Lemon really needs to stop with the Karma. I think he wanted Janna there in the last game, but Adrian picked it away in the last rotation before him.
Incarnation played great in both series. His azir play has definitely improved.
Incarnation was huge in game 4 after Hai and Lemon got themselves killed in enemy jungle and Rush had control of the map. Applied a ton of pressure 1v1 in mid lane and made a crucial roam to help bot lane out which got him ahead. Played the scrappy fights well too even if it was Sneaky who got fed out of them. Balls had a good series too (considering that he was against Impact who carried game 1).
I don't know what game you were watching, but his Diana was super garbage in the early game getting caught out with early deaths. Diana supposed to gank lanes with the TP, but Incarnation never got anything out of TP but split push.
He only gets kills later on in the game against easy picks on chunked out champs in team fights.
And Balls "did well" against Shen because Shen was counterpicked with Vayne and Gragas. So, no, Balls wasn't particularly great against Impact. He was only big during team fights with his ult.
Edit: Game 1 is probably the only time we'll ever see this.
This shit is more scripted than WWE.
This shit is more scripted than WWE.
This shit is more scripted than WWE.
Wait people actually believe this is all paid?
This shit is more scripted than WWE.
all i care about in league are storylines
pobelter consistently had the better roams, the better lane pressure and had cs leads during almost all points in their games. part of that was the viktor pick, but the fact that he could draw 4 people from tsm game 2 towards him and live to solo kill bjerg's melee range yasuo is not just "team carrying him."
This shit is more scripted than WWE.
pobelter consistently had the better roams, the better lane pressure and had cs leads during almost all points in their games. part of that was the viktor pick, but the fact that he could draw 4 people from tsm game 2 towards him and live to solo kill bjerg's melee range yasuo is not just "team carrying him."
Go back and watch the games.
Even in the match up where he he outplayed (that lead to Zion's fb he fucked up in the team fight top and gave Santorin a triple on Ekko).
Game #1
(Down in CS and priority early game, but CLG ahead 1-0 thanks to Zion)
(really bad roam but CLG TOP/BOT both had priority, which also allowed him to roam because Rush hour pushed up)
(Got kills off teammates plays)
(kills off Aphro/Zion play)
(kill of Zion out play of Dyrus)
That's all from game #1.
And this is just me going off of what I remember, don't have time to re-watch frame by frame of all 3 games.
And I'm saying this as a CLG fan.
I can remember a few off the top of my head for game #2, and 3 too like the Zion gnar outplay, the ekko pay I mention earlier. The one great play he did make was when near baron TSM over chase for him and he out played Bjerg and company with his R> Zhoyna and tick Bjerg during stasis of zhoynas.
Is Faker the Cena of League of Legends?
I assume TSM is DeGeneration X and CLG is nWo. (These are the most current wrestling references I have. I'm sorry.)
I don't know what game you were watching, but his Diana was super garbage in the early game getting caught out with early deaths. Diana supposed to gank lanes with the TP, but Incarnation never got anything out of TP but split push.
TIP just had bad pick and bans compiling their problem with Gate and Apollo.
Last game should have first pick Gragas and banned Azir, Kalista. Vayne isn't that amazing. Any competent ADC can play the 3-4 ADCs that are available, so didn't need to ban that.
Rush never played Ekko. Not professionally, not soloQ. It showed he wasn't effective at it, so it was a huge risk.
But he is undefeated on Gragas, even beaten Team Liquid twice in the Spring Playoffs with him. Why didn't he pick it?
OG is so overrated, but it makes me worried for FNC, if they lost 2 games to them it's signal FNC will have hard time at worlds.
im rooting for origen, soaz is still hella good and the mans an innovator (maybe not as much of late) peke is clutch. we all kno dat. niels seems pretty good i havent watched much of eu this split.
In game 4 he gets caught out once right at the start with a loop around gank after having his Flash blown. Then his teammates make much bigger errors and TiP take a massive early game advantage, to the point where the series looks like it's over. But he stays calm and applies an absolute ton of pressure despite the early camp. At 7 minutes he is pushed up with Gate chunked out while his bot lane has taken an awful trade and Rush has deep wards.
At 9 minutes his bot lane his ganked, but he reacts almost instantly with TP to collect one kill on Impact and manages to return to his lane much faster than Gate to push in and secure pressure. Even so, his top laner messes up and dies to the enemy jungler, so his team fall further behind. At 10 minutes Sneaky takes another awful trade and Impulse have totally control of both the top and bot sides of the map, with Rush 3-0. By 12 minutes they are over 3k up. They are miles ahead, to the point where they can afford to 4-man dive Incarnation with Shen ult, because it's the only place on the map they aren't winning (I guess you could say he got caught, but that's not what happened by any reasonable understanding of the game). This over-commitment leads to Sneaky taking bot tower and getting some good farm to catch him up.
At 17 minutes Hai dies for free and C9 are still in a big hole. Balls then gets caught under tower and dies too. Incarnation catches Impulse off guard by diving on to them and snagging a 3-man Moonfall, drawing fire and flashing out, buying time for Sneaky to DPS them. Unfrortunately he Tumbles in and dies. Good thing for C9 that Incarnation had already based and started channelling his TP to a ward in lower jungler and was able to catch up to Gate and secure his shut down streak. So in the biggest swing play of the closest and most important game Incarnation kept his head while three members of his team lost theirs and made two huge plays, and to back it up, when his team was losing all over the map he was holding his own and forcing overmanned dives. That's what "massive" performances are made of, in my book, not end game KDAs.
But while I'm the last kind of person to hang on LCS casters' every word, they actually got it right on Incarnation over the last two days - but for him his team would've lost both series.
Lets ban their shitty pocket pick and put their support on a top tier pick instead!Liquid banned Karma.
Now Lemon will be forced to play a better champ.