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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 5

Yasuo isn't a direct counter to Gnar. Top yasuo is just volatile in general because top/bot lanes are longer than mid. If you get a lead in top and is able to freeze the lane it opens up more room to punish. And with someone like Yasuo who can just E from minion to minion to chase he can snowball out of control.

You put someone like Yasuo in mid and even if he has a huge lead you can take 2-3 steps and be at your tower for safety. Then he would have to roam to snowball out of control, and really you can't freeze mid lane.

People seem to forget champions like Zed and Jayce were also originally top lane for this reason. It just meta shifts over form patch and year to year and people seems to forget why certain champions were at certain roles for X reason.
Yasuo isn't a direct counter to Gnar.

The main reason it works well against Gnar is because early game Gnar is heavily reliant on an AAx2+Q cycle for trading in lane. That's his normal response to being jumped on in mini-Gnar form: AA, hop away, AA+Q to proc his passive for a big hit of damage. The problem is that if Yasuo comes in with his Flow shield up, it absorbs almost all of that. Gnar can't pop the shield and wait for it to fall off or his passive stacks fall off, too.

Add to that the fact that Gnar can't position to use his minions as trampolines without also positioning so Yasuo can use them to slalom, and he loses most of his ability to get low-risk harass back in exchange. The match-up shifts a lot when Gnar hits 6, but by then he's often been put way back on farm and even been dived a few times due to Yasuo keeping him low enough to attract jungle attention.
Why the sweet buttery fuck would you wrestle a Gnar who's about to transform over a blue buff when you're just going to have to have Lee Sin smite it, anyway? You need the energy regen that bad, Smithie?
I just saw the Hauntzer 2 v 1. I realise he was pretty rich in global gold at the time etc. but... fuck that champion. Holy moly that is broken.

He was "okay", not like obscenely wealthy, and he got massively outplayed (baited into bad parts of his CD rotation constantly by Vayne invisi-tumbles, forced to Q onto Maokai, didn't get many good E bounces, Condemned into a wall, etc.) and should not have even remotely been able to win.
So sloppy. TSM win all 3 lanes and jungle, yet threw for a good 5 to 10 minutes and gave up that baron. They recovered from great plays being made by Lustboy on Bard, but that can't be a good sign for the NA region.

TSM has improved tremendously on dragon control so that's one positive I'll take out of this for NA.


Bjerg making me roll in points.
I want to learn Bard, but I don't duo queue, so I don't think it would even be worth it.

Edit: Someone want to tell otter where the R key is on his keyboard?
Wow, Nien is bad on Sivir.

I think he's gotten in his own head. He's trying way too hard to make big plays and be the hero Team 8 needs, and it's just leading to bonehead play.

These bot lane team fights are making a good case for League to be included in the Olympics. I've never seen so many bronze-worthy plays.


Midlane is a REALLY influential position in the current Meta. Anytime I see a LeBlanc pick get through I cringe. Was she undefeated as a champion this week?
Midlane is a REALLY influential position in the current Meta. Anytime I see a LeBlanc pick get through I cringe. Was she undefeated as a champion this week?

Roccat managed to lose with her, if I remember right, and I haven't seen the Chinese games for this week. I believe she was undefeated in NA and Korea this week, though.


the thing about leblanc is that while she has a really high winrate she's not really in a 100% pick/ban situation because there are higher priority midlaners like cassi, azir and to a lesser degree kog and varus

tbh midlane in competitive is kind of super lame right now
the thing about leblanc is that while she has a really high winrate she's not really in a 100% pick/ban situation because there are higher priority midlaners like cassi, azir and to a lesser degree kog and varus

tbh midlane in competitive is kind of super lame right now

It depends on the mid laner, honestly. I think not banning LeBlanc against Faker or Bjergsen is completely ridiculous, but you can leave her up for Froggen and it's completely okay, and imaybe get away with letting xPeke get her.

The only problem is the situation with NA mids right now is really in flux, so it's hard say how many of these guys got good on LeBlanc back when she was legit busted. That's sort of what it is, I guess: the people who spammed LeBlanc every available game when she was completely broken are just super dumb with her, but the people who haven't played a thousand LeBlanc games are no big deal.


yea pretty much

she fits every composition and is less risky, it's just that lots of mids don't play her or prefer not playing her, even in korea and china, tho i think in korea specially a lot of teams are good enough that are good enough at non-lb compositions that they don't need to go for her as desperately

but yea obviously ban it against faker, like rumble against balls, etc.

she's getting shit on in next patch so midlane is gonna be absolute borefest in poke vs poke wars for the entertainment of all the ppl that couldn't be bothered buying a banshee's veil ;_;


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Challenger series is pretty exciting, Crumbz team looks good.


In a challenger series game? I'm not familiar with the strategy in question, could you describe it?

Sure, it's where both teams commit 4 or 5 champions to either top or bot lane and then the opposing team sends 4 or 5 players to wherever the other team isn't. It basically results in both teams getting a quick first tower.


Sure, it's where both teams commit 4 or 5 champions to either top or bot lane and then the opposing team sends 4 or 5 players to wherever the other team isn't. It basically results in both teams getting a quick first tower.
So like a mini-base-race, interesting. I don't mind unusual strategies like that as long as every game doesn't have the same thing.


There was a time last season when it happened basically every single game. Riot eventually patched it to make the towers stronger in the early game or something like that so it wasn't a viable strategy anymore. It was not a great viewing experience
So like a mini-base-race, interesting. I don't mind unusual strategies like that as long as every game doesn't have the same thing.

The only problem I have with it is that top or bottom lane (or both) usually give up some CS for it, and the jungler may give up some CS (due to half his jungle being virtually inaccessible, or sharing with a jungle follow), but mid lane gives up nothing most of the time. The result is that mid lane gets full CS and then also gets early global gold from towers, and becomes unreasonably powerful, especially for snowballing mids.

Especially if it's a standard tower trade where it's the top laner who eats most of the burden in lost CS. Now there's a mid laner with more gold than they should have, and the people who are supposed to be able to avoid giving up easy picks to that mid laner (the top lane and jungle) are too starved to keep up. You've suddenly got a LeBlanc or Fizz who can zero anyone on the map whenever they choose.
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