Well in comparing team fights for one thing. In DOTA i see more crazy plays with heroes teleporting, dodging, scrambling. In what I have seen from LoL these things happen too, but fights tend to be over much quicker or have less moving parts. I do think the art style makes things a little easier to follow though.
LoL has moved away from heavy lockdown and super-mobile champions (Kassadin...) over the years so teamfights tend to be more grouped up and CC needs to be chained to get easy pickoffs. Roles are also more clearly defined - the AD carry is always ranged, the mid laner is usually AP (though sometimes a Corki or Urgot is ran mid), and those two spots almost always do most of the damage, with the rare exception in the top lane (similar to DOTA 2's offlane) like Rumble.
The current meta is quite slow (at least in the west and in Korea, China is, as is stereotypical, much more aggro), with few games having more than 2-3 big confrontations in the laning phase, and teams designed to win big fights or force objectives after 25/30/40 minutes.
One thing that both games share is the kill score that's prominently displayed at the top of the screen often doesn't tell you much about how the game is actually going (the gold totals and towers destroyed are usually better indicators, but even they can be deceptive if you don't know how the team comps work).
Teleport is a summoner spell in LoL with a large cooldown (usually ran with Flash) that is almost always ran by top laners so they can jump to their team when needed. If it's misused it can ruin a team's game. Only certain champions like Shen, Twisted Fate, Rek'Sai and Tahm Kench can cross much of the map quickly without it.
I hope TSM drop the Olaf after this. They are lucky not to be down 0-2.