat paint
I can't even remember most of these people's names -- that's how unfunny many of them were. Jim Norton is a god damn shoe in for the house. And Ant still isn't funny.

But those two don't piss me off... wtf, they didn't pick the old saloon comic or the Indian guy that did the "dad collects crosses" and "dad is scared of boogeyman" jokes?!?!?! Yet, they did pick that fat banshee with long hair and the unfunny wife of the unfunny husband?

Lordy -- Dat Phan comes off as a brain trust compared to most of the Vegas group. Nobody in the group is anywhere near comparable to Mordal, Ralphie, or even -- dare I say it -- Kahaney from last season. Last Comic Standing 2 has me actually thinking that Rich Vos wasn't half bad. The horror.


The show is so fixed. The celebrity panel that's there? They get no say in who they can pick. Oh and guess who is Ant's manager.......the producer of the show! The show is trash, don't watch this piece of crap. They already know who they want in the house before the show even starts, its so pathetically obvious. How many well knows comics sucked on the show? And how many made it to the house or even got in front of an audience? All of them!

Where's my anger smilie when I need it!!
just watched the repeat of the premier on Comedy Central. Jesus, can Colin Quinn pull a few more fucking strings for his buddies to get on the show? :lol I saw like half these people on Tough Crowd. And yes, Pablo Francisco is a funny fucker, he should make it.


pablo, louis ramey, tony woods and countless others were leagues beyond the garbage that was pickes, cept norton. this show is like real world....they pick people who would be interesting for the house.



its on and that talentless belimic chick is bitching about others not being funny. man they should have advanced pablo francisco i swear.


Drunky McMurder
I refused to watch it last night as Kirson was involved(Did it get invited into the house? If so, I'm just going to go ahead and stop watching it now), but tonight's episode just feels scripted. Everything about it seems like it was written in advance, from Jim Norton not making it to Brett Butler getting pissed(as was teased in the commercial)


Jim Norton ain't making it? Booooo. Well, maybe Jay London has a chance. He got some huge applause. Amazing. Then again, we already know that audience applause and judge votes have shit to do with it.

And thank god, no, Kirson did not make it into the house.


Drunky McMurder
Belfast said:
Jim Norton ain't making it? Booooo. Well, maybe Jay London has a chance. He got some huge applause. Amazing. Then again, we already know that audience applause and judge votes have shit to do with it.

And thank god, no, Kirson did not make it into the house.

I don't think Jay London is going to make it, nor is that goofy looking guy with the big lips.

They teased Brett Butler getting pissed off, and they focued on her and Drew laughing hysterically at those two. I'm betting that they are the comics who get the judges pissed off by missing the cut.


I would be mad, too. Like I said, London got a fucking STANDING OVATION, tons of props from the judges AND Jay Mohr. But they're calling it now and yeah, he probably won't make it. WTF. OK, he made it. AWESOME!!!!!!


Also, gotta love how they probably redited the show after it surfaced that Carey/Butler were pissed off, just so they can take advantage of it for ratings.

Bob White

Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.

That dude who got mad was waaaaay funnier than that HACK with the hump in his back. They put him in just because he looked like he looked.



u know ill watch this show still but that selection procedure is bs. there not picking the 10 best possible comics based on crowd reactions and the judges on hand but rather on who will be interesting in the house for a tv show. the guy who didnt get picked and drew and butler got pissed off....HE GOT A STANDING OVATION and other comics were like "how in the world did he not make it?"....so fucking stupid. and then the producer comes to explain "well the judges werent the only ones picking....the producers and the network...and we base it on previous performances also"......i mean how retarded is that? first of all if its based on the sum of all thier performances then there isnt any point for the build of the las vegas performances as pretty much all the decisions were made. secondly the network? u know its fixed....and i might catch flack for this...but not one of those chicks on the show is funnier than the guys. they only get picked to even it out and again make a good tv show.
"The problem is that ALL of their acts revolve around their being gay. And it's NOT FUNNY."

To be fair, a lot of comics are guilty of this. The black comic whose jokes are about being black, the jewish comics, the female comics, short comics, ugly comics, comics with funny voices.........ANY comic who tells all their jokes based on a pigeonholed image they have of themselves annoys the hell out of me.

That being said, Ant's not remotely funny.:)

"Knock Knock!"


"Who's there?"




That was biggest bunch of bullshit I've seen in awhile. First Dat Phan winning, and now this. Dan Naturman should be on that show, period. He had by far the strongest set out of anyone I've ever seen perform on Last Comic Standing.

Total screw job.


go eat paint
I'd like to know why the hell comics like Rich Vos, Jim Norton, and Ant are allowed to try out in the first place -- and others of their ilk that've had countless comedy specials and appearances on shows like Tough Crowd. At least the majority of those that made it to the house last season weren't already etched into my brain. Dave Mordal, dammit! This season, damn, not one damn fresh face.

And it's a travesty that Jim Wiggins didn't make it, especially since the woman who said the C word did (since when is profanity on its own funny?).
mosaic said:
And it's a travesty that Jim Wiggins didn't make it, especially since the woman who said the C word did (since when is profanity on its own funny?).

I think her being in the house hearkens back to the whole "the show is fixed" train of thought. NBC picked her because they thought she'd be a good asshole for the "reality" series. At least that's how I see it since SHE WASN'T FUNNY.


Oni Jazar said:
Yesterday's show was great. The comics aren't as funny as last season :( but the drama is awsome :)

Yeah, because you watch a show about stand-up comics for the drama. (insert rolleyes smiley here)



Alonzo has moved up a couple of notches with me after that roast performace.

It was also really strange to see Gary wipe out Ant with that weak set of his. Still funny but not killer, or even unique, material there. Ant really dug his own grave by not diversifying his jokes at all... he just stuck to the one theme: him as a gay flight attendant. Wow, that's new.


Yeah, the whole milkman bit. "How tall was the milkman?" "Hah, hah, Yeah, thanks for calling my mom a whore."

Oni Jazar

gblues said:
Yeah, because you watch a show about stand-up comics for the drama. (insert rolleyes smiley here)


I think the drama is hilarious. :)

Gary was a lot funnier than ant was. I really dug the bit about his mom being a filthy whore.

He nailed that joke much better in a previous show talking about other outdated profesions (blacksmith, cobbler, etc).

Also I think the standups are pretty heavily edited.


I use to watch Alonzo perform like 3 yrs ago at Dublin's in Hollywood. They use to have comedy night before the club every Tuesday night and Alonzo would always perform last. He is full of talent, he would sit on the stage without any material and just talk to people in the crowd.
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