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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 5


Fnatic is gonna get bodied at MSI
Yellowstar has now won 4 LCS titles, the most of any player (2013 Spring as an AD carry, 2013 Summer, 2014 Spring, 2015 Spring, as support).
I think a lot will turn on whether Balls can teamfight properly. He especially needs to punish TSM if they let him get going on Rumble, Maokai or Hecarim.


i predict lots of top lane bans

no lulu, heca or mao on any games

edit: and mao and lulu go through pick and bans on first game hahah
Hai's coffee shenanigans are secret signals to his team.

Hai spills his drink on his keyboard: "I'm about to get ganked oh god oh god why."

Hai spills his drink on his lap: "Sneak Baron!"

Hai sips his drink normally: "Everyone gank Dyrus!"


funny that hai and dyrus were tweeting yesterday about who could feed the most

and they're both the only deaths so far haha

tight race lol
Xmithie literally went 4 ults hitting one person when Metoes has already hit 9 total in 2 ults LMAO.

The entire game change on that 4 man Sej ult, then the entire game blew up on the Sej 5 man ult.
Turtle not getting attacks when the team fight happens made them lose. After that 5 man Sej ult Turtle was too busy moving backwards so Sivir killed him but if he turned around and attacked Sivir would have died as he took 2 hits and was sub 50% once Turtle finally did attack before death
C9 never actually got tanky against WildTurtle's damage, if he had just calmed down and stuck to hitting from max range for an entire fight instead of chasing down kills he could have cleaned up. Very poor play from him, terrible positioning in every fight.
Game 1: TSM vs. C9

C9 advance 4 tanks and a Sivir to help them get to TSM's backline. TSM give it a long think before going for Ahri and Jinx in response, with Gragas, Lulu and Nami to help kite away from them. I think C9 have the better comp - Ahri is limited to one target for assassination and there should be enough lockdown to stop her from reaching Sivir.

The lane swaps progress without incident until TSM try to gank Hai, but he times his flash well. C9 look to assault Dyrus and Santorin as they head down to collect the large wave coming in to their bottom outer tower, and for a moment it looks like they're securing first blood on Dyrus only for Lustboy to pull off a magnificent Flash -> Aqua Prison on three C9 members under tower to save his life.

Hai spills his drink over his keyboard and forces a pause. LOL

At 7 minutes TSM 4-man gank Hai from the top side and take first blood for Bjergsen. Good return since his flash was down from the previous effort. Meteos tries to put pressure top, but Santorin reads it and goes to bot lane to take the first tower of the game. TSM swap their bot lane around and take down C9's remaining outer towers, but Dyrus gives up a needless kill when Sneaky and Lemon take down the bot lane. TSM go mid again, kill Hai, stranded under his mid inner tower and destroy it, while Sneaky takes C9s' second and third towers in the top lane. All these rotations go in favour of TSM, but they also advance the game quickly - both teams crest 30k gold at 20 minutes as they trade ult cooldowns at C9's top inner. If either team gets a clean teamfight victory they will open up a huge lead.

On 22 minutes Meteos catches TSM with a huge Sejuani ult trying to move into their jungle. In some ways the initiation is too clean - Bjergsen dies immediately and TSM burn a load of flashes running the hell away, so C9 only get one kill. They get mid outer and the fourth dragon of the game (2 each) following it though.

Good thing for C9 that Meteos had an even better ult up his sleeve four minutes later. TSM move in to ambush C9 as they try to sneak baron on 26 minutes, C9 make a clear call to turn and chase TSM, Lemon popping the Righteous Glory and the team navigating around the Chompers from Jinx before Meteos can Flash -> Q -> 5-man Glacial Prison. TSM actually play the fight pretty well, but recovering from such a terrible start is impossible, and they lose the fight and baron.

TSM more or less find themselves unable to do anything from here on against C9's monstrous tanks, concede an inhibitor, lose another fight, and lose the game.

0.5 - Teamfighting
0.5 - Individual play (Meteos)
You know at one point Dyrus was a good 25+ cs up on Balls and about 1.5 levels. But Metoes camped top and chase him back into TSM's blue (thus giving up dragon). Analyst was talking about how metoes was chasing too far and giving up too much, but in reality he save Balls in return for the drags (2 of them). It was a calculated trade to make sure his tank can at least stand in team fights.

Then he hits a 4 man Sej ults that allow them to get the mid turret and rotated to dragon and grab vision control. Then the 5 man Sej ult that lead to Baron and mid inhib about a minute after.

Just amazing play and thought from Metoes.
Oh god, that dork in the aviator's eating Doritos. We're almost there, boys, we just need to slap a beer-hat on him and paint his gut C9 colors and we'll be the sportiest of sports.


Neo Member
You know at one point Dyrus was a good 25+ cs up on Balls and about 1.5 levels. But Metoes camped top and chase him back into TSM's blue (thus giving up dragon). Analyst was talking about how metoes was chasing too far and giving up too much, but in reality he save Balls in return for the drags (2 of them). It was a calculated trade to make sure his tank can at least stand in team fights.

Then he hits a 4 man Sej ults that allow them to get the mid turret and rotated to dragon and grab vision control. Then the 5 man Sej ult that lead to Baron and mid inhib about a minute after.

Just amazing play and thought from Metoes.

I respect Meteos for the plays he made in the mid-game to get them back and put them ahead but I still agree with the casters focusing on Dyrus seemed pointless honestly. Like TSM's overall play-style revolves around letting teams camp Top Lane while their other lanes dominate.
I respect Meteos for the plays he made in the mid-game to get them back and put them ahead but I still agree with the casters focusing on Dyrus seemed pointless honestly. Like TSM's overall play-style revolves around letting teams camp Top Lane while their other lanes dominate.

The last 2 games C9 played against TSM they won and both involved keeping Dyrus down to an extent. It seems to work for them.


Oh god, that dork in the aviator's eating Doritos. We're almost there, boys, we just need to slap a beer-hat on him and paint his gut C9 colors and we'll be the sportiest of sports.

This thing they've got going on outside is not far from the college football game day Saturday's they do every week. Goofy signs, goofy faces, and casters putting on hats of the teams that they thing will win
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