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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 5

Yeah, those Equalizers were beautiful

Early game was kinda wonky though, I'll give you that. TSM still needs to get their mojo back, they can't be having Lustboy do some great initiates with nothing to back him up
That's not true. Dyrus had an extremely strong showing this match.

But Lustboy was the one who won this game for them. My point isn't that everyone else played poorly, my point is that the team often is playing bad to okay most of the game and relies upon a hero play to get them the win.

That won't fly outside of NA, where other teams won't make the same level of positional errors that happen here.


I have no idea why Seraph is still in the competitive scene. Just bench the shit out of him, get some challenger NA toplaner.
I have no idea why Seraph is still in the competitive scene. Just bench the shit out of him, get some challenger NA toplaner.

I would say the same about KiwiKid. Seeing him on a champion like Thresh that actually requires having more than two brain cells to rub together really highlights his weaknesses.

Edit: Has the trademark second-half of the season Digitoss slump begun? Or will they eke out another unearned win on the back of miserable play from their opponents?


Yeah Summons, just because DIG was against NME and TDK, doesn't mean you can take on my quality roster.
Seraph has been great this season and just put in another huge performance. Not his fault that he had mancloud and Lattman, neither of whom were near LCS caliber, on his team.

The comeback is on. C'mon boys.
What's up with Cloud 9 this split? I haven't watched too many of their games. Has losing Hai hurt them?
Hurt is an understatement he was their shot caller and captain. I said that in here and people just brush it off like he sucks mechanically, but that's the least of their worries. C9 had no identity, no style, no game plan and no execution.


Hurt is an understatement he was their shot caller and captain. I said that in here and people just brush it off like he sucks mechanically, but that's the least of their worries. C9 had no identity, no style, no game plan and no execution.

It's sad really, they could make up for their mechanical deficiencies with Hai's amazing shot-calling. Now with him gone, they look like a bunch of solo Q players. This interview with Lemonation was pretty depressing. It's looking even worse now that TDK could possibly turn into a good team, and they don't have the tie-breaker vs. Team 8. Beating both Enemy & TDK will be key over these next few weeks.


How weird would it be if C9 was relegated.

And yeah that interview is pretty brutal to watch lol

They need to find some wins vs. somebody, anybody. I honestly believe that individually, they're more talented than both Enemy & Team 8 (Haven't seen enough from TDK yet), but their shot-calling and rotations are awful. Meteos is trying to jungle and call the shots at the same time, it's not working, and it clearly shows. Tbh, when choosing a replacement for Hai, they were looking to improve the things that Hai struggled in, like his mechanics instead of looking at his strengths and trying to bring in someone that provides a better fit. Incarnation is a mechanically talented player, but he just doesn't fit well in this current team comp. Giants Gaming did this a lot better IMO. When looking for a replacement for their support, Rydle, they were looking for a support that wasn't afraid to call the shots and who blended with the team very well, i.e. Godfred. I doubt Yusui would have been a better fit as well, considering how young and inexperienced he is.
SO sad for C9. I remember they were huge contenders last season, I guess most of that was Hai, huh? Amazing what one person can do to a team..
Yep. Reddit continually understimates how important leaders/shotcallers are in a team because we don't see the calls happening (unless you watch the player cams intensely), but they have always been a crucial component of great teams.


SO sad for C9. I remember they were huge contenders last season, I guess most of that was Hai, huh? Amazing what one person can do to a team..

That and the synergy. I haven't watched ALL the games but Incarnation doesn't seem to be in sync with the team quite yet. He also seems to be playing WAY too safe and not making the plays as he did to reach the top of the ladder every time in EU. Weight of the LCS perhaps.

Compare him to someone like Bjerg, who came to the US and immediately became one of the top midlaners AND shotcallers.

Note I'm not trying to blame Incarnation. Not at all, just saying the synergy just isnt there yet and he's not playing like the top tier solo laner they needed when they replaced Hai.


Anyone have extra tickets for the EU LCS finals? Got a friend who will be on vacation in Stockholm around that time but missed tickets :(


His name should be Keith on the site. Neko said he got Keith in the other thread so I dunno.
I really don't want to be helping Neko crush me in this week's fantasy matchup, but I guess I'll be nice: Neko has Team Liquid Keith.

So either that's wrong or (perhaps more likely) the fantasy site screwed up. It currently shows Neko as owning two different Team Liquid ADC's.
If Turtle is being dropped, I think it's noteworthy that the reigning champions in both NA and EU (and then clear 1st place holders in the NA LCS) both chose to make roster swaps this season (Steeelback -> Rekkles; Turtle -> Keith). I don't think this could have happened in seasons 3 or 4 - domestic success is becoming less and less relevant for the best western teams. This is a good sign, I think - coaches are comparing their teams with the best of the LPL and LCK and not the rest of their region.


This game is the reason why I think the NA/EU CS should start to resemble China's LSPL more. Winterfox is an awful squad. They're not even CS level, let alone LCS level. Meanwhile, teams like Frank Fang Gaming, Team Liquid Academy, and CLG Black have to sit and rot for the next few months. It's so bad. I think the LSPL has it perfect because it has a high amount of turnover and quickly filters out the unworthy teams, proving only the best teams can get in and stay in. Having 16 teams in groups of 4, then an 8 man playoff at the end is nice. I don't want to see teams like Winterfox get stomped over and over again. It's boring. Matches don't even have to be casted, I just want some better teams to shine. Is that too much to ask? I hope Riot reads this, because this current method of CS really isn't working.


Oh yeah WFX is garbage holy moly

First time I've seen them play and they just suck

Avalon is only there because of the 3/5 rule, he's not even a Challenger SoloQ player. ShorterACE and Arcsecond are subs for low level teams at best. Pinoy was on Gambit when they were garbage. Ken has never been on a notable team. At least Brian Cordry can't do any damage here, and I'd rather have them shitting up the CS than the LCS. Bleh.


I forgot to upload this last night, but I did screenshot it for once. I wanted to compared predicted versus actual fantasy numbers, since I don't think the site lets you go back and look at the predictions once the games happen.

Week 5 predictions:
Comparing against the actual results:

Match 1 winner prediction: Summons by 3 (wrong, Newt by 41)
Match 2 winner prediction: Ghost by 13 (wrong, Rango by 44)
Match 3 winner prediction: Nekofrog by 25 (wrong, Chowdah by 74)
Match 4 winner prediction: Pancakes by 19 (correct winner, but Pancakes won by 40)

So not only were 75% of the predictions wrong, but in all cases the margin was wrong by at minimum 100%.

Individual player prediction - actual values:
Summons: 4
Newt: -40
Ghost: 10
Rango: -47
Nekofrog: 81
Chowdah: -18
Pancakes: -1
Zkylon: 20

These were all over the place. Only 3 players were even within 10 points of the predicted total.


EU LCS - Week 6 - Day 1


Gambit Gaming vs Copenhagen Wolves
Roccat vs SK Gaming
Giants Gaming vs Fnatic
Unicorns of Love vs Origen
Elements vs H2K


>Rise of the Poke comp


Poke comp is awful, assassin comp is even worse. Sorry you can't get your pentakills, bring back the tank meta



Poke needs to be nerfed asap. I'm not Montecristo, I don't care about epic strategic rotations into the other lane to wave clear.

I don't mind about tanks or assasins but poke makes LoL into a shit spectator sport. It becomes waveclearing simulator.

They also need to buff the outer turrets again. Amazing how teams always return to the 4 man tower wreck in the first couple of minutes. I want to see goddamn PvP laning.


relies on auto-aim
Poke needs to be nerfed asap. I'm not Montecristo, I don't care about epic strategic rotations into the other lane to wave clear.

I don't mind about tanks or assasins but poke makes LoL into a shit spectator sport. It becomes waveclearing simulator.

They also need to buff the outer turrets again. Amazing how teams always return to the 4 man tower wreck in the first couple of minutes. I want to see goddamn PvP laning.
Everyone gets TP until all their T1 towers are dead.

Assassin is the best of the three. Tank is boring, poke is ridiculous, at least assassin is fun to watch.
Yeah. While some of the LCS games I watched last week were good I want people to die.


Lol this Roccat decision making... Way to do nothing after the Cass pick and lose 2 objectives.

And SK losses a teamfight with Baron buff.

Enjoyable shitshow I have to say.


Assassin = Best to watch, worst to play

Tank = OK to watch, best to play

Poke = Worst to watch, OK to play.

No one likes to see their midlaner give up 2 kills to the enemy Kat because their midlaner is a preschooler first time Azir then have her proceed to shit all over your team.


Assassin = Best to watch, worst to play

Tank = OK to watch, best to play

Poke = Worst to watch, OK to play.

No one likes to see their midlaner give up 2 kills to the enemy Kat because their midlaner is a preschooler first time Azir then have her proceed to shit all over your team.

I think assassin and poke are equally awful to play, but at least with poke if you get a hard engage comp (tough to do in soloq when people just want to play whatever) it can be dealt with.

Assassin is just like "every man for himself".

Tank = most fun because the elongated teamfights highlight better plays/ers with positioning and target priority.

just imo
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