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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 5

Someone should just have screamed at Altec to sell his QSS and buy a BV. Game over if he did. Doesn't matter how much damage you do as an AD if you get one shot every time you step forward. Heck, you know what, I think this might have been one of the rare cases where going double defensive items was arguable - Karthus does a ton of damage to make up for the loss and the enemy team has almost no Armor. Would have let him do something with all the gold he was saving to buy BF Sword items at least.

Or Helios could have done his job during lane phase or teamfights. That too. Terrible loss for Winterfox.
Poor Pob (in general, not this game)

Also that CLG game gave me mini strokes
I needed to do work so first I was like "i'll watch till 1st blood"
then drag
then tower
then teamfight
then baron (nope)
then baron (nope)
then baron (lol)
then phew CLG give fans false hope the dream

impressed by CLG keeping their cool though when it was all said and done
suck it TSM #URGOD


TL's making me sad :(

No one looks good now. I blame Voyboy.
they should hire voyboy as an extra coach!

probably not but it's weird how many issues they ended up having that are bigger than piglet:
- picks and bans
- lack of knowledge to play from behind
- inconsistent solo laners
- inconsistent jungler
- really awkward shotcalling

from the documentary thing it doesn't seem like they're mismanaged or they're not training enough, and supposedly they were doing well on scrims, so i guess everything breaks down in lan? maybe quas or fenix or whatever have that seraph gene?


anyone else rooting for the official #1 team in the world team solo mid today

I dunno.. They're playing my other homies, CLG.

NA LCS - Week 8 - Day 2


Team Dignitas vs Gravity
Team SoloMid vs Counter Logic Gaming
Team 8 vs Cloud 9
Team Impulse vs Winterfox
Team Coast vs Team Liquid


TSM or CLG. I like Zion and all, but I like most of the TSM team as well even if I find it amazing how much Bjergsen monopolizes the jungler.
Bjerson shittin on Link, and Zion shittin on Dyrus.

Pretty much even gold let see which one matters more.

Bjergsen was on Zed yesterday but scored really low, like under 13 points.

3 Frozen Heart man, and QSS on the ADC. He pretty much could only ult the support (Which i think he did 2 fights in a row).
Lustboy and Dyrus just saved the game there. Double lift out played Turtle there, but you can't beat 2 support + ADC with just Jinx.

CLG is playing so passive this game. They're pretty much just given away all objectives for free.

I thought CLG played great. They traded perfectly, but the carry over from Bjerson shittin on Link was just too big. CLG getting that 2nd dragon was a miracle in my eyes.

Zion and Double out played Dyrus/Turtle. Santorin/Bjerson out played Link/Xmithie, and I think Lust/Aphro went even. It really just comes down to Link not having enough damage, and Doublelift not being able to 1v3 (as he shouldn't to be anyways). Turtle got boosted by Lulu and thresh flash flaying there at the end or he would of got his passive off.
CLG is playing so passive this game. They're pretty much just given away all objectives for free.

Yeah they have not looked good this weekend, usually they dominate early but they've looked weirdly passive when they usually control the game. I honestly think TIP might be the one that can go against TSM, not CLG.

Also doesn't help that Link had 0 presence that game. He seemed to submit to Bjerg right from the laning phase. He might have a pretty small champion pool since he had to go Ahri and it's not normally his best champ.
CLG deserved that loss. Why would you give Bjerg the Zed

They gave up Sejuani as well. Rek'sai is good, but Sejuani is borderline broken this patch. Having the lockdown that Sej brings would have synergized so much better with a hyper carry Jinx and Kennen + Ahri. I much prefer Aphromoo on playmaking supports, all around a pretty terrible game from CLG imo.

The problem isn't Zed, Link is just ass

How do you start Flask 3 pots on Ahri and still get forced to back at level 1

Link has looked good in CLG's wins, but in their losses he seems to roll over and die. At least with a player like Bjerg, XWX or Hai they still put pressure on the map even if their team is losing.
I feel like every shotcaller in NA (except TSM, presumably led by Bjergsen) has a penchant for losing their cool and calling insane aggro plays as soon as their team is not winning. CLG get Baron snuck on them, then run down and try to do a cute Flash-Lightning Storm engage on a TSM team who are in formation with baron buff. Just stall the game until Doublelift gets his Last Whisper - neither he nor anyone else is going to kill Sej with all those Lulu and Thresh shields until he does.

Team Impulse are actually good at playing super-aggro though and draft with their playstyle in mind (it helps that XwX and Impact usually pull ahead).
They gave up Sejuani as well. Rek'sai is good, but Sejuani is borderline broken this patch. Having the lockdown that Sej brings would have synergized so much better with a hyper carry Jinx and Kennen + Ahri. I much prefer Aphromoo on playmaking supports, all around a pretty terrible game from CLG imo.

I'm going to just disagree with you my opinion pretty similar to Jatt on this one.

Bjerson carried that mid game so hard there nothing they could do. He knew for a fact that they had two zhoyna (Ahri/Kennen) and he just solo out Xmithe every time (The big fight he was level 17 to 14. Super easy)

That then leads to basically 4v5 so even with Zion hitting a big ult and being ahead of Dyrus there no Xmithe to let Double DPS. In theory I think TSM would of rolled most team if that was the circumstance, but for CLG to trade turrets for 35 minutes and even go 2-3 in dragons (TSM with the 3) was a miracle on CLG part.


I thought CLG played great. They traded perfectly, but the carry over from Bjerson shittin on Link was just too big. CLG getting that 2nd dragon was a miracle in my eyes.

Zion and Double out played Dyrus/Turtle. Santorin/Bjerson out played Link/Xmithie, and I think Lust/Aphro went even. It really just comes down to Link not having enough damage, and Doublelift not being able to 1v3 (as he shouldn't to be anyways). Turtle got boosted by Lulu and thresh flash flaying there at the end or he would of got his passive off.

CLG gave away barons and dragons for free, and the only time they tried to go for something (in mid lane) they get destroyed.

When double died in the end CLG was already behind a lot. It was just a last desperation move to stay in the game.

TSM played really well, but I think the game was disappointing since CLG barely did anything past the beginning, which TSM got a lead from anyway.
I feel like every shotcaller in NA (except TSM, presumably led by Bjergsen) has a penchant for losing their cool and calling insane aggro plays as soon as their team is not winning. CLG get Baron snuck on them, then run down and try to do a cute Flash-Lightning Storm engage on a TSM team who are in formation with baron buff. Just stall the game until Doublelift gets his Last Whisper - neither he nor anyone else is going to kill Sej with all those Lulu and Thresh shields until he does.

Team Impulse are actually good at playing super-aggro though and draft with their playstyle in mind (it helps that XwX and Impact usually pull ahead).

Monte has mentioned many times that Aphromoo's gameplay and shotcalling is really dependent on how he's feeling. If he's doing well and on his game you see Godmoo come out, if he falls apart the rest of CLG does as well.

In regards to shotcalling Hai is a really good shotcaller as well, that Worlds game where he almost turned it around with his rotatoes despite being so far behind is notorious. Gravity also seem to keep their cool pretty well, but that's because Saint is an old man who doesn't go on tilt.

I'm going to just disagree with you my opinion pretty similar to Jatt on this one.

Bjerson carried that mid game so hard there nothing they could do. He knew for a fact that they had two zhoyna (Ahri/Kennen) and he just solo out Xmithe every time (The big fight he was level 17 to 14. Super easy)

That then leads to basically 4v5 so even with Zion hitting a big ult and being ahead of Dyrus there no Xmithe to let Double DPS. In theory I think TSM would of rolled most team if that was the circumstance, but for CLG to trade turrets for 35 minutes and even go 2-3 in dragons (TSM with the 3) was a miracle on CLG part.

Bjerg carried the mid game because Link doesn't have a great laning phase on Ahri, Ahri vs Zed is a heavy skill matchup and you don't take a skill matchup against Bjerg, especially when he's the one on Zed. The logic when picking Ahri into Zed is that you can throw your charm behind you when Zed ulties because he appears behind you, but from there you have to hope you're skilled enough to outplay the rest of the fight. Bjerg was way too good to fall for that and completely dumpstered Link in lane. I'm not part of the "omg Link is trash bench him" crowd, but I think putting him on an assassin and making it into a skill matchup vs Bjerg is a terrible choice in P/B
CLG gave away barons and dragons for free, and the only time they tried to go for something (in mid lane) they get destroyed.

When double died in the end CLG was already behind a lot. It was just a last desperation move to stay in the game.

Dragon was 2-2 then the Baron lead to 2-3. Go back and watch it.

That Baron was set up by 7 minutes of rotations I can guarantee you that, even Jatt pointed that out.

Let me be very transparent.

Zed is ahead level 15 to Link's 13.


Zed push bot in
Ahri clears bot / Zed pushes top in while laying ward in red side jungle.
Ahri clears top / Zed pushes bot in while laying ward on lower red side jungle on his way out.
Ahri clears bot / Zed pushes top in while laying ward in upper red side jungle.

Because Ahri was behind the entire time Zed is dictating the lanes/wards. And CLG has to react to it, so when the point comes where their wards time out. Boom TSM does Baron. There is no counter play to that then Link not shitting the bed during laning phase and allowing CLG to dictate and not react.

Do you see that? There's no way CLG could of had vision of Baron. That's why for CLG to trade for as long as they did was a miracle in my eyes. Not to mention 2nd tier top was down so the wave when Zed push in is at the inhib turret when Zion went to clear. Which means about 30-50 steps away from Baron.

8/10 teams in the LCS would of got rolled by how TSM played that game.

Bjerg carried the mid game because Link doesn't have a great laning phase on Ahri, Ahri vs Zed is a heavy skill matchup and you don't take a skill matchup against Bjerg, especially when he's the one on Zed. The logic when picking Ahri into Zed is that you can throw your charm behind you when Zed ulties because he appears behind you, but from there you have to hope you're skilled enough to outplay the rest of the fight. Bjerg was way too good to fall for that and completely dumpstered Link in lane. I'm not part of the "omg Link is trash bench him" crowd, but I think putting him on an assassin and making it into a skill matchup vs Bjerg is a terrible choice in P/B

Exactly my point. For Bjerson winning that hard CLG not getting rolled was a miracle and lasted that long meant they didn't play like crap. They should of lost that game in 30 minutes.
All right, well explained, then it simply looked like CLG played really passive, and it was just Link being subpar.

Yea that's my opinion anyways. I'm not in the Link is bad camp either, but for this game the lead Bjergsen acquired during laning phase dictate the entire game. Because he was ahead the whole time. When Zed hit his ghostblade/Bork he left mid and went bot then top. In return TSM moved Turtle/Lust to mid.

CLG reacted by moving Jinx/Janna to mid and let Link/Zion clear the split lanes that Zed/Lulu has created.

So from that point

Zed push bot / Kennen push Top > Ahri Clear bots / Lulu clears top > Zed push top / Kennen push bot > Ahri clears top / Lulu clears bot.

And each and every time that cycle is done wards are going deeper and deeper until it hits a boiling point of TSM with Baron.
Exactly my point. For Bjerson winning that hard CLG not getting rolled was a miracle and lasted that long meant they didn't play like crap. They should of lost that game in 30 minutes.

True but that's a consequence of their draft phase being, imo, incredibly poor. They did not play to their strengths and gave up an incredibly strong powerpick as well as putting their mid laner in an impossible matchup. Aphromoo needs to be on playmaking supports, Link needs to be on a safe mage against Bjerg, they also let Sejuani get through. Let TSM get Rek'sai, it's worth it to get Sejuani off the map. They also chose a late game hyper carry against a team that is very good about pressuring the map and capitalizing on their power spikes, and as a result Doublelift wasn't a threat until TSM were literally pressing for the win.

Look at TIP or Gravity, both teams had a good answer to Zed, and it didn't involve hoping their mid could outplay Bjergsen. XWX made it so his deaths won't matter and he has global map presence with his ult by picking Karth, Keane made it so he can't be picked off in fights and can completely counter Bjerg's ult. CLG had no answer.
i only listened to that CLG vs TSM game b/c i was in a intense Helldivers match. looked over to see that Turtle triple

also Kennen only does damage 1 out of 6 times played so not worth the risk. someone does monster damage once and people are just falling for that trap
C9 vs T8, both teams I like. I want C9 to win so they can remain top of the standings, but I want T8 to win so they're more likely to make playoffs.

I wonder if Kalista + Naut would be any good. Having a Naut suddenly in the middle of your team would be pretty scary.

That inhibitor take by Hai was well done. C9 is definitely not up to form though, T8 is a solid team but C9 at their peak would have had this game in the bag.

Haha the BM from Slooshi. C9 really need to fix themselves up for playoffs. The top 4 looks like TSM >= TIP > CLG > C9.
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