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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 5

Moopz will be playing for Gambit this week. He's not even an ADC - he played mid for SHC back in season 4, got dropped and retrained, without much success, as a support. Elements have a golden opportunity to take advantage of this and beat them in week 9. It would have huge playoff implications because they would go level with Gambit and hold the tiebreaker going in to the final day.
Forgiven is suspended for being toxic for 4 games.

Anyone fantasy LCSing him should probably bench him


Steelback will probably play as adc for Gambit for two weeks. RIP Gambit.

In other news, TSM WildTurtle has been suspended on the discovery that he is, in fact, actually a tortoise.

Good on Riot for the Forgiven suspension, though. Managing to get yourself reported that consistently when you're actually a good player must require some spectacularly vile behavior, given that in my experience people are usually only prone to reporting minor infractions if the player in question is also a feeder.
It's still crazy to think how a pro player could make more money elo-boosting than being in the LCS.

Not necessarily "more", just that it's supplemental income. Though it does mean he probably makes more elo-boosting than streaming (as those activities are generally more mutually exclusive), which is still pretty surprising.

I hope he isn't banned for a year. Not that elo-boosting isn't a fairly serious infraction, but honestly I don't think it's that terrible, compared to ridiculous bullshit like Svenskeren being racist toward the host country while at a Riot sponsored event. Then again, the terms of their contract might be worded as such that it's considered contractual work for an outside agency (falling under the same sort of clause as taking bribes), so maybe that's why the punishment is so harsh.
Looks like Toyz wasn't lying when he said (paraphrased) that a bunch of people were doing it and he was being singled out unfairly.

Interesting to follow the fortunes of the 66 teams who could still reach the World Championships. 27 of them are from the wildcard regions, and many will fall out of the running in the next couple of weeks.


One team doesn't need to worry though: SKT-T1 are the first team to know for certain that they'll be going to Paris in October.
I hope he isn't banned for a year. Not that elo-boosting isn't a fairly serious infraction, but honestly I don't think it's that terrible, compared to ridiculous bullshit like Svenskeren being racist toward the host country while at a Riot sponsored event.

I think if you don't take a zero-tolerance policy towards ELO boosting (and account sharing/selling) you essentially tacitly condone it, because there will be a lot of people willing to pay serious money to get their account to high ranks. More than enough to make the risks worth it unless they are very severe.

In an online game played by well under 20000 people I used to be one of the best at a mini-game with little in-game reward, but some cool trophies and prestige value for characters that could get to very high ranks - I got several offers of real-life money to go on others' accounts and win the little tokens. I can only imagine the kind of demand there is for Challenger/Diamond boosts in one of the most popular games in the world.


The guy on Reddit who posted about this last night also found info that might implicate others in Impulse, specifically a PayPal account funds were being told to be sent to that's owned by Impulse's owner.

If he's found to be a part of this, I wonder if they're going to kick the whole team from the LCS. Would be good news for that lucky 4th place Challenger team, I guess.
Some of the drama has actually been fairly serious over the years - stolen prize money, players being threatened, LMQ's Sharon reporedly trying to hustle control of the organisation with the use of heavies, the suicide attempt, the hoaxers during the Korean exodus. Most of it has been of the silly variety though. My favourite is probably teams getting themselves knocked out of crucial promotional matches because players didn't update their clients (Zorozero & NiP) or secure a good internet connection in their accommodation (Locodoco & Quantic), if only because I wonder how different LoL history would look if NiP and Quantic got through to the LCS.

Riot's had a fair few screw ups of their own. The mess during the QFs of the season 2 Worlds was probably their lowest point - the teams sitting next to a giant screen showing the other team's position, multiple dropped games during the legendary CLG.eu/WE series, games getting delayed because of sunlight shining directly across players' eyes.


Aww c'mon Riot, playoffs are going to be lame without Gambit and TIP in competitive form. :(

I'm kinda glad I didn't hassle my bf into taking a trip to Germany for Worlds. At this rate there won't be any teams for me to cheer for. I already saw the SKT stomp in LA, and I don't want a repeat of that. :p

I know I should be against ELO boosting, but it feels like an almost victimless crime to me, and not worth a year ban. At least that boosted account would actually be trying to win their promotional matches and not being a toxic troll to others in game.


Aww c'mon Riot, playoffs are going to be lame without Gambit and TIP in competitive form. :(

I'm kinda glad I didn't hassle my bf into taking a trip to Germany for Worlds. At this rate there won't be any teams for me to cheer for. I already saw the SKT stomp in LA, and I don't want a repeat of that. :p

I know I should be against ELO boosting, but it feels like an almost victimless crime to me, and not worth a year ban. At least that boosted account would actually be trying to win their promotional matches and not being a toxic troll to others in game.

Sort of. The real victim is the enemy team opposing the elo booster. What if that squad has one or multiple people in a promotion series? It's not fair for them having to face off against XWX or someone other booster playing Pantheon.
Aww c'mon Riot, playoffs are going to be lame without Gambit and TIP in competitive form. :(

I'm kinda glad I didn't hassle my bf into taking a trip to Germany for Worlds. At this rate there won't be any teams for me to cheer for. I already saw the SKT stomp in LA, and I don't want a repeat of that. :p

I know I should be against ELO boosting, but it feels like an almost victimless crime to me, and not worth a year ban. At least that boosted account would actually be trying to win their promotional matches and not being a toxic troll to others in game.

SKT gonna stomp every team again.
Apparently XwX was getting $1400 for one boost (though it didn't say how high the boost was). Reckon he could do a clean level 30 to Diamond in 2-3 solid days of effort.

Edit: The boost was to Masters 100LP.


Challenger series woot

Imagine looking a lot better from when they have Ron, Dardoch and Wolfe on the team. They have some pretty big names now like Steeelback and Mancloud. I'll admit I'm impressed with how far the team has come since their TSM Darkness days. I thought they would be donezo during the CS promotion tournament, but it looks like they've proven me wrong. Dunno if they're good enough to place 3rd and beat NME/C9/T8.

Winterfox sucks right now. Akaadian is the biggest one trick Rengar pony I've ever seen. ShorterACE has been downright awful. P1noy and Lohpally have been underwhelming. If they even make it back to CS next year, i expect them to overhaul the roster, as Arcsecond has been the only serviceable player so far.
Some of the drama has actually been fairly serious over the years - stolen prize money, players being threatened, LMQ's Sharon reporedly trying to hustle control of the organisation with the use of heavies, the suicide attempt, the hoaxers during the Korean exodus.

Wasn't there some ridiculously huge drama surrounding M5's old owner?

Like, illegal side-betting, money-laundering, massive hacking and credit fraud drama. Millions upon millions of dollars of "drama". (Though, admittedly, not directly involving any playing members of the team in any substantial way.)
Can Renegade or any of the other teams shake up the NA LCS if they make it through?

Coast might be able to. Renegades, maybe, but they looked super shaky this week versus Vortex when they should not have, and they'll have a new support to adjust to in the LCS if they make it.


EU LCS - Week 9 - Day 1


Copenhagen Wolves vs Roccat
Giants Gaming vs Unicorns of Love
SK Gaming vs Fnatic
H2K vs Origen
Elements vs Gambit Gaming


Huh, CW refuses to die. Assuming SK loses to Fnatic, they'd have to beat Giants and have SK lose to elements to force a tie-breaker. I doubt they'll be able to force it, but I just don't want CW in the LCS anyways. Bring on Gamers2.
H2K really should win this. They won't, but they should. Viktor aside, their late game is just far better, and Origen isn't really gaining enough advantages from the mid-game power spike to make up for giving up that much scaling, especially since nothing's been done to slow Kalista down.

Of course, this could only end in H2K trying to base race with Rend-stack Kalista and failing spectacularly.
H2K really should win this. They won't, but they should. Viktor aside, their late game is just far better, and Origen isn't really gaining enough advantages from the mid-game power spike to make up for giving up that much scaling, especially since nothing's been done to slow Kalista down.

Of course, this could only end in H2K trying to base race with Rend-stack Kalista and failing spectacularly.
You underestimate EU's power
Ahh yess, the old Frozen Heart against full AP comp

He needed the CDR. Of course, he could have built a Spirit Visage and a Banshee's Veil instead of a Banshee's Veil and a Frozen Heart, but then he would have lived long enough in fights to run out of Mana. #fishworldproblems

Edit: Deficio, people play mid Varus in Korea. Please let the production staff handle the research and don't try to do it on your own.

I think watching Froggen's AP Kog eat shit because he's too busy spamming R's to notice Cabochard sneaking up on him is the single most satisfying thing I have ever seen connected to League of Legends.
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