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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 5

So 10th place gets auto relegated and must wait one split to re-enter correct? Doesn't that seem kind... of like crap? They should at least get a chance to go against the #1 challenger team for that spot.
MYM v Giants was an extremely tense game where both teams knew one mistake could lead to being eliminated from the Summer Split. In the end it was won by a TP Homeguard Hecarim engage. Giants go 2-0 on the final day (including tie-breaker) and will have the chance to save their LCS spot in the promotion tournament (presumably against Reason Gaming or LowLandLions.White). MYM, a hated organisation ever since the Kori threats emerged, are out. Hope their players can find teams.

Next up, NA. Liquid/Team8/Gravity contest the final two playoff spots. TiP/CLG/C9 contest the final bye spot. Relegations are already decided, but Coast can still avoid setting an all-time record for the worst ever split (they aren't going to).

H2K > CW looks very likely given current form. Same with GMB > UoL. I predict Fnatic to win.
So 10th place gets auto relegated and must wait one split to re-enter correct? Doesn't that seem kind... of like crap? They should at least get a chance to go against the #1 challenger team for that spot.

I think Riot might have been annoyed by teams giving up 50-70% of the way through splits when it became clear they were coming in the bottom 2/3 spots and just trolling their way through the last games, doing multiple roster swaps etc. By making it very desirable to avoid last place it forces teams to keep going unless they are actually locked in to dead last.

The funny thing is that Coast have already exploited the current system in its first season, by buying a Challenger team (Final Five), subbing their best players out of the main team and on to it (Impaler and Sheep) and using the main team, certain to come 10th, to test out weaker players.


So 10th place gets auto relegated and must wait one split to re-enter correct? Doesn't that seem kind... of like crap? They should at least get a chance to go against the #1 challenger team for that spot.

I assume it's to give more importance to the challenger series, and get some new blood into the scene. It sucks for the team being relegated, but a team like Coast might be able to beat a challenger team and stay in the LCS being terrible, while a new fresh challenger team might be able to improve and rise through the ranks.
I assume it's to give more importance to the challenger series, and get some new blood into the scene. It sucks for the team being relegated, but a team like Coast might be able to beat a challenger team and stay in the LCS being terrible, while a new fresh challenger team might be able to improve and rise through the ranks.

True but like what if Coast/MYM is better than the #1 challenger team? Then aren't you just making the league worst overall?


True but like what if Coast/MYM is better than the #1 challenger team? Then aren't you just making the league worst overall?
That is certainly possible. It can be a tradeoff between guaranteed bad team or a team with the potential to rise above that.

Teams get a superior practice environment simply by being in the LCS.

I can't say if it's better to do it this way or the old way, but I think that's one way to look at it.


NA LCS - Week 9 - Day 1


Gravity vs Cloud 9
Team 8 vs Counter Logic Gaming
Winterfox vs Team Liquid
Team Coast vs Team SoloMid
Team Impulse vs Team Dignitas
Cop can go to bed thinking about that terrible Flash in to die in the penultimate teamfight. Given Hauntzer cleaned most of C9 up on his own I wonder if they could have got baron if he played it sensibly. Pretty dodgy teamfighting in that game from both teams, but in the end C9 got it together with splitpushing and Meteos' flank engage.


that game was super messy

bunny flashed zhonyas without ulting (he might've been out of range but still), balls being greedy with the nlr rush and then paying for it, that cop flash, tons of terrible objective trades, etc.

i think teams are a bit less serious in these games that don't really change much
I'm sure Gravity at least were deadly serious. Cop had his head in his hands at the end. GV are playing for their playoff chances this week. C9 are playing for a bye in playoffs. If anything I think teams play less cleanly and games get longer and more tense when there are clear consequences to the result.


It's baffling how TL, Elements and Roccat went the whole split without ever improving a bit.

TL looking bad against freaking Winterfox.
It sucks, I really want him to do well but it doesn't seem like it'll happen.

It's like watching Rekkles though. I think he can be more aggressive especially in these last couple team fights. He's basically standing there watching them. I know getting past Sion isn't easy but I would like to see him at least attempt to because at the rate it's going it's just not working and you can't do the same thing every team fight and expect different result.

Edit: And right when I post that he does go aggressive and it works!


It's like watching Rekkles though. I think he can be more aggressive especially in these last couple team fights. He's basically standing there watching them. I know getting past Sion isn't easy but I would like to see him at least attempt to because at the rate it's going it's just not working and you can't do the same thing every team fight and expect different result.

I sorta see that though he wasn't too bad in that last fight.

And I've noticed that IWDominate always seems to play awfully when Piglet is in the team, it sucks, it comes across like they want Piglet out of the team sometimes.
TL and Elements, when they lose, just look aimless. Especially Elements. They honestly look like they don't want to be playing or winning in the matches they lose. It's pretty sad to see.

Was hoping Slooshi would pull off some game-winning ults against CLG, but alas, seems I'm subjected to lose Fantasy every week.


TL looks as bad as Elements at this point. That's saying something. They're not bottom of the pack but damn if they are not trying.
Zirene had it right in summing up that game - against Winterfox's all out poke comp with no "surprises" other than Annie's Flash-stun or Renekton's Homeguard TP flank (i.e. predictable champions like Renekton, Rek'Sai and Vlad) TL needed to win laning phase. And they didn't. They got their lane assignments wrong - Sion is excellent in 1v2s while Renekton is pretty average (and isn't super OP), and they couldn't get any ganks off on Ezreal or Caitlyn while they casually farmed up into mid-game poke monsters. Helios got kills to become a huge threat himself, and they never did anything apart from the single Homeguard TP flank. I don't even think Winterfox played the poke comp that well - Helios got caught or took risks several times and they over-extended occasionally - once is enough to let a cut-throat opponent get the engage which turns the game.

In such a long, passive laning phase where the other team is outscaling you, it's really up to the jungler (and mid, if he's pushing in hard like Fenix) to get things going. Team Liquid can still make the playoffs, but they need to beat Dignitas and win a tie-breaker against the loser of T8/Gravity tomorrow.
I'm really disappointed with Liquid, I guess I just expected a whole bunch from them with Piglet and seeing Fenix play pretty darn well. Maybe I shouldn't have expected Piglet to be a god and carry super hard. I'm not sure how they fix it but they need to figure it out and quick.

Well I have one idea on how to fix it.
Bring back the Boy top lane plz...and I dunno change jangles?
You know what I'd do? Kick IWD and buy Kez from TDK. I think he has a great tactical mind and is good at getting the talent out of his team. I think Quas is insanely good, possibly the best top laner in the west, up there with Huni, Dyrus and fredy. Fenix is apparently a god in scrims and isn't doing too bad, but if he's a bad communicator I'd replace him too.

TSM pick a comp with 5 ranged champions. I'm sure that's happened before during the Lee/Elise/Eve Era, but it's very rare, and probably the first time it's happened in S5.
TSM playing like straight trash, but Coast playing like straight up SHIT.

How does Turtle die twice and still up 20 CS on Mash? The fuck?
They have like a 20-50 CS lead in every lane. Jesus Christ.
Pretty sure TSM is trollin' this game.

Don't wanna give anything away for tomorrow's game against C9.

That would make 0 sense because they would clinch #1 seed with this win (and they did). That C9 game is irrelevant. They can throw in a squad made of Reginald/Oddone if they wanted. Who cares....


That would make 0 sense because they would clinch #1 seed with this win (and they did). That C9 game is irrelevant. They can throw in a squad made of Reginald/Oddone if they wanted. Who cares....

Why would they not think they can stomp Coast ...

Also ... Hai LOVES playing Zed ...

Bjerg showing he can play Urgot and do well on him ... may put it in C9's head to not play Zed or just ban it tomorrow.

The C9 game is irrelevant sure ... but maybe you want to beat C9 tomorrow to make sure they don't get a 1st round bye themselves.


Pretty sure TSM is trollin' this game.

Don't wanna give anything away for tomorrow's game against C9.

They locked up #1 with the win. If anything they might troll around on tomorrow's C9 game since it doesn't mean anything for their seeding and they might have to face them in the semis.
Haha, that comp is such filth. Might as well call it the Exodia comp. I bet no team is able to assemble it during playoffs - the two best protectors of Kog in Lulu and Janna, plus an Urgot, with Nidalee for extra poke and chase down power. Can't dive it. Can't poke it. Can't escape it. Can't defend towers against it. Splitpush is somewhat weak in the current meta, Urgot beats Zed in lane phase, and Lulu's good against assassins.

Kobe: "probably the strongest comp you can have in the current meta". Yep.
Why would they not think they can stomp Coast ...

Also ... Hai LOVES playing Zed ...

Bjerg showing he can play Urgot and do well on him ... may put it in C9's head to not play Zed or just ban it tomorrow.

The C9 game is irrelevant sure ... but maybe you want to beat C9 tomorrow to make sure they don't get a 1st round bye themselves.

Because it's a stupid mentality. TSM goal isn't to beat Coast it's to win Worlds. You don't win Worlds by barley beating a shit team on a 14 game losing streak. They should be stomping the living daylights out of Coast. They should treat the Coast game like every other game. That's how you build winning tradition. That's why in sports there a cliche of one game at a time. Any dynasty in sports is built that way. Doesn't matter if it's MLB, NBA, NFL, EPL whatever. You take care of business no matter who the opponent is.

I highly doubt TSM was trolling but rather just playing dumb as fuck. If they are indeed trolling then the NA LCS is a fucking joke and competitive Leauge is a fucking joke which I obviously don't think is true.
TSM won the game in champion select by picking the most broken comp on the patch, then went 170+cs up in lane phase. That was the furthest thing from trolling there is in competitive LoL. Wut.


You know what I'd do? Kick IWD and buy Kez from TDK. I think he has a great tactical mind and is good at getting the talent out of his team. I think Quas is insanely good, possibly the best top laner in the west, up there with Huni, Dyrus and fredy. Fenix is apparently a god in scrims and isn't doing too bad, but if he's a bad communicator I'd replace him too.

TSM pick a comp with 5 ranged champions. I'm sure that's happened before during the Lee/Elise/Eve Era, but it's very rare, and probably the first time it's happened in S5.
i think more than anything liquid needs to look at their coaching i feel, specially strategy and picks and bans and champion pools

dominate apparently can only play one champion per patch and not even that well but is still demanding first picks. quas can't go two games without pulling a new underperforming champion out of nowhere. this game they had zed, lissandra, rumble, kennen, leblanc, gnar, all up for them to have extra ways of going through the sion and nautilus and they still went with vladimir and renekton of all champions. i don't know if viktor is still disabled but if not he was also a really good pick, as well as xerath or ahri or whatever. dom could've even gone vi, piglet just picks kaly and jumps jumps jumps away from the sion while zed and vi murder the enemy backline

and yeah they really remind you of elements how shitty they go after they are at a disadvantage, and that was an issue they had back at curse too

i really think it's on their coaching staff to have a team so stacked with talent look so unprepared

and tbh that also feels like it's a similar issue with elements, since they randomly went and made nyph their coach, which i guess shows how little staff they had before?

really sucks cos i wanted to see piglet do well and liquid in general looked like a cool team


Because it's a stupid mentality. TSM goal isn't to beat Coast it's to win Worlds. You don't win Worlds by barley beating a shit team on a 14 game losing streak. They should be stomping the living daylights out of Coast. They should treat the Coast game like every other game. That's how you build winning tradition. That's why in sports there a cliche of one game at a time. Any dynasty in sports is built that way. Doesn't matter if it's MLB, NBA, NFL, EPL whatever. You take care of business no matter who the opponent is.

I highly doubt TSM was trolling but rather just playing dumb as fuck. If they are indeed trolling then the NA LCS is a fucking joke and competitive Leauge is a fucking joke which I obviously don't think is true.

Why you explaining this to me when I have a Mariners insignia as my avatar ... and I know you're a Mariners/Seahawks fan.

And TSM DID stomp Coast. They knew they'd stomp them regardless of what they played.

Game ended 63k-46k gold .... 15-4 in kills .... that is a stomp.
Why you explaining this to me when I have a Mariners insignia as my avatar ... and I know you're a Mariners/Seahawks fan.

And TSM DID stomp Coast. They knew they'd stomp them regardless of what they played.

Game ended 63k-46k gold .... 15-4 in kills .... that is a stomp.

I was just saying it's absolutely insane to think or imply TSM went into that game with a trolling mind set. Did they expect to win? Of course they did but to say they were trolling is such a stretch. Reginald wouldn't allow it, and i think the players on TSM wouldn't allow each other to pull some shit like that. Now with them locking up #1 seed if they troll later today against C9 then yes that's reasonable. However they had no reason to troll the Coast game because #1seed was on the line and they did play bad. Turtle had two deaths there were very avoidable. Dyrus some huh plays as well but they still won because they out farmed so hard during lane phase. That's like the cliche sports team that wins off raw talent.


I doubt TSM were trolling. They just had really strong picks and I guess people are not used to seeing Urgot, since almost nobody uses him. When I think about trolling, I would think of the EG vs Gambit game, where Froggen and Krepo switches roles...
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