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Late to the party: Final Fantasy X-2


Why does this game insist on giving me one reason after another not to like it? The battle system is now "real-time" instead of turn-based, with no real benefit; there's no real strategic distinction between the three characters; there's too much fanservice; Brother has to be the most annoying character that's ever graced the PS2; the levelling system is busted, with midbosses within missions that require mindless power levelling in order to beat, followed by monsters within the same mission that can be killed in a single hit; and the non-linearity is poorly implemented, a case in which the gamers who complained about the linearity of FFX should have been careful what they wished for. And just about everything I do like about the game, I liked back when it was in FFX.

At least I only paid $16.88 for it--at $50 this game would've been a royal scam.


I thought FFX-2 was awesome! The only thing that was lame was the story, haha.. but since the gameplay was so enjoyable I didn't care much. The music wasn't so good as the other FF titles but still OK.

I paid full-price and it was worth it. I played it for 40h or so. I even bought the official strategy guide.

8/10 IMO.

Grey Fox

What?!?Brother rocks!I borrowed the game from my sister,and I didn't think it was that bad.Although the final boss is the easiest boss in any FF,ever.


I'm playing this right now too (thanks to target selling it for $16.88). I'm having a good time with it, since i really like the combat system. I think it's kinda a cool change of pace. The only thing about the combat system that i don't like is not having weapons and armor. I've always liked in rpg's being able to buy, or find better armor and weapons. I do think the story is a piece of crap. And brother (and most of the characters) do suck. But the combat system somewhat makes up for it.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I'd only be able to play that game on mute, my roomate rented it once and the music was just horrible.


Another thing I forgot to gripe about are items that are only available in specific chapters, which is a game design no-no.

Merchant: "Hey, look I have this item for sale for a ridiculous amount of gil."


Me: "I've got your insane sum of money, sir."
Merchant: "Well, I don't have the item anymore: this isn't Chapter 1! Why don't you take that money and buy yourself a strategy guide?"

On the plus side, Paine's character design and voice work more than make up for some of the flaws (including Lulu inexplicably not being a playable character).


Liked the game. Nice visuals, fun and quick battles, and very likable characters. Minus points for over abundance of recycled backgrounds and the twist in the bonus ending that pissed the hell out of me. Overall, very good game:)


what do you need for the bonus ending? I have a problem of flying through RPG's at breakneck speed. (I think i have 48% completion and have beaten the first boss on the last chapter) I'm guessing you need to have a really high percentage?


Drey1082 said:
what do you need for the bonus ending? I have a problem of flying through RPG's at breakneck speed. (I think i have 48% completion and have beaten the first boss on the last chapter) I'm guessing you need to have a really high percentage?

There are three endings. One is the standard FMV ending. Another is an extra FMV ending. The third is a non-FMV sequence. You need 100% for all three.

There's also a hidden FMV sequence in the game, when you collect some certain spheres.

Chapter 4 is a BITCH if you try to do 100% though.


Prospero said:
On the plus side, Paine's character design and voice work more than make up for some of the flaws (including Lulu inexplicably not being a playable character).

Just as an aside, Gwendoline Yeo (Paine's VA) is one of the few voice actresses out there who looks as sexy as she sounds, at least IMO.


Of course, tastes differ, your mileage may vary, yadda yadda yadda. :)


Warrior, Warrior, Thief

Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, WIN!

such in depth strategy


I refused to buy this even though FFX is one of my favorite games of this gen. The whole premise of it made me so angry that I decided I simply would not support Square in any way on it.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Gattsu25 said:
Warrior, Warrior, Thief

Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, WIN!

such in depth strategy

Haha, try it with Trema ;).


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Meier said:
I refused to buy this even though FFX is one of my favorite games of this gen. The whole premise of it made me so angry that I decided I simply would not support Square in any way on it.

I am happy I played it because Spira is one of the best game worlds ever.


Panajev2001a said:
I am happy I played it because Spira is one of the best game worlds ever.

You just made my night, Pana. :) It's nice to know I'm not the only one out there who feels that way.


Panajev2001a said:
Haha, try it with Trema ;).

CatNip + Trigger Happy Level 3 + Highroad Crosswinds + AutoHaste = Press X, PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1!PressR1! ;)

(I think... it's been a few months since I've played the game)


Worst RPG I've ever played too. I usually make the right choices but the damn thing had the "Final Fantasy" in its name.


Gattsu25 said:
Warrior, Warrior, Thief

Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, WIN!

such in depth strategy

Actually, I found that FFX-2 was the first "main" FF game in a long time where I had to come up with a strategy for a lot of fights. maybe because I didn't do any mindless power leveling - and the fact that any character could take on just about any task meant that I was free to come up with my own strategies, as opposed to, say, FF9, where the characters were wildly unbalanced, had one obvious strategy for almost every situation, and you often had no choice in who to use anyway.
Mumbles said:
Actually, I found that FFX-2 was the first "main" FF game in a long time where I had to come up with a strategy for a lot of fights.

Did you go to 100% or something? I beat the game in a week without having to think about much of anything except whatever I wish I was doing instead of playing it.


Still haven't played it. My friend loves it, but she fully admits it's a very girly game.
All I know is that in the commerical, when Rikku smiles, I feel all funny inside.


Kobun Heat said:

Did you go to 100% or something? I beat the game in a week without having to think about much of anything except whatever I wish I was doing instead of playing it.

Yes, but even stuff like clearing out the chocobo cave could go downhill for you pretty fast unless you thought about what you were doing - or were overpowered, of course.


Gattsu25 said:
Warrior, Warrior, Thief

Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, WIN!

such in depth strategy

Have you fought some of the bosses yet? :)
FFX-2 is one of the hardest Square rpg i played.


Kobun Heat said:
You don't have to keep pressing X. You can just hold it down.

I was about to say the same thing. Once you get the white wizard dress sphere, the battles are mindnumbingly easy.

The game had a lot going for it, I did like some of the characters, voices, and worlds (even though they were recycled bit for bit from FFX). But the music is just dreadful, had me hit mute on a couple of occasions.


Grey Fox said:
What?!?Brother rocks!
Whoa... I never thought I'd ever see someone say that...
Prospero said:
Another thing I forgot to gripe about are items that are only available in specific chapters, which is a game design no-no.
In the case of the example you gave (key in Besaid, right?), it's optional to blow that much Gil on it:

In Chapter 4 or 5, there will be a mission to save a group of tourists in the Aeon Cave near the Calm Lands. It just so happens the guy who bought that key, is among the lost tourists inside the cave... Save him, and he'll give you the key as a reward.

Now, that's not to say some items are exclusive to certain chapters, as chest contents change every chapter, and certain bosses are the only way to acquire some things. But the latter example isn't really anything new to RPGs. :p
AniHawk said:
There are three endings.
There's 6, actually, you're forgetting the Bad, Normal Alternative, and "Monkey" endings:

Bad :: Take too long in the last battle (I'm talking 20+ minutes, you have to screw up pretty badly for this to happen :p), and Vegnagun destroys Spira. It's only a (lame) little cutscene where you see the Calm Lands blow up, though...

Normal Alternative :: Just like in the Normal ending, fail to meet the requirements for the Good ending, by skipping hitting X on the Farplane when Yuna is all alone in the darkness. Instead, hit it in the last cutscene where she is walking through the plains (you won't hear whistling until after hitting X). Tidus will appear, come up behind her, and give her a hug. She'll start talking to him about how she knows it's him, and she believes she can move on happily now, knowing he's alright. Pretty much just a variation, but it beats the stock ending where she seemingly forgets about her quest to find him. :p

Monkey :: Haven't seen this one myself, so I don't know what happens... but you get it by doing everything required in the Good (or Perfect) ending, but instead turn down the Aeon's offer.

Great, now I have an urge to play it again to see that last one I missed...
Gattsu25 said:
Warrior, Warrior, Thief

Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, Press X, WIN!

such in depth strategy
Hah, that will work for a lot of bosses, yeah. A lot of the game is a cakewalk, no doubt.

The only ones that gave me much of a hardtime were Chapter 5's optional bosses, where they require actual strategy. Shocking, I know. :p Some won't even allow you to use melee attacks (like Vio Infinito's 40th floor boss), others have instant-death attacks, cast Ultima (9999 damage to all), and so on. Trema, for instance, can be a pain in the ass, and won't even be dented by your mashing "strategy"... You'll instead need at least one person with Cat Nip + Trigger Happy, and a lot of preventative measures (unless you're Level 100 and/or lucky).

There's more examples (ancient desert boss, giant gray Behemoth, Level 5 Machina, etc), but you get the idea... It does get a lot better in this category by the end.


Chp 5 have plenty of tough monsters to fight. :) Granted that i sped play the game, reaching the final Chp at a measly level 35. It is impossible for X mashing to work, you need actual battle tactics and choosing the right equipments.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Ugh... this is the worst RPG Square has ever made since Tom Sawyer... I'd take Mystic Quest over this shit any day of the week, at least that game had decent music. Hell, I even like FF8 better...

FF... once my favorite game series of all time... how the mighty have fallen.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
Yeah, this game was like the sympathy parties you had to attend because it was thrown by some fat chick who was going to slit her wrists if no one came.
Agent Dormer said:
Yeah, this game was like the sympathy parties you had to attend because it was thrown by some fat chick who was going to slit her wrists if no one came.


Btw, how did it do in Japan?


This game was very underwhelming. It sucks that I felt forced to play it because they threw together a sequel to cash in. FFX was okay until
the tacked on last boss at and to top that, Tidus came back at the end when he should have stayed dead.
and in this fucking game
he can actually come back to life?!?

Square has run out of ideas even with the classic FF formula. It's just become too predictable.

I beat FFX-2 in like 16 or 18 hours my first playthrough. It wasn't even worth going back to get their ridiculous side quests. Why must they make obscure items almost impossible to get? I remember FF9 required you to get to disc 4 in like 6 hours or something to get some super sword.

I loved some FF games to death but it's kinda getting tired. There hasn't been a classic FF game you can replay to death since 7.
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